Of course, because he has always been very flustered and busy, it is reasonable that he did not pay attention to so much, in his own opinion, he has been busy living, Jidong said two words.

All in all, Chi Shizhen disappeared, in fact, to lure out the two detectives.

In fact, there is no need, just tell everyone that the two of them have also received invitations.

Chi Shizhen didn't get the trophy easily, so don't get him.

Everyone tidied up, cleaned up the dining table, and prepared for the opening.

"Start searching for treasures now."

"What is the treasure?"

"This ship is going to sail in February, and the captain's treasure is missing." PD said.

"What treasure, is it a driver's license?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"No, it's a mysterious treasure, and it will be given to the person who finds it."


"So it can't be a driver's license, and even if you find it, it's useless." Kim Jae-ho said.

"The captain's treasure won't be his, but his daughter, will it? Daughter! Jin Zhiguo asked.

"Brother, this is a crime of abducting and trafficking women and children, and it is punishable." Kim Jae-ho said.

PD: Turn this guy's microphone off.

The forced frame that was finally created was pierced by a few words of this guy of yours, and turned into a cruel reality, sparse!

Liu Zaishi pulled Kim Jae-ho, and Kim Jae-ho immediately realized that he had said too much.

It must be that the milk just now is a little on top, a little too poisonous.

One or two poisonous tongues are concoction, and every sentence is, that is, it is nasty.

Haha patted Kim Jae-ho and comforted him.

In fact, Kim Jae-ho has nothing to do, it's just that Liu Zaishi is demanding.

Liu Zaishi attaches great importance to this little brother, in this place of variety shows, when he is a newcomer, he has to talk more, no problem.

But Kim Jae-ho is now at this point, he has to learn to collect it, and he can't keep putting it.

Well, I'll find Kim Jae-ho for a class in a few days.

Everyone was given their respective mission letters.

"Look for treasures, go to the place, put your name tag on and start looking for treasures!"

This is followed by a different room number.

"No. 302 on the 5th floor, I went first!" Liu Zaishi said.

"Okay~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Tips about treasures are placed in various places on the ship, and if you find this card, you can get tips about treasures."

PD holds a green card in his hand.

"Please hand over your phone to the front."

It is not the first time that everyone has turned in their mobile phones one after another.

This proves that there is something that can be checked on the Internet, otherwise there is no need to confiscate the mobile phone, and the Sherlock Holmester series must have a lot of questions to think about.

"Now please go!"

Haha "wow" rushed out, I don't know where his interest came from, very lively.

Kim Jae-ho catches up with Song Ji-hyo and asks where she is, and he will go to Song Ji-hyo first.

Although it doesn't look like it, it will be a personal battle from now on, but Song Zhixiao still told him.

Looking for something, Kim Jae-ho is very confident, so he plans to go to Song Jihyo first at the beginning.

Why, do you still need a reason to find a girlfriend? If you don't look for a reason, you need a reason, and some people have many reasons.

The boat is very big, just like in a big hotel, a hotel on the sea.

Each room is also different, although the space is the same small, the things inside are different.

Some have only a large bed inside, others have small beds, lockers, and even small TVs.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all the organs.

If it was Kim Jae-ho's choice, he would definitely choose a big bed room.

Even if he is alone, he will choose a double bed.

Others are like Liu Zaishi's room, which can be said to be ridiculously large compared to other rooms.

Kim Jae-ho's room is also quite large, he didn't come to live here, so it doesn't matter, the focus is still the task.

"Tips on where the treasure is hidden in various places on the ship, get the hint, become the owner of the treasure, there is only one owner of the treasure, absolutely do not believe anything."

Then there is the name brand, and Kim Jae-ho has pasted it.

"What does it mean to put a name tag, does it mean that someone will come and tear it?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"You can tear each other apart." PD said.

"Oh, is this what the owner of the treasure means that there is only one, eliminate everyone, and enjoy the treasure exclusively." Kim Jae-ho was excited, "Or two people finally found the treasure together, and in the end, they suddenly made a move, eliminated the people they trusted, and enjoyed it exclusively." "

"It's exciting, it's like a movie!"

He has already substituted himself as the protagonist.

After Kim Jae-ho sketched out his imaginary future, he went out, aiming for the sixth floor, where Jihyo was.

Knowing that Kim Jae-ho was coming, Jihyo did not wait for him in the room, but went outside to watch.

She saw the model of the ship and began to note down the construction.

Sure enough, ACE has already begun to memorize the map.

Here is the place to chat, a lot of sofas and small tables, the table is transparent and very small, at most put some drinks or something, the landlord's can die this heart first, chess is enough, DND's don't have to think about it.

This is just the place to chat.

Kim Jae-ho came over and just saw Song Ji-hyo leaning over and looking intently at the model of the ship, studying, pointing, and looking very cute on his back.

