Xiaomin looked embarrassed, before she started, she simulated countless times in her heart, how to tear, how to do it, including how to say after failure.

But the plan couldn't catch up with the changes, or showed the stuffing, and Kim Jae-ho's reaction was really too fast.

At that moment just now, he was playing with Liu Zaishi, and there was also a third party, Kim Jae-ho should be in the most relaxed state, how could he react so quickly?!

And that brand is too difficult to tear, right?

"What's going on, are you a spy? Elegant too? Liu Zaishi now doesn't know what happened, although he is a party in both things.

"Oppa, I'm really not, just try it."

"You're a spy! Yikes! All three of you! Liu Zaishi suddenly changed his style: "Ah~ It's a pity, how good it would be if it succeeded!" "

In this way, Kim Jae-ho can directly accompany him, and he can't be weird next to him, so he can relieve his hatred!

But it's a pity that he should have avoided it like Kim Jae-ho just now, but Gao Yala was too powerful, and he grabbed his name tag and tore it off at once.

And Xiaomin only touched it, did not grasp it firmly.

When Liu Zaishi said that it was a pity, the staff next to him all laughed, how damaged!

I was looking forward to the elimination of my teammates.

On the other side, Kim Jae-ho was running forward, and he saw that Lee Kwang-joo and Ji Seok-jin were not in charge, these two people were unreliable.

This pool made him lose his temperature, and only the arms of Kim Junguo could give him warmth.

That's right, he is going to find Jin Zhiguo now.

But the entire indoor swimming pool searched, but I couldn't find Jin Zhiguo.

What he didn't know was that Jin Zhiguo was also looking for him outside, which was unfortunate.

Fruitless indoors, Kim Jae-ho rushed outside, and suddenly, he witnessed the name tag of Kim Jiangguo staring elegantly in the distance, and then looked like he wanted to do it, suddenly, she moved!

"Brother! Be careful with the back! Kim roared.

But his roar attracted Jin Zhiguo's attention and made Gao Yala give up the attack.


Jin Zhiguo was immediately startled, and then turned back sharply, and Gao Yala also looked confused.

It looked like he didn't know what Kim Jae-ho was talking about.

"In Hao? What's wrong? Jin Zhiguo asked.

Kim Jae-ho ran over and said, "Brother! She's going to tear your name tag! "

"I didn't!" Gao Yala said immediately.

"And said no! I saw it all! Kim Jae-ho said.

Jin Zhiguo immediately took a step back and looked at Gao Yala warily.

"Oppa, I really don't!" Gao Yala's watery eyes looked at Jin Zhiguo.

"I'll tear your name tag now, see if you still dare to quibble!" Kim Jae-ho immediately tried to rush over.

Gao Yala quickly screamed and hid behind Jin Zhiguo.

"Wait a minute! You wait! "Jin Zhiguo immediately protected Gao Ya, after all, he was his teammate.

"Brother! You also help her! I just saw her reach out! Kim Jae-ho said.

"I don't have it! If you don't believe it, ask them! Gao Yala pointed at the VJs, "And what am I tearing Oppa for, he is my teammate, even if I am a spy, now Oppa is helping me." "

"Yes!" Kim said.

"Hey! I'll just..." Kim Jae-ho wanted to rush up and tear her, so that Kim Junguo could see if there was a dangerous red on her name tag.

"Wait, you make it clear first!" Kim Junguo immediately stopped Kim Jae-ho.

"What else to say, brother! Elder brother! Do you believe me or do you believe her! Me! Your favorite brother! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

Jin Zhiguo immediately looked at Gao Yala, Gao Yala: "Oppa! "

Kim is in a direct dilemma.

It's like a girl who has always liked herself and runs up to her and says, "She's a vixen!" Then the feeling of the girl you like saying "she's talking nonsense."

"Oppa! I'm really innocent! Why should I tear you! Oppa! "Elegant and full of acting skills.

"Oppa! No, brother! Women can't believe it! Elder brother! Don't be blinded by her! "Kim Jae-ho was in a hurry, and his mouth was shut.

"Don't worry, make it clear first!" Kim said.

"I was attacked by Xiaomin just now, and even Brother Shi saw it, brother, they may all be spies!" No, it's spies, all three of them! Kim Jae-ho said.

"What?" Jin Zhiguo was surprised.

"No, isn't Zaishi Oppa already eliminated?" Gao Yala asked.

"I don't know, it should be in prison, anyway, he saw it." Kim Jae-ho said.

"You see, Oba himself can't tell, he must be trying to trick you into tearing me up!" Gao Yala was very earnest: "Oppa, you believe me, we are a team!" "

"I don't say so much, in a word, do you believe me or do you believe her?" Kim Jae-ho actually asked, "Do you love me or do you love her?" "

"Oppa, if you don't believe my words, you will just tear me up!" Gao Yala directly exposed her back to Jin Zhiguo.

