Kim Jae-ho likes a very pleasant style, while Bong's bias is towards cold social irony.

Therefore, Bong can produce a lot of movies with depth, and Kim Jae-ho's depth can only be said to be involved, but it is not the point.

Different styles have different markets.

However, unlike the style of the movie, Fengdao is a very soft person in reality, and it will not be very scary.

If Bongdao is the kind of person who is very terrifying and serious, Kim Jae-ho will not look at him.

There's no need to block your life.

Kim Jae-ho likes to play happily with people who are kinder and have a little humor.

Now as soon as his circle of friends opens, it is basically half of the entertainment circle in it.

But it was so busy, Jin Zhiguo did not let him go.

Because he was very busy, Kim Junguo directly asked him to have a schedule, and Kim Jae-ho honestly fixed the amount of exercise every week and would have a time for fitness.

No way, people all over the world feel that he is weak, and the sense of responsibility of Jin Zhiguo, the big brother, comes.

But to be honest, Kim Jae-ho has not felt physical discomfort or cold, let alone back pain.

Only after exercise, but recovery is also fast.

Even the wrestling scratched skin quickly healed.

As long as you wake up, you will be very energetic, you will not be sleepy or anything, and your skin will always be very good.

The only problem, though, is poor concentration.

He still has to kick out the script this week, after all, this is the most important thing.

So he's really busy.

But fortunately, this movie script can not be written so many words, at least not like a TV series.

And many places are free play by master brothers, so the word count requirements are not much, and there may be many changes at that time.

The uncle came over and brought a plate of fruit.

"I wondered, I can understand that you buy so many game consoles, what is the purpose of buying so many keyboards?!" Isn't this stuff as new as possible? "

Looking at the keyboards that are almost piled up into a hill, everyone does not understand, each keyboard only looks at Kim Jae-ho used for a while, and then put it aside, some even do not use it directly, and the new one is bought and put away.

"You know a fart!" Kim Jae-ho scolded directly without going through the process.

"The keyboard feels like a headset, and different headsets give people different feelings."

"I haven't seen you collect headphones!" The uncle said.

"Yes, but it's not necessary."

"What's not necessary, aren't you a musician?"

"The sound quality is already the best now, there is no need to buy anything else."

"Then why do you have to buy other keyboards, obviously several of them are the latest."

"Are you very idle now? I'm creating! Do you understand creation? It can't be disturbed! "

"I'm in a hurry~"

"Hurry your size! I don't care about you! "

"Watch TV, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you."

The uncle's logic is still quite clear, and he directly argues Kim Jae-ho so that he has nothing to say.

This is a small fetish of Kim Jae-ho, at first because of the keyboard bought for gaming, this does not matter, and then it is necessary to code, and the demand will come up.

Kim Jae-ho began to buy all kinds of keyboards, but after each hit a few times, he felt very awkward.

The feeling of this thing is really metaphysics, even if it is the latest keyboard now, it is an old-fashioned keyboard for him, but don't say, it is quite strong to press at first.

But after pressing it for a while, he felt that something was wrong, and then he began to buy other keyboards, and the time when he was most productive.

Playing and uncomfortable, I began to change again, the more I changed, and there were a lot of strange keyboards, because I had money, I saw the interesting feeling and I bought it directly.

Now the mainstream is membrane keyboard, mechanical keyboard is a high-end product, Kim Jae-ho bought a lot of more powerful film, and then some especially like it and buy more collection, ten years later must be very fierce.

Kim Jae-ho has begun to miss the static capacitive keyboard in his previous life, but the static capacitive keyboard that can be found now is not good.

It's very uncomfortable, each one feels a little worse, no taste.

It was unbearable, and he almost wanted to do it himself.

But he really doesn't understand this technology, so he didn't do it himself, and now there are too many things to do, and it's a little too much to do it in this aspect.

But in fact, the keyboard of this era has its own charm, even if it is a static capacitor, it is very good, Kim Jae-ho is nitpicking, after all, he compares the technology after ten years and now.

Now the static capacitive keyboard is very expensive, after all, it is a monopoly, just one company to do.

But after getting used to other keyboards, and then using static capacitors has a feeling of flying, that is, too expensive, now Kim Jae-ho is basically buying one, film and machinery will also be selectively purchased, very willful.

But actually, he spends very little time with the keyboard other than very short hours of codewords, so this is a real luxury.

But to say that it costs a lot of money, it is not enough, after all, no matter what, it is only a keyboard.

