"It's okay, I feel that there is still a chance, I'll face Kim Zhiguo later, and then you guys see the opportunity to tear off Song Jihyo or Kim Jae-ho." JYP said.


At least it is a good thing that someone can stand up to deal with Jin Zhiguo.

If what is left now is Haha Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen, they will definitely start to shirk each other's responsibilities.

After formulating the strategy, they began to wander around looking for Jin Zhiguo, and they had to get one.

Just when they were all about to walk to the beach, a Jin Zhiguo suddenly rushed out next to them, which startled the three people, but Jin Zhiguo quickly gave up the attack and just smiled.

They only saw Kim Junguo, because Kim Jae-ho was also in ambush.

This is an anti-ambush!

This is his specialty!

Kim Jae-ho saw the opportunity to rush out from the other side, but he did not succeed.

All of a sudden, haha, they were very uncomfortable with the enemy in the belly.

"It seems that Zhixiao is hiding." Haha said.

"This is not a chance for you~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Be careful." Haha reminds everyone to be careful of Song Zhixiao.

Sometimes hidden enemies are more terrifying than they can see.

JYP felt that it could no longer manage so much, and anyway, this was an opportunity.

He rushed directly to Jin Zhiguo, haha restrained from the side.

Lee Kwang-joo singled out Kim Jae-ho, seeing that his opponent was Kim Jae-ho, the corner of Lee Kwang-joo's mouth hooked, once Lee Kwang-joo singled out Kim Jae-ho and failed, this time he wants to save face.

Jin Zhiguo dealt with the two of them alone, kept moving, the three people circled, and they were eliminated if they were a little careless.

Kim Jae-ho was very cautious, after all, Lee Kwang-joo's arm was very long, and he moved slowly while talking non-stop.

Li Guangzhu was a little wrong with his mentality, so he rushed directly up, and suddenly a person popped out from behind the building materials next to him, frightening him to lose his soul.

It's Song Zhixiao!

It turns out that she has been hiding here, just waiting for Kim Jae-ho and them to attract people!

All this is premeditated!

"Brother! Elder brother! Li Guangzhu hurriedly shouted while struggling to deal with the Monday couple.

His hand has been controlled by Kim Jae-ho, and he keeps moving to prevent Song Ji-hyo from touching his back, but it should be a short time.

JYP and Haha are fighting with Kim Junguo, and when they see what is happening in the distance, they realize that they are so far away from Lee Kwang-joo.

The two of them rushed to help, but in the next second Jin Zhiguo caught JYP.

You can come, you can't go!

Haha, the head is big for a while, who can save this!

No wonder Jin Zhiguo seems to be very fierce, but he has been maneuvering around, and he has not divided the victory and defeat.

He only now realized that Kim Junguo had been acting!

Just to take them away from Kim Jae-ho Song Zhihyo them!

Kill this team, what's going on?!

It's terrifying!

Is this what it feels like for three capable people to be in one team?

Haha suddenly felt very weak, and JYP was no longer powerless, because he felt the power of Jin Zhiguo's hand every second.

It was a feeling of being pressed to the ground at any moment!

Lee Kwang-joo didn't last long before he was eliminated by Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo, and they immediately rushed over, haha scared half to death.

"Oooooh!" Haha defended them, and wanted to help JYP solve the siege.

Soon haha was also torn off.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo are too fast.

On the contrary, Kim Junguo did not move, but separated from JYP.

JYP looked at the three people alone and didn't know what to say.

"Brother, I'm sorry, it's so difficult for you to come the first time." Kim Jae-ho is really sorry, and it is difficult to have nightmares at first.

JYP smiled and said, "Come on, although I know that I am going to be eliminated, but I want to try it with the end of the country to make me have a little dignity." "

He meant to single out Jin Zhiguo.

Kim Jae-ho: "Ahem... Brother, I'm afraid you don't know to say it, our dignity is lost when we are to Brother Shangguo..."

"No problem." Jin Zhiguo pulled his trouser legs to make his activities more convenient.

JYP also made some combat preparations.

"Don't worry, it's not possible, but if I win, I'll tear myself off." JYP said.

The showdown was filmed on the beach, which is more felt.

The blue sky and white clouds and the sea are very suitable for the showdown, originally I wanted to have a vertex background such as sunset, but everyone wanted to leave work early, so everything was simple.

Of course, the quality of the battle is not low, JYP was not killed in seconds, but still persisted for a while, and it seems to be very threatening to Kim Junguo.

It can be said that it was eliminated with great dignity and came to a perfect ending.

