Kim Jae-ho is much more comfortable now.

"Ah, in Hao, you say, why are you here? Is there any task? "

"Brother, why did you eliminate me? Why me? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I don't want to either, Zaihao, isn't there no way, you make the most mistakes." Jin Zhiguo said with a coaxing smile.

"But brother, this will break my heart a lot? Hey, Imsad, youknow? For six hours, I was alone for six hours! "

"Zaihiro, I'm sorry, I don't want to! You have to understand brother. "

"Brother, are you looking for debris?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes." Jin Zhiguo nodded, "You have?" "

"We came this time, it is revenge, the production team said, we can choose revenge, not to help you, we can also choose to help one of your forces, that fragment, we have."

"Oh?! Is it? That's great, in Hao, you really have to understand brother, it's all for the sake of the team. "

"Well, such a brother, if I choose to help you, if you win in the end, you have to admit that I helped you."

"Of course, we can be a team, you are my best brother!"

The man's mouth deceives the ghost, but Kim Jae-ho believes it for the time being.

After the two staged a scene of brotherhood, Jin Zhiguo said: "Give me the fragment quickly." "

"No, now I gave it to you, what if you don't recognize it? I'll give you one last time. "

"In Hao?"


"Shard, it's on you now, isn't it?"

"Brother, what do you want to do?" Kim Jae-ho immediately panicked, "Brother! It can't be like this! "

"Of course, we're a team, okay, you give it to us last, I trust you." Kim Junguo's smile is very dangerous.

"Well, I'll definitely help you, and aren't you looking for the pieces? I'll go find it for you now, but you have to protect me, and you can't let Brother Zaishi rob me." Kim Jae-ho said.

"So, just give it to me directly, anyway, it's going to be given to me in the end." Kim said.

"That's so boring, I have to have my own hole cards, otherwise there will be no camera." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Do you still care about the camera?" Jin Zhiguo smiled.

"Don't say so much, hurry up and find something, I slept for three hours, my shoulders are a little sore, then see you later, I'll go to exercise first." Kim Jae-ho twisted his shoulders.

Kim Junguo:?

Not long after Kim Jae-ho left, he saw Lee Kwang-joo in the distance surrounded by several people, Yoo Jae-seok locked him up, and Song Ji-hyo grabbed his hair.

"Wow! How cruel! Rest assured, General Guangzhu, Zhiguo will not forget your contribution! Hurry up, children still don't watch so much of this. After Kim Jae-ho finished speaking, he jogged in the other direction.

The abandonment can be said to be quite decisive.

Running and running, he met Li Fanxiu, and Kim Jae-ho immediately turned around casually and continued to run in a different direction.

"Wait a minute, Kim Jae-ho!" Li Fanxiu chased after him with a smile, this must be impossible to let go.

Kim Jae-ho saw that he couldn't run, turned around and smiled politely:

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Huh? No, what are you doing here? Li Fanxiu asked.

"This, I'm from the Chu Kingdom's team, so in fact, you can ask Guangzhu, it's the one who looks tall and thin, he is from your team." After Kim Jae-ho finished speaking, he continued to run.

Then he was caught again.

"Wait a minute, I can't just let you go, can I?" Li Fanxiu said with a smile, he was not a fool.

"Then it's useless for you to catch me?" Kim Jae-ho said, "What do you want to do? "

Li Fanxiu was also stunned all of a sudden, and to be honest, he didn't know what to do.

"Tear off the name tag?" Li Fanxiu asked.

"Then you tear it." Kim Jae-ho immediately turned his back.

Li Fanxiu gave Kim Jae-ho a whole thing at once.

"It's okay, I'll always be around here, so brother, you can ask Guangzhu first." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Good." Li Fanxiu didn't know what to do, so he had to ask his teammates first.

Lee Kwang-joo also didn't know that Kim Jae-ho had attracted a new firepower to himself, and he found a place to hide.

Kim Jae-ho continued to wander, he was jogging all the time, his two small hands waved slightly, looking at Han, very joyful.

His eyes swept where he could see, taking in some things.

To be honest, he and Li Guangzhu are the people with the highest dimension on the field now, he does not need to hide from anyone, if he chooses to take revenge, the actual task of the two of them is actually the task of destroying the two countries of Chu and Han.

That is to say, now it should actually be everyone avoiding the two of them, not the two of them avoiding everyone.

However, they have the fragments that Chu Han needs, so if they run away now, naturally everyone will chase them and confuse everyone.

Kim Jae-ho ran and saw a fragment, so casually placed it under something and pressed it.

