He looked.

Not only are there many dishes, but the portions are also large, and he can eat them casually.

He looked back and saw that there was a bar and a waiter!

"Can you still bartend here?"

"Yes." The waiter smiled and nodded.

"A glass of milk."


"A glass of milk, fresh milk, yogurt, is there soy milk?"


"It's okay, just milk."


Kim Jae-ho asked him if he would bartend, because bartending was actually mixed with milk, and directly asked if there was milk?


It's so abrupt!

He Kim Jae-ho is also well-versed in people's feelings!

This is called, "Emotional Intelligence".

First took a sip of soup and then a bite of meat.

"Wow~worth it, very worth it~"

He sighed.

Although it is not delicious to take out alone, but so many put together, you can choose casually, it is very nice.

That's probably the beauty of buffets.

After running hungry early in the morning, it is still worth it to be able to eat these.

Soon everyone arrived, eating and drinking together.

Enjoy the happiness of exclusivity, eat together and eat together.

For example, Kim Jae-ho can share with everyone what is more delicious.

Then the mouth is dirty, and Song Zhixiao will hand over the tissue.

Kim Jae-ho too, while eating, took time to stuff something into Haha's mouth.

Haha took it all and ate it, and then suddenly turned his head: "I don't eat this!" I'm going to eat that! "

Kim Jae-ho: "Children can't be picky eaters!" Eat quickly! "

"Hmm! Nope! I don't eat this! "

Kim Jae-ho sighed: "Hey Yigu, it's really not worry-free, eat it quickly!" If you don't finish eating, you are not allowed to play! "

"Hmph!" Haha snorted and then turned his head to cross his waist, and then both of them laughed.

Not only them, but the onlookers laughed, so happy.

Li Guangzhu also arrived, belatedly, he was the latest.

Kim Jae-ho raised his hand while eating, and "yo" was regarded as a greeting.

Seeing Kim Jae-ho again, Lee Kwang-joo also had mixed feelings, and thought that they would meet soon, but it turned out to be so long.

The old unlucky bastard, so many people forgot to bring the invitation for one of him, and he took the boat alone three times.

It is worthy of being a man favored by the god of variety shows.

"Then again, brother, your green clothes are also very good-looking." Kim Jae-ho said.

Liu Zaishi shook it with boiled water, not knowing that he thought he was drinking.

"It's just, really, why even this kind of dress has green."

"It's okay, it's pretty."

"Your pink clothes are also beautiful, very bright~"

"Hey, whatever, it's generally good-looking."

The two people blew each other commercially, and it seemed that they had eaten enough and began to chat.

After all, the two of them came earlier, and now they are only full, but not completely full.

It is a state where you can not eat, but chew something.

Generally speaking, it is this state that makes people fat.

At this time, several people who welcomed the guests at the door just now also came to perform.

Still like that, three people and a dog.

The dog is dressed as a human, which makes Kim Jae-ho extremely uncomfortable, so he doesn't look much and has been eating his own things.

Everyone at RM is very popular, especially Liu Zaishi, because he is also a funny artist, and he knows how hard these people work, so he can help.

But to this extent, it is indeed a little too much, and I don't feel happy to look at it, but I feel sad.

Although it is said that to be a funny artist is to give up dignity, it is not necessary to achieve this level.

After Liu Zaishi went up to help with the death skills, one of them said, "Chi Shi Zhenxi, who won the Acting Award, can you take pictures with us." "

Chi Shizhen was of course very happy, and the production team even prepared a follow-up.

But he realized that his trophy was missing.

"Brother, didn't you always hold the bag?" Liu Zaishi asked.

Chi Shizhen panicked all of a sudden, really gone.

"Did it fall in the hotel?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"No, I really brought it out, you see the boxes are here." Chi Shizhen said.

"Could it be that you took the box away and forgot to put the trophy in it?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yay! Do you think I'm you? Chi Shi smiled.

"What, my trophies are well kept." Kim Jae-ho said.

"I also kept it well, and I brought it with me on purpose." Chi Shizhen said.

Although, however, the trophy is missing, it is still necessary to take pictures first.

All those who shouted were eggplants, and Chi Shizhen also squeezed out a smile.

Immediately after taking the photo, I was carrying my face again.

"Not on the plane?" PD asked.

Chi Shizhen didn't know.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere was different.

"It can't be taken by anyone, right? Is that you? Ji Seok-jin looked at Kim Jae-ho.

"No, why is it that I was the first suspect you suspected?" Kim Jae-ho feels that something is wrong, why is it so natural?


"In my opinion, prisoners are pearls of light." Kim said.

