Song Zhixiao obediently let him comb his hair, and then said happily: "I'm going to change clothes!" "

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

"No, you go first." Song Zhixiao said.

"I'll wait for you."


Song Zhixiao smiled, and then jumped into the changing room, looking very good.

Kim Jae-ho turned his head and saw Sang-yoon giving him a thumbs up.

Kim Jae-ho hooked the corners of his mouth and tilted his hands, proud.

The two moved to the next task point together, and Song Jihyo asked Kim Jae-ho to open the door first, that is, let Kim Jae-ho go first.

Ranking this is still very important, since he has let Kim Jae-ho wait for himself, Song Zhixiao is still very sensible.

As soon as the door opens, it is a very beautiful place.

As soon as he opened the door, Kim Jae-ho jumped out, "Zang! "


Song Zhixiao stood on the other side and shouted, and when he saw such a beautiful scenery and his boyfriend next to him, he was in a very good mood.

She bounced and ran out, "Land of Wonder, Alice~"

Kim Jae-ho looked at the back with a smile, feeling that Song Jihyo really looked like Alice, and if it was she who won in the end, it would be powerful, and Alice was completely in wonderland.

Song Zhixiao, who finally got up, also seemed to be sleepwalking.

The closest he came to Alice was probably when he was playing a super run, and there was a picture called four people concentrity, which he liked very much.

I thought about that really ancient time.

The original book is from 1865 and tells the story of a dream of Alice.

It's really full of imagination and some cautionary content, which is perfect for children.

It used to be replayed over and over again on TV, of course, the animated version of '51.

The welcome was the Lord PD, and Song Zhixiao jumped in front of him and stood up with a sharp brake, but cute and lovely.

Kim Jae-ho also quickly ran up and stood up.

"Welcome to Strange Lands."

"Oh, you should also dress up, decorate some rabbit hair and wear a vest or something." Kim Jae-ho said.

Obviously, PD's salary does not include this, this is Dongwan's job.

PD smiled, this little wind and waves could not affect his mentality, he directly handed over the task letter, and did not follow Kim Jae-hopi.

Kim Jae-ho took it and handed it to Song Ji-hyo to read.

Song Zhixiao said in a milky sweet voice: "Please find the key to open the secret door and go home, there is only one person who can go home, and the key is in a treasure chest here." "

"Is the one who doesn't go home living here?" Is this the home for the future? Kim Jae-ho asked.

Song Zhixiao looked around and said "wow", just thinking that this seemed to be good.

PD smiled, not wanting to answer the question, or those words: insufficient funding.

First put on the name tag, and then you are ready to go.

Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo searched for a while but did not find it, so they separated and left.

Kim Jae-ho saw Yoo Jae-seok.

"Yay! Elder brother! How can you not call me! Yesterday was a teammate! "

Liu Zaishi saw that Kim Jae-ho was also very weak-hearted, and said with a smile: "I don't want to, it's a personal battle." "

"Personal battle, at least you can call me when you leave."

Liu Zaishi couldn't refute it, in fact, he wanted to delay Kim Jae-ho's time as much as possible, and Kim Jae-ho was doing the task too fast.

"So be it, I'll tell you the intelligence." Liu Zaishi said.

Kim Jae-ho's eyes lit up: "What intelligence?" "

Liu Zaishi said: "After opening the box, if it is not a key, there will be various effects. "

He turned away.

Jin Jae-ho was directly shocked when he saw Liu Zaishi's back: "What is this!" "

"That's it! The name brand has become bigger! I'm okay, haha that's bigger! "

"How old is that," Kim said with a laugh.

"Don't mention it, I was wearing high heels just now, you hurry up and find the box, it's interesting."

"But brother, do you have anything to eat? I'm hungry. "

"There's food in the box."


Kim Jae-ho's power was instantly full.

So it is, no wonder breakfast is not given.

It's really a great intelligence, but if you think about it, it doesn't make sense, talk is better than nothing.

Kim Jae-ho went according to where Liu Zaishi came, which doesn't matter, because this place is very large, even if it is a passing place, there may be treasure chests hidden.

It is a garden-like place, everything is available, the greenery is well done and very beautiful.

Suddenly, there was a box lying on the ground, and Kim Jae-ho rushed over to open it, he wanted to eat very much.

"Brother Zaishi really is, I can't see it like this." Kim Jae-ho smiled and opened the box, there was no breakfast inside, only three words, lift.

He had a very bad premonition, and as soon as he looked up, several people gathered around.

"What for? What are you doing?! "

Then all RM heard screams in the distance.

Liu Zaishi ran over and said with a smile: "Zaihao, open it!" Yikes! How can that be opened! "

There was a bit of schadenfreude in his smile.

It was not that he did not see it, but deliberately did not open it, because he kept an eye on it and saw the vehicle parked in the distance.