When Kim Ji-guk and JYP had a decisive battle, Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo sat next to them and watched leisurely, looking like a movie or MV.

Under the leadership of Jin Zhiguo, everyone went to complete today's task.

Who would have thought that such a fierce battle was just to grab coupons.

Three people with real fried sauce noodles, real pickled radish, real chopsticks and all coupons visited a local resident who had just passed by.

Opening the door was an old grandfather, a resident of the place, who was already in the age of mackerel, which refers to the folds of the old man's back like the markings of a mackerel, that is, ninety years old.

How many ninety years old can there be in life, some people have none, and if they can live to this age and have such a spiritual head, they are originally winners.

Everyone mixed the fresh noodles before sending them over, and the old man paid for it just after it was served on the table, and what he pulled out were three boxes.

The three people took it with their hands in unison, and did not open it in person.

"Thank you for the fried sauce noodles."

Because there are no Chinese restaurants in this village, the elderly rarely eat this.

"No thanks, we should have come faster." Kim Jae-ho is very sorry to make the family wait for a day.

He didn't expect that he really sent fried sauce noodles, and seeing that the old man ate so fragrantly, everyone didn't bother him and let him eat slowly.

After going out, I looked at the contents of the box, it was real gold chopsticks, and it was a pair per person.

The production team is still rich~

This is for viewing and collecting, and cannot really be used as chopsticks, because it is softer, of course, you can still use it if you use it gently.

Compared with gold, the happiness of the elderly that everyone harvests is more gratifying.

After all, variety shows are for the public, value guidance is very important, RM is large, more attention is needed.

This is very well done in the early stage.

Everyone hurried home while it was not yet dark.

Kim Jae-ho still has to work after he goes back, and now he will work whenever he has leisure time, after all, he has to make time to play with Song Jihyo.

However, in the past two days, Song Zhixiao said that there was something, so he did not go out to play.

But it doesn't matter, there will be a longer vacation in the next two weeks, so there is plenty of time.

Obviously, you only need to work one fixed day a week, but if that day is not there, it will still feel like a long vacation.

After returning home from work, Kim Jae-ho played guzheng.

After all, I felt quite cool to play last time, but the guzheng is not his limit, Suona is.

Uncle: "If you blow this at home again, your neighbors may be looking for it." "

"It's okay, this street is all mine, there are no neighbors."

The uncle had nothing to say.

"The sound of this instrument is so strong." The uncle looked at the small things in his hands.

"If you want to burn a Chinese musical instrument, you have to rely on this, I want to try it."

"Then you go to the practice room to try, I will be blown away by you."

"That's what it's used to do in a lot of places."


"When the next drama comes out, I want to act." The uncle said.

"Didn't you just finish?"

"Acting is really enjoyable, and it can make you shout..."

Kim Jae-ho blew hard and directly covered his subsequent words.

"I really am, the spirit of dedication to art is great." Kim Jae-ho sighed.


"Recently, Qingshu is learning to play the piano, you teach her."

"Are you relieved? I've never taught anyone, what if I teach her later? "

"Don't worry, the basic will still be taught to her, the person I invite is very professional."

"That's fine." Kim Jae-ho nodded.

Qingshu is the nickname of the eldest uncle's daughter, that is, the one who gave her a gift.

"You don't have to teach more carefully, just point it out, it should just be temporarily interested in seeing you play so well." The uncle said.

"Yes, but it's good to learn it." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Zhixiao is coming tonight, you know." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Understood." The uncle nodded, "How long will you hide it like this." "

"I don't know, anyway, it feels good now, so exciting."

"You guys are so perverted, unlike me, I made it public as soon as I fell in love."

"No one cares if you don't make it public..."

"Her father was so concerned that he almost died there." The uncle said.

"So terrifying? Also, I don't know, I thought that my daughter was tricked away by hooligans. He said and blew a few more notes, very joyful.

"Your instrument is a bit funny~" The uncle was also amused, and forgot to complain.

"It's also used for festive times."

"So amazing?"

"It's that amazing."

"Okay, Zhixiao is coming soon, you hurry up and get out."

"your oblivion, there is one more thing, Kevin's side has already negotiated, when the time comes, you will sign the contract."


After a while, Song Zhixiao arrived.

I haven't seen Song Jihyo for a few days, and Kim Jae-ho can't wait to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Song Jihyo pounced, and Kim Jae-ho hugged him.

"Think I didn't?" Song Jihyo whispered in Kim Jae-ho's ear, and his voice was sticky.

"If you don't come again, I'm going to find you." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Kim Jae-ho directly picked up Song Jihyo and brought him to the sofa.

This section of the road is already the limit...

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