Song Jihyo turned Kim Jae-ho over and tore something off behind Kim Jae-ho, which said "ah".

"Artis!" Song Zhixiao seems to have known this for a long time, and Artis is a homonym of art.

"There's something behind me?" Kim Jae-ho felt that he had crossed again, he ran for a while, and the world became strange, and he felt that he missed a season.

He didn't feel like he had disappeared for more than an hour at all, because it was so fulfilling.

Then it was said that what happened before was that Zheng Zaixi found the key by relying on the clues he got from Liu Zaishi's name plate, and it was also because this became the target of everyone and was surrounded by the United Army.

But because it was too weak, he had a chance to run away, and Li Guangzhu took the opportunity to tear off Bao'er.

Finally, there is a 1V1 man battle between Lee Kwang-joo and Jung Jae-shape, and the gap between the two sides is very large.

But stunned is so, Zheng Zaixian can't tear Li Guangzhu, they are all pasted together and Li Guangzhu first tore off the name tag, really the weakest of the previous guests, but very hard, the process is very funny, today contributed a lot of laughs.

But it ended there, Song Zhixiao tore Li Guangzhu off casually.

Looking at everyone's clues, Song Zhixiao was surprised: "Why is there one missing?" "

"Kim Jae-ho is still alive." PD reminder.


Li Guangzhu, who collapsed to the ground, was stupid.

Everyone fought so fiercely that they didn't realize that there was one less person.

"What is that Prab doing?" Song Zhixiao was crying and laughing.

He can disappear so much that everyone forgets about him, and he doesn't come out to participate in the decisive battle.

But even without Kim Jae-ho, she guessed the destination, "It's right to pass by the fruit and vegetable garden of the art center." "

Anyway, the ultimate goal is not to tear up the name tag, but to find a way home, regardless of Kim Jae-ho.

After getting the key, Song Jihyo set off, just in time to meet Kim Jae-ho who came out to find someone.

But on the road, watching Kim Jae-ho leisurely riding a bicycle to hang Langdang enjoying life, Song Jihyo was angry again, and directly tore off Kim Jae-ho, comfortable.

Song Zhixiao took a few people to record the end with everyone.

Today's prize turned out to be the Golden Key!

"Oh, you can simply open a jewelry store." Chi Shizhen said.

"Kim Chi Hyo Kim Chi Hyo." Haha said.

"Don't always give gold, give some gems and jadeite, so that there will be more guests." Kim Jae-ho said.

Song Zhixiao really came to travel to meet old friends and buy goods by the way, and he didn't run much all day, so he enjoyed the scenery, and then ate something and it was over.

And Kim Jae-ho has a feeling that it is over before it begins.

It is normal to look for something for an hour, but if it is difficult to find, it may take longer.

Today is not only looking for things, but also a lot of interaction, Kim Jae-ho has experienced most of it, and did not waste the settings of the program group.

Maybe everyone disappeared too quickly, so he didn't feel it.

Time passes quickly when playing, and an hour is the degree of sprinkling.

Everyone laughed when they heard Kim Jae-ho's activities today, and they had the feeling of a dream of Nanke.

But for everyone, this trip to Jeju Island is not over, those who catch a flight can go back first, Kim Jae-ho and Yoo Jae-seok and Bao'er go to eat big crabs.

Now it is the last train of the emperor crab, and after this time, it is not so cheap and big.

The shop I went to was also very good, and the food was delicious and cheap.

Two were called, one grilled and one steamed, and the crab legs were placed on a large plate full of very spectacular, in addition to the king crab there were also a lot of seafood and snacks.

Most of the people did not go back first, they all went to eat the emperor crab first.

In the end, the store also gave everyone a mini ginseng, saying that they were afraid of too cold, and finally filled with crab shells with special fried rice, which was very fragrant.

Originally, Liu Zaishi wanted to pay, but he didn't expect that Baoer said to go to the bathroom halfway, and the result was to go to the checkout.

said that he had already said that he wanted to be treated, and he was very happy in the past two days, so he checked out first, and everyone also called out the atmosphere, and he didn't expect that someone could grab Liu Zaishi's order.

Everyone didn't mind very much, to be honest, everyone present did not lack this money, and Bao'er was not lacking.

But for Bao'er, this performance is indeed very rewarding, although she doesn't know what the final effect will be, but she is very happy.

Especially the first day, it was a laughing day.

However, after this, there are fewer opportunities for everyone to meet, just like Kim Jae-ho, if there is no accident, Kim Jae-ho will not take the initiative to meet Baoer.

If he has time, he will choose to meet Li Zhijin, and if he has time, he will go to the concerts of many good friends.

For example, F(X), Girls' Generation and so on, there are too many, especially to see the scene of Girls' Generation, the eyes are very busy, dazzling, everyone wants to see.

