Everyone stood up, Liu Zaishi immediately complained why Jin Zhiguo stood in the middle, everyone was the captain who stood in the middle.

"It's already starting to seize power~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile, "Brother Lin Hu should also be very hard today." "

"This side is so heavy." Lin Hu said with a smile.

Liu Zaishi looked at Kim Jae-ho and them: "Your side is the feeling of a father taking his son and daughter out to play." "

Haha added: "Son and daughter-in-law ~"

Kim Jae-ho looked at Liu Zaishi: "Look at people, they can talk a lot!" "

Song Zhixiao covered his face and couldn't listen anymore.

Seeing that the teams had been divided, PD said: "Okay, announce today's mission." "

"The first to occupy nine pieces of land, the land occupies the king RACE."

Speaking of this, Kim Jae-ho came hard.

Today is Wang's special feature, Wang usually has nothing to do, that is, to attack the city, today's theme is also this.

Nine plots of land, nine projects, free choice, open world, whoever occupies first can get ownership.

Ji Seok-jin drove with Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo sitting in the back.

"Don't you think that's a bit excessive?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"What?" Kim Jae-ho was puzzled.

"You two sit in the back, and if you don't know, you think I'm the driver!" Chi Shizhen said.

"Aren't you?" Kim Jae-ho wondered, "Drive well, if you go the wrong way again, I won't give you money." "

Chi Shi Zhenqi smiled, silent but cursed.

Song Zhixiao was also very happy and very interested as soon as he recorded it, and the three chatted all the way.

After getting off the bus, everyone found that the two locations were next to each other.

On one side is a bookstore, on the other is a grooming shop.

Kim Jae-ho didn't even think about it: "Of course, it's the bookstore, we are readers, and the bookstore is where we belong!" "

"I'm too, but I think the grooming shop is more suitable for me." Chi Shizhen said.

Song Jihyo did not respond to Kim Jae-ho and said directly: "Let's go!" Then led the way to the grooming shop.

Kim Jae-ho has no way, two against one, he can only follow.

"Everyone very naturally avoids books~" Kim Jae-ho said as he walked inside.

The two people in front pretended not to hear.

After all, it is a star, and it must be more familiar with the grooming shop.

In fact, it is more customary to call it Li Rong Yuan, but it is also strange why it is not called Academy.

Kim Jae-ho didn't think about this either, he only knew that as soon as he entered, three red people were already inside.

Red Team, Kim Ji-kook, Lee Kwang-joo, Lin Hu.

It was not big inside, and there were many people squeezed, and Kim Jae-ho squeezed even more after they came.

Jin Zhiguo They were also just about to start, and they got the mission letter.

Comb wrestling, prevent splitting hair in two and eight points to succeed!

Kim Jae-ho didn't quite understand what this meant, but he could understand it.

It is to prevent Li PD from combing your hair into two or eight points, and everyone can only use one hand.

This PD is not ordinary, he can use two fighting skills, and his body is quite strong.

"Stop me in five seconds is a victory." He said.

In addition, the victory condition is that two people in the team succeed.

Li Guangzhu started, because he was afraid that PD would not dare to start, Li Guangzhu also reminded him to come for real.

Then at the beginning, everyone heard Li Guangzhu's screams, because Li Guangzhu used stereotypes, so his hair was very tough, and the comb was combed up as if he wanted to uproot his hair, which was very difficult to comb.

Although it is useful for the game, it is not for Lee Kwang-joo himself, because it will mean that if Li Guangzhu cannot be stopped, his hair will withstand all the pull.

But it still failed, because Li Guangzhu tilted his head, and PD combed down his hair.

"Yay! Can I give up this game? It's cruel! Kim Jae-ho frowned.

"No, you can't go anywhere else until someone succeeds." PD said.

"What kind of torture is this!" Kim Jae-ho, as a former program ape, loves his hair very much.

Kim Jae-ho was really scared, not joking.

However, the next person could not get his turn, and the entire red team had to take turns to reach them.

Lin Hu sat up, and Li Guangzhu said: "Not so hard. "

"Now you've stimulated him!" Song Zhixiao immediately realized what Li Guangzhu was going to do.

It's so bad!

This is not just cruel to others, this is cruel to yourself!

Maybe when it will be your turn, you arch the fire like this, you think you have a lot of hair.

However, the strength of this PD is really great, and Lin Hu's hair is combed flat at once, which is the effect that normal hairstyles will have, and it doesn't look so painful.

Even Lin Hu didn't feel it, he cared more about whether his hairstyle changed.

Finally, it was Jin Zhiguo's turn, and the arms of Jin Zhiguo and PD were almost thick, but the visual effect was completely different.

The green tendons on his arm proved his strength, and PD appeared smooth in comparison.

PD, who had just crushed the momentum of the audience, was held tightly by Jin Zhiguo at this time.

