Liu Zaishi said: "It's really just beginning, Kim Jae-ho and I never worry about wasting food when we go out, and we eat everything we can every time." "

"Then why are you so thin?" Bao'er was shocked.

"Don't look at me like this, my muscles are hidden under my clothes." Kim Jae-ho was proud.

Bao'er: "That can be hidden deep enough." "

Kim Jae-ho: ...

Liu Zaishi laughed so much that he almost fell out of his chair, this sentence is really the best today.

In order to clarify, Kim Jae-ho also took out his mobile phone to show Bao'er the pictorial he had taken before, and Bao'er was really surprised.

Fortunately, she didn't say such a commotion as "the current technology is so good", otherwise Kim Jae-ho's mentality would really collapse.

In the end, he tossed until ten o'clock to go to bed, and he was already the earliest person of anyone.

There is no room tonight, sleeping in a tent, after all, it is a campsite.

But there should be everything, very feeling, and floor heating, Kim Jae-ho fell asleep at once.

Others also prepared to go to bed one after another, Liu Zaishi did not stay idle, curiously ran outside, met haha, the production team and haha explained the situation, meaning that there are only eight tents, so there is a large tent that requires two people to sleep, and it is he and Jin Zhiguo who are arranged.

The final result became that Liu Zaishi and Haha slept in that tent.

Liu Zaishi just came out to eat a melon, and inexplicably lost his own separate tent.

Liu Zaishi and Haha are the most familiar, after all, they have recorded a lot of programs together, and the noisy before going to bed is very interesting, and there are a lot more shots.

At 6:55 in the morning, Liu Zaishi got up, and he got up alone, without waking Halulu.

He was the only one when he came out, and he was very surprised, thinking that there would be many people.

After all, there are people like Li Guangzhu who don't sleep in this world.

However, this time Li Guangzhu did not seem to stay up late, and Liu Zaishi did not know that everyone received different instructions.

They received seven o'clock, Kim Junguo they received seven o'clock, and Lee Kwang-joo they didn't hear anything.

This is also the reason why Liu Zaishi is alone, after all, he is five minutes ahead.

"Ah, it seems that I haven't slept..." Liu Zaishi was sleepy-eyed and exhausted.

"What's wrong?" PD asked.

"Haha, snoring, really, just hit my ears, went to the bathroom in the early hours of the morning, didn't close the door of the tent, I was still wondering why it was so cold."

Liu Zaishi's day began with complaining about his roommate and lasted five minutes.

Soon the time came, and as instructed he called PD.

"Hello Zaishi Xi, now convey what you are going to do, today you go back to the strange country, in order to reach the strange country, you have to pass through the magic gate, and the place where the magic gate exists is somewhere in Kim Jae-ho's tent."

"That's just right, I'm going to call Jae-ho too." Liu Zaishi said.

"It would be more advantageous to pass through the magic gate first, from now on it is a personal battle, try not to wake up other members."

Yoo Jae-seok listened to the phone while walking to Kim Jae-ho's tent, and when Kim Jae-ho was woken up from his sleep, the person he saw was Ji Seok-jin.

"Yay! Why are you still sleeping! Where is the door of magic? Chi Shizhen didn't have any heart.

Kim Jae-ho almost thought he was still dreaming.

"What magic door?"

"Don't you know yet?" After Ji Shizhen finished speaking, he didn't care about Kim Jae-ho, and directly began to rummage.

What Kim Jae-ho didn't know was that countless people had come before Chi Seok-jin, and his tent was very lively in the previous hour.

Kim Jae-ho looked at the phone, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning, and everyone was stupid: "Brother Zaishi hasn't gotten up yet?" "

PD: "He left an hour ago. "

"Huh?!" Kim Jae-ho was dumbfounded, "Didn't I call him me?" He forgot? "

PD: "Today is a personal battle. "

Kim Jae-ho: "Oh... Brother Zaishi is really..."

He already understood.

Because it was a personal battle, Liu Zaishi directly left himself and left.

"Brother, are you the last?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"No, you're the last." Chi Shizhen said and walked out with his things.

"Brother! Let's see it together! Kim Jae-ho quickly got out of bed.

"Find it yourself!" Chi Shizhen immediately accelerated and rushed out.

"What! Don't have breakfast time? "Kim Jae-ho only cares about this.

"You'll know this later." PD。

Kim Jae-ho had to quickly start looking, and after finding it, he saw an address.

Just as he was about to leave, PD asked, "Song Zhixiao is still sleeping." "

"Is it? Which tent is she in? Kim Jae-ho asked without thinking.

He slept first yesterday, so he didn't know which tent it was.

"Are you sure you want to call her? Today is a personal battle. "

"Definitely, I won't call you too." Kim Jae-ho said and went out to find Song Ji-hyo.