And it can also be used at work, and from time to time it can improve efficiency or something.

Now Kim Jae-ho sometimes presses all kinds of keyboards, and a little decompression is the most terrifying.

It's like an album, bought it, read it and put it up, and turn it out from time to time to look at it.

Kim Jae-ho's current collection of albums are all signed and unopened, and this kind of one is a treasure in the past few years.

After all, the second-generation regiment is too fierce now.

Every time he released a new album, he bought it, and then he went to ask for an autograph if he could, knowing that he liked this, some groups released a new album by themselves to sign and send a copy to Kim Jae-ho.

Of course, this depends on Kim Jae-ho's usual relationship, and there is a chat.

Among them, the representative is FX, Girls' Generation, Kim Jae-ho is the most familiar with these two girl groups, and a few are solo, and they are also fierce.

Recently, I have been so busy that I can't go to other people's concerts, so I am very irritable, and Kim Jae-ho feels that he will have to go to a concert next week no matter what.

He has the title of "Little Prince of Concerts", that is, he does not hold concerts, but every time he goes to someone else's concert, he will live it at the hour.

It's not Kim Jae-ho's intention, but the onlookers are all touched by him.

I still remember that when he didn't even debut at the beginning, he was already posted online by the fans around him.

The reason is that his support is too strong, and the fans around him are ashamed of themselves.

But it's a pity that now it's getting harder and harder for Kim Jae-ho to go out, masks, scarves and hats are useless, and he was found just sitting down and yelling.

It was good to be found before, but now it is very exaggerated, which directly affects Kim Jae-ho's concert experience and also affects the people on stage.

Unless he doesn't bark.

Or call it like a normal person.

Otherwise, he roared and directly overshadowed the people around him, and everyone around him knew that Kim Jae-ho was coming.

All of a sudden, the mobile phone was aimed at the people on the stage, and they all turned to Kim Jae-ho, and Kim Jae-ho was very uncomfortable.

Those who have the baggage of idols can't be as bad as before.

Although it is a little restrained at first, it will also let go later.

There will also be a very strong follow-up reaction, that is, fans have said that you can see Kim Jae-ho anywhere except Kim Jae-ho's own concert.

This, it's a cliché.

It's like a writer coming out to play and meeting readers to urge more, pain and happiness.

Later, I was too busy, I didn't have to do anything before, read books, play games, shop every day, see where the house is good, see if my favorite singer has a concert, go to the concert and eat something delicious.

How pleasant!

Now there are no more, there must be a private room where to eat, or it is takeaway, or ask uncles to buy it.

Happiness disappeared a lot.

The concert will be recognized, and it is not easy to walk when leaving, and you have to trouble people to let him leave in the backstage in advance, otherwise it all depends on the skill of the master brother.

But fortunately, although I am busy every day, I do what I want, and I know more people, all of them are better people.

At night and there is a link with Song Zhixiao to coax each other to sleep, can fall asleep with sweetness and inner fullness, that is, sometimes when Kim Jae-ho wants to sleep, Song Zhixiao has to work the night shift, so I can't talk a few words, this is a little annoying.

Now I want to wait for Song Zhixiao to go out next door to Huaxia to play together when he has a long vacation, didn't he say, before the little couple gets married, it is best to experience a trip first.

Every time they went out, they took a lot of people with them, and this time I thought about trying it just the two of them.

Kim Jae-ho is actually a little intimidated and afraid that something will go wrong, but the two of them also have a little bit of force value, so there should be no problem to be careful.

The actor's long vacation is actually temporary unemployment, and until the next play finds you, you don't know if you will have a job, you can only wait.

For actors who are not so popular, their acting skills are not particularly outstanding, and their looks are not very pleasant, they are still quite desperate, and they can only go out to run by themselves, but how can they run so well.

Therefore, the actors who mix miserably will do a side job, saying that it is a side job, in fact, it is the main business, and then wait for the opportunity.

Today a man came looking for an opportunity.

Park Min Cheol-go.

"Brother, are you here for an interview?" Kim Jae-ho picked up the phone and went straight to the point.

"yes, how do I get an interview?"

"You come directly to my house, I'll give you an address."


"Then wait for the meeting, you can come directly, you can come whenever you want today, if you are busy today, you can come over and say in advance."

"Okay, can I come over tomorrow afternoon?" Minzhe said.

"Okay, then it's time to give a call."


Feeling that Kim Jae-ho is the kind of person who is very efficient and has a sense of resoluteness, Min-chul is also a little nervous.

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