"This time there is none, only hints, found the content inside, can deduce on whose back the task is."

"It will not be on my back, and if it is on my back, everyone will not see this task." Kim Jae-ho said.


"Huh, what do you mean?! I'm so strong and I'll definitely live to the end! "


"You really..." Kim Jae-ho bit his lip and stood up, his eyes wanting to kill a person.

It's so funny, this Zhao PD is really, more and more arrogant.

In the past, he tried to be as expressionless as possible when he was putting on tasks, but now Nima will mock.

And Kim Jae-ho feels that this is only for himself.

In this way, he will have nothing to do, and he can really roll to the pursuit battle.

Find something Kim Jae-ho is good at, by the way, take a good stroll here, first time.

This is the art of architecture and interior design, and although Kim Jae-ho has not studied art, he feels that he is now a half-artist.

Everyone can see that he visits every time, but I don't know if he understands, just have fun.

It's like some people, when they see a very beautiful scene, they take a picture, not necessarily because they think it looks good, they don't think it's amazing, they don't feel anything, they just feel that the process of taking it is very comfortable, so they do it.

Some even take a photo and send it to the circle of friends, and then with a "It's so beautiful!" Then I left without looking at the scene in front of me.

Kim Jae-ho is such a person.

He didn't look at the scenery, but at his own state of mind.

If the mood is good, the things in front of you are good, and if you are in a bad mood, it is useless to look at anything.

Looking at the empty building, the occasional few staff members walking by, and cameras everywhere, Kim Jae-ho felt a hint of interest.

I took a deep breath, and sure enough, this is the most interesting time.

RM's chase is always fascinating, thinking about what they can do, not being done by others, desperate to win for themselves.

If it is a person who plays for the first time, from the beginning, the palms will sweat, the heart will beat non-stop, and some people will even be weak and excited.

This is the performance of people who play this game for the first time, Kim Jae-ho is not the first time to play, but he still likes it tightly, such a game, he can probably play it for another ten years without getting tired.

As for what will happen ten years from now, who knows.

Compared with others, now he is like an experienced high player, he is against the entire program group.

Because Kim Jae-ho is looking for things too quickly, now the production team is hiding things more and more tricky, and more and more daring to hide.

Don't dare to hide too well because they are afraid that everyone will not find it, now they know that even if they hide deeply, they can find it, so they are more relieved.

It can be said that Kim Jae-ho single-handedly increased the difficulty of this link.

But even if you can't find it, it doesn't matter, the program team has made insurance, even if you can't find it, you can get the tips of the final task through the means of brainless tearing.

That is, there is no way to find a gameplay that cannot be found, more pure and direct.

Kim Jae-ho is definitely impossible to play through such a trick, and find what the production team has painstakingly hidden, which is a very fulfilling thing.

Just like someone said that he hid the treasure somewhere and asked everyone to find it, even if everyone didn't know if he was really hiding, they would still follow the clues to find it.

Without him, I just like the process.

But just after Kim Jae-ho visited for a while, he was stopped.

Let's go back in time not long ago, unlike everyone, Park Ji-sung received other orders.

Now he had to determine who his spy teammates were.

Through a day's bonus accumulation and goals, he now has a huge sum of 20,000 and now he can buy RM on the list.

It is rare that Park Zhixing is coming, of course, it cannot be so simple, and letting the guest be a spy is the easiest way to highlight the guest.

But even in the simplest way, the production team can play new tricks, after all, each issue will not be for nothing.

The production team provided him with a price list with introductions and prices from the members.

The most expensive is Kim Ji-guo, 25,000, for Park Zhixing, it is the existence of "can't afford to buy it and don't touch it".

If Park Ji-sung can win the first place in both links, he can actually buy Kim Zhiguo, but it is a pity that Kim Jae-ho cut off their beard.

Park Ji-sung is selling fish seriously, and Kim Jae-ho is selling autographs and group photos.

The cheapest is Li Guangzhu, who is the existence of "even if you can afford it, you won't touch it".

The penultimate is Chi Shizhen, it can be said that Li Guangzhu is placed under Chi Shizhen, and the irony is already full.

As the first to eliminate the most Chi Shizhen, there is already a "racestart!" ", especially in recent times, he himself is numb.

Even so, Li Guangzhu was put under Chi Shizhen, and the authentic group was deceived.

And Kim Jae-ho is different, he is placed in third place.

Song Jihyo is the second, the same is the existence that Park Ji-sung can't afford, and Kim Jae-ho, Park Ji-sung just can't afford it.

