When he looked back, it was Song Zhixiao, who was smiling like a flower, and swallowed the dirty words in his mouth, and immediately showed a smile.

If it is Lee Kwang-joo, this is murder, but in the words of Song Zhixiao, this is called playfulness. After Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo chatted a few words, Song Zhihyo left, definitely can't let Song Zhihyo down, she wants to come down Kim Jae-ho will not let her down, but others are different.

He beckoned, "Xiaomin, you also come down, this water is warm!" ""

"Really?" Sensitive to accidents.

Kim Jae-ho said that it must be true, and Xiaomin squatted on the edge, "Really? Really not cold? "

"Of course, why did Oppa lie to you?"

Kim Jae-ho is now acting like a water ghost, wanting to find a substitute for the dead ghost.

"How do I get in?"

"How about taking off your shoes first?" Kim Jae-ho asked.


"Get down you!" Kim Jae-ho was directly pulled, and Xiaomin screamed and fell into the water.

"Is it cold?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Warm~" Xiaomin, who was still screaming just now, said with a smile.

"Having said that, Oppa won't lie to you."

"When someone comes, we dive down so no one can see us." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Huh?" Xiao Min is obviously already thinking about the situation at that time.

"Just kidding, you want me to dive into the water, unless it's not a person." Kim Jae-ho smiled confidently.

Such a virtual situation can also be seen in teammates from time to time.

Because it was originally a change of clothes suitable for entering the water, it doesn't matter if you are in the water now, and because the water is warm, it is quite comfortable.

"Hurry up and go up, it's not good to soak for too long." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Huh? Isn't it going to hide here? But also, it's not good to be swollen. "Xiaomin can't keep up with Kim Jae-ho's thinking, or has never kept up.

It was too dangerous inside, so even Song Zhixiao and them went outside, because they could only meet just now.

For ACE, it definitely doesn't want to be eliminated too quickly, and Kim Jae-ho should not have a big problem as long as he follows ACE's thinking.

There are only three groups of Kim Zhiguo, Liu Zaishi and Li Guangzhu, Kim Jae-ho feels that the first to be eliminated should be Lee Guangzhu Chi Shi Zhen, Liu Zaishi should not be eliminated so easily, if he is eliminated, it is spy work.

Unfortunately, while they were chatting, Liu Zaishi had been eliminated first, and there was not even a broadcast reminder.

Liu Zaishi trusts Jin Zhiguo very much, and Jin Zhiguo did not tear his heart, it can but is not necessary, but there is one person in their team who thinks differently.

Gao Yala, this girl who looked very positive, when Liu Zaishi leaked out of their backs without reservation, she brazenly launched an attack and eliminated Liu Zaishi very smoothly.

Not to mention Liu Zaishi, even Jin Zhiguo was taken aback.

His teammates suddenly opened fire, unaware of them, and the movements were too clean and violent.

It's even a little funny because it's so sudden.

This scene was witnessed by everyone inside, and after seeing Liu Zaishi disappear in an instant, Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen also hurriedly slipped away, originally the three teams walked together, now who dares to go together.

Like a herd of deer on the grassland, after one of them was suddenly killed, the first thing the other compatriots thought was not to save him, but to escape.

"The shortest time to eliminate ah! Now Zaihao should be very happy. Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"How can it be! Yikes! How can I see my fellow inmates like this! Liu Zaishi felt very embarrassed, and he said that his cellmates were mainly Kim Jae-ho.

Usually, Kim Jae-ho was the first to be eliminated, and Liu Zaishi did not taunt when he arrived in prison.

He felt that he would be able to see Kim Jae-ho's face later.

Two other fellow inmates, Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen, even dared to come back and taunt a wave.

"Shortest time! Shortest time! "

Liu Zaishi is very uncomfortable, and the most terrifying thing is that the place where he was eliminated is at the gate of the prison.

The shortest time is purely thinking too much, the issue when Li Zhijin came before, Li Guangzhu was eliminated before he arrived, that is not the shortest time, that is negative time.

"No, I didn't even think about it." Liu Zaishi sat alone in his chair.

"No, it's hot here!" Liu Zaishi realized later.

"Because it's a sauna." PD said.

The sauna is okay, the sauna is such a thing, active to go is to enjoy, passive is punishment.

"What sauna?" No, the most important thing now is what I want to say when Hiroshi comes, this has to be thought out in advance, ah, it's really..." Liu Zaishi tilted his head, "I must be annoyed to death by him, it's really disturbing." "

The source of restlessness - Kim Jae-ho.

When I think of Kim Jae-ho, I am upset, mainly because I complained that Kim Jae-ho has too much before, and I feel that if I seize the opportunity this time, Kim Jae-ho will definitely not let it go.

