"yes, what if we really don't know." Song Zhixiao also thinks so.

After all, Kim Jae-ho is notoriously weak, and his physical strength is no better.

Then Kim Jae-ho and they saw Yoo Jae-seok and Lee Kwang-joo doing the same heart.

It looks very interesting.

"Shall we do that too?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Don't! Don't look. Song Zhixiao hurriedly said, for fear that Kim Jae-ho would be interested, and he would be too ashamed of that.

"Hahaha~ teasing him." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

I saw Liu Zaishi behind the last action, added a twisting motion, and then began to scold Li Guangzhu why he chose a pirate ship.

To be honest, he'd rather go cycling.

Liu Zaishi was really afraid of this, and Li Guangzhu was obviously no better.

Liu Zaishi's rhythm is very good, and he scolds after getting it, so that Li Guangzhu has no idea of getting it back, and it seems that he really did something wrong.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo arrived first, so they started first.

Song Zhixiao took the task letter.

"Big brother race-1 stage, pirate ship, sitting on the tail of the pirate ship, one person explains the words, the other person guesses the words, the time limit is one minute, guess five questions correctly and succeed!"

"Oh~that's a good explanation~" Kim Jae-ho sighed.

"I just read it." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"That's also powerful, it sounds good."

"Hee-hee~" Song Zhixiao covered his face with the task letter, and then saw PD reach out and quickly handed it over.

Kim Jae-ho said: "Let me explain, I have a big voice, you can guess, you are smarter." "

"But I want to try it."

"It's okay, then you come up with the problem first, don't have a burden, anyway, it can't be done once, just practice." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Good." Song Ji-hyo likes Kim Jae-ho the most is this, he will not do everything himself, big man ideas, he will fully respect others.

The sign of a person's maturity is to learn to back down.

Strive to be a person who aligns with core values.

Song Zhixiao is very excited, this is a double game, you can play pirate ships again, and you can solve problems.

The only problem, though, is that the two of them sit a bit far away.

Kim stepped on the amusement ride, and it felt completely different.

Stepping on the sticker, carefully, Kim Jae-ho sat to the side under the guidance of the staff, and then looked up and found Song Jihyo sitting very far opposite.

The two of them sat on the stern of the pirate ship, respectively.

Kim Jae-ho scratched the end of his hair, meaning you tied your hair up?

Song Zhixiao smiled, and then made a flower tray look, meaning good-looking?

Kim Jae-ho made an intoxicating look, meaning beautiful as wine, and he was poisoned at first sight.

Of course, the two sides may understand the content differently, but both sides smile like flowers.

"Oh, you two really look like a couple out on a date." Liu Zaishi looked at it in his eyes.

"How can a couple sit so far away." Kim Jae-ho complained.

Liu Zaishi smiled, indeed.

But it looks sweet, as if this is not bad.

Li Guangzhu felt that if he fell in love, he would also try this once.

Of course, when he went up and sat down once, he forgot about the idea.

Song Zhixiao tied his hair because he wanted to take the amusement ride, and it was not good if his hair was messy when he could fly.

Kim Jae-ho reflected on himself for not reminding Song Ji-hyo to tie up her hair and let her do it herself.

Because this is indeed a security risk.

If you want to live together to the end, there is one more thing to pay attention to.

He looked at the side, to be honest, this park should be some years old, the iron next to it is rusty, and it looks a little scary.

But human beings are like this, worrying too much will make you lose your happiness.

The pirate ship moved, and Kim Jae-ho subconsciously shut up.

And Song Zhixiao laughed excitedly while saying horror.

It feels terrifying just because she is a girl, so I want to say horror at this time, but in fact, she herself finds it very exciting.

And Kim Jae-ho's heartbeat has accelerated, well, unlike the very slow speed imagined, this is very fast and very excessive kind.

"Sun Danfei!"

As soon as Song Jihyo opened his mouth, it was the name of an artist, and Kim Jae-ho was confused.

In fact, Song Zhixiao just wanted to say that "Saturday Night" was sung by her.

But this range is a little too big for Kim Jae-ho to imagine.

"Friday's next!" She thought differently.

"Saturday!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Not morning and noon!"

"Evening! Saturday night! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Yes!" Song Zhixiao was very happy, but this question took a long time.

They had to shout or they wouldn't hear it, because the wind was whistling in their ears, and so were the machines, and they were far away.

The little brother immediately changed the question.

"Teacher Li De!"

"Flower armor! Sixty years old! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"It's not!" Song Zhixiao shouted.

"Wig! Bareheaded! Hair loss! "

"It's not hahaha~" Song Zhixiao laughed so much that he was a little speechless.

