"I can see your smile from the reflection of the window, please restrain Oh Song-san~"

"What a reflection!" Song Zhixiao looked at it in a panic, there was no reflection in the window at all, and Song Zhixiao, who immediately realized that he was deceived, also smiled and crossed his hand, and then "hummed".

Even if you are angry, it seems like coquetry.

"What is it like to look in the mirror every day and see such a good-looking person?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Very good, didn't you have this experience too? How was the experience? "

"Every time I see it, I say, I have to find someone who looks equally good to look in the mirror with."

"Did that person find it?"

"I couldn't find it, I only found someone who looked better than me."

"Oh? Is it particularly pretty? "

"It's very pretty."

"How good-looking?"

"It looks like the wings of a butterfly, and every time I see it, it is a different breed, a different beauty."

"Thank you~"

"Why should you thank you, I didn't say that person was you~"

Song Jihyo smiled and glared at Kim Jae-ho: "Who is that?" "

"A very cute big pabhu!"

"You are Prabhu!"

"I didn't say it was you~"

"Big Prabhu! Hum! She raised her hand again and looked out of the car, but the smile could not be hidden.

She opened the window a little, blew the wind, cooled down, and scattered the sour smell in the car, the sour smell of love.

The car drove for a while and arrived, a straight road, no wonder it didn't say where.

"Let's go, Song~"

"Okay Kim~"

The two men unbuckled their seat belts and walked down.

There is no saying that he helped to open the door, and Song Zhixiao did not like this.

"Wow! It's an amusement park! "Song Zhixiao is very happy.

"Good, didn't see particularly high rides!" Kim Jae-ho was very happy.

"Ah~ I want to play roller coaster!" Song Zhixiao jumped a little regretfully.

"It's okay, the carousel is just as fun."

"It's different!"

Girls like carousels, but Song Zhixiao feels that it is general, and she prefers excitement.

"Hurry up! We're at the end! "

Kim Jae-ho also sped up when he heard this.

When the two people arrived, PD was already full of people, and when they saw Song Zhixiao and the two of them coming, they also complained.

"Look at the two of them hahaha~"

"Oh, are you falling in love on the road again." Haha laughed, meaning why are they so slow.

"You guys are last~hey~" Liu Zaishi had his last feeling.

Looking at the two children, everyone was full of loving feelings.

"Sorry, it's stuck in traffic." Kim Jae-ho explained with a smile.

"Yay! Where there is a traffic jam, just a few of our cars! "Haha, it's funny to hear it.

"Stuck in the car by love." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.


Song Jihyo shyly patted Kim Jae-ho, too ashamed of this kind of words, too numb.

Especially in front of the older brothers.

"What's the mission?" Kim Jae-ho asked Ji Seok-jin at the end.

"I don't know." Chi Shizhen said.

Song Jihyo and Kim Jae-ho both felt funny, and they looked like they had been standing for a long time but didn't know anything.

The mission is, in fact, to ride the facility, an air bike or a pirate ship.

In fact, except for the first to arrive Haha and "President" Li De, no one saw the contents of the mission letter.

But that's not important.

"Okay, quiet!" PD said.

Because there are too many people, everyone wants to talk, and everyone has their own topic, so it is very noisy all of a sudden, especially classmate Liu, whose mouth can be described as gushing.

Everyone was very dissatisfied with his drinking order, and said haha: "The president is here, you want to be quiet?" "

"There are now two couples here who are 100 years old in age~" Liu Zaishi explained.

The president of one of the centenarian couples said, "Be quiet! "

Unlike what PD said, everyone was quiet as soon as the chairman finished speaking.

The president is Li De, who was called the chairman because he looked like the president.

It is also a nickname.

Liu Zaishi was automatically quiet, others did not speak well, and the chairman was afraid when he spoke.

Kim Jae-ho didn't speak after asking Ji Seok-jin's words, and quietly grabbed a little bit of Song Ji-hyo's sleeve.

Song Zhixiao also pretended that nothing happened and looked at PD, but his attention was all there, and he secretly put his hand behind Chi Shizhen a little to let them block it.

This secretly ambiguous feeling is very heartwarming and beautiful, like a little secret between two people.

"Now choose a textbook." PD said.

On the table were textbooks for different subjects, all of which looked very old.

The scene immediately became a mess, and everyone went to choose what they wanted, just like a stall rush.

Song Jihyo stood up on tiptoe and wanted to take it, Kim Jae-ho said in the back of Song Jihyo's head: "It's okay, let's just choose the rest, it's all the same." "

"Hmm." Song Zhixiao originally wanted to grab a copy, but after hearing the words, he didn't care, and Meng Sheng agreed.

