Kim Jae-ho and Song Ji-hyo enjoy their rare rest in RM, because of the relationship between the back of the head and the back of the head, so the two are also very comfortable, of course, there is also a bonus of mood.

This is similar to the sour smell of love, hormones circulating wildly in the bodies of two people, so that just one glance at these two people, the single dog will be completely critical damage.

At a glance, the real aura is different.

"What are you doing?!! Jin Zhiguo asked with a smile.

The sudden questioning also pulled the two out of the special state, and Zhizhi reacted that he was still filming, looking at the countless people around him with a smile of watching a good show, Song Zhixiao's face also instantly climbed a touch of red.

She immediately covered her face and smiled shyly, listening to the ridicule of the members next to her.

"Are you in a relationship??? Chi Shizhen asked.

"Yay! It's too much, isn't it!! Haha said dissatisfied, "We're running here, but you're falling in love over there!" "

Liu Zaishi also thought of a little instantly, and his ghost talent also broke out, "Ah! Let's see, our side is RunningMan, and their side is me knot, I knot~"

"Hahahaha..." Everyone heard the laughter, which is too consistent, they really seem to be my knot over there, worthy of Liu Zaishi, the metaphor is too appropriate.

"Ah! Tired! Don't want to do it!! "Haha is downcast, so it is too sad to compare these people.

Kim Jae-ho heard it and was the same as Song Zhihyo, he couldn't do anything else except laughing, and the contact on the back of his head was gone, after all, he still had to face, and it was not appropriate for so many big brothers to look at it.

"Shy, shy!" Song Zhongji looked at the two of them shyly and also ridiculed, even Song Zhongji is like this, others can also imagine, constantly showing their eloquence, after all, they are variety artists, they eat by eloquence.

The final conclusion was, "Oh, you guys just stay together." "

Song Zhixiao was also too shy to hear it, his face was very hot, and he waved his hand while laughing, and he didn't even have the strength to speak.

Of course, everyone is just joking, but this love line may be buried here, and it will be a meme in the future, and they seem to have seen the heated discussion of the audience when this episode was broadcast.

This is certainly a good look and will definitely catch fire.

Not to mention the audience, they themselves want to watch this paragraph, because the picture of the two people is so beautiful, so beautiful that everyone almost can't bear to interrupt.

Soon, everyone pushed casually, really, they were not in the mood to play, but they still had to do a good job, and soon this round was over.

As for the dog brother, he was doing the game attentively throughout the whole process, looking at the two people also laughing, and I don't know if he was smiling bitterly or really feeling happy, after all, the emotional line between him and Song Zhixiao has not yet unfolded, but now it seems that it can't be unfolded.

"Yay! It's over, are you still reluctant to come down?! Haha teased.

When they put Song Jihyo's bucket down, they began to prepare to put Kim Jae-ho's barrel, but they saw that Kim Jae-ho kept waving his hand with a painful face.

"What's wrong?" Song Zhongji asked.

For a long time, Kim Jae-ho held out a sentence:

"My legs are numb, I can't move..."

"Hahaha!!" Everyone was also instantly hilarious.

"Yay! Why didn't I see you just now? It's all focused on love, right? Haha teased again.

"Don't say it, put me down..." Kim Jae-ho looked pained, his legs were really numb, and it was very uncomfortable.

Everyone also laughed while putting Kim Jae-ho down.

"Isn't it silly? Move your feet from time to time. Aunt Jin Chengguo also began to nag.

"Got it... Don't dare next time! Kim Jae-ho also subconsciously apologized, and he didn't know why he apologized.

Jin Zhiguo couldn't help him when he saw it, looked at his painful appearance, put him down and prepared to help him rub his legs.

"Brother Zhiguo, don't, let Zhixiao come!" Haha said wittily.

"Ah, yes~" Jin Zhiguo also smiled and immediately stopped his hand.

Song Zhixiao is too shy to be good, these brothers are too powerful, she can only smile and wave her hand, and finally under everyone's coaxing, she had to walk over, looking at Kim Jae-ho who touched his leg with an uncomfortable face, and the gazes of the big brothers around, and also wittily thought of a solution.

I saw that Song Zhixiao also walked to Kim Jae-ho's side shyly, and then directly kicked Kim Jae-ho's leg, and then retreated.

Kim Jae-ho also immediately covered his foot and began to roll, although Song Jihyo only kicked lightly, but it was enough to make his whole foot more numb.

Also because it is a gentle kick, it is a gentle touch and retreats, it seems that Song Zhixiao is more like a coquette, cute full of points.

Song Ji-hyo's kick in the relationship directly made everyone laugh, and at the same time, he felt distressed for Kim Jae-ho.

The subtitle is also appropriately typed, "Sweet pain." "

Both of them are ambiguous, but the love line is considered to exist.

Soon, the numbness in his legs dissipated, and Kim Jae-ho didn't know why he suffered this sin, was it so difficult to go through a period comfortably?

Song Zhixiao, a charming girl like a thorny rose, is subconsciously cautious about possible scandals, thinking that this woman's heart is completely open to you, it is really a difficult thing, after all, she is an excellent actor, and all kinds of love scenes are casual existence.

This may be the price of love, but there is no doubt that if Song Zhixiao is really in love now, it must also be rushing to get married, and the more cautious a girl is about love, the easier it is to fall into it.

But, fortunately, this is just the beginning, and Kim Jae-ho has a lot of time.

In the end, the game in this link was won by the red team, and the camera shifted to a few hours ago, and those games were also broadcast in the second episode because of the editing, and these two games were won because of the activity of Brother Dog and others.

Kim Jae-ho played soy sauce in both games, and there were no shots, so he was very happy, very relaxed, and had a very comfortable life.

But then the game of the trash can, that is, a period of rest, and then the next game, this time it was already more than two o'clock, and in the early morning, Kim Jae-ho had already taken advantage of the rest time to sleep.

But when I fell asleep, I was suddenly woken up, and the whole person was even more tired, but after all, I was doing a show, no matter how tired I was, after all, I was in a hurry, and if I wanted to leave early, I had to keep working hard and catching up with the process.

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