Now he didn't want Kim Jae-ho to come so soon.

On the other side, haha found his brother.

They also didn't know what was going on, they had just returned indoors outside.

After knowing that it was elegantly torn off, I was not afraid, after all, it was a girl.

What bad thoughts can such a good-looking girl have?

"I thought it would be bad, but I didn't mean to tear it." That's what she said.

But having said that, everyone also knows a word, the explanation is a cover-up, if it is the first time, everyone may believe it.

But to be honest, haha this kind of spy veteran, at this moment already know that Gao Yala is a spy.

He thought of even more.

As soon as Gao Yala finished saying this, Haha immediately said: "Beautiful Three Musketeers!" "

He directly guessed the theme of this issue, yes, the theme of this issue is the beautiful three musketeers, that is, Kim Jae-ho guessed, the three guests, all spies.

Gao Yala's face was innocent, and it looked like she didn't know what Haha was talking about.

In fact, her mind has begun to churn now, how could this person know about this?

Even the names given to them by the program team at the beginning were accurately guessed!

"Then it's not me." Song Zhixiao said.

Haha said: "You are not a beautiful woman, you are a beautiful man." "

As the only beautiful man in RM, Song Zhixiao immediately grew his head, because he was so speechless that he even laughed.

Haha insisted on his judgment, suggesting that there was something wrong with Jin Zhiguo's elegance.

But Kim Junguo is an assertive man, and his opinion is that he believes no one but himself.

So you see that even if he is sitting, he is sitting against the wall, and no one can tear him in this position.

So the reminder is actually superfluous.

Jin Zhiguo was just waiting for the situation to change, to be honest, he didn't know what the current situation was, there was a feeling of confusion, everything was too early, after all, it was just one Liu Zaishi eliminated.

Even Kim Jae-ho is still alive.

"That's right! In Hao too! Is he alive? Jin Zhiguo suddenly thought.

"No, they were outside, they just saw it." Song Zhixiao said.

"Then I'll go to him first, use my brain to let him come and see what he thinks." Kim said.

After that, the two teams planned to part ways, and Haha immediately hid behind Song Zhixiao and used Song Zhixiao as a shield.

Song Zhixiao: "I'm really going crazy!" "

A girl is actually used as a shield by a boy, and there is no one.

Haha: "Because you have a special sense of security, know filial piety~"

Song Zhixiao didn't want such praise, but just felt that this kind of teammate was too dense.

Kim Junguo and Gao Yala went outside together to find Kim Jae-ho, but in fact, Kim Jae-ho had already entered through the pool.

Because I have been outside, I also want to see the situation inside.

Xiaomin also followed Kim Jae-ho, glancing at Kim Jae-ho's name tag from time to time, hesitating whether to start.

She is not as bold as Gao La, and she is sure to start, but she is afraid that she will fail.

You really are, I don't know what you're joking from time to time, anyway, it seems to be very powerful.

The two of them also felt strange, weren't there many people in the room, and now they couldn't see a few, and they saw Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen.

While walking, Kim Jae-ho suddenly saw Liu Zaishi on the side.

Kim Jae-ho immediately pushed the door in: "Yo ~ this is not Liu Zaishi ~ what's wrong, why are you sitting here?" "

Well, the annoying essence came so soon, and Liu Zaishi's expression of boredom and anger that could be seen with the naked eye directly began to rise.

"Aren't you eliminated?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"No, you see, namebrand." Kim Jae-ho turned around, "Are you eliminated?" "

"Oh Mo, why is it so hot here?" Kim Jae-ho realized later.

"Because this is a sauna, I bake a sauna here, of course I am not eliminated." Liu Zaishi looked very enjoyable.

"Oh? Huh? So many stools? "

"This is already there, you can also come and sit." Liu Zaishi looked like he was the master.

"Excuse me, you continue to bake, let's go, Xiaomin, let's go outside to play in the water, Mr. Liu, do you want to come together?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"No, you guys go play, I'll stay here for a while." Liu Zaishi said.

"Okay, then we..."

Kim Jae-ho was talking, and suddenly his whole body gave himself an extremely dangerous signal, and someone was moving his name tag!

Kim Zaihao turned sharply, this turn is to accumulate the experience and results of the previous year and a half of being torn off the famous brand, and directly avoided the timid hand on the opposite side.

Kim Jae-ho looked at Xiaomin in shock, and Xiaomin looked like he was joking.

"Yay! Are you a spy? "

"No, Oppa, I just want to try."

Witness citizen Liu Zaishi was also shocked, what is going on? What spy?

"You can tell me!" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I'm really not a spy, I just want to touch it, I didn't tear it off~"

"You've lost my trust." Kim Jae-ho immediately fled, and it was not advisable to stay here for long.

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