"What?" Li Guangzhu suspected for a moment that he had misheard, "Then you just said don't be deceived!" "

"It's just obsessed, there is no way, love is like this to make people lose their minds, don't you know it."

"Understand and understand..." Li Guangzhu nodded with a thoughtful look, and seemed to feel the same way, and his face was flushed with the color of Sichun.

"There is a saying that is not to say, the hero is sad to be beautiful, it is us, after all, one is a peerless beauty, the other is the color of the country, hey, our two brothers are really fateful."

"Yes, yes~"

Two people comfort each other.

Post subtitles: Just two pubas.

Two fools who fell in love and still wanted to return to the country.

Kim Jae-ho's nonsense directly made Lee Kwang-joo forget how he scolded himself before, and suddenly the revolutionary friendship between the two became deeper.

Now they are two little characters, in love with women in the two largest countries in the world today.

"Well, we must succeed, otherwise we are not qualified to stand with them." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Of course, but the one of yours has already given Zhixiao Fury, what should I do?"

"Fool, I said I gave the fragment to her, but I didn't say I gave this." Kim Jae-ho conjured a fragment from his hand as if by a trick.

"What? What's going on? Li Guangzhu was shocked, the amount of information was too large, and he didn't know how to react all of a sudden.

"What I gave them was what I found myself later, not given to us by the production team." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Bull! You are so bad! Li Guangzhu was pleasantly surprised, this operation really showed him.

"How do you talk?" Kim Jae-ho was speechless, "I call this smart." "

"You're cunning, aren't you?"

"Have you heard of the three caves of the cunning rabbit, which means that you must hide your hand forever." Kim Jae-ho was proud.

"Hmm... Wait, so they all thought I had pieces on me? Lee Kwang-joo suddenly knew why Kim Jae-ho was so comfortable, and he was searched everywhere he went.

"Yay! It was because you gave them this that they were convinced that I had pieces on me too! "

"Cough, I don't know about this, let's go, don't gather here."

Slipped away...

"Yay!" Lee Kwang-joo just wanted to pull Kim Jae-ho to ask for an explanation.

He was blocked everywhere he went, even the kind of person who came and ruffled his clothes, and then looked at him suspiciously.

It is even more terrifying to encounter a large number of people.

He had taken off his shoes just now, and almost the pants inside his pants were turned out by them.

At first, I thought that this was a pain that must be experienced to restore the country.

It turned out to be because of Kim Jae-ho!

Wow, you cunning rabbit three caves, it turns out to be my cave!

It's really a big deal.

Now, it's time to find some solace.

A moment later.

"Really help me keep this secret." Lee Kwang-joo said to so-hyun.

He looked at Xiuxian for a while, then picked up his trouser leg and took out a fragment that had been treasured for a long time and could not be found by others.

He took it out so easily, and it wasn't the one Kim Jae-ho found later, but the real one.

In the face of love, there is no position.

"Then give it to me." So Hyun stretched out his hand.

"This can't work, I have to hold this, this is my only weapon." Li Guangzhu said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiuxian began to coquette, Li Guangzhu directly could not withstand it, so Hyun took advantage of the victory to chase and grabbed Li Guangzhu.

"I can't, it's like it's just the two of us in this world." Li Guangzhu's eyes are almost gone.

When he said this, Xiuxian blushed and fanned his hand.

"This is all over for you, anyway, this is of no use to you, I will give it to you later, and I will definitely give it to you in the future." Lee Kwang-joo means next time.

"Pull the hook."

"That one will not work again, coquettish."

"Aung Aung Aung ~"

Li Guangzhu directly lost his soul and immediately pulled the hook.

Make promises, not reality.

Although it is a hook, the thing is still on him.

It's like Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho is even more exaggerated, both ends are connected, now he is already a person in two teams, there are people over there, and both sides think that he wants to cooperate with everyone.

Lee Kwang-joo beat to death, Kim Jae-ho was comfortable, and everywhere he went, he said "I join!" "Then it won't be messed with, and it's still left and right."

Everyone felt that there was something on him, or some special task, so they also smiled at him, hoping to coax him to say something.

Two people and two situations, which is interesting.

In the later stage, the comedy effect is full.

The fragments of his body were solid and exposed, but everyone knew he had them.

At this moment, everyone will not think that Kim Jae-ho is lying.

The next paragraph is Li Guangzhu's happiest period today, which is the time to date freely with so-hyun, which can be said to be you and my nong.

If the two of them tie me off, they must watch every episode.

Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo met again.

One meets.

How's it going? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"That..." Li Guangzhu just wanted to say, when a voice came from behind, "I texted Guangzhu." "

The two people looked at it, it was so-hyun.