"Really, how can things be put so casually, this is too underestimating them, right?"

So he picked up the fragments and stuffed them into a place that was even more imperceptible.

Suddenly, the difficulty of finding this fragment increased geometrically.

It can be said that it is already a bad person.

Of course, it's just this piece, and Kim Jae-ho actually has more to do.

However, the most important thing for him now is not to be caught by too many people, and accidentally plant it like a light bead.

"Brother, what is this for? A new way to say hello? Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

I saw Liu Zaishi doing the same movement as Jin Zhiguo, crossing his hands and touching his shoulders.

Liu Zaishi came over with a smile, "Yes, everyone is like this." "

"Goodbye then." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Hey, don't be in such a hurry~" Liu Zaishi immediately took Kim Jae-ho's hand.

"What the hell brother? If you do this, I can sue you for harassment!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"Did you take on any task?"

"Just ask, can you stop laughing so lewdly?"

"Let's hear it, what happened to you and the Pearl of Light after they were eliminated?"

"Me and the Pearl of Light? That's it, didn't you catch him just now? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Yes, and it's useless to tear up the name tag, ah, is there something on you?" Yoo Jae-seok scans Kim Jae-ho.


"It's like this." Liu Zaishi pointed to the fragments on his shoulder.

"No, how could it be." Kim Jae-ho opened his hand, "I don't believe you searched." "

"Is there really none?" Liu Zaishihu was suspicious.

"Not really."

At this time, Song Zhixiao came over.

"What are you doing?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"No, just chat, why haven't you seen it for a while?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Seeing Song Zhixiao's sweet smile, Liu Zaishi squinted his eyes, "Oh, there are still people here!" "

"Hand." Kim Jae-ho said.

"What?" Song Zhixiao stretched out his hand in confusion.

Kim Jae-ho handed it over and put a fragment on Song Jihyo's hand.

"What?!" Song Zhixiao's eyes widened in surprise.

"Send you~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Yay! I just asked you what you said no! Liu Zaishi couldn't accept it.

"Only for the best-looking people." Kim Jae-ho said.

Liu Zaishi: Ruthless!

Even if you show affection, you can count it in front of me, and while showing, you also shoot yourself through, which is really, too much.

"Like it?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Like, thank you~"

"Actually, we can choose a country to help, my intention, you understand?" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Understood, it means that the light bead also has this!" Song Zhixiao thought of it all at once.

"Yes!" Liu Zaishi said, "But why didn't you find it just now?" "

"It must be in a strange place!" Song Zhixiao complained.

"You remember, we are a team, when the time comes, win, remember this, they are too bad for me, they are very bad and bad people, so I want to take revenge on them." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Ah, we will definitely remember ah, they have no future over there, help us." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Remember that this must be kept secret, otherwise I will die if Brother Chenguo knows about it." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Don't worry, absolute secrecy!" Song Zhixiao compared OK.

“OK?" Kim Jae-ho gestured with one hand in his eyes.

Song Zhixiao immediately learned, "OK~" gestured with his hands on both eyes.

“OK?" Kim Jae-ho tilted his head.

"OK~" Song Zhixiao also tilted his head.

The two are getting closer and closer.

CP fans felt that the scene was so sweet that it was fried, but Liu Zaishi looked at it next to him and frowned: "Woo hoo ~ It's really eyeless." "

He hurriedly left the scene, there were too many things to forget today, first Jin Zhiguo, and then this.

Kim Jae-ho also did not go with Song Ji-hyo, he was afraid of being seen.

In short, that's it, mixed for a long time.

Li Guangzhu came to him.

"I heard that you sent a love to someone?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I have a woman I like." Li Guangzhu smiled.

"No, it's just a moment apart!" Kim Jae-ho was dumbfounded.

"I see the eyes, it's sincere."

"Wow, it's only been a long time, just look like a saint."

Li Guangzhu said with a smile: "The first time we met, I was already hooked!" "

"Open your eyes! She lied to you! You have to be sober! It's dangerous! People are people from the Han Kingdom, you remember your identity, you are going for revenge! You don't deserve it! Do you know the consequences of liking her?! "

"I know!" Li Guangzhu shouted.

"Be quiet!"

"I know~ (whisper) I just like it!"

"You like a fart! What about stuff? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Still here." Li Guangzhu patted her leg.

"I warn you, this is the bottom line, remember!" Kim Jae-ho said.

"I know! And what about yours? Li Guangzhu asked.

"Already given to Zhixiao." Kim Jae-ho said.


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