Go-karting, and watching movies.

It's really a good time to relax, after all, Song Zhixiao has been working before, and he may be busy again after relaxing for a while.

Kim Jae-ho cherished this time very much and made Song Ji-hyo as happy as possible.

In fact, it is better to write a drama and then act with Song Zhixiao, so that you can continue to fall in love under the pretext of going to work.

But these months have been a little busy, a bunch of things are piled up, Song Zhixiao doesn't like to stay outside, she is also very homely, likes to watch TV.

However, sometimes he also comes to visit the place where Kim Jae-ho works.

Each visit is an unexpected surprise for Kim Jae-ho, but Song Jihyo is thin-skinned and afraid of disturbing Kim Jae-ho's work, so he comes less often.

After a day of dating, Kim Jae-ho was working the rest of the day.

Pictorial, script, set, as well as MV production, fitness, dance practice, very fulfilling.

The difference between having money and not having money is probably that when you have money, you can go and do what you want to do.

One thing in the past two weeks is that EXO debuted.

No one expected that a combination of 12 boys was born, as for how fierce and difficult it is behind, everyone knows, there is no need to elaborate on this.

12 people each I can remember the name and appearance, and that's enough.

But this has nothing to do with Kim Jae-ho, he can't go to their concert, after all, he is very behind.

Every week, Kim Jae-ho sang the songs of the old-timers, the old songs in Korean, and there was no whole life, just a simple cover, because there was no time, but the quality was still full.

This is a song called "I Love You", Dong Joon's, Kim Jae-ho sings with affection, and female fans call it out

Of course, outside the camera that everyone can't see, Song Jihyo is watching Kim Jae-ho singing, and this cover song is actually sung to Song Ji-hyo.

Everyone is stained with the light of Song Zhixiao to hear such a version.

It seems to be looking at the camera, but it is actually looking at Song Zhixiao behind the camera.

For this feeling, Song Zhixiao also felt very wonderful, and it felt different from the previous death love song.

It's just a feeling of cheating...

Usually others help record, but the person who helped this time is Song Jihyo, and Kim Jae-ho also feels wonderful.

"Do you want to be photogenic?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

Song Zhixiao waved his hand and smiled: "No need, it's good like that." "

"Okay." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

After Song Zhixiao turned off the camera, he walked to Kim Jae-ho and held Kim Jae-ho's dimples and said: "Hey Yigu, I have wronged you, is it okay to be like this all the time, I feel very sorry for you." "

Kim Jae-ho knew what she was talking about was not public.

Kim Jae-ho said: "It's okay, I can insist, who calls my girlfriend the most beautiful person in the world~ Then you have to treat me well so that I don't feel aggrieved~"

"Hey Yigu ~ too well-behaved ~ we are good at Hao ~ "

"Of course~"

This is when the child is coaxed.

The most important thing is, of course, RM.

These two episodes were broadcast, which was better than everyone expected, and Bao'er was on the hot search.

She originally came to play, but she didn't expect it to be so fierce, and she sent a message to Kim Jae-ho again to thank her.

That's right, Kim Jae-ho already has Bao'er's mobile phone number, and only Kim Jae-ho and Yoo Jae-seok do.

She was especially grateful to Kim Jae-ho for giving herself a lot of opportunities, but Kim Jae-ho didn't care, the opportunity was very simple, whether he could grasp it or rely on himself.

This is still relying on her hard power, and has nothing to do with Kim Jae-ho.

It's just that her thanks, Kim Jae-ho, said that she had already expressed it when she ate crabs at that time, and her sincerity was very full.

The broadcast ratings were very good, and everyone was more confident to record a new episode.

The new issue is already April, and the time really flies very fast.

After arriving at Woli-ri Station in Cheolwon-gun, Gangwon Province, they were also asked to change into school uniforms.

Everyone has a very good impression of the school uniform, after all, it was a very good day after changing the school uniform last time, although the next day was not very good, but it is also worth remembering.

Everyone clapped their hands to record the opening, and the surrounding scenery was also very good.

"I wore a school uniform today~Ah, Zhixiao is very beautiful~" Liu Zaishi praised when he came up.

"Beautiful and beautiful~"

"Just like Sherlock Holmes."

"It's a feature that the mobile phone pocket is so prominent~"

"But are kids really dressed like that now?" Kim Junguo asked.

"Oppa's current children's skirts only go here." Song Zhixiao said.

"You used to be like that." Liu Zaishi said.

"No, our skirts back then."

Everyone immediately talked about bad filial piety, it was the picture that circulated on the Internet before, and it seemed that Song Zhixiao was very strong.

Everyone's clothes are a color matching, but the boys' are very common, and Song Zhixiao's looks very special, with many details, and a Hogwarts feeling.

