Park Zhixing listened to the experience from his predecessors and gained a lot, and he knew what he was going to do at once.

The two men walked to the door and prepared to go out.

"Captain Park, are you ready?"

"Ready." Captain Park nodded solemnly, not knowing why he was a little nervous, like when he was playing football and preparing to play.

"Football is not a fake action, think like that, just shake them, it's very simple, anyway, if it doesn't work, you will tear your face, you run fast, guerrilla, the two of us can also come hard, it's not beautiful."

"Hahaha~ Don't be like that, it will feel very tired."

"Then let's get off work easily, and then it's time for Captain Park to play his acting skills, tease them, and want to see their last surprised face?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.


"Then let's go."

Park Ji-sung took a deep breath and walked out.

It's stressful and burning.

Kim Jae-ho's pre-war mobilization has always been possible.

In fact, it is useless, theory is theory after all, but if it is Liu Zaishi, he will definitely not say so much, can only be nervous together, do not know what to do together, and adapt together.

Although it is also improvised now, Park Ji-sung has a framework in his head.

The first is to look for something, this is normal, everyone has to look for something, it does not seem strange.

Park Ji-sung was also more relieved, but he could find it with confidence, but what he didn't expect was that he couldn't find it...

In fact, this game also has a way to play, such as saving money, buying the cheapest two people first, Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen, after buying it, let everyone suspect that they are spies, and then buy an expensive person who really uses it as a spy, it must be very fun.

However, the production team stipulates that only one person can be bought, otherwise there will be unlimited space.

The first to find was Song Zhixiao, and the note she found was the word "SONG", which is the pronunciation of her Song word, but she was not panicked at all, and felt that it could not be so simple.

Song also has the meaning of song, it should be said that it is a singer.

That is, Kim Junguo, haha, Kim Jae-ho, these people, Ji Shizhen can also be counted.

And Kim Jae-ho is not in a hurry to find something, or he feels that he has to see if others have found anything first, after all, he has just talked with Park Ji-sung for so long.

He saw the combination of Kim Ji-guk and Song Ji-hyo.

Song Zhixiao is now accustomed to cooperating with Kim Zhiguo when he has the opportunity, Kim Zhiguo will never eliminate allies, or rather, she is still very good for girls, it can be said that in terms of games, it is more reliable than the alliance with Kim Jae-ho.

When the two came together, they saw Lee Kwang-joo, and Kim Jae-ho also leaned over, intending to ask.

Before he could say anything, Li Guangzhu whispered to Jin Zhiguo, "Brother Shi Zhen said that he would tear your name off." "

Jin Zhiguo smiled.

Chi Shi Zhen, bold!

"Do you want him to end the game?" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

As long as it is not yourself, it is always a good thing to eliminate a person first.

When Kim Junguo said this, he glanced at Kim Jae-ho, and Kim Jae-ho immediately nodded.

Several people exchanged glances and communicated in front of Chi Shizhen, who had just walked up the stairs.

As long as the victim is not himself, that's a good thing.

Chi Shizhen didn't know that he inexplicably walked into the encirclement of several people, and then after being searched by everyone and finding that there was really nothing, he was eliminated.

"Why? Why is this? Chi Shi was stunned.

"Didn't you say you were going to eliminate me?" Kim Junguo asked.

"Who said that?"

"Beads of light."


Chi Shizhen didn't know what to say, this is really a very boring elimination.

As an artist, the most unacceptable thing is boredom, so that there is no weight.

But it didn't matter, the production team prepared a weight for him.

I saw that he wrote on his back: "Game, start!" "

Then he shouted out like a starter, very happy.

Kim Jae-ho clapped his hands vigorously, "I have to say, it's really good to have brother here." "

"Yay! This is your character! Chi Shizhen complained, and he turned his head to look at Li Guangzhu, "And you!" It really is! "

Seeing Chi Shizhen's reaction, Li Guangzhu should have been framed.

Chi Shizhen: "In this case, Kim Jae-ho should be eliminated first!" He's definitely going to join forces with you. "

"Huh? Why do you say that? Why do you think that? Kim Jae-ho looked innocent.


Chi Shi Zhenren was numb and could only be taken away, very speechless.

"Brother, he lied to you." Kim Jae-ho suddenly said.

Li Guangzhu looked at Ji Shizhen's back and was still laughing, and as soon as he heard Kim Jae-ho's words, he immediately walked to Kim Ji-guo's ear and whispered: "Brother, let's eliminate him together." "The hand is also pointing, and he looks like he is engaged in conspiracy, which is very funny.

In the eyes of others, only Li Guangzhu was seen pointing, and there was no sound.

But Kim Jae-ho doesn't care, Kim Junguo won't eliminate himself now, it's too boring.