Li Guangzhu explained: "Brother, wasn't I not there, I went back just now." "

Jin Chengguo: "So it's you, why didn't you bring an invitation alone?" "

Li Guangzhu was speechless.

"What am I going to say? Do you want me to say it's because I'm Prabhu? "

Li Guangzhu looked back sharply, "What are you doing?" "

Kim Jae-ho: "Help you say your inner monologue?" "

"I'm not Prabhu!"


At this time, haha had different ideas.

"No, the prisoner is Chi Shizhen, and he is acting!"

"Steal it yourself and ask the production team to buy another one for you?!" Add a little more shots by the way! Kim Jae-ho was taken aback.

Ikeishi Zhen: ...

"However, if it is gone, will you buy another one?" Chi Shizhen thought about it carefully, this angle is very good!

Good fellow, even PD is silent at this moment.

To be sure, there is no after-sales service for trophies, especially if they are stolen, what after-sales is not included.

"No, there's no point in taking that away?" Li Guangzhu said.

"What, that's precious!" Chi Shizhen said.

Although, the whole world should feel precious to himself.

"It's you!" Liu Zaishi suddenly began to point haha, and the Sherlock Holmes began to accuse each other.

If a case really falls into the hands of these people, it can be said that 90% of it will become an unsolved case.

"Maybe it was done by someone who is connected with Brother Shi Zhen." Kim said.

"Although, most of the people who have the most contact with Brother Shi Zhen are here, right?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

Jin Zhiguo thought about it carefully, too.

"Is it pure gold?" Chi Shizhen suddenly asked.

"This trophy is much more expensive than the average grand prize trophy." PD said.

"No, how can it be more expensive than a trophy for the grand prize?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Isn't Brother Shi Zhen worthy of a more expensive trophy?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"That's it!" Ji Seok-jin is in a happy mood, or Kim Jae-ho is sensible.

"Oh! Could it be that the production team stole it because they didn't think they were worthy of it?! Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Is it now taken back and returned?" Haha was shocked.


Ikeishi Zhen: ...

Aren't people talking now?

"That's you!" Haha pointed at Liu Zaishi.

"Because it's worth more than the trophy of the grand prize, I want to get it!"

It can be said that it is justified, and Liu Zaishi is speechless.

I have a real one, why steal such a fake, although it is more expensive.

"Aren't we looking for treasures now instead of trophies?" Liu Zaishi said.

"Yes, leave the trophy matter to the PC, is it enough to file a case?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

At this time, those people came again and said directly: "We knew this would happen, so we hired two detectives to investigate this incident." "

"Please come out!"

Compared to the enthusiastic response they expected, RM's painting style is different.

"Needless to say, they must have stolen it." Kim Jae-ho said immediately.

"Yes, otherwise how could I have known in advance." Kim said.

Kim Jae-ho: "And they deliberately want to take pictures with you, how can normal people take pictures with you." "

Ji Seok-jin looked at Kim Jae-ho, do you think you are humorous?

However, everyone's attention soon turned to the new guests, who came from the group of close relatives who even had the same birthday, Jin Jidong and Yi Dohyun.

They are all old friends, and Jidong is very familiar even to Kim Jae-ho.

As for Daoxian, he is the ultimate old-timer.

It was active ten years ago.

Everyone hurried to say hello.

"We came for trophies." Dohyun said.

"How to find it?" Haha asked.

Daoxian had already prepared and took out the detective manual, saying that the detective should have the manual.

He began to read it, but it was clear that he had not seen it himself, and he read it with a bump.

"This manual can't be picked up, right?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Daoxian was a little embarrassed, and Chi Shizhen directly complained, "How can these two people find the trophy?" "

"If they steal it, they can find it." Kim Jae-ho said.


"No, we can really find it, hurry up and find the trophy." Jidong said.

"Where to find it?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"I'll find out." Daoxian looked very confident, although he didn't know where it came from.

Then he found it in the guy who played the dog, just under his thick COS suit, and found the trophy.

Kim Jae-ho felt uncomfortable when he looked at it, his clothes were already very thick, and he was fat, and the whole person seemed to be fished out of water, and it was still stuffy inside, as if it was baked.

It's so hard to fight!

Everyone also knows that this is actually arranged by the program group, and the place where such a big trophy can be hidden is on him.

Kim Jae-ho himself did not know that there were people living like this in this world.

Of course, this is no better than wearing this flyer on the side of the road to distribute in the scorching sun.

On the other side, Chi Shi Zhen was very happy to die after being lost, and Daoxian pointed to Jidong and said that he would do nothing.

Everyone laughed, you have always been in a state of panic, it was Jidong who helped you control the rhythm.

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