"What..." was very disappointed, "I thought it was a red envelope." "

"The festive atmosphere~" PD laughed.

"Okay~ It's pretty good."

Kim Jae-ho opened it to see that it was a task letter in the shape of a greeting card, a very expensive kind of greeting card, with additional superimposed decorations.

Kim Jae-ho remembers that when he was a child, this kind of thing cost ten or fifteen yuan, and the one without this kind was five or three yuan.

Good kind of greeting card, only buy one or two, give it to someone you like, ordinary greeting card, just give it casually, and others will give him a gift in return.

Now that I think about it, I was really powerful at that time...

If you buy a greeting card now, you don't know who to give it to, and no one will give it to yourself.

"You are invited to the RM Christmas party, but if you want two people to become a couple, please find someone from the RM members to join a team, singles cannot enter."

"That's too cruel, isn't it? What about Haha and Guangzhu, they are single. "

"I didn't mean that... It means that those who don't have a team can't enter..." PD explained.

"Of course I know, I'm just joking, I'm not a fool."


"Even if that's the case, there is one person who can't team up, right? Brother Shi Zhen..." Kim Jae-ho had already guessed who it was.

"But maybe, there are too many unlucky eggs among the members." Kim Jae-ho said.

PD listens to this, do you think you are not unlucky?

"What is this?" Kim Jae-ho gestured with the gloves on his hand.

"To exchange a glove and wear it is a couple."

"Can the changed gloves be given to another person?" Kim Jae-ho asked, "Wouldn't it be possible to team up with two people at the same time?" "


"No, you can only exchange with one person, and you can only enter if you exchange it with a couple and wear it."

"Okay, but the remaining one is too pitiful, right? After all, even if you are alone, you have to watch others in pairs..."

Kim Jae-ho turned sharp.

"But fortunately, I'm not that person~"

The tone of Kim Jae-ho's last few words was very annoying, but he was quite proud himself.

When he said this, he pulled out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Ignorant wisdom~" Very tired and crooked tone.

Sure enough, Monday must be a Monday couple.

"Silly Hao Silly Hao~"

"I have something to give you~"

"Is it? I also have something to give you. "

"Let me guess what you're going to give, um~ I guess it must be a super invincible and good-looking glove that makes me feel extremely warm this festival~"

"I don't know~~"

"So guess what I'm going to send?"

"It must be gloves too, right?"

"I, it's my heart~"

"Don't want that weird thing~"

"Why, I'm very sincere~"

"Hahaha~ Then we will meet later?"

"Where are you now, I'll go find you." Kim Jae-ho said.

"I'm at the new agricultural cooperative station, hurry up, otherwise I don't know if I'm still there when you come~"

"Already on the bus, master hurry up, my couple is waiting for me~"

Master Jason said very grim.

"Hahaha~" Song Jihyo almost died of laughter when he listened to Kim Jae-ho's shout, "Then you come quickly~"

"Nirvana~Wait for me~"

"Nirvana~got it~"

Completely greasy, goosebumps are going to fall to the ground.

It turns out to be a very ordinary word, when you say it in a different tone, it will have such an effect.

The smile on Kim Jae-ho's face did not stop after hanging up the phone, it's good to have such a girlfriend, you don't have to worry about being single.

Kim Jae-ho did not put down his mobile phone and immediately dialed.

"Brother, where are you?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Ah~ in Hao~ I'm in Cheongdam-dong."

It turned out to be Ji Seok-jin, and Kim Jae-ho actually called Ji Seok-jin the second time.

"Exactly! I'm also in Cheongdam-dong, brother, have you received a task? The two of us unexpectedly went straight to the party and won like last time. Kim Jae-ho said.

"No kidding, you're not going to be with Zhixiao?" Chi Shizhen is very quick to see in this kind of thing.

"Oh, it's too boring that every issue is me and Zhixiao, remember the victory of the last issue, I only have brother in my heart, Jin!"




"So are you coming to me now?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Oh...," Chi Shizhen asked rhetorically, "Do you think I'm a fool?" "

"Hahaha~ No ah brother, forget it, I'll be honest, if Zhixiao doesn't choose me, my first choice will be brother at that time."

"Then we'll talk about it then~"

"Brother, let's shout the slogan again."


Kim Jae-ho put down the phone and called another person.

"Brother ~ My favorite brother ~"

"My favorite brother~Where are you~" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"In Cheongdam-dong, brother, let's form a couple directly, me and you, and then win directly."

"Aren't you going to be with Zhixiao?"

