"I mean if you were going to pick it up, I didn't tell you to pick it up." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

His laugh is like a sour plum hidden in a candy, which sounds like nothing at first glance, but you can tell that this guy is very bad and is joking with him.

Lee Kwang-joo's fists clenched and loosened, really, after being with Kim Jae-ho, his temper is much better, so that if he exercises every day, he can ensure that he can control himself no matter when he is not really angry~

But he won't thank him.

"Li Guangzhu xi!" Kim Jae-ho suddenly roared.

"Nirvana!" Li Guangzhu was shocked.

"Be focused! Now there are a lot of fans watching us! Something went wrong, which shows that we are not perfect! Get serious! Kim Jae-ho looked serious.

"Huh?" Li Guangzhu was stunned.

But I didn't make a mistake?

Some say that humor is a sign of high intelligence, but he doubts it.


Compared with their side singing and dancing and playing acrobatic crosstalk sketches, Liu Zaishi's side is much simpler.

"On How to Choose the Right Pronunciation of Lyrics from Words I Don't Know Why I Write"

That's probably the subject I'm studying.

And singing Cantonese songs in front of so many locals is really stressful.

But Liu Zaishi, who are they, gradually getting excited!

Jin Zhiguo also came here, they went to the same place to do the mission.

Song Jihyo felt a little disappointed when he saw that there was no Kim Jae-ho, but he was happy when he saw that several of the fans who were supporting on the side of the road were holding signs with their names.

Touching is like a cool breeze in midsummer, suddenly a burst of refreshment, blowing is cold, the heart is hot, sweeping away the dullness.

"Laughter softly ~ Sending warmth to the mud ~ "

The jerky singing sounded, and as for the content of the singing, it was already to the extent that it was retouched.

If it was Chi Shizhen just now, they would already start playing hat acrobatics at this time, but they didn't have to, after all, the first sentence, tolerance.

The rules also depend on the situation, like Kim Jae-ho they are so smooth, then you have to nitpick.

And people like Liu Zaishi have to wait and see first, at least listen to a few more words.

For example, the mistake of "you for the baby" is forgivable, but your whole sentence, even the number of lyrics, is too outrageous, right?

The worst thing was that it was also pointed out by the national criminal police watching from the side.

Soon, their adaptation of what was like a Thai song was stopped.

However, it was also Jin Zhiguo who immediately began to guide everyone to cheer for Liu Zaishi and them.

"It's okay ~ it's okay ~ it's okay ~ " I threw my whole body into ~ for a moment

It's out of the way...

When it was Song Zhixiao's turn, she had made plans in advance, and this team was really very exquisite.

As soon as the prelude came out, it was a very strong percussion music, and what was stronger than the reaction of the fans, Song Zhixiao was puzzled, and when the main song came out, he was immediately relieved.

Arrogant and arrogant, laughing ten thousand heavy waves~

Even Minzhen knows this song and is already beginning to envy.

Haha immediately came out and played with two hands, there was a look.

The three people immediately began to memorize the lyrics mode, this song has clear lyrics and a word-by-word style, which makes them very comfortable.

This level is dictation.

Young-ho directly bit the pen to write, why the idol is particularly handsome, it is in such details, Kim Jae-ho does not have it, he only has a perfect appearance and superficial pretense, Mo has a soul.

It's like a beep king, never pretending to beep, but always making people feel like he's pretending to beep.

Rong He's handsomeness has a feeling of immersion in the soul, of course, if he sees this scene in the future, he may be embarrassed to cut out the three rooms and one living room.

Song Zhixiao tried it and judged no.

But she was very smart and immediately went to the fans to ask, Liu Zaishi stopped it, to no avail, so she also joined.

However, compared to Song Zhixiao and them, Liu Zaishi's difficulty is much greater, fans are in a hurry, all the way to correct, until the back is shouted out, more anxious than Liu Zaishi.

Liu Zaishi: Today Lei ~

Fans: Me! I! I! I!

Hurry to die!

Seeing that they interacted so well, the production team couldn't stop it, after all, this is considered cheating.

But if everyone cheats, it's not cheating.

Liu Zaishi they saw that it was almost the same and tried it, their degree is the same level as Song Zhixiao just now, or even worse, but their song is more difficult, so they can understand.

The fans in the middle saw that they were difficult to help them sing together, and the whole audience sang a chorus, and they looked a little moved.

But at the end, haha sang a very obvious mistake, advanced fast, so it still failed.

Rong and they began to try, this time directly successful, the words are round, in such a short period of time to learn this level, really powerful.

But when they got the reward, they knew that someone had finished it before them, it was Li Guangzhu and them who they had not seen for a long time.

They actually did it somewhere else!

