It is a pity that in addition to acting skills, Yuzhen has no other talent, singing is average, not to the extent of being able to go on the stage, dancing is also average, without systematic training.

However, the company has now arranged a photo for her, and she is still particularly suitable for the photo, and then wait for this movie to ferment, and then there should be many film appointments to find her.

There is no way, the appearance is too outstanding, not only sexy, but also advanced, very suitable for movies.

However, this movie alone does not prove her acting skills, so she still needs opportunities, and now the training is mainly in the aspect of acting.

Even very good-looking people have to work hard.

Of course, you can also focus on acting, although Kim Jae-ho can't make it himself now, but he can get the script for them.

is to suffer Kim Jae-ho, leisure time, can only be lonely codeword, there is no way, Song Zhixiao has already entered the group, filming "The Wolf is Coming".

In addition to sending food trucks from time to time, Kim Jae-ho can only passively wait for the summons, and even the nightly goodnight can only be recorded in advance and watched when Song Jihyo has time.

Song Zhixiao also complained that her life in other crews was too sad, and she blamed Kim Jae-ho for having spoiled her, just coming to film has a feeling of experiencing life.

The film also had particularly good box office results, and it was not released until November, which means that there was still half a year, but it was finished in August.

Seeing that this movie also has a particularly interesting translation called "The Wolf Goes Out on a Mission", really, it was forced to go down all of a sudden.

However, even if they are busy, the two do not need to meet like Queqiao, but can meet regularly once a week.

This is RM.

It's the day of RM recording again.

Today is still only recording for one day, which is very comfortable.

Today I came to Changyi Gate, which has a little history, it was built in 1396, together with the capital, in addition to this gate, there is also Ying'en Gate.

This gate is where the king personally greeted the envoys of the Ming and Qing dynasties in ancient times.

Of course, it was later demolished, and in 1895, a separate door was built next to it.

The last time everyone met was the last time, after getting together, telling what everyone has done in the past few days, of course, what is indispensable is a burst of praise for Kim Jae-ho's box office.

Liu Zaishi and Haha have also inexplicably become participants in the film history record, and this resume is not thin.

"Recently, people have even approached me to film." Haha hissed.

"So did you take it?"



Even if it is a Kazakh actor, it will not be accepted by any drama.

Those who came to contact Haha so soon must just want the heat of Haha, so to speak, Haha is not lacking in heat.

To be honest, not only Liu Zaishi, but also Haha himself, after filming the movie in 06, he didn't make much filming, and the recent ones were only cameos in TV series.

He wants to go further on the road of music than acting.

Liu Zaishi doesn't care about this even more, the heat is this thing, he never catches up, he himself is the heat.

Of course, happy is still happy, these days, a little fluttering feeling.

"It's a pity, if I hadn't been a funny artist, I would have been a popular movie star by now."

Before he finished speaking, everyone started laughing.

Kim Jae-ho: "Brother, your talent as an actor is a waste." "

"I think it's good to be like James Bond."

"Brother, you hit too many water guns and broke your brains, right?"

"It seems to be~" Liu Zaishi thought thoughtfully, "Now my sleeping hands have become like this, and I don't know until I wake up." "

Liu Zaishi compared a pistol pose, causing everyone to laugh.

This man is really, really amazing.

"Okay, you can go in now." PD said.

Before everyone reached the opening place, they walked directly through the city gate and saw a vibrant landscape.

It's hard to imagine how rare it is to see such a view in the capital of a country, and how rare it is to have such a place in a city wrapped in reinforced concrete.

People in small places can do this, we have to do better.

"There are a lot of people living here." Chi Shizhen said.

Kim Jae-ho also remembered the former Hakka Dawei, which also preserved the historical building while playing a substantial role, that is, there are still people living inside, and many people can visit it every day.

One of them is called Mantangwei, because he is a local there, so he can go casually without giving money, and he doesn't think it's good to walk around, but now that I think about it, it's much more spectacular than here.

His situation is special, his parents went to the field early, so he has been growing up somewhere else, and he can be said to have no good feelings for his hometown.

Every year when I go back for the New Year, there is no entertainment, I can only go anywhere.

Now think about it, the place where he lives is a courtyard, near the top of the mountain, in front of the rice field, behind the forest, surrounded by mountains and waters, which is a scenery that he is tired of, in fact, it is also a beautiful scenery.

But then the courtyard was demolished into houses, the elders all smoked, played mahjong, gambled money, and were not in good health, everyone had their own calculations, and they were all money, and on the surface, they had to pretend to be very kind and generous, and he felt even more bored.