"Oh, every issue is so uninteresting, what's the point, brother, how about we directly form a couple and then win as fast as we can?"

"But Guangzhu said to form a couple with me." Liu Zaishi said.

"Brother, it is necessary to betray him to have the effect of the show, you want to think of how Guangzhu looked when she was single."

"Hahaha! It's interesting! Liu Zaishi said.

"That's right, I only have brother in my heart, brother, come quickly, I'm in Qingdam Cave."


"Love you oh brother~"

"Love you~"

After putting down the phone, Kim Jae-ho began to look for the next one, and he was very busy.

After Liu Zaishi put down the phone, he looked at the phone and immediately said.

"However, it seems quite interesting to betray you..."

Only one superficial brother can be said.

"This kid of him will definitely go to find Zhixiao, so he can't believe what he says, he must just want to waste my time to make me single, wait, haha called."

On the other side, Jin Zhiguo also received a call.

"Brother ~ my dear brother ~"

"My dear brother~"

"Brother, you betrayed me last time, you can't do this again." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Last time was also a last resort~" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Then I will believe you this time, where are you, I will come to you now."

"I'm in Anyang, where are you, I'll go find you." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"I'm in Qingdam Cave, brother, I must come, I'm waiting for you, I even refused Zhixiao." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Really?!" Jin Zhiguo was surprised.

"Really, you come quickly, haha brother also said that he is coming."


"Yes, but I will definitely choose your brother, you come quickly."

"Got it, I'll go over now."

"Okay, love you brother."

"Love you."

As soon as Jin Zhiguo put down the phone, he was confused.

"Haha, didn't he just say he was coming to me? Did you lie to me? "Jin Zhiguo is already in chaos.

Hurry up and call, but it's on the call.

At this moment, Jin Zhiguo was even more chaotic.

"What should I do, do you want to go to Zaihao?"


On the other hand, PD has already understood Kim Jae-ho's operation, that is, after determining that he and Jihyo are a couple, delay the progress of others to the greatest extent.

Of course, whether or not someone has hit the plot is another matter.

Kim Jae-ho feels that he is idle and idle, it is better to nag.

A template that can be used all the time and is very comfortable.

On the other side, Li Guangzhu also answered the phone.

A smug smile on his face.

"Where are you going? There are too many things to handle. "

As long as it was a conversation, he agreed, so that he could choose casually and choose whoever he wanted.

Although there is no Kim Jae-ho who is crazy and tricks everyone into where he is, he is also very cheap like this, because of his series of operations, he feels that he has deceived everyone.

On the other side, Jason, who was driving, was also thinking about what he would do if he received such a task.

According to his more cautious personality, I am afraid that he will find Chi Shizhen Union at the first time, at least to ensure the bottom.

Then again, this is his first time on such a field trip, and it's quite interesting.

And the risk factor is relatively low, after all, he is not the only one staring at the employer, of course, he will not take it lightly, his record of zero mistakes cannot be broken.

Originally, the driver should be the agent, this kind of field service where there are bodyguards to accompany the truth, everyone is the agent to follow.

But the agent heard that he was going to rehearse with his former bodyguard, so he ordered him to do it himself, and then call him if there was a problem.


To be honest, quite outrageous, he lamented more than once that this circle is really chaotic.

He doesn't know if all artists are like this, and he is also protecting artists for the first time, but he can vaguely feel that this is unique in the world.

But he is professional, and even if it is outrageous, he will not hesitate to do it, and ask fewer questions, even if he has countless questions.

But the bodyguard is to ask less, you are only to protect the safety of people, not to listen to people's privacy, confidentiality is also a part of the bodyguard's unprofessional.

Although he has asked a lot of questions one after another...

Of course, the more he knows Kim Jae-ho, the more outrageous he feels, the more problems there are...

In the past two weeks, he has learned a lot.

And now, being able to record a show with the program group is also very amazing.

He also has to restrain himself, for example, Kim Jae-ho does not have to help when he falls, and many people do not have to protect when they fall, unless the staff are up, he has to go up.

This is difficult, after all, many times bodyguards are only surface engineering, if this kind of thing is not done, others will doubt whether your salary is reasonable.

Listening to Kim Jae-ho calling one by one, he also felt very amazing, and he very obviously felt the gap between himself and the artist.

In fact, don't blame him, many artists can feel the gap between themselves and Kim Jae-ho, after all, everyone is not cheap than him, and what is cheaper than him is the degree of bad people, Kim Jae-ho is just on the side.

Kim Jae-ho finished the call at once, and he was a little idle again, but fortunately, the car was almost there.

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