Kim Jae-ho's full description is: brilliant record, team winning the most times, the strongest of a generation, thoughtful, strong planning ability but weak execution, RM maniac, often make unexpected moves, poor physical strength, have many experiences of being the first to be eliminated, strong comprehensive ability, but also great risk.

That is, it is possible for you to win easily, or it is possible to waste your money.

After all, Kim Jae-ho was easily eliminated inexplicably.

This ranking is very reasonable, Kim Jae-ho is placed above Liu Zaishi, in fact, if there is no factor of weakness and regular bad luck, Kim Jae-ho is ranked first is no problem at all.

Every time he can't win, he can make the guest comfortable, and if the guest is comfortable, it is easy to play beyond normal, which is the difference between having a conductor and not having a conductor.

However, Kim Jae-ho also has a disadvantage that he has not been a spy, and the fourth place Liu Zaishi is not only cheap, but also has been a spy many times, and has won as a spy many times.

The production team didn't know how much money Park Zhixing would make at first, so this formulation allowed Park Zhixing to keep at least one Liu Zaishi.

According to common sense, choosing Liu Zaishi is also very cost-effective.

But now Park Ji-sung's money just enough to buy Kim Jae-ho, this is more subtle...

After all, many people are, do not buy the right one, only buy the expensive one, everyone does not know if Park Zhixing will be like this.

There's one more thing besides that.

"Then Park Zhixingxi, if you tear off the name of that person, after confirmation, it will be written there, find the spy, you are a spy, the person who finds you and eliminates you is the ultimate winner, understand."

Park Ji-sung nodded, already feeling the pressure.

"So before that, you have to quickly select your companions to eliminate everyone, so who are you going to choose?"

One is Kim Jae-ho, who has struggled once and is very familiar, and the other is Liu Zaishi, who is as stable as Mount Tai, who will Park Ji-sung choose?

Park Zhixing thought about it carefully: "Then, what I choose is..."

"Me? Me?! I..." After Kim Jae-ho reacted, he whispered, "I'm a spy? "

"Yes, Park Ji-sung chose you, and we were also surprised."

"Huh? Why accidents? "

"Aren't you surprised? He can also choose Liu Zaishi XI. "

"Hey, that must have been affirmed by my performance last time!" Kim Jae-ho immediately screamed.

"Now please go and meet him."

"Okay!" Kim Jae-ho was immediately serious.

As soon as Kim Jae-ho and Park Ji-sung met, Kim Jae-ho immediately gave Park Ji-sung a big hug.

"Brother! This is my first time being a spy! Kim Jae-ho said excitedly.

"Me too." Park Ji-sung said with a smile.

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity, brother, I will definitely let you win!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Of course."

"No, brother, are you partnering with the production team, for example, I am a fake spy or something?"

"No, there is no such thing, you are real, only you." Park Ji-sung said.

"That's okay, there is no way, I lied to me last time I was a spy, everyone knows that I am a spy."

"I also watched that episode and laughed me to death."

"Just now PD said that you can choose Brother Zaishi, why did you choose me, is it because my performance last time was too handsome?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"No, it's my money just enough to buy you, he's too cheap." Park Ji-sung said with a smile.

"Well, you will soon know what is expensive and expensive, am I the most expensive?"

"No, I originally wanted to end the country, I couldn't afford it, and I couldn't afford it for filial piety, hiss... I feel like I should still buy a stone xi, oops, regret it. "

"What!" Kim Jae-ho couldn't stand this, "Brother Shi will just play with water guns, by the way, do we have water guns?" "

"No, and it's not to look for that person, if it is found, it will say that if you find a spy to eliminate it, you can win."

"Huh? Then they can't find it. "

"yes, what about this?"

"They have to have a hint to find it, so we just find the tip and then hide it so they can't find it."

"Can it still be like this?"

"Of course, this is my specialty, let's go, hurry up, or they'll find it." Kim Jae-ho said.


"Go to find it first, and then don't take the initiative, everyone now suspects that you may be a spy, so you don't take the initiative, you just follow others."

"Okay, is there anything else to pay attention to?"

"Don't whisper to me, stay away from me, wait until I talk to you, you just protect yourself, don't let others on your back, make sure everyone is in front of you, or stick to the wall, and then I will let everyone first ally tear off Brother Ultimate Country, you just arch the fire, control the strength, don't act too much, eliminate Brother Ultimate Country and Brother Zaishi, and the rest will be easy to do."


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