So there will be few opportunities to meet later, but adults are like this, and after a period of happiness, unless both parties take the initiative or have a working relationship, they basically won't see each other.

But he doesn't care, after all, he has been with Bao'er for two days, and some people have never even seen Bao'er's real person~

Kim Jae-ho fell asleep, and the next day it was "Love Light" that woke him up.

Opening his eyes, Song Zhixiao's appearance came into view.

"Am I in heaven?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

Song Zhixiao smiled like the morning sun: "Yes, welcome to heaven, I am an angel here." "

She was clearly well-dressed, with a white loose sweater and long hair draped, tight black pants on the bottom, and ready, solid slippers on her feet.

"For the sake of the angel being very good-looking, I'll reluctantly settle down~"

"Don't face~" Song Jihyo said and leaned his forehead on Kim Jae-ho's forehead.

The two of them maintained this movement for a while, and time became gentle.

Smelling the refreshing aroma coming from, Kim Jae-ho's heart rippled.

As soon as Song Jihyo looked up, suddenly there was a huge force, and Kim Jae-ho directly pulled her from the side of the bed onto the bed.


Song Zhixiao exclaimed, and then there was a continuous smile.

"Woman, you're dangerous like this."

"Hahaha~Let go of me~"

"Can't let go, can't let go in this life~"

Kim Jae-ho directly covered Song Jihyo with a quilt, and then kissed him.

The atmosphere became fiery and it seemed that everything had become love.

For a long time, lips parted.

Song Zhixiao raised his head, his face did not know whether it was makeup or blush caused by shyness, which was particularly good-looking.

"Really! Kiss me without brushing your teeth. "


Song Zhixiao looked at the top and whispered: "I don't mind very much~"

Her words were like scratching a feather with a feather on Kim Jae-ho's heart, and there was an itching feeling.

"How did you get in?"

"The windows are not closed."

"Your side hustle is Catwoman?"

"Yes, hahaha~ how, have you never seen such a sexy catwoman?"

"Next time, please put on your work clothes, Catwoman has to look like Catwoman."

Song Zhixiao bit his lip and punched Kim Jae-ho: "What do you think!" "

"Think of good things ~ Why are the eyes so good-looking?"

Looking at the streamer in Song Zhixiao's eyes, it was more beautiful than the starlight in the night sky.

"Your eyes are not good-looking, and you have eye poop." Song Zhixiao didn't mind either, and directly got it off with his hands.

"Then I'll go wash up."

"No, that's it."


Kim Jae-ho hugged tighter.

"Will it be heavy? Press like this? "

"Not heavy, very soft."


"Who is staring while others are sleeping?"

"It's a good-looking person."

"Why don't you wake me up?"

"I want to see how you look asleep."

"Does it look good?"


"Satisfied with my sleeping position? Can I sleep together later? "

"No, but I sleep terribly."

"It's okay, you can sleep again during the day if you don't sleep well at night."

"What did you do that night?"

"Do what you love."


"Jason opened the door for me." Song Zhixiao said.

"It must be to open the door for the hostess~ He got up so early?"

"Well, while playing a game, he said he could call him when he needed him, and he didn't know anything until then."

"It looks like he's going to raise his salary."

"FFF~ I didn't have a job today." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"Can you finally rest well?"

"Hmm~ what are you going to do today?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"I was supposed to go to the crew."


"Yes, change your mind now, go on a date today."

"Really? Going outside? "

"Otherwise, stay here all the time?"

"It's not impossible."

"Huh? Then you wait! I'll go take a shower! "

Song Jihyo knocked Kim Jae-ho's head: "Go out on a date after taking a bath!" "

"Ah..." Kim Jae-ho made a pitying sound, and the movement of putting on his shoes slowed down a little.

"Not yet, not ready, wait a minute." Song Zhixiao said with a smile.

"Okay, it's mine anyway, it's still a long time."

"What's yours?" Song Zhixiao looked to the other side.

"Yes... You! Kim Jae-ho suddenly turned around, and then hugged Song Jihyo up.

"Ah~! Why! "

"Let's take a bath!"

"Let go of me hahaha~"

Kim Jae-ho put her down after spinning her around, and then leaned in close to watch, feeling the hot snort and gasp between the two.

"Oh Mo, Kim Jae-ho has a lot more strength?"

"Of course, you have to have a strong body." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile, "I'll go take a bath first, you go out first." "

"What's wrong, still shy?" Song Zhixiao laughed.

"Okay." Kim Jae-ho said and began to undress.

"What are you doing!"

"Undress! How do you take a shower without taking off your clothes? "

"Wait! I'll go out first! "

"Didn't you say you couldn't get out?" Kim Jae-ho said as he took off his pants.

"Ugh!" Song Zhixiao ran and went out.

After washing, they went on a date for a day, did not go to a crowded place, and went to play some more interesting things.

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