"How's it going, what are you doing?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

Song Jihyo was taken aback, and after knowing that it was Kim Jae-ho, he smiled and said, "I'm looking at where I am now." "

"Like it? This ship. Kim Jae-ho asked.


Kim Jae-ho: "If you like it, then look at it more." "

Song Zhixiao: "Cut!" I thought you were going to buy it for me. "

If it weren't for the fact that he was his girlfriend, he would really think that Kim Jae-ho was torturing a girl.

"I can't afford it now, Oppa will work hard and let you sit on my honeymoon later." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Then I'm looking forward to it~" Song Zhixiao said with a smile, "Hey, no, who wants to spend their honeymoon with you!" "

VJ next to him: Good guy, I thought it was a model for my generation, it turned out to be a girl-flirting maniac! Careless! This bite of dog food is careless!

As for Kim Jae-ho, it may be that the pattern is not enough, he lacks interest in this kind of big ship, so many hundred million is better to develop games, GTA5 development cost more than 200 million US dollars, make a movie, Avatar is only 470 million, this is not better than buying this cruise ship?

Although this can also be bought to carry passengers to make money, it is not his favorite way to make money.

"I'm starting to look for tasks." Song Zhixiao said.

"There you go." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Of course, it is impossible for two people to look for something together, it must be separate.

Kim Jae-ho just came to take a look.

Everyone also set off one after another, and Liu Zaishi found Daoxian and Jidong whispering in the aisle, which looked very strange.

The strangest thing was that as soon as Liu Zaishi walked over and asked, both of them looked a little flustered and stopped talking.

Kim Jae-ho soon also saw Do-hyun and was playing the piano.

After he finished playing, Kim Jae-ho immediately applauded and cheered.

"Are you coming?" Daoxian said with a smile.

Kim Jae-ho can play the piano, he definitely knows it.

"Good." Kim Jae-ho readily agreed.

There was no such tumultuous operation as a four-handed joint bomb, and Kim Jae-ho thought of something else.

He played it, and the intro of the piece was very familiar to Dohyun, and soon laughed.

Kim Jae-ho smiled when he saw him, and smiled himself.

This is the song of Dohyun Zero Five Years, "May Be in Love with You"

Dohyun also did not expect that Kim Jae-ho would actually do this song, and he was full of good feelings for Kim Jae-ho all of a sudden.

This young man in the groove, there is something!

And it plays very well!

Kim Jae-ho glanced at Dohyun, who also understood, and began to sing the main song.

"Parting is always easier than meeting, what a cold person."

A classic is a classic, and it is very attractive as soon as it is spoken.

Dohyun's voice is very tasteful, not the smell of smell, not that he has bad breath, but the smell of atmosphere.

As soon as the main song arrived, Kim Jae-ho immediately integrated into the chorus, and the voices of the two people were perfectly superimposed to achieve a super double sound.

Kim Jae-ho even remembered the harmony clearly, which also surprised Dohyun and sang even more refreshingly.

They're singing happily here, and it's another feeling to listen to.

First, there was an inexplicable piano sound, everyone thought that something special had happened, and then they heard the chorus and realized that it was just someone playing.

Everyone is also drunk.

Don't you two play all of a sudden! It's scary to know?

Kim Jae-ho's treble is still very comfortable, especially the phrase "I can't help but think of you", and Dohyun's eyes are full of appreciation when he sings.

Lie down this young man, O cow!

This voice! Skillful and emotional, he felt several times better than he could sing.

All of a sudden, he was also aroused, the two people began to sing to each other, and the people next to him listened to it mesmerized, and the immortals fought the scene!

Kim Jae-ho is another person as soon as he sings, and he is usually very handsome, just like the handsome before Xiao Lizi picked up the water gun, and the kind of girls in the whole building will come to watch during the interview.

When singing, this kind of handsomeness is super doubled, plus playing the piano and detective cape, it simply plays the effect of playing cards and spring.

VJ focuses on pulling full, this paragraph is not good to shoot, are sorry for their professionalism!

At the end of the song, the two people dispersed, and they couldn't forget about business.

Daoxian only felt that now his soul was sublimated, and it really had to be music.

All of a sudden, there was a sense of urgency, young people were so powerful, they had to cheer themselves.

Everyone often says to go outside and walk more, it's true, if you walk more, you will roll up yourself, what to see through the world, that is impossible, the higher the vision, the more you want, the higher the standard for yourself.

On the contrary, it is an otaku man, enough food and clothing for a month, and the rest of the time is happy to play, as long as it does not touch heavy krypton games, comfortable.

What volume? There is no one, only a heart that wants to become stronger and stronger than others, and I'm talking about the game.

Dohyun is, seeing Kim Jae-ho so handsome, he thought he was an idol, but the result was a solid and powerful person.

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