"Ah, really." The orangutan no longer knew what to do, which was much harder than he thought.

Too fast, the raid of the gold-gold brothers, this blitzkrieg will definitely be particularly burning and fierce in the later clip by then.

If you don't feel fierce, you can try it...

Others didn't know, but from his point of view, he was really scared just now.

Liu Zaishi and they did not dare to act rashly, and several teams separated again.

Jin Zhiguo only felt very cool, and sure enough, he was most comfortable working with his younger brother.

Kim Jae-ho can be said to be brave and resourceful, except for the key moment will drop the chain, they are very good.

Of course, Kim Jae-ho's chain is often ripped off by him, just casually pulled and dropped.

"It feels like today is so interesting." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"You can play at ease, just stay behind me." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"But to be honest, if only you are in front of me, I will not feel safe." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.


"Hahaha~" Jin Zhiguo was happy.

"I mean can't completely relax."

"Okay." Kim Jae-ho looked at Kim Junguo, "Wait for the meeting to be like just now, you can rush casually, and Zhixiao and I will meet behind you to act." "

"Good." Jin Zhiguo nodded.

They said as they looked into the distance.

Kim Jae-ho observed with sharp eyes, "They united, be careful brother." "

Jin Zhiguo did not speak, and he was already in a state of defense.

With five people, the threat is still very great.

If before, Jin Zhiguo retreated, this time not, just watching.

"Brother, you have to be careful with the light beads." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Me?" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Of course, Lee Kwang-joo that... It rained yesterday, you know? Kim Jae-ho suddenly sang behind him.

"What do you mean?" Liu Zaishi asked, "Did it rain yesterday?" "


"Suddenly a little moved, I still remember." JYP laughed.

"Brother! What a touch! "Lee Kwang-joo grabbed the gorilla.

You're a bit outrageous, you're slandering your teammates!


"Brother, do you want to try to team up with us." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile, "It's definitely cooler than a team with Brother Zaishi." "

"What! Do you think he is Prabhu?! Haha shouted.

"I'm not Prabhu!" The gorilla looked like a pabhu emphasised, provoking laughter.

His appearance was not convincing at all.

Everyone talks and laughs, the encirclement slowly forms, chat is okay, and the business still has to be done.

Zhengming saw that it was almost the same, and suddenly rushed to Jin Zhiguo from the side, and he was actually going to single out Jin Zhiguo!

Kim Jae-ho immediately rushed over and grabbed one of his hands and turned him around, and Kim Junguo took the opportunity to tear off the Jeongmyeong name tag that turned his back to him.

Liu Zaishi and Haha shouted in panic in the back: "Yay "

The battle was over before they could come.

Kim Jae-ho and Kim Junguk immediately defended, and it was not easy for the four of them to attack at once.

"How dare you?!" Kim Jae-ho is stupid.

Singled out Kim Junguo, did you ask me?!

Among the guests, this is the most reckless he has ever seen!

No way? Wouldn't anyone really think that after learning Jiu-Jitsu, they could single out Kim Junguo, right?

RM is not such a place!

"Ah..." Masaki looked regretful and unwilling.

The tacit understanding between Kim Junguk and Kim Jae-ho was immediately displayed, and it was needless to say that he did what he wanted to do by relying on instant power.

In just a few seconds, a set of combo moves directly took Zhengming away, crisply and neatly, so that people did not have a strong feeling that they were eliminated, and they only felt regret.

"Yay! What should we do if you do that! Liu Zaishi was very speechless.

Haha is also very uncomfortable, sure enough, Jin Zhiguo is difficult to deal with on the other side, and the reaction is too fast.

The Jin Jin brothers also knew that the luck component this time was very large, so they did not bother too much.

Now it's four against three, and the opposite side is an alliance.

Running will definitely not let Jin Zhiguo and them run, and the encirclement is even closer.

Everyone is not particularly afraid, just a little annoyed, why did you give it for nothing?

Soon, the formal scuffle began, JYP was eager to try, he was very fond of battle, basically on the front line, Liu Zaishi and Haha are not to be underestimated, and Li Guangzhu is waiting for the opportunity on the side.

Seeing that something was about to happen, Jin Zhiguo suddenly rushed out like Zhengming just now, and directly aimed at the weakest haha.

Liu Zaishi was startled and hurried to cover and counterattack, JYP just wanted to help suddenly Kim Jae-ho rushed over, he quickly pulled away.

In this chaos, he fell to the ground without looking at the road, Kim Jae-ho saw the opportunity and immediately hardened, Lee Kwang-joo quickly protected JYP, if the orangutan is gone, it will be over.

Under the cover of Li Guangzhu, JYP quickly got up, and he also felt humiliated.

On the other side, haha was grabbed and dumped by Jin Zhiguo, Liu Zaishi wanted to help, but Song Zhixiao was also next to contain them.

