Kim Jae-ho saw that he was almost there and got out of the car.

It was a very big road, there were not many people and a lot of cars on the road.

The car turning right, after Kim Jae-ho got off, it was the zebra crossing, and he was under the traffic light.

Kim Jae-ho texted ahead of time saying he was almost there.

It happened to be a traffic light, and Kim Jae-ho saw from a distance that under the traffic light on the other side, there was a big beautiful girl in red standing happily waving at here.

From a distance, it looks like a budding rose, which makes people excited.

It's Christmas, and it's also the holiday when he sees Song Zhixiao.

Kim Jae-ho also immediately waved vigorously, and the two people looked at each other in the air, a distance from the road, separated and at the same time brought them infinitely closer.

There has never been a moment like this eagerness, it is a feeling that, although separated, but you know that the opposite side is waiting for you.

Unfortunately, the traffic light has just turned red, so the waiting time is quite long.

Kim Jae-ho mouthed three words to the opposite side, and Song Jihyo looked confused, saying that he didn't hear clearly.

Two or three times in a row, Kim Jae-ho suddenly said loudly and uncontrollably: "Salang hey! "

Although he knew what the other side was saying, he still startled Song Zhixiao so loudly, and he quickly looked left and right, very ashamed, and also crying and laughing.

Then I saw Kim Jae-ho drawing a heart in the air and then making a striking motion.

Song Zhixiao cried and laughed, and also stretched out his hands as if he hugged this heart, and then also touched the top of his head with both hands, his body was crooked, and he made a big heart.

Kim Jae-ho looked almost drunk in love.

Then the two began to constantly compare hearts across the road, fancy hearts.

Just looking at it feels like beautiful love.

Kim Jae-ho made a pause gesture, then pointed to himself, the other pointed to the opposite side, and then the two hands walked towards each other.

Song Zhixiao was also curious about what this meant, and looked closely.

Just when the two hands came to the middle and approached, suddenly the back of the hand was nudged and made a kissing motion.

After he finished this action, he was so shy that he covered his face.

Song Zhixiao laughed directly until he squatted down, and did not dare to look at the camera.

Then the traffic light stopped, and Kim Jae-ho ran over excitedly after looking left and right.

The two finally met, and there was a feeling of reunion after a long absence, which was very touching.

No kisses though.

It was very tumultuous and commotionful, and he did not dare to kiss.

The people next to them looked at it, they were very disappointed, across the road to show affection show to fly, but when they were together, they were well-behaved.


Song Jihyo happily jumped around Kim Jae-ho and looked very happy.

Of course, the things to be done are left for when the two are alone.

"What is your horn, so cute." Song Zhixiao poked.

"Is it cute, wear it for you." Kim Jae-ho said and took off the antler headdress and put it on Song Jihyo's head.

"Cute~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Because there are too many people outside, two people change indoors.

"If you're sure you want to be a couple, share gloves." PD said.

"Are you willing to accept me as your couple?" Kim Jae-ho handed out a glove.

"I do!" Song Zhixiao took it.

The sense of ritual is full.

"But yours seems to look better."

"Then use mine." Song Zhixiao said happily, "I feel the same way. "

Song Jihyo himself has already worn it, and then helped Kim Jae-ho put it on as well.

"Ah~It's beautiful~" Kim Jae-ho said happily, and Song Ji-hyo also shouted.

The two gloves are tied with ropes.

Very naturally held his hands together, and then Kim Jae-ho very unnaturally put Song Ji Hyo's hand in his pocket.

Song Zhixiao was also crying and laughing, and said loudly: "Ah, it's very awkward!" "

"Is it? I think it's okay. Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

Song Zhixiao gave him a blank look and didn't say anything.

Then the two of them walked like that.

"See the invitation, take a closer look, the meeting place is inside." PD said.


Then the two people took out the invitation with one hand very awkwardly and opened it, and they were unwilling to let go, which looked very funny.


What I didn't expect was that the invitation had a message in it, writing the place to go.

"Oh?! This is my home! Song Zhixiao exclaimed.

"Ah, so fast? I'm not ready. Kim Jae-ho's pretended apprehension couldn't hide his joy.

"Yay! What are you thinking! "

Song Jihyo also thought of the people in the family saying that they wanted to see Kim Jae-ho, and immediately his face was hot, and he slapped him with an invitation in disgust.

Kim Jae-ho also pretended to shrink in pain, but he didn't feel it at all.

The two are about to set off for the next place, but outrageously, they are not the first.

Kim Jae-ho had to go to the place where Song Ji-hyo was before he set off.

And Li Guangzhu and Chi Shizhen went in both directions, and they had already gathered together before them, and they had already set off in advance.

But what is even more outrageous is that because of the closeness, Jin Zhiguo and Haha, who came together relatively late, were the first to arrive.

