Originally, they were dead, they would be eliminated just now, at most one or two, so many people surrounded, the breakthrough would definitely not be able to break through.

I never expected that the situation would be reversed all of a sudden.

"Brother, I just have a request, let me be eliminated until the end, I don't want to go to prison so soon." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Okay! Of course, no problem! Jin Zhiguo agreed excitedly.

To be honest, he even wanted to voluntarily withdraw from the competition for first place.

"If it weren't for the crystal, I would have directly helped you get the first place, and I was impressed by you!" Jin Zhiguo was very moved.

"It's okay, happy birthday, brother." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Ah, really." Kim Junguo hugged Kim Jae-ho directly, moved beyond words, and his mouth almost cracked with a smile.

After all, in Kim Junguo's view, Kim Jae-ho gave up the hope of victory and gave it directly to himself.

Kim Junguo has always been a sentimental person, and his previous words were just casual words, to have some program effects, but he didn't expect Kim Jae-ho to defect directly after hearing it.

"Brother, let's go, first go and tear off the light beads and Haha brother, and finally we will say, we are not without any chance of victory."

"Well, even if you suddenly tear me off this time, I won't blame you." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

He is a person who values brotherhood very much, he likes this kind of plot the most, Kim Jae-ho gave him great emotion and great satisfaction this time, he himself did not have the luxury of anyone in this show can do this to himself.

Today's younger brother shouted the truth.

On the other side, Liu Zaishi and Chi Shizhen also arrived in prison.

"Oh, Zai-ho, this is his first betrayal, right?" Liu Zaishi still couldn't believe what happened just now.

"I remember it like, why did he do this, it didn't do him any good!" Chi Shizhen said.

Although they say so, they actually understand that this has a variety show effect, which is particularly good-looking!

This plot, the screenwriter can't write it, for the sake of brotherhood gave up victory, or gave up more than half, it's really too exaggerated, can only be said to be wonderful!

Just see their infinite exclamations.

In this way, it seems that Lee Kwang-joo's previous betrayals have a bit of a small fight, and this time Kim Jae-ho betrayed four teams at once, a total of eight people, which can go down in history.

Everyone has always felt that although Kim Jae-ho likes to play clever, his sense of morality is still very strong, and at most he works at the whole point within the rules.

Like this kind of betrayal, everyone feels that he rarely does it, he has done it before, and everyone has no impression that this is the most important thing, indicating that it is not a betrayal at all.

Today's moment made everyone confused, if they were not victims, Kim Jae-ho could be regarded as sentimental and righteous from the perspective of Kim Junguo, but it is a pity that they are victims.

But it was also the happiest time they had in prison, "Anyway, it's nice to have you with you in prison." Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

Both Kuili and Katsuken laughed at him.

They can't accept it now, and they still need time to digest, after all, they are all people with a strong desire to win or lose.

In particular, Shengyan was rushed to win today, and Kuili not only gave advice throughout the process, but also felt that Kim Jae-ho's command was very strong, and he always strictly followed what Kim Jae-ho said.

In their hearts, Kim Jae-ho betrayed them solidly and could not accept it.

"So RM is such a place~" Quili sighed.

Liu Zaishi nodded: "Yes, a place where you can't predict what will happen at all. "

The two guests have deeply realized that really, many times winning or losing does not mean that you can get it by working hard.

They trusted Kim Jae-ho so much, and as a result, a glove that was ripped off without paying attention, and the glove that was not even ripped off by Kim Junguo's raid was actually ripped off by allies.

It's so infuriating to think about!

"Don't worry, Zaihao will come soon, and with the final country, you can't win." Chi Shizhen said.

But Guangzhu and Haha are not, they should come soon.

At this time, they also heard the news that Li Guangzhu was eliminated.

Li Guangzhu came soon.

"How?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"You won't believe who ripped me off, I was ripped off by Hahago." Li Guangzhu said.


Everyone was shocked, and Xuanya was also helpless, but it was not an honorable thing, so she didn't really want to say it.

In fact, when everyone confronted each other just now, Kim Jae-ho suddenly signaled Lee Kwang-joo to sneak up on haha.

Li Guangzhu was behind Haha, just glanced at Haha's defenseless back and gloves, and couldn't move away anymore.

Then he did it, as if he had been stunned.

It's a pity that Haha also saw Kim Jae-ho's eyes, so he eliminated Lee Kwang-joo with one countermeasure.

Li Guangzhu is a dog who steals chickens and does not erode rice, and is scolded for being bloody, not a person inside and out.

Even Xuanya couldn't understand why he was doing this.

You can do what you want, you also failed to be counter-killed, this is really...