Kim Jae-ho is now dragging time to divide the battlefield and prevent JYP from joining the battle over there.

Suddenly, someone in the distance shouted: "Zhenying! Tear Jin Zhiguo first! "

As soon as everyone saw that it was Chi Shizhen shouting in the distance, everyone immediately lost their will to fight and temporarily stopped fighting.

Jin Chenguo was happy: "It looks like it's on top of the clouds!" "

"Tear Jin Zhiguo first! Fast! Ji Seok-jin commanded, and he could see very clearly what Kim Jae-ho was planning to do.

While everyone was looking over there, Li Guangzhu suddenly grabbed Liu Zaishi's name tag, but Liu Zaishi turned around and dodged directly.

All of a sudden, the red team had a sense of crisis, and there was a feeling of being attacked in the abdomen.

"Yay! All tell you to be careful! He's a betrayer! Haha complained, "How can you show your back to him." "

"No, how can you think about tearing me now! What are you going to do if you tear me apart! Liu Zaishi couldn't figure it out.

"No, no, I'll just touch it." No one believed Li Guangzhu when he said this.

"Yes! He just touched it~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Guangzhu, well done!" Kim Jiuguo praised.

"Brother, I'm sorry!" Li Guangzhu apologized directly.

Even JYP didn't figure it out: "No, why is this kid like this?" I don't understand him! "

Li Guangzhu hurriedly leaned over.

He thought about it now and felt that he had no brain, but looking at the name tag of the defenseless Liu Zaishi, his hands and brain just couldn't control it, as if a ghost made a god, and he stretched out.

So that at once the alliance was dissolved, and no one on either side believed the other.

"Yay! Now we're going to unite! Liu Zaishi was speechless, "What should I do like this!" "

When he said this, he only heard Haha shout: "Brother! Be careful! "

He quickly turned around, but only heard a tearing sound, and Song Zhixiao happily fled with his name tag.

Haha was angry: "Yay! You're a pabhu!! "

"Win!" Kim Jae-ho raised his hand and shouted.

The main thing is that Jin Zhiguo's attack just now was too threatening, so Liu Zaishi only guarded against Jin Zhiguo, never expecting that Song Zhixiao would actually go around the blind spot of his vision.

Because Chi Shizhen and Li Guangzhu inexplicably disturbed, Liu Zaishi was attracted to attention and eliminated.

Liu Zaishi himself was speechless, he didn't know what to say, just like he said haha, he is now like a pabhu.

"Yay! It's all to blame on you! Liu Zaishi scolded Li Guangzhu, "How could I not be attracted by you." "

"What's the matter with me!"

Li Guangzhu felt wronged, after all, if it really had something to do with him, now Liu Zaishi's name tag is in his hand, not Song Zhixiao's hand.

"Well done!" Kim Jae-ho clapped his hands and laughed.

"It's you!" Jin Zhiguo was also refreshed, and he eliminated a person so easily.

"What is this!" JYP was dumbfounded.

A good group fight turned into a single pick, JYP people are stupid, he didn't move much, how did it feel that it was over?

Liu Zaishi felt very sorry haha, so he said less, and went to prison very weakly.

Haha and JYP fled and intend to plan for the long term.

However, Kim Jae-ho could not have given them this opportunity, and after a few words, he went in that direction.

"Be careful!" Jin Zhiguo suddenly said.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo were immediately on guard.

"Something is wrong!"

Jin Zhiguo's eyes were like eagle eyes, looking ahead, although there was no figure on the opposite side, but the number of staff was too much.

He keenly sensed that there might be an ambush ahead, and although he hid Lee Guangzhu and their VJ, the number of shots was wrong.

Kim Jae-ho was also a little careless just now, playing too cool, and his vigilance was not so high.

No wonder he failed every sneak attack, Jin Zhiguo's sixth sense was too fierce.

"Brother, it's good to have you~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile and then shouted: "Come out, you guys, Brother Ultimate Kingdom has already seen you!" "

Li Guangzhu in the distance glanced at haha, meaning how did they know?

But they didn't go out.

Just now they just ran away, haha realized that there was a very good ambush here, and immediately ambushed, did not discuss strategy, planning to come by surprise.

However, Jin Chengguo was not fooled, and now he is embarrassed.

Jin Zhiguo did not dare to act rashly, because he knew that they were ambushing over there, but he did not know the specific location and method.

"Oppa, let's leave first."


Everyone agreed with Song Zhixiao's idea, there was an ambush on the other side, then there was no need for them to be a stunned and withdraw directly.

Seeing that they didn't take the bait, haha was also a little frustrated.

"Now we have to have a heart, otherwise we won't have to play, ah, if you tear me up again this time, I really..."

"It won't! Absolutely not! I swear! Li Guangzhu raised three fingers.

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