In the middle, they also put Liu Zaishi together, making Liu Zaishi a proper bachelor, and this betrayal made Liu Zaishi remember for five years.

Haha also confirmed his name as a betrayer.

Liu Zaishi is too miserable.

In order to bring them closer to their destination, he even chose a meeting place close to Mount Ri.

Then he was cut off halfway by Jin Zhiguo.

And from another point of view, that is, no one believed what Kim Jae-ho said...

In the car, two people sat in the tailseat.

From time to time, Kim Jae-ho would pinch the other hand inside his hand, only feeling soft although there were two layers of gloves.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"No, it's all makeup." Song Zhixiao said with a smile, "There is acne here, it's so annoying." "

"What, I haven't had acne in recent years, you still have acne, haven't you rested well?"

"Sure, you sleep so long every day, you definitely don't have acne." Song Zhixiao complained.

"You also have to sleep well, don't take this kind of drama that is also filmed at night after this scene is filmed." Kim Jae-ho asked.

"It's not for me to decide."

"So you have pimples."

"Really, it's annoying."

"It's okay, good-looking people also look good with acne."

Song Jihyo was just a little moved, and heard Kim Jae-ho say: "So I never worry about this." "

"So hot! Let go of your hands! Song Zhixiao immediately withdrew his hand.

"I'm joking, joking, you're good-looking, you're good-looking."

That's when the call came.

Kim Jae-ho looked at the number and hung up directly.

"Who is it?" Song Zhixiao was curious.

"Brother Zaishi."

"Then why don't you pick up?" Song Zhixiao asked.

"I have to talk to you."

"Oh~" Song Zhixiao replied with a smile, his voice a little loud.

"Oh~" Kim Jae-ho also learned.

On the other side, Liu Zaishi was already angry.

"Ah, take a look, you actually hung up on me! Ah, this kid, definitely not waiting for me, hey, it must be with Zhixiao, I feel like I'm really going to be single. "

Liu Zaishi's obvious characteristic when he is emotional is that he will start rapping.

Although he said so, he called back.

This time it was connected.

"Hey~" A very unbeaten voice came from the other side, "Brother, why haven't you arrived yet?" I've been waiting for you for a long time. "

"Stop lying, Zhixiao." Liu Zaishi's clothes had already seen through the smile.

"What is filial piety? How could that goddess be my couple? I'm sure I'm going to wait for you, have you arrived?" "

"What goddess, didn't you say before that Zhixiao is not worthy of being a couple with you?"

Then Liu Zaishi heard a screech on the phone.

"[Song Zhixiao]! Kim Jae-ho! [Kim Jae-ho] Fake fake! He lied to you! I didn't say that! "

Liu Zaishi smiled and was comfortable.

The sound becomes louder.

"Brother, you've become bad."

Liu Zaishi could feel the resentment on the other side through the phone: "Isn't that the voice of Zhixiao, you still said that you are waiting for me." "

"There is no way, brother, Ignorant said that he must be on the same team with me, and I also refuse no... It hurts! "

Soon, Liu Zaishi hung up the phone and was silent for a while.

"I don't know why, I should have laughed, but I wasn't very happy." Liu Zaishi tilted his head.

Quan Lie patted Liu Zaishi, who was alone, and suddenly felt a little sad.

Liu Zaishi has already spoken to Li Guangzhu in advance, so if Kim Jae-ho can't do it, Liu Zaishi has already confirmed that he is single.

I never expected that this Liu Zaishi was single.

Although it was noisy over there, Liu Zaishi envied such a noise.

"If it's not haha, ah, you can learn well ahhaha."

Although it was a compliment, Liu Zaishi did grit his teeth.

The more Liu Zaishi thought about it, the more angry he became, and there was nowhere to vent the anger in his heart.

The destination arrived, opened the car door, it was cold.

Come alone, colder.

This is the K showroom, the destination this time.

Originally, he didn't know that Li Guangzhu said that he leaked his mouth, of course, even if he didn't say that the production team would tell him, it would be much later.

Liu Zaishi walked into the exhibition hall alone and saw two people waving at him happily.

It was Haha and Jin Zhiguo, and just when he wanted to go in, PD suddenly stopped him.

"No companions, right?"

"Of course not, now." Liu Zaishi said.

"Then here..." PD pointed out, and Liu Zaishi saw that there was a stool on the ground, in the corridor.

"Hah! It's really..." Liu Zaishi smiled and sat down, "It's really too much, it's too much!" "

He was even asked to sit outside alone.

"The last couple to arrive can enter at that time." The phrase PD means to kill everything, not only to feed the dog, but also to tie it to the door.

He looked inside, and Haha and Jin Zhiguo were still waving.

"Oooh! I'm going crazy! Jin Zhiguo also pretends to be cute! I'm going crazy! Liu Zaishi was angry, but just incompetent and furious.

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