They have also practiced their debut song for a long time and have formed muscle memory, so these months are to change and practice, and break it abruptly, which is more difficult than practicing a new dance, after all, it is easy to jump and split.

In addition to eating and sleeping, they were basically practicing, and everyone worked hard to live up to Kim Jae-ho's expectations.

Kim Jae-ho's positioning for them is to break the feeling of time and space traveling from ten years later to the present, so the style and dance modeling songs are all according to the standards of ten years later.

Only Kim Jae-ho can do this, anyway, Kim Jae-ho himself likes it.

Unlike Kim Jae-ho, this girl group has a lot of pre-publicity, and the company made up stories for them according to the plan given by Kim Jae-ho at the beginning, made a trailer, and publicized it.

The dance practice video that was supposed to be done and the debut documentary made with SBS were not done because the positioning was mysterious and gorgeous.

Of course, filmed or filmed, this is the company welfare, even if they disband in the future, you can also watch this film to reminisce about the year.

The debut stage was a showcase, that is, a small concert made in conjunction with SBS, and the whole process was broadcast live, not only on TV, but also on the Internet.

There are even countdowns and hosts.

By the way, the host is Ike Shijin.

After receiving this job, Ji Seok-jin also went to see his sisters, like an uncle, already hooked, and Kim Jae-ho could see his teeth the whole time that day.

Ji Seok-jin said that he would do this MC even if he didn't give money, and then Kim Jae-ho said that he wouldn't give it, and his smile immediately became reluctant.

After all, the sisters are watching.

Kim Jae-ho is also joking, how can he not give money.

This showcase is where everything is announced, including the new album, which is also released at the same time.

Because it will be online, it will affect the release of the album, after all, everyone can watch it online, why buy it.

But Kim Jae-ho doesn't care about this at all, he cares more about the mystery, the feeling of surprise.

He wanted to create a feeling that everyone didn't know anything, and he did.

The appearance of Ji Shi Zhen also surprised everyone very much, Kim Jae-ho's Ji Shi Jin was dressed in a black suit, especially handsome.

After Chi Shizhen finished his opening remarks, there was a super large screen behind him, and a countdown appeared, and after everyone shouted ten seconds together, it was directly the MV.

Full of science and technology and future painting style, everyone is also the first time to see such a shape, it is really a long sight, I think it is very cool and beautiful.

It is also the first time that everyone knows that a girl group can also be so handsome and sassy.

This album also used a lot of CG, Kim Jae-ho technical assistance a few pictures, not many, most of them were made by the team hired by the company themselves, Kim Jae-ho just gave advice.

So Kim Jae-ho said that he didn't do anything, but the positioning, clothing, styling, members, MV, songs, publicity, planning, all involved.

MV out, the future wind is close to cyber, the color is gorgeous, not to mention the shape, the MV style is like a person who comes over in the universe, high-end atmosphere on the grade.

Of course, the first stage is their stage, not the stage of the MV.

The stage was completely black, and every time Chi Shizhen said a name, a light came down, illuminating a member posing pose, and at the same time, a personal video appeared on the big screen behind him, with POSE in the video, also with his name written on it.

And so on, the last five people all appear, and there are also five people on the screen.

After all, they just debuted, and originally the director wanted them to do an action or roar in the video to show their strength, but Kim Jae-ho felt inappropriate.

After all, many things look very good now, and they will become black history in ten years, so don't engage in these bells and whistles, just one person poses.

Of course, it is not pure POSE, everyone's background is different, such as May is in the sea of flowers, like a fairy tale background, April is a Chinese person, so the background is all Chinese characteristic buildings, he is like a queen in the middle.

Everyone finally saw the true faces of these sisters, and gave them the feeling of "beauty!" "

White, delicate skin, long legs, gorgeous clothing.

Kim Jae-ho also watched below and shook his head, very relieved.

It's so fragrant!

This appearance and this shape, there is no problem at all when it debuts ten years later.

It really crossed the times, and his efforts were not in vain.

Not just appearance, he dares to say a full ACE.

The five people have no shortcomings, just not particularly prominent places, but also their own outstanding places.

As for why the stage was completely black, everyone quickly knew, because after the lights were turned off, the floor gradually lit up, which was a pink and purple psychedelic wind.

Then there's the background, which is straight to a new stage!

The company really spent a lot of money here, the screen, the stage, here can be used later.

Behind it are all kinds of psychedelic things, there are huge mushrooms, there are charming planets overhead, and the stars behind them are twinkling, very beautiful, very dreamy.

