But the problem is that last time I sang in the small market, I faced people who couldn't sing, and this time everyone was full of people who could understand, and the pressure was full.

"It's cruel, it's really." Haha said.

But it's not, everyone is quite tolerant of foreigners, especially when they want to try our things and understand our culture.

They also have a notebook this time to record what they want to record.

As soon as the prelude sounded, everyone at the scene knew what kind of song it was, it was "Love of the Year".

I also like the song "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter", but this song is the most classic.

This is the program group released water, there are so many songs here, I chose this one, probably because I know that Liu Zaishi can sing, and the effect is better.

As soon as he came out, Liu Zaishi began to write in a hurry, and Minzhen was stunned, and even went to see what others wrote.

Originally, the internal information is shared, and it is useless for you to copy it~

After seeing how others wrote, she began to write her own.

But this lyric is actually very difficult, this is not the kind of saliva song, so the lyrics will be more difficult for people who have not listened to it.

There are eight or nine words in a lyric, and each word is pronounced differently, so it will be very difficult to remember on the spot.

But Liu Zaishi can sing, so they still have a little advantage, of course, the advantage is not great, he can just sing along, you have to let him sing a cappella he will only be very familiar with the passage.

After all, he did not specifically memorize, of course, as soon as he had a confident paragraph, he directly did not remember it, but sang along.

Even after the song ended, he explained to the camera what kind of song it was.

"There are two of this, and the second one I am familiar with." Liu Zaishi explained.

It turns out that he can't sing, he is familiar with "Running to the Future Days", this is "Love of the Year".

Or was I studying too seriously back then and didn't write down both songs...

Before he said it, I didn't even realize that this song was different from the last one...

So the first time, they basically didn't write down anything and had to prepare for an integration attempt.

Kim Jae-ho also reached the very cool top of Taiping Mountain, and the farce just now only lasted for a while, allowing the citizens to watch the excitement for a while.

After getting out of the car, Li Guangzhu stretched out and felt that the air was very good.

"Wow~ Is this the top of the mountain?" Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

"Brother? You're not going to start again, are you? "Lee already has PSTD.

"What, what's wrong with me?" Chi Shizhen smiled as if he had lost his memory.

In such a dark place nearby, Li Guangzhu was suddenly a little afraid.

"I didn't expect that the first time I came to this kind of place was with you." Kim Jae-ho said.

"We're in the same mood." Chi Shizhen complained.

"Just as happy?"


"Are you not happy?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I was very happy." Chi Shizhen already felt the difficulty of chatting.

Without much chat, several people walked to the mission location, and there were already many fans waiting for them.

Waiting in such a place is probably true love.


As soon as the three people walked over, cheers came.

"Hello~hello~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Wow~" Li Guangzhu sighed and pointed to the night scene outside, saying that the three major night scenes in the world are what you see here.

The ultimate viewing location.

"I really want to shout in a place like this." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Yes~" Chi Shizhen also felt refreshed.

Li Guangzhu shouted directly: "Yaho!! "

As soon as he finished shouting, Kim Jae-ho and Ji Seok-jin looked at him strangely, "What, why do you do such a humiliating thing?" "

Kim Jae-ho took a step back and explained to the people around him: "Wedontknowhim! "

Li Guangzhu: ???

The smile suddenly disappeared.

You're dogs, right?

Fans called it funny, as if watching TV, especially seeing Li Guangzhu being bullied every day, and everyone's "friendly" interaction, which was particularly funny.

Because the scenery is so good, the three people picked up their mobile phones to take selfies, Kim Jae-ho was originally a man who thought he had no dead ends, but he also liked to shoot diagonally from top to bottom, so that the face villain was more beautiful.

And now this shooting can also shoot the scenery behind.

Lee Kwang-joo is in the same pose.

His phone was placed at a height that Kim Jae-ho could only touch when he jumped up.

It is still a very Buddhist trio, looking scrappy and putting a lot of cruel words, but when it comes to the task point, they are always not in a hurry to do the task, but do some strange things first.

Kim Jae-ho took a lot of photos, some with hats, some with hats, and some with kisses to the side, when the time comes, let Song Jihyo also take a picture, you can put it together.

It was also after falling in love that I began to take pictures like this, and I never thought about it before.

That is, when the two people shoot against the middle, and then put it together, it looks like they are kissed, but the background is a different background, and it is particularly interesting to watch.

After Chi Shizhen took a few pictures, he was the first man to pick up the task letter, and the task letter had been placed there without anyone reading it.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be the first person who thought of doing a task.

The two younger brothers saw that their brothers were moving, and they also came to see it together.

Kim Jae-ho is not in a hurry at all, it will take a while for Ji Seok-jin to fully understand the mission letter, and he and his fans also took a picture before coming together.