Rong He almost forgot about them.

In fact, because of Kim Jae-ho's presence, they started quickly and succeeded after singing three times.

However, because of Kim Jae-ho, he did not consult the audience outside the venue, but there were also a lot of interesting interactions.

Although it is a pity, Kim Jae-ho and they are going to the next place, Mong Kok.

Or Brother Long, and there are cards to take.

As soon as it was opened, there were still three pieces, and three people unconditionally chose the gold medal.

Li Guangzhu didn't react yet, and it wasn't until Chi Shizhen asked a question that he realized that he was the first again.

"What's going on today?!" Chi Shi Zhen was shocked.

"It's amazing!" Kim Jae-ho was shocked, "We are so... No, we're already strong, aren't we! "

"Yes... Is it? Li Guangzhu glanced at him, a little weak-hearted.

"Definitely! Ah, three times in a row, we are the strongest! Be confident! Ji Shizhen shouted, "Kim! "

"Secretary Cross!"

After the three people finished shouting, they were silent for two seconds.

Say so, but not very confident...

"Let's go!" Chi Shi shouted.

"Let's go!" Lee Kwang-joo and Kim Jae-ho also felt that it was better to start now and less embarrassed.

After thanking the fans around them who had been supporting and even singing at the end, the three left the beautiful hilltop, which is a great place, especially if you don't have to climb up step by step.

However, there is a problem, that is, although they came closest, they were the farthest to the next location.

You even have to take a boat before you can get on a double-decker bus to move to your destination.

Lingering in the city of Xiangjiang at night, there is a feeling of ancient Western kings, and it is a different scenery.

"I was looking here just now, but now it's already here." Kim Jae-ho sighed.

"Yes..." Chi Shi Zhengang finished making peace, and suddenly Li Guangzhu shouted: "Avatar! "

When everyone saw that there were people on the side of the road holding pictures of Avatar and Li Guangzhu, they also shouted very excitedly when they saw Li Guangzhu's reaction.

It seems that neither side expected to see each other here, and the other party seemed to be trying his luck.

"What? Has it already arrived? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Should it be?" Chi Shizhen is also not sure, because it does not look like it.

I saw that the roadside was full of people, and at first I thought it was ordinary passers-by, but then I found that many of them were holding support signs, and everyone was directly dumbfounded.

When the time came, they realized that those just now were just small battles.

It's all people!

What an exaggeration!

"Please turn around like this five more times!" Li Guangzhu shouted excitedly.

"Yay! RM's meal was amazing! Chi Shizhen sighed.

"What are we going to do? How about I sing a song?! "Kim Jae-ho is a little scared, such love can't bear it!

It was only on television that he saw this kind of battle when the ancient heinous people paraded the streets.

However, everyone was very restrained and did not lose anything.

After arriving, the direct door can't enter, and people come out all the time, densely packed.

Where people can stand with the naked eye, they are all people!

Li Guangzhu said directly, and all three people stood up to greet this enthusiasm.

Of course, you can't get out of the car, and you feel like you'll have an accident if you go.

Looking at so many people who supported him, Li Guangzhu burst with confidence all of a sudden!

Kim Jae-ho just kept laughing and waving and shouting: "Pay attention to safety~!" "

He spoke Korean English and Cantonese and his powerful voice for fear they wouldn't hear him.

It would not be good if something had happened.

"I really feel that I will dream of this scene in my dreams in the future," Kim Jae-ho sighed.

"Yes~" The corners of Chi Shizhen's mouth never came down, but he just kept watching, wanting to record this scene.

He was happier than anyone else, more touched than anyone.

Later, everyone learned that not only the place to see, but also the entire huge shopping mall, from the fourth to the thirteenth floor, was all filled with people, and even shouted RM's name in an organized manner.

This is in advance I don't know who leaked it to shoot in this mall, and I was caught by fans.

Maybe the fans themselves don't know that there are so many people, and when everyone is shouting the same name, they should also be excited.

This incident became the biggest thing in Xiangjiang tonight, and it even directly appeared on the front page of the news the next day.

According to the report, more than 5,000 fans competed to see the idol, forced the explosion, and stormed Langham Place.

No wonder people can make money, the title is really good, the words like attack have come out, and some don't even use Langham House, directly use Mong Kok.

Mong Kok swells.

I also seem to have seen the following report with Xuanya Qiao, which is probably talking about Mama's performance.

Basically all entertainment reports use this front page.

Although they arrived, this venue was going to run and shoot, and they did not have the ability to organize everyone to leave, so they could only wait for everyone to disperse.

As a result, over time, even if you can't see RMs, the number of people has not decreased, but increased.

It has become a fan carnival night, and I don't know what kind of carnival-like festival is in the local area.

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