"I'll see for myself!" Li Guangzhu immediately said, "I'm sorry, I have to look at the text message." "

"Go ahead, go ahead, it should be a breakup text." Kim poured cold water on Jae-ho.

"What are you talking about?" Li Guangzhu didn't have time to scold him, so he hurried to check the text message.

As soon as he looked at his phone, he immediately pointed to the text message to show off: "See no, this." "

Kim Jae-ho took a closer look: "Silly pig, people want you to give things to her, they don't really like you, they have requirements!" She lied to you! "

"It's not! She likes me! Just borrow this to text! You see, she's still smiling at me~"

Kim Jae-ho: "Wow! Look at the way you look, kinky! The corners of the mouth contain spring that means that you look like this, you really have no interest, and what kind of revenge, you directly surrendered to the enemy. "

Xiang Yun next to him also opened his eyes, these two people were sitcoms as soon as they met, and all living beings were suffering, but the two of them were very happy.

Suddenly broadcast.

"Thirty minutes before the mission ends."

At this time, everyone is almost looking for it, get together and chat.

As soon as he heard this, Jin Zhiguo said: "They seem to have some tasks to do in the limited time." "

Or that reason, as the person who is most familiar with Kim Jae-ho, he must not believe Kim Jae-ho's nonsense.

As long as it is in this link, Kim Jae-ho can only believe one-third of what he says, and he will suffer if he believes more.

"At the beginning, Zaiho said that he would give us the fragments, and now the light pearl also said that he would give you the fragments." Kim Junguk looked at so-hyun, "I feel that this fragment is only used to divert attention, they may have other tasks, otherwise how can they take the initiative to expose it to us, Pabhu?" "

"However, it is really possible for the two of them to do this kind of thing."

After saying that, everyone laughed, indeed, those two páb, anything is possible.

"After the time limit, they won!" So Hyun suddenly thought.

"Are they getting in our way?!" Haha also thought, "If we can't complete the unification of the world, they will win!" "

"Revenge! Remember what Jaehiro said about revenge?! Jin Zhiguo also felt that it was.

"Whatever it is, go get the pieces back first."


Kim Junguk received Kim Jae-ho's promise, so Hyun also received Kwang-joo's promise, and now there are only thirty minutes left, and it is time for them to fulfill their promise.

The minds of the three people turned very quickly, and they immediately took action.

On the other side, as soon as they heard the broadcast, Kim Jae-ho and Lee Kwang-joo hid.

"They're coming to us now." Kim Jae-ho said.

"So what to do?" Li Guangzhu suddenly became a little nervous.

"It's okay, it's useless to find it." Kim Jae-ho said, "We are incomprehensible now, remember to act better later." "

Li Guangzhu: "Okay, but what if they guessed our task?" "

"It's useless to guess, at most guess the third layer, forgot? We are on the fifth floor. The corners of Kim Jae-ho's mouth hooked.

"yes." Li Guangzhu also showed a smug smile.

"That's the key, wait for a chance to take a look, remember, the front doesn't matter, this must not be said."

"Of course, I'm not Prabhu."

"Thirty minutes is a long time, and fifteen minutes to act."


"To the table."

Li Guangzhu rolled up her sleeves and watched thoughtfully.

"Is your watch in transparent mode?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes, the latest technology." Li Guangzhu nodded.

"Okay, then there is no need to remember the time, as soon as there is time, I will go to see, remember, to keep it secret, whether we can be handsome in this issue, it depends on the last thirty minutes."

"Okay, what to do, so nervous! First time doing this kind of thing! "

"I'm also for the first time, ah! Calm down, here it comes. Kim Jae-ho said.

That's right, although the two teams don't know their real mission, they know that they can't be allowed to do the task, plus each team has less fragments, so they must come together.

In the past, so many opportunities did not find fragments on Li Guangzhu's body, and if Li Guangzhu was caught this time, he would definitely not be let go as easily as before, maybe even his pants would have to be taken off.

The two teams saw each other moving, haha took the lead and couldn't stop running, as soon as he started, all the staff started.


Kim Jae-ho shouted and ran, and Lee Kwang-joo hurried to follow.

However, the remaining time was not thirty seconds, but thirty minutes, so in less than ten minutes, both of them were caught.

Lee Kwang-joo was dragged directly into the fitting room, Kim Jae-ho explained that his fragments were given to Song Ji-hyo, and Kim Zhiguo they didn't believe it, and still had to search their bodies.

"What are you running if there's nothing?" Haha asked a fatal question.

"You chase, of course I have to run, otherwise what are you chasing." Kim Jae-ho said.

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