During this somewhat long break, Kim Jae-ho also took advantage of everyone's lack of notice, and secretly ran to ask Song Zhixiao for the number, and Song Zhixiao smiled and gave it simply.

"Here, here you go." Kim Jae-ho looked at Song Ji-hyo, as if the exhaustion on his face had all disappeared, his eyes were large, and he looked very energetic.

"What?" Song Zhihyo was now a little afraid to look at Kim Jae-ho's eyes, and he had a hot feeling, and looked down and saw the hat handed over by Kim Jae-ho.

Black with a white Z on the front.

"The hat is very expensive, I am reluctant to wear it myself." Kim Jae-ho said a little distressed.

"What for me? I don't want it. "Song Zhixiao is not a person who accepts things casually, girls should be reserved.

But unexpectedly, Kim Jae-ho directly put a hat on Song Jihyo's head.

"Yay!" Song Jihyo was frightened by Kim Jae-ho's sudden action, but did not resist, just held his head and let Kim Jae-ho fiddle on it.

Kim Jae-ho got off his hat, adjusted his position, and pushed the brim back, pressing his long hair.

"Well, just right, perfect!" Kim Jae-ho looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

"I said I didn't want to..." muttered Song Zhixiao softly.

"I'll wear it for you, while I haven't regretted it yet." After Kim Jae-ho finished speaking, he took a step back, looked at Song Jihyo with satisfaction, and then left.

Now Song Zhixiao has a feeling of ignorance, he still likes that ignorance, of course, it is also this ignorance.

He didn't know why he gave the hat away, he himself just got this hat, at first he mortgaged it as ticket money, and the film crew just gave it back to him.

After Kim Jae-ho left, Song Jihyo picked up the mirror on the table and looked at the hat, thinking it was quite good-looking.

"What is it? A token of love? "

She took her hat off, looked, smiled...

Anyway, regardless of whether everyone has a break during this break, the game starts again, Song Jihyo did not wear the hat given to her by Kim Jae-ho, because of the hairstyle, wearing a hat is not very suitable.

When everyone was standing in a row, she quietly looked at Kim Jae-ho and found that he was just standing there quietly smiling, listening to others.

She was a little worried that Kim Jae-ho would be unhappy when she saw that she didn't wear a hat, and now it seems that she thinks too much.

The truth is that it is true that she thinks too much, Kim Jae-ho does not care that she has Mi you wearing that hat, he will be happy if she wears it, but it is nothing if she does not wear it, he is not very sensitive to this kind of thing.

Anyway, Song Zhixiao has already accepted it, and it doesn't really matter if you wear it or not.

In the normal opening, Liu Zaishi tried his best to enliven the atmosphere, and Jin Zhiguo learned YG boss Yang Hyunshi's HIPHOP teaching demonstration of opening the door and dancing, which directly ignited the scene.

Brother Dog also went up to show for a while, Kim Jae-ho is also very envious, he can't dance, these two movements he can't learn just by watching it once, it seems that dancing is a hard injury.

Guangzhu also went up to show for a while, but it was in the lower limit of the show, and was forced to withdraw by Liu Zaishi, but it was very funny, and everyone laughed very happily.

Kim Jae-ho knows that the magic mechanical dance created by this guy is even more funny and very much looking forward to it.

The final opening ended with Chi Shizhen's dance, and everyone was also awakened by this fiery laughter, this sleepy time, as long as you are with this group of people, you will not feel dull.

Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of cars behind them.

"What's coming!"

"What?" Liu Zaishi was also confused.


Everyone didn't understand why there was a bus coming at this time, but it must have been arranged by the program team, and seeing that the bus was almost full of passengers, everyone also had a sense of foreboding in their hearts.

"Why are there so many people in the car????"

"What's going on???

Everyone was confused, looking at the faces of the production team, they were still like that, just smiling mysteriously, with the feeling that you will know later.

"Yay! This nasty smile!! Kim Jae-ho pointed at PD and said.

"Every time he laughs like this, it means something bad has happened." Kim Jae-ho has seen through these people.

Soon, their bad hunch came true, as PD began to explain the game.

"The two teams came out one by one, and after boarding the full bus, passed the citizens and staff, pressed the bell, and the first to get off from the back won."

Haha couldn't help but clap his hands, this is thanks to these people, such a game can be thought of, admire!

In fact, this game is also simple to explain, that is, enter through the front door through the crowd and press the bell behind the car, and then get out of the car, but the difficulty is how to get through these crowds.

Kim Jae-ho felt that this was another bitter battle.

Liu Zaishi began to boost morale, "This is a game of 500,000!" This has to be won! Be sure to win! Frighting!!! "

Their team lost too much today, and there is still a bit of a distance from the blue team, so no matter what the game is, you have to work hard.

But the blue team has no intention of losing to them, this game sounds miserable, but I think it is also fun to listen to, and it is also a new game, a rare experience.

But this experience, Kim Jae-ho feels that it is better to leave it to others, his delicate body, is it not squashed when he goes in?

The two teams cheered each other up and were also very energetic on the surface.

Liu Zaishi took off his glasses and said dignifiedly, "I'll come first!! "

There is a very powerful feeling.

"What's the big deal?" Jin Zhiguo moved Yu Dao.

"Then Liu Zaishi will come first." Jin Zhiguo is not afraid, whoever comes first is the same.

"So are you guys haha?" Liu Zaishi nodded, it seems that he wants to come with Haha.

Haha saw that he was named, and immediately came to a gorgeous turn, and then threw his hat and posed a pose, which was very handsome.

"Then I~"

But as soon as he took a pose, his hat had already been thrown out, but he was immediately held down by Jin Zhiguo behind him and pushed back.

"Haha, you go back!" Jin Zhiguo said cruelly.

"Ah! What the!! "Haha is also very unhappy, very embarrassing, and has the feeling of being punched in the face.

But Jin Zhiguo is Jin Zhiguo, he felt that it was inappropriate to go on haha, and changed the dog brother.

No one on the blue team said anything, because what Jin Zhiguo said was generally more reasonable, and whether it was seniority or status, it was to stabilize everyone in the blue team.

To put it bluntly, it is to instigate ...

Haha also obediently retreated, did not say anything, Kim Jae-ho was just glad that it was not on himself.

Soon, this brutal game begins, and with an order, two people rush to the bus at the same time ...

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