"Ignorant ~ get up!" Kim Jae-ho did not go in, and called directly at the door.

Song Zhixiao woke up directly, his eyes hazy.

"Hurry up and get up! There were only two of us left, and everyone else set off! If you don't get up again, I'll come in and find you." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Don't! Get up now! You wait outside! Inside the tent came Song Zhixiao's slightly frightened voice.

"Then I'll go first, the address is here." Kim Jae-ho said.


Kim Jae-ho left first when he heard the answer, although he was curious about what Song Jihyo looked like, but he still forgot.

He is already someone with a girlfriend, not a straight man.

Although these two have little to do with each other.

Song Zhixiao is really panicked, others don't care, this look must not be allowed by Kim Jae-ho to see, although the cameras next to him have been filmed.

Now I heard that Kim Jae-ho left first, and if Kim Jae-ho came in just now, she would directly cover herself with a quilt.

Kim Jae-ho found a taxi and set off, with a note that read, "Go to the mouth of the Ushinuma River and find the magic gate." "

On the way, PD has already made up the settings for him.

It had been ten hours since Chi Shizhen woke up, so he was still in very good spirits.

As for his destination, it is actually the place where the river and the sea converge, the place where the water flowing under the basalt at the mouth of the river gushes out and meets the sea and forms in a deep stream.

Kim Jae-ho looked at the camera held by Sang-yoon sitting next to him: "I thought about it, did the production team know that I had to get up an hour late, so they deliberately chose me." "

Sangyo nodded.

Whether it is to see if you can wake up Kim Jae-ho, or to watch everyone rummage next to Kim Jae-ho and he is unaware, it is a very interesting thing.

Kim Jae-ho really didn't wake up at all, and there were several very big movements, such as Kim Junguk and Harulu sitting on the edge of his bed, and he didn't notice it.

Even if a normal person is asleep, as long as someone sits on the edge of the bed, he will wake up, and the person who sleeps lightly will even know as soon as you get close to him.

Kim Jae-ho not only didn't know, but also slept very soundly, his sleeping posture was very upright, lying down, basically a standard sleeping position, almost did not move for an hour.

It's not nice to say, it's like dying...

Li Guangzhu couldn't help but probe his snort to confirm that he was still alive.

However, everyone did not move Kim Jae-ho or speak loudly, just didn't want to wake him up and see how long he could sleep.

As a result, both of them slept until the end...

No wonder they're a couple... All love to sleep.

I have to say that the phase is quite good, and after marriage, I am not afraid of who disturbs who sleeps.

Yesterday they won, and today he wants to win too.

On the other side, Liu Zaishi, who was the first to leave, also met Bao'er, who was the first to arrive.

The two greeted happily, and Bao'er directly compared hearts above his head, making Liu Zaishi smile.

"When did you come?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Just now."

"But Oppa, is your name Zaihao?" Bao'er asked.

"Did you call?" Liu Zaishi asked rhetorically.


The two men smiled knowingly.

Seeing that everyone is not being a good person, I am relieved.

These two former teammates are unprecedentedly consistent at this moment.

"Let's go together." Bao'er said.

Liu Zaishi also has this intention.

Although it is an individual battle, when there is no conflict, two people can still be together.

"But what's in Oppa's bag?" Bao'er asked.

"Nothing, just look good at home and carry it."

It's just a decorative bag.

Bao'er asked this, in fact, she wanted to ask if there was anything to eat in it, she was hungry.

Suddenly, they saw a mysterious arrangement and immediately sped up.

Liu Zaishi rushed in front of Bao'er, he saw it first, and did not remind Bao'er.

After all, it is a personal battle, and this is the time for conflict.

An hour later, Kim Jae-ho also arrived.

That's the gap, the gap by an hour.

When Kim Jae-ho arrived here, Song Ji-hyo had not yet arrived.

He didn't wait and walked straight over.

When you look closer, it is a wall-like thing, backed by a very beautiful view, detached, the wall is shiny, and it is a hat-like pattern.

There was a doorknob in the middle, and he opened it and went in.

Obviously there is a lake behind the gate, this is to enter the water? The realm of magic under the water?

That's a big deal!

However, he opened the door and found it empty.

"What?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

PD said: "Please go over and change your clothes and move to the next place. "


Dare to love here is just a point of transition...

"It's going to be cut, and it's like opening the door and moving there." PD explains.

"Okay, I thought that country was under the water."

"Limited funding ... If you're willing to sponsor, you can. PD said.

"Then forget it, it's good, I'll go change clothes first."

After he changed out, he met Song Zhixiao.

"Look at you, what kind of sleep you are." Kim Jae-ho smiled at Song Ji-hyo's hair.

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