Jin Chenguo's head was bigger, "No, there is no need for such a Ya, I don't know what to do." "

"If you believe me, you will tear him directly, he must have a problem!" Gao Yala said.

"Brother! Don't let her fool you! You believe me! "

"It's true that Yala is a little strange, I believe you."

"Really, speechless!" Gao Yala looked incredulous, "Oppa, can't we prove anything in a day?" "

"But you also tore Brother Zaishi before."

"Brother Zaishi was eliminated by her? You see! Definitely! How could normal people be in such a hurry to eliminate people! Kim Jae-ho gave a thumbs up, "But nice job!" "

Gao Yala, who has always been on the opposite line with Kim Jae-ho, couldn't help but laugh when she heard this, and then said positively: "I just tried it, but I didn't expect to tear it off directly." "

"Brother, Yizhen Nu said the same thing before." Kim Jae-ho said, "She turned out to be a spy!" "

"Yes!" Kim Junguo immediately felt that Kim Jae-ho was justified.

"Oppa! I'm really not! "

Whether it is or not, Kim Junguk still chooses to believe Kim Jae-ho, but he did not tear her up immediately, but left with Kim Jae-ho.

Leaving Gao Yala in place annoyed, "It's a pity, it's almost a little!" I didn't expect to be seen! Sure enough, Kim Jae-ho is not to be underestimated. "

"If only I hadn't done it just now, maybe Kim Jae-ho wouldn't have suspected me."

Gao Yala was really ready to start just now, because there was no one around in the dark, if they got Jin Zhiguo here, then they would be invincible.

Still greedy...

On the other side, Kim Jae-ho, who fled in a panic, also said: "Actually, I have long suspected her. "

"That's right, I'm your dearest brother, how can I lie to you, this time it's your luck, otherwise you're already in prison, it's hot." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Really? Are all three guests spies? "

"It should be, otherwise it's too difficult to talk alone, so what should I do now, brother?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"How do I know, it's all girls."

"Also, brother, you are weak to girls, so brother, you just let her go, but sooner or later you have to face it." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Then you can tear her and you won't go."

"I'm scared alone, it's so dark here."

“...... Forget it, let's go find Haha first, Haha seems to be nearby. Jin Zhiguo said.

"yes, I have to tell them quickly." Kim Jae-ho agreed.

But the two people searched for a circle and did not find haha, which is very strange.

"Did they go in again?" Kim Junguo asked.

"No, I'll come out of it, but there's another way to get in." Kim Jae-ho said, "The pool outside here can go all the way inside." "

"Really?" Jin Zhiguo was surprised.

"Of course, I'm the little prince of the terrain, I know it all."

If it is usual, the two brothers huddle to keep warm, it can be said that no one is afraid, but today's opponents are all girls, which is a fatal blow to Jin Zhiguo.

"Brother, in this way, when the time comes, you directly grab it, and I will tear it." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Okay, that's it." Jin Zhiguo very much agreed.

"Then let's kill it directly, isn't it a girl, and it's not a flood beast."

"It is!" Kim said.

Kim Jae-ho looks very confident, but in fact, Kim Junguo also knows that they are just bold.

The two people went first, intending to find haha, and the three brothers were the complete body.

"But in fact, I can't be completely sure, after all, Xiaomin just tried it, maybe I misunderstood her." Kim Jae-ho said.

Kim Junguo looked at Kim Jae-ho with a shocked expression: "What are you talking about?!" I've turned my face for you and grace! Shouldn't it be that Xiao Min didn't do anything to you, but you eliminated Xiao Min? "

"How is it possible!" Kim Jae-ho said.

Jin Zhiguo only felt that it was over, and the more he said it, the more it looked like.

"Forget it, let's look for it separately." Kim said.

"Brother, don't you believe me?"

"Don't say believe these two words anymore, I have a headache when I hear it, let's separate for the time being."

"Okay, shout loudly if something happens, I'll go and save you." Kim Jae-ho said.

"You too."

Kim Jae-ho saw Lee Kwang-joo, but did not go to them, he first found a place to hide.

Now the situation is unknown, and all doubts are doubts without a stone hammer.

However, Kim Jae-ho still prefers that the three guests are spies, anyway, Gao Yala must be spies.

He waited for a while, and suddenly there was a noisy sound, and then he poked his head out to take a look and saw that Jin Zhiguo was being chased by three girls.

"Yay! Why are you doing this! Jin Zhiguo shouted as he ran.

Three girls chased after them, "Oppa, don't run!" Here you go! "

This is like entering a pansi hole, how can Jin Zhiguo not run!

In terms of girls, Jin Zhiguo really looks like a Tang monk!

In a hurry, Jin Chengguo jumped into the water with a bang, and then began to swim wildly with the crook of his broad arms.

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