Just when Yizhen was depressed that her partner couldn't see the tips she gave, Song Zhixiao also felt depressed.

There was no way, she had to act on her own.

Just then, as soon as he opened the elevator door, he met Liu Zaishi, who was left alone, so he immediately invited him to act together.

Just when Liu Zaishi was defenseless against her, he directly tore off Liu Zaishi and was crisp and neat.

Liu Zaishi's whole person was stunned, and then there was a very huge sense of betrayal, until he was dragged away by the staff, he was cursing.

"Yay! Have you forgotten the candy you gave me?! "

After Song Zhixiao said sorry a few times in the back, he began to look for the next opportunity.

Immediately after Haha was eliminated by Yizhen, Song Zhixiao saw the whole process.

Originally, when Song Zhixiao saw Haha there alone, he also planned to go over to see if he could kill him, but he didn't expect Yizhen to start first.

Seeing Yizhen's performance after eliminating Haha, Song Zhixiao knew that she had found the right person.

Song Zhixiao walked out, poked her face with a smile, Yizhen also took her arm, and the two looked at each other and smiled, everything was silent.

This scene is also a handsome horse, the two people are heroic and sassy, and the blood sisters flower, which is why the production team arranged for the two of them to be spies.

Because the words of choosing Jin Zhiguo were too strong, I was worried that Yizhen might not last long, so I planned to arrange Jin Zhiguo.

But later, at the beginning, seeing that Yizhen agreed with Song Zhixiao very much, the production team also thought of that picture, so they took the risk of replacing Kim Zhiguo with Song Zhixiao.

But luckily, it ended up working very well.

Both girls are very capable kinds, unlike the Easy brothers, who were later called Hard Sisters by netizens, meaning the opposite combination of Li Chi.

When the two people did not know that the other party was a spy, they acted separately, and after knowing that the other party was a spy, they cooperated perfectly, and directly killed the strongest Jin Zhiguo.

In the post-God clip and high picture quality, it is simply cinematic.

That was left with Chi Shizhen.

Interestingly, Chi Shizhen has survived to the end several times in a row.

Probably because the sense of presence is not very strong, and it is not very difficult to deal with, it is easier to be ignored.

For a while, Chi Shizhen thought that he was a spy, as long as the mystery of Face was solved, maybe this was to remind himself that he was a spy.

It can only be said that the angle is very tricky.

I don't know why, when he knew that Song Zhixiao and Yizhen were spies, he actually felt that he still had a chance.

Then he resisted and found that his two fists were still difficult to defeat with four hands, and he was eliminated all of a sudden, which is hateful!

If you change the terrain, it will definitely not be like this, and you should not come out so quickly.

Of course, in the eyes of Song Zhixiao and Yizhen, he is here to be funny.

The two people can be said to eliminate him very easily, and there is a sense of nothingness.

Only Chi Shizhen still felt that he was fighting bravely.

The rest is much more difficult than eliminating Chi Shizhen, because eliminating everyone is not a win, you have to decrypt to win.

But fortunately, these two girls decrypted much faster than the Li Chi brothers, so it didn't take long for them to deduce it.

face is to look at the English order, a is 1, b is 2, so that the number obtained can be called again.

After all, PD has repeatedly reminded them that the phone call is very important, and this is the location of the communication club.

In the end, the task was successfully cracked in front of everyone, and the RM people also sent their sincerest wishes when they looked at them.

If it's two boys, they might be very upset, but these are two goddesses, so it doesn't matter.

After congratulations, Jin Zhiguo asked, "So why did you eliminate me?" "

He looked at Kim Jae-ho and Min-ki.

Both of them were a little embarrassed, and Minji didn't know what to say, so he was directly embarrassed.

"Cough, hurry up and get off work, you are not active after work, there is a problem with your thinking."

"Yay!" Jin Zhiguo was so angry that he shouted, and everyone was about to die of laughter.

Unexpectedly, for very outrageous reasons, he directly rushed to his teammates, but really, the key has not yet rushed to win, and two fights one and even loses.

This directly helped Song Zhixiao and Yizhen reduce a lot of trouble.

What a good child of Minji, now he looks a little silly to be taken by Kim Jae-ho.

In short, everyone just typed GG in laughter, and then went back to their respective homes.

Recently, Kim Jae-ho has been really busy, which is why he has not gone to the awards a lot.

But even if many awards did not go, he won a lot of awards in vain.

You can't say too much by sending it directly to the company, as if you want to improve the quality of the awardees.

After all, your award power is not authoritative, first look at the judges, and then see whether the previous winners are worthy of it.

Like Kim Jae-ho, it must be well deserved, but it's a little embarrassing not to come to receive the award.