He cherishes the current relationship, although everyone is not related, but closer than family.

So Kim Jae-ho likes the world very much, it is a happiness to be able to stand here, and he seems to have no unhappy days after joining RM.

"How many guests are there today?" Liu Zaishi asked directly.

"This is Changyi Gate, and today's guests are a few who are very suitable for here."

This is the gate of the capital, and the people who are commensurate with this place can't think of who it is.

Could it be that someone is a lot like a city gatekeeper?

Doorman Special?

However, it is clear that the production team has a better understanding, and from the ancient city, it is the two who played the king.

Of course, according to the style, one partial martial king, one partial king of literature.

One is Li Taikun, one Lin Hu, everyone should be relatively unfamiliar, but here, everyone is still very familiar with them, after all, they often play the emperor.

If nothing else, Taikun is really burly, tall and strong.

Haha wanted to shake hands with Taikun, but was blocked by Liu Zaishi, Taikun directly pushed Liu Zaishi away, and then shook hands with Haha calmly.

Everyone knew his role at once, and today he should be a person who is very rude to Liu Zaishi and suppresses everything by force.

After Kim Jae-ho shook hands with him, he sighed, "Wow, the hand is very strong..."

"The figure is very good~" Jin Zhiguo also followed.

"For the work, everyone gained about six kilograms of weight."

"So is the TV series over now?"


Everyone saw that Liu Zaishi and he should know each other, otherwise it would not be so natural, but it was also seen by Jin Zhiguo all of a sudden, and there must not be much contact recently.

And Liu Zaishi also confessed that because he was a very strong fighter, he was afraid.

Liu Zaishi teased a few words, Taikun shyly pushed Liu Zaishi, Jin Zhiguo saw it, and immediately stood up to defend Liu Zaishi.

"Why hit our brother! Ah, I really, hit our brother as soon as I came out. Jin Zhiguo said.


As soon as everyone saw that this atmosphere was not right, they immediately began to arch the fire.

Jin Zhiguo: Our brother can only beat us, and no one else is allowed to bully him!

It is also very rare for the Jin Dynasty to defend Liu Zaishi.

The point of view came all of a sudden, Jin Zhiguo vs. Taikun, if there is no accident in the end, their heads-up will be particularly good-looking.

I have to say that Li Taikun is really doing well, everyone may not like him, but he enlivens the atmosphere, compared to Lin Hu, who looks relatively mild, has no performance, and there are not even a few shots.

PD: "Two kings rock-paper-scissors, choose two courtiers each, so that there will be three left." "

Liu Zaishi complained: "The remaining three people are not considered countries. "

Then Kim Jae-ho was left.

He never thought that he would be unelected, which may be the reason why he stood silently with him throughout the whole process.

However, after seeing that his teammate is Zhixiao, he is comfortable.

Another teammate is Ikeishi Jin.

"What about this?! All three of them! "Haha heartache.

"How are the three of us?!" Kim Jae-ho was not convinced.

"It's too weak!"

"Ah, Zhixiao can beat three brothers like you!" Kim Jae-ho said.


Haha is not to be outdone: "I have Brother Kun~ You will protect me, right, Brother Taikun~"

"Ah, Taikun is your younger brother!" Liu Zaishi said.


This news stunned everyone at once, there is no way, Taikun looks too imposing, looks powerful, and is still Liu Zaishi's friend, and the style is also old-fashioned, everyone subconsciously divided him into Liu Zaishi.

And in fact, he was only thirty-six, seventy-seven years old, haha is seven or nine years.

After discussing the topic of age, they looked at each team.

I have to say that Kim Jae-ho's side is the three members with the weakest combat effectiveness, especially when other teams have Kim Junguo and Li Taikun, they do not have equal strength.

"It looks like it's going to be tough to win today." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yay! Why are you looking at me and saying?! Chi Shi smiled.

"I'm looking at the tree behind you, brother~"

Ji Shizhen looked at Kim Jae-ho in silence for two seconds, and crossed his waist: "Ah, do you think I will believe it?" "


Chi Shizhen does not look very smart, who would have thought that this is a bachelor's degree in management~

Recently, he and Kim Jae-ho's shop has also been running well, not only has there been no loss, but it seems that there is getting better and better, which is really strange.

Kim Jae-ho thought it was a loss-making business, but he didn't expect to really do it.

There is no way, Chi Shizhen gives people the feeling that doing business will fail.

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