Of course, it's still almost interesting compared to CG, but in terms of real scenes, it is very in place in this era.

And then, of course, I started dancing, all open mic, not at all.

They have also rested these days, and now is the time when they are in the best condition.

Singing well, dancing well, the high note directly made Liu Zaishi next to him open his mouth wide, not to mention Li Guangzhu, his expression was super concentrated.

All the RM members came, after all, it was Kim Jae-ho's junior sister.

Although Liu Zaishi did not go on the stage to do MC, he still came, and he came to enjoy it tonight.

Soon everyone nearby can already remember the melody and start singing along, Liu Zaishi can already have a hunch that this girl group is amazing, this will be world-class!

As they dance, the props behind will move at a specific time, or the lighting is also choreographed a lot, so the stage effect is very gorgeous.

Generally, one person is responsible for soaring high notes, and these five people are all high pitches, and the timbre is amazing, and every time they speak, they are very amazing.

This concert is not long, plus the video in the middle is less than half an hour in total, but the dizziness makes everyone marvel.

Other brokerage companies are also watching the live broadcast, and immediately have a sense of crisis, good guy, how to find these five people in such a short time?

At the end, the five sisters looked at the screams of the fans below and were very excited, but they all held back and did not cry, after all, everyone watched.

Finally, they got on their own special vehicles and returned to the backstage.

There are flying machines, motorcycles, cars, flying saucers, and balance scooters.

The most powerful is, of course, the flying machine, Jackson of the same model, shocked and directly shocked, even the way out of the field is so special, it is really inhumane in the trenches.

And this is not over, a black shadow suddenly appeared on the screen, looking at the silhouette, everyone recognized it as a master brother, and immediately began to scream.

Most of the fans present were fans who withdrew Kim Jae-ho, and of course they recognized them.

Suddenly, the black shadow fired a shot, and after a gunshot, the font appeared on the screen.

"Fast Pursuit"

A few words, after the gunshot disappeared, a few more words.

"June 1st"

Another gunshot, a few words shattered into the ground, on the other side of the screen, Liu Zaishi, wearing a fancy suit, suddenly walked out, fired a few shots at the relatively large words and completely shattered, and then raised the pistol and blew it, saying to the screen: "Stay tuned!" "


The audience applauded.

It turned out to be a fixed trailer!

At this time, the camera was also given to Liu Zaishi, and Liu Zaishi covered his face and his face was red.

He filmed this, did not expect to release it in front of himself, it was simply a public execution!

"Liu Ruth Willis!" Haha shouted with a laugh.

Liu Zaishi: Don't say it! What a shame!

He thought he would be handsome, but he didn't expect the effect to be so funny.

It is obviously such a handsome plot, and he makes it feel like he is holding a water gun.

Kim Jae-ho couldn't laugh anymore, he expected a shocking feeling, and he didn't expect it to be so funny.

Of course, this font is also a special effect, not Liu Zaishi really shot.

Originally, I wanted to let Liu Zaishi live a pistol addiction, but I didn't expect it to be such an effect, the comedian's breath is too strong, even if the whole process is serious, it doesn't make him funny, he has a special sense of joy.

The debut stage has directly become a movie conference, which is okay.

What Kim Jae-ho thinks is that it is all broadcast globally anyway, and his own movies must also be promoted, so they will simply be put together.

At this moment, even those who just want to watch the movie promotional film will come to see this live broadcast, which is very comfortable.

Kim Jae-ho feels that as long as he sees the stage of these sisters, he will definitely be fanned by them, after all, who does not love beautiful sisters.

Looking at this stage, left and right are crazy, listen to this call, you know, they have succeeded.

Kim Jae-ho went to the backstage to see them, because the parents came, so all of them cried directly, especially April, no matter how hard the training was, she didn't cry, but after seeing the parents who came by plane, she cried harder than everyone.

Kim Jae-ho also remembered a lot of things when he saw them, in fact, they were just little girls, and he thought about lesbian tables, games, novels, and variety shows every day at this age.

Stress only comes from boredom.

And at their age, they are already required to be perfect and strong, and many things force them to be strict with themselves, go abroad, work, compete, eliminate, even so, they usually keep a smile and encourage each other.

"Cry, it's worth it." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile, "After today, it will be different. "

After saying this, Kim Jae-ho left after greeting the parents.

Song Zhixiao and they have already left, after all, they are stars, they must leave before the audience, otherwise it is very troublesome.

Song Ji-hyo also left, knowing that this moment belonged to Kim Jae-ho and her sisters.

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