"Oh, it's scary!!" Haha looked at Kim Jae-ho with a horrified look on the side, he now had a cold and shaky feeling.

"Guangzhu, Huai Ting!! You want to win!! Chi Shizhen was cheering Li Guangzhu on the side, obviously not seeing the situation clearly.

The red team really can't afford to lose, and if they lose again, they will even kneel.

But anyway, PD also shouted the beginning.

With an order, Lee Kwang-joo rushed out quickly, and Kim Jae-ho ran slowly and unhurriedly, in fact, it was useless for Li Kwang-joo to run so fast, except for being able to grab a head start, it didn't have much effect, because the car door was opened when he came, and this time was enough for Kim Jae-ho to rush behind him.

As soon as Lee Kwang-joo got into the car, Kim Jae-ho also followed.

As soon as he got up, Kim Jae-ho felt very refreshed, because there was air conditioning in the car! It won't be cold, but it's better than a stuffy carriage, right?

But soon, they knew that the air conditioning was useless, because when they entered it, the atmosphere changed instantly, and they felt the malice from the men in the entire carriage.


The members heard the screams from the two people, not only Lee Kwang-joo, but also Kim Jae-ho, he felt like he was about to be squashed!!

There are people next to him, and as soon as he tries to cross, the people on both sides will desperately squeeze in your direction, my God, they feel like they are the vegetable in the middle of the Big Mac burger, feeling the pressure from the world.

But Li Guangzhu was even worse, he was already uncomfortable, but he still took advantage of his height and thinness, and rammed inside, but just after walking far, he found that his trouser belt seemed to be hooked, and it became difficult to move forward.

"Aaaaaa What?!!! Let go!!!!! Lee Kwang-joo looked back sweating, and one hand actually pulled his pants, and he knew that it was Kim Jae-ho without thinking.

But Lee Kwang-joo's idea is too naïve, Kim Jae-ho had already seen Lee Kwang-joo when he got into the car, but he didn't expect this guy to be so fast, he also quickly pulled, since he was pulled, how could he let go?

Li Guangzhu had no choice, so he had to pull his pants and move forward with this force, which was already difficult, but now it has simply become hellish difficulty, and he feels the force from all directions.

And Kim Jae-ho was also pressed very badly, but it was much better than Lee Kwang-joo, at least he could still move forward with Lee Kwang-joo's strength, and Li Kwang-joo could also help him open the way.

I have to admire Kim Jae-ho, even under such extreme conditions, he still found a way to be lazy, although this laziness is also extremely difficult.

With a commotion in the car, Li Guangzhu still walked to the back of the car with difficulty, stretched out his hand to ring the car bell, his whole person took advantage of the seat, and with the advantage of hand length, he still pressed the car bell.

Kim Jae-ho grabbed his legs desperately, he knew he might lose, but he didn't care at all, and next, he was going to make Lee Kwang-joo feel the horror of despair.

The car door slowly opened, and I saw Lee Kwang-joo's whole body across the door, half on the left side of the door, half on the door, and Kim Jae-ho was standing behind him, blocking Li Kwang-joo who wanted to go out.


I saw that Kim Jae-ho actually folded Lee Kwang-joo's foot, stuck it, split his legs on the armrest, and split a fork abruptly.

Kim Jae-ho very cruelly pulled Lee Kwang-joo's two long legs.

"Aaa!!aa Pain!!! Li Guangzhu felt malice from all directions, especially from the south.

This kind of play directly made Lee Kwang-joo realize his mistake, he shouldn't have pulled Kim Jae-ho into the water, it was simply dancing with wolves.

But Kim Jae-ho is a good man, he only let Lee Kwang-joo hit between a few dozen and dozens of times, and after a few more spins, he mercifully let go of Lee Kwang-joo's legs and went to ring the car bell.

The cruelty in it simply made the uncles next to them laugh so hard that they wanted to go up and help.

"Aaaaaa Wait a minute!!! Aaaaaa!!a Li Guangzhu kept exclaiming.

“odoKe!! What to do??? "The girls were very happy to watch while feeling distressed.

"Pearl of light! Hold on!! Liu Zaishi was the same, with a painful look on his face and a very happy look.

"It's cruel !!" Haha covered his mouth and looked scared.

"Well done!! That's it!! Go ring the doorbell!! Jin Zhiguo commanded while laughing.

But in fact, Kim Jae-ho didn't really make a move, otherwise Lee Kwang-joo wouldn't have the strength to shout.

Kim Jae-ho let go, Lee Kwang-joo got a gap, immediately resurrected in place, the car door is in front of him, as long as he stepped out and rescued, he quickly got his legs off the railing, let himself change from horizontal to vertical He struggled to get up, just wanted to get out of the car, but Kim Jae-ho, the devil, came again!

He hugged Li Guangzhu and pulled it back, and then directly began to pull Li Guangzhu's hair, and poor Li Guangzhu had just been pulled back out of the clutches of the devil, and continued to suffer.

But Li Guangzhu is not a vegetarian, and after a long period of torture, he finally began to fight back.

I saw that he looked up and saw Kim Jae-ho's face, predicted the position, and directly inserted his backhand backhand, inserted it into Kim Jae-ho's nostrils and pulled it out.


Kim Jae-ho had to increase his strength in his hand, the two screamed together, Kim Jae-ho couldn't stand it and let go of his hand first, Lee Kwang-joo pulled for a while and didn't pull anymore, he began to struggle to get out.

He sat in front of the car door, one foot was outside, but he couldn't touch the ground, Kim Jae-ho would not let him go down so easily, and directly clamped Lee Kwang-joo with his leg and began to work hard.

"Aaaaaa Lee Kwang-joo began a new round of screaming, his upper body was pinched painfully, and Kim Jae-ho was almost completely hung on his back.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed Kim Jae-ho's face desperately, and then also began to pull Kim Jae-ho's hair, Kim Jae-ho also fought back, the two fought in front of the car door for a long time, the picture can be said to be quite tragic, and all kinds of conceivable moves have been used.

The people outside almost didn't die laughing, it was the first time they had seen such a battleless battle, and only these two people could do such a thing.

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