On the other side, the three brothers are facing each other, and they have begun to endure the brothers, recalling the emotions of the year, thinking that at the beginning, the three of them acted together, why not!

After crying and performing a ridiculous sitcom, Jin Zhiguo ignited the fire of war with a sentence: "I'm sorry brother, I promised Jae-ho that I would fight him decisively." "

"Brother! I can help you tear him up, and then I'll knock it out myself. Haha said.

Jin Zhiguo's eyes were bone-turning, and he looked like a chicken thief.

It's already a little moved, after all, the combination of Song Jihyo and Kim Jae-ho can already be regarded as an ability, and if you have to deal with it in the end, there is still a certain risk.

Kim Jae-ho immediately: "Hey, brother, you won't, right?" "

"Not this time." Jin Zhiguo smiled, "I'm sorry haha~"

Haha saw that he couldn't do anything, and immediately pulled Xiuzhi to run back.

Kim Jae-ho and Kim Jun-guk chased after them.

The two people also kept a certain distance and guarded against each other.

Haha they also couldn't run fast, they were caught up at once, haha was cornered, fought hard, fought back on the verge of death, and then was held down by Jin Zhiguo, and was torn off his gloves by Song Zhixiao.

There was a lot of blood but nothing he could do, but he had tried and tried.

"Yay!" Song Jihyo and Kim Jae-ho cheered with their gloves, and Crystal took the opportunity to rip off their gloves when he saw this.

But what they didn't expect was that after Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo saw them do this, they began to cheer even more excitedly.

What's the thing?

Jin Zhiguo didn't understand, when the crystal started just now, he let it go, he thought that he couldn't stop Kim Jae-ho, after all, he didn't duel as promised, but now why Kim Jae-ho They are very happy.

Then they saw the "rebound" signs of Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo and immediately understood something.

That's right, that's the privilege of Kim Jae-ho and the first place they got at the beginning!

It is also because of this that Kim Jae-ho decided to join Kim Ji-kook.

To be honest, if he eliminated Jin Zhiguo with the alliance, the melee situation in the back was very complicated, and he could not guarantee victory, so he saw the opportunity to turn against the water, first eliminated Liu Zaishi, and then joined Jin Zhiguo, followed by the whole process of acting.

The production team also very chickenly did not tell everyone about their ability to obtain privileges at the beginning, but put it at the end, so that the audience suddenly realized.

Everyone is in the same mood as Jin Zhiguo: return my touch!

It turns out that everything is premeditated!


Even in the end, they deliberately showed flaws to the crystals, luring them to tear off their own.

It is undeniable that this issue is indeed quite exciting, like watching a movie, refreshing and fast and eye-catching.

Kim Jae-ho They can be said to have used the abilities they have gained to the extreme, ensuring that they are invincible and making the plot particularly exciting, much better than hiding at the beginning to the end.

And counting Kim Jiguo's words, Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo betrayed the whole world, and one counted that they were all deceived by them.

After this issue, Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo also got the title of "scam couple", after all, this issue is a wedding special and a "scam couple".

However, it is a pity that Kim Jae-ho did not eliminate Kim Ji-guo in the way of the alliance, of course, all because he has hole cards, and if he does not, he must be the most loyal person in the alliance.

The people in the prison also saw them, and at first they did not understand, but later after knowing Kim Jae-ho's ability, they suddenly realized.

There are still too many questions given to them by Kim Jae-ho in this issue, and now they are all explained clearly.

Finally, everyone gathered together to present the awards.

This time the award is still digested internally, it is a very gorgeous pure gold crown, Kim Jae-ho wore it on Song Jihyo's braincase, which is particularly good-looking.

The next time you visit your uncle and aunt, be sure to go to Song Zhixiao's vault to see what's inside, which is basically RM's prize vault.

After returning home, I washed up, there is still a lot to do this week.

Things are all focused on June, the release of movies, the release of albums, and this week there is one particularly important thing.

The "NewOne" group debuted on stage.

Of course, Kim Jae-ho has to go to see this stage and witness history.

He is still very at ease with his sisters, they are fierce, and they work very hard every day, of course, this is not important, the important thing is beautiful.

Even from Kim Jae-ho's future perspective, it is very beautiful, it is today's guest-level, and Kim Jae-ho personally controls their styling and positioning.

It is a dream girl group imagined by Kim Jae-ho.

It should have debuted a long time ago, and he has been adjusting, after all, Kim Jae-ho has changed so many things, and he still has to run in.

It doesn't matter this, after all, it is as strong as the debut song of Girls' Generation has been grinding for a year, and every movement is perfect.

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