After everyone got their books, Kim Jae-ho went to get the remaining one.

"The mission card comes to me to confirm." PD said.

Kim Jae-ho opens the book, and inside there is a mission card with the words Pirate Ship written on it.

"Oh Oh Duo..." Song Ji Hyo looked at Kim Jae-ho worriedly.

The first team was the president, and they drew air bikes.

PD indicates: "Air bike" is over there, just go over there.

By analogy, Kim Jae-ho and they can also go to the pirate ship.

Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu also chose a pirate ship, and their mentality was not good.

"Why did you choose a science and technology book?" Liu Zaishi caught Li Guangzhu because it was a terrifying facility.

Xiang Mian immediately said, "Let's change." "

Because air biking looks like a very tiring project.

"Let's change too, shall we?" Song Ji-hyo asks Kim Jae-ho.

As soon as she finished asking, PD said, "No. "

There was no way, Liu Zaishi and they had to go to the pirate ship, just the two teams of them, the other teams were air bikes.

Kim Jae-ho took Song Ji-hyo's wrist and went over there.

Song Jihyo looked at Kim Jae-ho worriedly and said, "What to do?" It's a pirate ship. "

Kim Jae-ho was very relaxed: "It's okay, that's very tiring, we are more relaxed." "

He deliberately didn't say it just now, for fear of being replaced by others.

"But aren't you afraid of heights?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"The pirate ship is okay to this extent, it's not particularly large, it's okay, I'm not afraid." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes?" Song Zhixiao was surprised, "Also, very safe, there is nothing to be afraid of, then can't we have fun together?" "

"Yes~" Kim Jae-ho laughed.

"Yay!" Song Zhixiao immediately booed, and his mood was excited.

Song Jihyo is not afraid of heights, so every time he sees Kim Jae-ho afraid of heights, he can't empathize and doesn't understand it.

So she was also embarrassed to let Kim Jae-ho go to play with her, which she liked very much.

Although she also knew that as long as she said that Kim Jae-ho would definitely accompany her, she was also unhappy and very guilty when she saw Kim Jae-ho so scared.

This time, Kim Jae-ho is finally not afraid, so he is very happy and can have fun.

Watching Song Ji-hyo bouncing like a child, Kim Jae-ho also felt cured.

It seemed that every time his performance worried her, which he hadn't noticed before.

But there is no way to do this, physiological reaction, when playing with Song Zhixiao in the future, pay attention to this, don't show it so obviously.

They were relaxed and happy, and Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu felt like they were going to die.

It's not a matter of high or not, as long as it's exciting rides, they are scared, which is more serious than Kim Jae-ho.

For example, the same roller coaster, as long as the seat belt firmly stuck him at all times, he is not afraid.

But that kind of ass will dangle, or a little loose to move, he is afraid.

To put it bluntly, as long as there is a feeling that he can't move when he is fixed and safely pulled, he is not afraid even if he is sent to space.

And this is just a small paradise, the pirate ship is not a very exaggerated kind.

The crowd on the other side also went to the place where the air bike was.

"Okay, let me explain to everyone the precautions, after you get on the air bike and set off, these two friends are following, and if you don't get caught, you will succeed."

Two able-bodied adults, both RM PDs, are athletes.

Two other staff members were thinner, but very agile and young.

The brothers are already worried.

Although they have three people, there are two groups of pursuers, so they can't quickly drain their energy because they rotate.

"No, these friends are athletes." Haha saw it.

One is a judoka and the other is a dual martial artist, both of whom are very burly.

On the other side, there is the short body Haha and the flower armor guild leader.

"I've only been on the rides three times when I arrived in Huajia." The president said, "I'm going to be nervous." "

Everyone is happy, the macho man is the best-looking, and there is a little cute and loving feeling.

Grandpa Fancy, if he had him, it would be wonderful.

They are ready to start, to be honest, the most embarrassing thing about air bikes is to run into someone else's car, so they generally control the speed and keep a certain distance from the car in front.

It's amazing that the production team can think of such a game.

"Brother, please!" Haha said.

"Got it."

The president's eyes are sharp, and he really has the feeling of a very righteous underworld boss in the handsome and enthusiastic blood of that age.

With an order from PD, he shouted:


Then launch quickly.

Unlike Haha movements, his upper body remains motionless, only his feet are moving.

"It's started, it's started!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"What's that?" Song Zhixiao also saw the people from the production team behind.

"Wow! So fast! Liu Zaishi shouted.

Soon everyone saw haha, they were caught up.

"Fortunately, I didn't choose that, and it looked very tired." Kim Jae-ho was afraid.

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