"Yay! How can you say that about the president! Liu Zaishi crossed his waist below and scolded with a smile.

It's a bit excessive, it's a pity that I'm not there.

“pass!" Song Zhixiao hurriedly said, otherwise it would be easy to have an accident if he guessed again.

The answer is leadership, which is very difficult to guess.

"Teacher Li De ran and kicked!" Song Zhixiao said.


"No, there is still ahead!"

"Wig football!"

"What is wig football?!" Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu laughed below until their stomachs died a little painfully.

At this time, the two people were already ninety degrees vertical, facing the floor.

However, because he sat very firmly and was thinking about problems, Kim Jae-ho was not very afraid.

"Such a big, such a big dish!"

"Pizza! Super tonkatsu! "

"No, it's great to catch it!"


"How can you catch a lobster!" Liu Zaishi complained.

"You can catch it too." Li Guangzhu said.

"Can you?"

"Can you..."

On the other side, Kim Jae-ho said a lot of fish dishes, but none of them were right.

Although you can't guess, you can say so much at once, which is enough to breathe.

"Yay! How can you not guess! "Song Zhixiao is a little broken.

But the time is over, and they only guessed one question correctly.

"It's over~" Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu watched.

"Light beads!"

As soon as Liu Zaishi shouted, Li Guangzhu reacted and began their concentric action performance.

It's really fun to watch.

When I went up, I met the Monday couple who came down.

Liu Zaishi: "Zhixiao, you really, just play~"


"You're doing so badly!"

"What, Oba!"

"It's all because the topic is too difficult, if you can't even speak, it's very terrifying!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Ouch~ Only you will do such a thing." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Ouch ~ Zhixiao Shang! Hit him! Kim Jae-ho said.

"What?" Song Zhixiao was crying and laughing.

Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu hurriedly went up and sat down, for fear that Song Zhixiao would really come.

"Guangzhu, do a good job!" Liu Zaishi said.

"Cherish the time when you can still talk now~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Kim Jae-ho is very confident about their worries, and this level of rides is enough to make them white-faced.

They watched with relish below, and this time it was their turn to be spectators.

Watching someone play is sometimes more interesting than playing by yourself, especially when that person is particularly afraid.

"How's it going, are you okay?" Kim Jae-ho asked Song Ji-hyo.

"Hmm." Song Zhixiao nodded, "You should be more worried than me, right?" "

"It's also ha~" Kim Jae-ho touched his head.

"It's started~" Song Zhixiao looked up.

"The face has changed, the face has changed!" Kim Jae-ho gradually got excited.

"Why is it so terrifying, why wasn't Zaiho afraid just now?" Liu Zaishi was surprised.

He felt that Kim Jae-ho was not afraid, so they didn't feel anything anymore.

But now it's different when the equipment is actually running.

One is shouting aaaaaa

"Brother! Even if you are uncomfortable, you can't come down! Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

There was even a spiritual attack outside the field!

"Nope! Don't overthink it! Liu Zaishi said.

Li Guangzhu closed her eyes when she went down.

"Dafa, you didn't react at all just now." Song Zhixiao said.

"Actually, there is, but you're watching, so no." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Cut~" Although Song Zhixiao was disdainful on his mouth, his heart was still sweet.

She thought about it, and it seemed that she saw Kim Jae-ho's unbearable appearance from TV, and there were very few positive witnesses.

Could it be that Kim Jae-ho really endured the psychological change because of himself? After all, Liu Zaishi and Lee Kwang-joo are so exaggerated, Kim Jae-ho should be more exaggerated and guessed correctly.

Suddenly, I was a little moved.

In fact, it's really not, Kim Jae-ho didn't think about this before, but today he learned that his bad appearance worried Song Zhixiao, so he began to pay attention.

This time he really wasn't afraid.

He now knows, "It turns out that when I am not afraid, watching others be afraid is such an interesting thing, and I understand it all at once!" "

"Hahaha~ So don't blame me next time I laugh." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"No, you can't laugh too loud!"

"I try my best~"

It also started over there, and I didn't think that they did quite well at the beginning, and they guessed two correctly at once.

"Junkui's nickname!" Li Guangzhu shouted.


"Junkyu-senpai's !!!"



Li Guangzhu immediately gave up.

His voice was too strong, and his shouting was not clear, and Liu Zaishi couldn't hear the name clearly from far away.

In the back, one person was shouting meaninglessly, and the other Li Guangzhu was even more outrageous, and directly closed his eyes.

However, he saw what the problem was, but he shouted once and Liu Zaishi did not hear it.

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