The place that rises is just a small frame, empty on all sides, only a few iron rods to block it.

After going up, Kim Jae-ho did not shout, squatting on the ground and pulling the iron rod in his hand.

Those who can still stand and shout after going up are actually not afraid at all, and those who are really afraid cannot be called.

PD said that this is a benefit, which means that with this you can see the surrounding situation very quickly and see the mountains and small mountains.

Kim Jae-ho's face turned pale, and Liu Zaishi and Song Jihyo who ran over from afar to watch were frightened when they saw that height.

"Dafa!" Song Zhixiao covered his mouth and said, "Oh Duo Yi..."

"In Hao! Whoosh~" Liu Zaishi screamed hoarsely, and his expression said that he didn't know that he thought it was him on it, which was very substitutionary.

"Originally, it was me who was on top, in Hao ~ Woo, it's so high! How is it so high? Liu Zaishi looked up.

Kim Jae-ho looked up and saw Sang-yoon.

"Don't hold on, squat down, the most important thing is to live." Kim Jae-ho said.

Sangyoon slowly crouched down.

Kim Jae-ho didn't have to look at his face, he knew it when he saw his movements.

Ordinary Sangyun is really not afraid, but standing at such a high place with a camera and can't be supported, he is a little afraid.

Originally, Kim Jae-ho was sent up to let him open the full picture, but he kept looking at the sky in the distance and didn't look down at all.

But when he came down to move, he still couldn't help but glance down, and he visibly trembled with the naked eye and then immediately looked up and took a deep breath.

Fortunately, the speed of going down is not fast, and it is quite stable.

When Kim Jae-ho came down, Liu Zaishi immediately surrounded him.

"In Hao! What are you doing with this box! "

"Brother, don't you say it earlier!" Kim Jae-ho rolled his eyes.

"Why are you still opening such a big lift car here!"

"I thought it was breakfast! Help me, my feet are soft. "

"It must be scary." Song Zhixiao said, "Can I try it?" "

Yoo Jae-seok and Kim Jae-ho both face question marks.

Kim Jae-ho: "Why is the logic of your two sentences so strange?" "

Liu Zaishi: "You are even more terrifying!" "

Then Song Zhixiao really went up, and he only needed to open the box again.

Kim Jae-ho and Yoo Jae-seok, two people who are afraid of heights, are stunned to see it, especially Song Jihyo is very happy on it, and even can turn around and walk around, chat and look around, like a tourist.

"Why is she so happy, is this human?" Liu Zaishi asked.

Kim Jae-ho nodded: "It should be." "

For them, this is someone from another world.

As soon as the two people were compared, it seemed that Kim Jae-ho was particularly funny and very provocative.

But Liu Zaishi understands Kim Jae-ho very well, even if he is at most a little better than Kim Jae-ho, his fear of heights is not as serious as Kim Jae-ho.

But for him to play on it like Song Zhixiao, it is impossible.

"Brother, let's go find food, where is the box where you eat?" Kim Jae-ho said.

"I'll take you."

Before Song Zhixiao came down, there were already people waiting below, and Zheng Zaixi was also curious about the treasure chest on the ground and opened it, he was the next player.

Kim Jae-ho also found a cake to eat, and then got a super double buff for the brand.

"The name tag of eating will become bigger, it should be Alice, according to this theme, is there a rabbit, a queen and the like." Kim Jae-ho said.

"I just saw the playing cards." Liu Zaishi said, "People walk around wearing playing cards. "

"Oh? Is this the real poker face? "


The original meaning of poker face refers to the act of remaining expressionless in order to confuse enemies in card games.

Now special image.

"Will this be replenished all the time? Can I eat all the time? Kim Jae-ho asked.

The little brother in charge was stupid and looked at the PD.

PD said: "No, a person can only open it once. "

"So what if I haven't eaten enough?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"You can find something else to eat, and there are other effects."


Looking at Kim Jae-ho's excited appearance, PD is very speechless, isn't this person afraid that his name brand will become bigger?

Kim Jae-ho is not panicked at all, if it becomes bigger, then there may be smaller, after all, Alice has also drunk the magic potion several times to become smaller.

Kim Jae-ho was walking when he suddenly saw Liu Zaishi running over.

"Quick! There is a place that is interesting, I will take you there! "

Kim Jae-ho was also happy: "What place is so interesting?" "

Liu Zaishi said: "It's really very interesting, hurry up, I failed the challenge, you hurry up and see what the success is." "


Kim Jae-ho was also interested and immediately followed.

"Brother, what is this in your hand?"

"Gloves." Liu Zaishi said.

"In that case, I can tear you off casually now."

"So, you can't fail, if you fail, you will become like me."

"Then I'm still not going."

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