What he didn't expect was that Chi Shizhen understood very quickly this time.

Kim Jae-ho looked at it, the task is not a difficult task, that is, the theme song of the Xiangjiang movie, write it down after listening, sing it together, and sing it accurately is considered successful.

"This is so difficult." Li Guangzhu was a little worried.

"I'm so capable of this, brother, just leave it to me!" Kim Jae-ho assured with his heart, and said and showed two words.

"Bitter Sea ~ Turn up love and hate~"

Even singing the tremolo very confidently, the head of the tremor is shaking.

"WOW~" The fans who heard it clapped their hands and sighed.

"Thank you ~ thank you very much ~ " Kim Jae-ho made a grateful gentleman bow motion, very pretending.

There is no way, it is so good.

"Music is played~" PD said directly.

Kim Jae-ho is ready, without writing Chinese, transliterated in Korean.

It can only be said that it is quite difficult.

Especially after the music is released.

"Sweet honey! Sweet! Chi Shizhen recognized it at once.

Kim Jae-ho sang along.

"Sweet honey ~ the sweetness of your laughter ~ "

When the music from 1979 sounded in this place, the wind seemed to be half gentle, and the air had a soft smell, which was Wen Qing's favorite feeling.

A very classic song, it is not an exaggeration to say a popular sentence.

It's just that he didn't expect it to be a Mandarin, and this song, the first paragraph in the past he won't have lyrics ...

After all, this kind of song, when you take a bath, you only need to know the first paragraph to sing it until the end.

But it doesn't matter, he will Chinese after all, he must have a great advantage, just remember it on the spot.

Compared to Liu Zaishi's one, this song is simply kindergarten-level in difficulty.

After writing it down quickly, the three people sorted it out.

"Wow! Brother, you remember so much! Kim Jae-ho said.

"I've heard that." Chi Shizhen said with a smile that their era was the era when this song was popular.

Soon everyone sorted it out.

"Ah, let's try it, once!" Chi Shi cheered.

After some bells and whistles, several people still have the freedom to make an appointment, and when they start singing, the three people dance enchanting dances, and then sing the standard "Sweet Honey", just listening to the opening words, is the degree of performance.

Ji Shizhen's Chinese is also very good, and Li Kwangzhu has also heard this song, so it is very smooth.

Several people sang and danced, and in this context, it was very tasteful.

Just when everyone was singing very enjoyably, Chi Shizhen suddenly made a mistake, and the three people were caught off guard by the wind, and Chi Shizhen's hat flew up.

Kim Jae-ho's hat also flew up, he was closer to the fence, and seeing that the hat was about to fly out, he looked back and pulled it out, and actually clamped the brim ...


Kim Jae-ho fixed on that action, lowered his head, and smiled.

Everyone was terrified when they saw it, and suddenly they applauded him like this, awesome!

Kim Jae-ho now looks handsome, but in fact, he was also scared when he clamped it, he didn't expect that he was actually clamped, and he subconsciously wanted to grab it.

His heart was pounding the moment he clamped, but he immediately fixed and pretended, and in everyone's applause, after Kim Jae-ho took the hat back contentedly, hey, don't put it on!

Made a classic move of Mike, and then fancy the hat in the hand a few times after turning directly to the head and pressing, the head is lowered, the hand swings, handsome horse!

I don't know, I thought it was MJ or what Fang Tianyu was on.

"Wow!" Everyone directly exclaimed and clapped, so handsome! What kind of acrobatics is this?

Even Lee Kwang-joo and Ji Seok-jin wanted to clap their hands, but Kim Jae-ho actually hid such a hand?

What a good hand to pretend!

Kim Jae-ho pulled his hat and moved it to the back very dashingly so that it wouldn't blow off.

Smooth and handsome!

You must know that he deliberately learned this when he learned dance, and practiced for several days!

He didn't practice anything, he practiced fancy hat wearing, and on this, he also has research.

It's a pity that it's just an ordinary baseball cap, otherwise it would be more handsome.

After making a curtain call, Kim Jae-ho smiled proudly.


Inadvertently installed it again, Shutan~

Such a small talent also dilutes the frustration of failure.

"Brother, the pronunciation of yours just now is wrong, it is in the spring breeze, not in the wind."

"Denkaze, okay, I see." Chi Shizhen said immediately.

"Spring breeze!"

"Spring breeze, open in the spring breeze~" Chi Shizhen repeated, comfortable.

"It's better not to wear a hat, otherwise it will be over if you fall." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Good." Ji Seok-jin and Kim Jae-ho both took off their hats.

"It's too hard to pick up if it falls, and it takes hours for the beads to be here."

Li Guangzhu nodded: "Indeed..."

Suddenly, I was shocked.

"Wait! Why did I pick it up?! "

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