Eliminate Chi Shizhen and just see what happens.

Idle is idle anyway.

Kim Jae-ho did not forget his purpose: "Did you find anything?" "

"Nope." She said.

Because it may be bad information about himself, Song Zhixiao did not announce it at the first time, after all, it was just beginning.

"What about you?" Kim Jae-ho asked.


"Then I will look for it first, and share it after I find it, the sooner I know the task should be, the better."

"I feel like it's almost over when I know." Kim said.


Everyone walked separately, and Song Zhixiao still walked with Jin Zhiguo.

Kim Jae-ho didn't have such an idea, he didn't want a threesome, it was too inefficient, and there was no chance.

In fact, it is best for everyone to look separately, just like playing space werewolf killing, if everyone goes together, so that the wolf will not find a chance.

So he has to go first by himself and guide everyone to look separately.

His psychological hint is also playing something, and it can only be said that the heart to play tactics is dirty.

Who would have thought that on a stage where an entertainer showed himself, someone would play a game like this.

Probably because he played too many games, mixed up in the workplace, and liked hardcore works such as dark wisdom fighting, Kim Jae-ho became such a person.

And the average entertainer, it will not be like this.

In Kim Jae-ho's opinion, these people feel a little vulnerable, and after being spies, it is much easier to tear up the name tag.

But the problem is that he does not dare to act rashly, if after tearing Li Guangzhu off, the name tag behind him is the task, then directly pull the crotch.

The reason why he tore off Ji Seok-jin is that Kim Jae-ho's task is definitely not on him, otherwise it will be too difficult for Park Ji-sung.

Kim Jae-ho feels that the probability is in Haha, and Haha is a very compromise candidate.

Haha, Liu Zaishi, Li Guangzhu are all possible.

As for why, I will not analyze.

There was too little intelligence, and he needed more information to continue operating.

I don't know what happened to Captain Park.

For Park Ji-sung, Kim Jae-ho doesn't know why he is very relieved, Kim Jae-ho found that he is also a scheming person after contact, his acting skills should also be passable, and he must also have a big heart when playing football.

The protagonist this time is not himself, it is him, Kim Jae-ho wants to be an auxiliary role, and the action is determined by Park Ji-sung.

Park Ji-sung on the other side has already obtained her hint from Song Ji-hyo, and seeing that it is Park Ji-sung, she is willing to give a little clue.

However, Jin Zhiguo was also present, so Jin Zhiguo also knew.

"Even if that's the case, you have to find another one to reason about." Jin Zhiguo himself was actually weak-hearted, and subconsciously steadied his hand.

If the singer is the case, he is also possible.

If the hint was really him, now that so many people were rushing up, he would be very dangerous.

He didn't think as much as Kim Jae-ho, so he felt that he was also very likely, after all, there were people like Park Ji-sung.

Soon Kim Jae-ho also met Lee Ji-jin, and to be honest, he almost forgot that there was Lee Zhijin.

"Found it?"

"No, what about you, Oppa?"

"Neither do I."

"Oh ~ hard to find ah ~ nowhere to go."

"Wait, don't look so terrifying! You look at the clothes we wear, it's the same! Have you forgotten that we are a team? "

"But... Individual battles aren't they? "

Li Zhijin's desire to attack is very strong, and Kim Jae-ho does not have such a sense of oppression around Kim Zhiguo, because he knows that Jin Zhiguo will not start so quickly.

But look at Li Zhijin, she didn't think about the effect of the show, she just wanted to eliminate as many people as possible, very positive.

"Sure enough, beautiful people have a strong desire to win or lose, so you don't have to do it so quickly, because we don't know what the final task is, don't we, what if the target of the mission is Kim Junguk or Park Ji-sung, and then you eliminate everyone else." Kim Jae-ho said.

"There is indeed a possibility of this, it seems that it will really be bad."

"What is it like, no, can you not keep looking at my name tag, really don't, I will help you!"

"Individual battle, isn't it?"

"Individual battles can also join forces first." Kim Jae-ho said.

"We first deduce whose task it is, and then we do it." Kim Jae-ho stayed as far away as possible from Lee Ji-jin.

"Okay, then our alliance?" Li Zhijin asked.

"Of course, I'm definitely your most loyal ally."

"Aren't you going to betray?"

"I will only betray when it is in my interest, I will not betray casually, and I promise not to betray until the final mission comes out."

"Good~" Li Zhijin stretched out his hand to clash his fists for an alliance.

Kim Jae-ho also immediately stretched out his hand, but even at this time, Li Zhijin's eyes glanced at his name tag, Kim Jae-ho complained again and again, and Li Zhijin smiled embarrassedly.

Too dangerous this woman.

She now has a feeling of indiscriminate attack, only name tags in her eyes, no logic.

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