Scratching and scratching and beating, the two people used their imagination to their heart's content, and they also screamed and screamed, and when one used a new technique, the other screamed for a while and began to fight back with a new method.

Now it doesn't matter if you can't get out, showing your skills to make the other party more painful is the most important, Li Guangzhu even began to use her mouth...

After a few rounds back and forth, Kim Jae-ho realized that the two of them had been like this and could only lose both, and although it was hurt now, he still wanted to end the pain.

So he used his last strength, held Li Guangzhu and jumped out, the outside was cushioned, and it was not injured, but the two people were very injured.

As soon as they landed, the two people finally separated, both lying on the ground and panting.

The members of the whole process can be said to be very happy to watch, their palms are about to slap out, and Song Zhixiao squatted on the ground with a smile.

When the two of them came down, the members also hurried up to check on the situation of the two people.

The two finally sat up, their eyes dull, like two fools.

They are now covered in sorrow, Kim Jae-ho is red-faced, especially his nose, and then his hairstyle is messy, his clothes are almost torn in half, there are still bite marks on his hands, and his shoes are all gone, mainly because just now Lee Kwang-joo took off his shoes and covered his face, and one foot didn't even have socks.

Lee Kwang-joo is no better, but because of the relationship between his legs, he has more shoes than Kim Jae-ho, and he still holds Kim Jae-ho's socks in his hand, looking blankly ahead, as if doubting life.

In the end, PD judged that the two people came down at the same time, ending with the To Qifeng's movie - "Harmony is Precious", that is, a tie, this game does not count~

What a harmonious and festive ending, the two people are even more confused now, so what were they doing just now???

What are they fighting so hard for???

What is this scarred body for???

The two looked at each other, did not smile, both were expressionless, they felt like fools, they wanted to join forces to strangle PD, all because of him!!

The members had been conducting post-war interviews, and none of them responded, pondering the three major questions of life, until they finally stood up with the help of their teammates, and it took a few minutes for the game to really end.

"Daihatsu !!" The members have been amazed, these two people's sense of variety is really strong, very open, really the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, the juniors work so hard, Liu Zaishi they are very pleased ah~

"Come, let's applaud both of them!!" Liu Zaishi took the lead in applauding.

Both of them smiled shyly, and then saw each other, the smile disappeared instantly, and suddenly, Lee Kwang-joo threw Kim Jae-ho's socks in his hand, and Kim Jae-ho's violent temper also immediately threw back the towel that was torn from Lee Kwang-joo's neck.

The members quickly laughed and pulled them back, and they also wanted to rush over to give each other a look as if they were very angry.

"You come to me!!"

"Are you coming!! Hit me!! "

"You come here!! Guaranteed not to wash you!! "

It's almost such a trash talk, anyway, it looks powerful, but it just can't rush out, if it weren't for the snickering that couldn't help but snicker after stopping, I really thought they were angry.

PD called RunningMan a treasure, these two have a strong sense of variety!!

In the third round, the way the game changed, and the rule became that the passengers got off the bus, all the male members got on the bus, and which team came out first and which team won.

As soon as they heard it, Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo looked at each other, and they couldn't help but laugh, this is also too ridiculous, right? That means the two of them have to have a ???

This time, PD made a very human adjustment, "Because the blue team has one more person, you can discuss who doesn't have to participate." "

That also needs to be said, of course, Kim Jae-ho, who is covered in scaly wounds, does not need to be discussed.

Seeing that Kim Jae-ho was not on top, Li Guangzhu was also relieved, at least the pressure was not so great, it seems that Kim Jae-ho's horror has left a mark in his heart.

Then, everyone looked at the passengers who got off the car, there were really a lot, lined up one by one, and people couldn't help but wonder if there were really so many people on the car?

But Lee Kwang-joo and Kim Jae-ho can tell you very responsibly that there really are so many...

The members also clapped their hands under the leadership of Liu Zaishi until they all came down, Liu Zaishi is also a very polite person, which is why RM can become so good.

Then the male members except Kim Jae-ho got into the car.

Kim Jae-ho sat on the ground resting, Song Jihyo and Jung so-yan stood left and right on either side of him, but now Kim Jae-ho is not even in the mood to speak, he is too tired, the amount of exercise is a little large, and his body is very tired now.

But Song Zhixiao looked at the passengers behind him, and suddenly walked up, greeting them one by one and shaking hands, as if he wanted to use this to encircle them.

The men are also very happy to see this, and they can shake hands with beautiful female stars, and it can be said that Song Zhixiao's trick is very successful.

A lot of people are happy, except for someone sitting on the ground...

"Yay! What for?!!! Kim Jae-ho shouted unpleasantly.

Song Jihyo also laughed when he heard Kim Jae-ho's shout, but he continued to shake hands before jumping back, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Yay! What to do?!!! Kim Jae-ho looked at Song Jihyo beside him with a happy look, and he was very upset.

"You care about me~" Song Zhixiao raised his chin, the corners of his mouth hooked a smile, and he seemed to be in a good mood, especially when he saw Kim Jae-ho's unhappy look.

Zheng Xiuyan saw Song Zhixiao like this, not to be outdone, compared to popularity, she was not bad, and she also went up to learn Song Zhixiao to shake hands with them like that.

Wow, this is Girlhood Wow, and the passengers couldn't be happier, and even shouted Jessica in unison together, over and over again.

"See no, people are much more powerful, don't be like this in the future." Kim Jae-ho muttered to the side.

"Cut~" Song Zhihyo cut, but he still seemed to be in a good mood, and then he also sat down like Kim Jae-ho, holding his knees with his hands, and sat next to Kim Jae-ho.

Jessica stood to support her teammates in the car.

"You were really funny just now~"

"Yes? I just feel a lot of pain..."

"Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore~"


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