There were several dramas where Song Zhixiao went to him and he didn't go, and as a result, once the organizer asked Song Zhixiao to lead it very insightfully, which was very effective, and Song Zhixiao's speech was also interesting.

From now on, as long as there is a Kim Jae-ho award, Song Zhixiao will let Song Zhixiao receive it.

Song Jihyo has never blamed Kim Jae-ho for this, she just thinks that since Kim Jae-ho doesn't want to do it, then don't force him to do it.

Some people, in the name of being good for others, point fingers at others, but make that person's life very unhappy, and some things he wants to do are not done, and what he does not do well because he does not want to do it.

It is for the good of others, but knows that he knows that person is unhappy.

It's like some people, they have fun playing themselves, although they are a rookie, but every moment is very enjoyable, every second is a new discovery.

As a result, you as a "big guy" can't stand it, take it directly, he can pass all the tasks with him, just give him the graduation weapon directly and let him follow you to operate.

The task is that the task has passed all of a sudden, the game experience has disappeared, it has become boring, and I don't want to play it all of a sudden, and I can't see him playing this game on the second time, and I laughed that the newcomer really has no patience.

Having been to this occasion once and not wanting to go, most of the time is a waste of time.

Have time to play games, read books, ask friends to eat, and doesn't it smell good?

It can be said that now only Kim Jae-ho is a maverick.

The awards are popular, the effect is good, there is no mistake, but the award is not accepted.

The new drama continues to slaughter the list, and now the ratings are the first, which is even more exaggerated than before.

No way, cool!

Kim Jae-ho wrote the script completely for a cool, there is no sadistic plot at all, and from time to time there is a little profound content, expressing some of everyone's problems in a relatively relaxed way.

It can be said that the depth is also taken into account, although Kim Jae-ho is a fool, he still has some insights into the world, especially when comparing it ten years later with now, some things are more clear.

After all, now Kim Jae-ho's social status is different, and the more things you touch, the more things you can feel.

When he returned home, Kim Jae-ho did not work for the first time, and only worked after sleeping.

The main thing is to put the song out and hand it over to the production team.

If the production team is a treasure, this member like Nima is really rare, which reduces a lot of troubles in the post-soundtrack.

Of course, it also brings a lot of pressure to the editing, after all, such a good song can not be wasted, a little to cut out the feeling of burning to the extreme.

And Kim Jae-ho said that before this episode of the program is broadcast, there will be no sound source, so this will be the first time everyone will meet this song.

Then Kim Jae-ho went busy with his albums and movies.

The film is set in some countries in Europe and the United States, and Kim Jae-ho is considering using all English.

It's not impossible to use Korean, but the key is that the master brother speaks English very well, and it is very tasteful, and Kim Jae-ho is not like a waste.

There is also a feeling to what is shot in that environment.

At that time, I will try to make two versions, one English version and one Korean version.

Of course, the main thing is still the English version, after all, the original version is also in English.

If you go abroad to shoot at that time, it will be a little difficult for RM to participate.

So Kim Jae-ho plans to use the scenery here as much as possible, anyway, it is mainly a large villa with a little house nearby, a factory building, a church and a hotel.

If he didn't find a suitable one within this week, he would change to build it himself, and he could contribute his own house to the big villa.

Because the privacy of that place is a little low, you can take a look inside when you pass by, so Kim Jae-ho has never known what to do, but the land has also been bought, so if you can't do it at that time, you will surround it.

Fortunately, there are few people nearby.

It can only be to minimize Reuters.

Of course, he doesn't need to think about this problem, there is a team.

It's not the first time, and it's not just him making movies alone, the whole world is filming, a lot of experience can be referenced.

Now there are also several very professional personnel recruited in the team, who were recommended by the director, I don't know why he is particularly optimistic about this Kim Jae-ho, almost as a son.

Recently, he himself has been preparing for "Snowpiercer", and he has also given a lot of experience to Kim Jae-ho.

Filming started five months later, and it is estimated that it will be filmed for three months, and Kim Jae-ho thinks about getting a few autographs or something when the time comes.

Kim Jae-ho also wanted to see if there was any way to participate in it, investment ah, etc., and leave this to those in the company to do.

Of course, it is his own company, which has recently recruited a few cattle people to see their capabilities.

Director Bong Joon-ho also wanted to introduce Kim Jae-ho to many people related to this circle, but Kim Jae-ho didn't like that occasion and had no choice but to give up.

He often says that Kim Jae-ho is too willful, which is not good.

But the good thing is that he has a different style from Kim Jae-ho, and he will not force Kim Jae-ho to learn his own style.

That is, he taught methods, not his own thoughts.

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