Kim Jae-ho: "Why, it looks so pitiful?" "

Everyone really thinks that it is, obviously they should be pitied, why do everyone feel that PD is pitiful now.

Because of the end of the country.


PD wanted to start, Jin Zhiguo directly pressed down, this is not enough, I saw him grabbing PD's hand to shake left and right, this has practiced two fighting skills, the PD that crushed two people before, in Jin Zhiguo's hands is like a toy.

"Let him go! He's still a kid! As soon as Kim Jae-ho finished shouting, everyone laughed.

Indeed, compared with Jin Zhiguo, Li PD is as pitiful as a child.

Jin Zhiguo was amused, and just at this time, PD also shouted the end.

While Jin Zhiguo won, he also lost.

Because two people in a team have to succeed.

Song Zhixiao: "What should we do?" "

"Can you just throw in the towel?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"No~" PD said very cruel words.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt at all." Jin Zhiguo said with a bad smile.

"Of course you're not in pain at all!!" Song Zhixiao shouted.

"That's a pain!" Kim Jae-ho said.

In addition to laughing, Li PD is gratified.

At least someone understands us.

Chi Shizhen first went into battle to give a sample to the children, and then he was combed, it seemed that he fell from Jin Zhiguo, and got up here Chi Shizhen.

"Yay! Without such revenge! Kim Jae-ho hurriedly came out to stop it.

PD didn't care, swept a few more times, and Jin Zhiguo arrived before giving up.

Chi Shizhen's mind exploded, tightly covering the swept place, which used to be his self-esteem.

Everyone laughed crazy, Chi Shizhen was really funny.

Kim Jae-ho also laughed loudly, especially Kim Junguo pounced and said, "Father-sama! ".

But soon he couldn't laugh because he was next himself.

Everyone has the feeling that elementary school students are lining up for physical examinations, smiling when others go, and miserable when they go to school.

Lee Kwang-joo looked at Kim Jae-ho's apprehensive look and said, "Jae-ho cares about his hairstyle the most." "

Jin Zhiguo also smiled and said: "Zai Hao is most afraid of pain and messy hairstyle, and this time it accounts for two." "

"Brother, tap..." Kim Jae-ho looked pitiful, making it difficult for PD to start.

However, everyone also knows that it is impossible for PD to show mercy, so Kim Jae-ho is ready for everything.


As soon as PD shouted, Kim Jae-ho used all his strength to block Lee PD's hand, and then in the next second, the somewhat depressed "ah" turned into a painful "ah! But the good thing is that a quick victory is a quick victory, and it hurts to lose all of a sudden.

Then he covered his hairstyle like Chi Shizhen, and the next second Jin Zhiguo directly broke his hand away for everyone to see, and shouted "Very handsome!" "

"No face!" Kim Jae-ho went straight to Song Jihyo to hide behind his back, and Song Jihyo smiled so much that he couldn't stand upright.

It should be said that Kim Jae-ho looks quite good, and the head of two or eight points is another handsome.

He also has a lot of hair, good hair quality, hairstyle is to cut hair, not dye, and most importantly, sleep enough, so even if it is messed up, it is no problem.

He felt that there was a problem, it was a psychological problem.

The hairstyle was swept and the sky fell in half.

Next up is Song Ji-hyo, who is the king of Kim Jae-ho's team.

However, the other two have already failed, so even if she succeeds, it is useless.

Fortunately, they did not have a second time, because Kim Ji-guk they won, and Kim Jae-ho won in the bookstore after they went down.

"I'll just say it! Wouldn't it be nice to go to the bookstore at the beginning! "Kim Jae-ho hissel.

"In the future, we really have to be confident in ourselves, it turns out that we are also very strong in studying~" Chi Shizhen's face glowed red.

This confused confidence caused Song Zhixiao to laugh, these two people are really, perfect matches.

The most outrageous thing is that the two of them sat in the front, and Song Zhixiao sat alone in the back.

But Song Zhixiao is also happy to do so, because sometimes she falls asleep unconsciously when moving, whether it is during the filming period or not, she likes to sleep.

Unlike Kim Jae-ho's, Kim Jae-ho slept for many hours as soon as she slept, she was not, she slept for a short time, but it felt like the remaining hours were spent during the day.

RM was full of talk, and Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin both chatted all the way.

From where to go, to what to do at the end, of course, so that the serious topic is finished in a few minutes, followed by something else.

They have a lot of common language, after all, they opened a store together, Kim Jae-ho is also a particularly good listener, Ji Seok-jin will say some things about their era from time to time, and Kim Jae-ho also listens with relish.

He can hear a lot of unfamiliar names from Chi Shizhen's mouth, all of them are some seniors, this circle, in fact, many people, some people come and go, twenty years, like Chi Shizhen really witnessed the development of this circle.

And because he doesn't participate in only one program like Kim Jae-ho, he also knows a lot of people.

Who would have thought that he first debuted as a comedian, and only after two years as a comedian did he start being a funny artist.

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