Looking at everyone praising Song Zhihyo, Kim Jae-ho had a feeling that he was praising himself, and his heart was as sweet as honey.

That's right, this is my girlfriend, it's that great!

Since being with Song Zhixiao,

"Who's coming today?" Liu Zaishi asked the question that everyone was most concerned about.

PD: "Isn't it spring?" So in order to welcome the spring, prepare for the double CP competition. "

"Oh?!" Li Guangzhu was excited.

"Long gone."

"Flower gate, flower gate!" Kim Jae-ho looked back.

In front of the very simple station gate, the border is decorated with flowers, and the flower gate has a very good meaning, and every time like this, it is when a group of female guests come out.

"It's really exciting, and I'm going to die happy today." Liu Zaishi was so excited that he clapped his hands.

The reason why this world shines is probably that there is also the option of entertainment.

Human beings are taking pleasure in suffering, and advancing the process of civilization step by step, no matter how many difficulties they face.

As long as the past passes, the days ahead will not be bitter.

And the female star is everyone's most desired guest, and everyone is very happy every time this kind of CP special, which the happy audience can't imagine.

Real people and videos are different, probably because the school flower suddenly comes to your feeling of being at the same table for a day, and both boys and girls will be very happy.

What's more, the female guests who generally come are not just school flowers, but school flowers in school flowers, and even make a living with beauty, and the charm is full.

Don't be more happy.

"Today will be unconditionally dating, really, let you see meeting in variety shows until marriage." Haha said.

Kim Jae-ho glanced at him and hinted at what? Is this the beginning of preparation?

Isn't this exactly the script of Haha, meeting in a variety show, and then quietly falling in love and suddenly getting married to amaze everyone.

Of course, it is also possible that Kim Jae-ho thinks too much.

On the other side, they also began to discuss the former female guests, Xue Li Xiu knew the dragon cub Luna, the ultimate fantasy of the top, just saying their names was enough to make these uncles smile.

But that's almost a year's memories, only once a year, how rare!

PD: "Later, the guests will come out through the flower gate one by one, and call the guests out together." "

"Come out, everyone!"

"Come out!" Kim Jae-ho shouted with Liu Zaishi, and everyone was looking forward to it.

Suddenly, the speaker started playing missA music.

"Xiuzhi!" Kim Jae-ho shouted, "Or all the staff?" "

Li Guangzhu covered his mouth, he couldn't believe it and his face was full of expectation, haha had already begun to dance, Jin Zhiguo stood very dignified, and his face was a smile that could not be hidden.

As soon as the door opened, Shuangdao Kui Ge walked out wearing the school uniform of his era...

Everyone was stunned for a moment, as if they were suddenly frozen, and their smiles froze.

Then there's taking a step back and not believing it.

Brother Junkui, an old friend.

It's not just RM who are upset, he is also very upset when he sees this reaction.

"I really..."

Chi Shizhen complained: "It's clear that missA's song came out of this big brother!" "

"Isn't that what it is?" Quigo felt that he was such a guest that no one welcomed him when he walked in front of him.

"I'm sorry brother, we thought it was a female guest." Kim Jae-ho explained.

"Is that so?" Junkyu somewhat understood.

Liu Zaishi couldn't accept it: "That's it, how did that song come out..."

"How did it come out of the flower gate is the eldest brother!" Chi Shizhen is very straightforward.

Everyone complained to each other, and Junkui directly exploded mentally, and they all wanted to hit someone.

It seems that he also had a lot of fantasies before he came, such as everyone will be very happy when they see him, after all, old friends...

His first visit was not like that!

There is a psychological gap, but Junkui quickly transformed into a program effect, and the atmosphere is still very active.

After everyone drove him aside, they casually welcomed him and prepared to welcome the next guest.

Hope cannot be lost.

Maybe the program team will create a situation, heaven and hell.

"Next, come out!"

This time it's Kara's song.

“kara!" Kim Jae-ho shouted, his voice filled with excitement and anticipation.

As soon as he finished shouting, an uncle came out of the door and danced funny.

Some people recognized it, this is the Xiangmian of the Park family, an actor.

He wears glasses that are funny like goggles, a school uniform that looks like a double knife brother, a hat, and a very happy expression on his face, and his movements are funny as if he is aiming at everyone's laughter.

Unfortunately, everyone did not react other than stunned, and if there was, it was regret and disappointment.


Faced with such an outrageous reaction from everyone, Xiang Mian, who starred for the first time, felt very disappointed.

It was like a celebration site suddenly poured with cold water.

It can be said that the production team put both sides together, so that everyone's hearts have a gap, PD old bad man.

"I'm acting for the first time today!" Xiangmian shouted.

For this appearance, he twisted his 180 body and danced such a cute dance, very attentive!

However, his dance did not amuse everyone, and his current reaction made everyone laugh.

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