"Is it a matter of not speaking now?" Liu Zaishi was speechless.

"Everyone says what a good person I am, but it's a pity that I have a mouth.

"What's more, they can accept such rabbits, and should be able to accept such monkeys." Kim Jae-ho glanced at the rabbit next to him who couldn't walk.

"I feel like we're finished..." Liu Zaishi's eyes were dark, and the monkey and a rabbit that had been scary were so dark and black.

Of course, there are also reasons for wearing a hood.

The hood design leaks some light from the mouth in this place, and it is also through this way to see the road.

As for whether it is hot or not, let's just say that they wear the innermost clothes they originally wore,

Liu Zaishi was dizzy, just like these two people, who would have thought that one of them was Kim Jae-ho and the other was Ji Shizhen, which was impossible to recognize ah.

"It seems that I can only rely on myself." Liu Zaishi sighed.

"Oh, are you on your own? You're relying on the panda, okay. Kim Zai-ho complained, obviously rubbing the panda heat.

Liu Zaishi shook his head proudly, this appearance is very superior, and it doesn't need any bells and whistles, just like normally, you can get a very high popularity.

My appearance is good, how can you ~ in addition to envy you can still be ~ "Rogue rabbit, beat him!" Kim Jae-ho pointed at Yoo Jae-seok and shouted.

"I'll beat you up! Who is the rogue rabbit! I'm a cute little rabbit paper~" Chi Shizhen said and gave himself a flower tray with his hand, which is the masterpiece he just practiced.

"Huh~disgusting~" Kim Jae-ho's disgust is about to overflow.

PD felt that his blood pressure would be a little high if he looked at it again, so he quickly gave them the task.

"As of five ten, assemble in front of the blue flag in front of the windmill."

"Ah, just let people gather here?" Chi Shizhen's reaction is quite fast.

"Brother, do you still have an intelligence bonus buff in this outfit? How is it so smart today? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"I've always been so smart." Chi Shizhen said and made another flower tray motion, and everyone seemed to be able to see his greasy smile inside through the hood.

"You can't talk since you set out." PD reminder.

"Then let's go." Liu Zaishi said.

"You can't talk from now on, can you?" Chi Shizhen determined.

"Is sign language okay?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"You also know sign language?" Liu Zaishi was surprised.


Then you say a fart!

PD was directly shocked, if Kim Jae-ho knew sign language, they had to urgently discuss not letting him use this skill, after all, it might have a lot of effects.

What a nasty monkey.

Each of the three people had a task sheet, which was the only way they could notify others.

The easiest way to make sure that others see the words is to snap them in the face and let them see it.

Of course, in this case, people may not come or even call the police Shumai, and then point at him and shout: It's this person.

In order to avoid unnecessary things, they all intend to be honest and use more normal means.

From now on, they will not be able to speak, and each person will walk out with a piece of paper.

Amusement park people will always have, living conditions can not come up, entertainment is the need of people, the more depressed life, the more need for such a concoction.

A few people were a little apprehensive to tell the truth, and it was the first time that everyone had done this kind of thing.

However, since you wear such clothes, you have to be professional!

A moment later.

Kim Jae-ho is followed by a group of children who follow him to play monkeys.

A group of "monkeys" walked majestically, with a very arrogant posture, exactly the same as Kim Jae-ho, who walked in front, and I didn't know that I thought he was not wearing a puppet suit, but chain gold armor.

The monkey king of Huaguo Mountain went on patrol, and Kim Jae-ho still scratched and flipped around on the children from time to time, just like catching lice, and the children also learned.

Parents only feel a little ambiguous when they look at such a scene, and some even want to call security.

It's like some kids will learn to jump in the mud and learn how to bark pigs.

They raise children, not monkeys.

Although sometimes it is really not clear ...

But seeing the children so happy, they didn't say anything, and there were even people who wanted to join.

Kim Jae-ho made a tumbling motion in front, and everyone rolled with it.

He often gets along well with everyone because he is perverted enough.

This enigmatic affinity cannot be covered up even if you wear a hood.

Liu Zaishi and they were very envious when they watched this scene, they could get along with the children so quickly, they didn't have such a big influence, they could only say that they caught a few small families passing by and tortured.

But slowly, as more and more people increased, they also began to become popular, especially other teams also came to solicit customers, tourists wanted to play the amusement facilities have also played, are resting outside, it is more lively.

There are more people, and Kim Jae-ho's physical strength is exhausted.

The sequelae of high-intensity vitality are that physical strength quickly disappears, and now it is more difficult, entangled by children, and it is difficult for him to walk.

But he knows a way to deal with bear children.

He took out the crumpled paper for the children to see, and after a child cleverly repeated the contents of the paper, he made a talking motion on his mouth, and then made a gesture of pointing at others to spread out.

"I know, I know! Let's go and tell others! A kid snapped up.

Kim Jae-ho pointed at him excitedly, then gave a thumbs up.

Affirmed by the "child king", the child was happy, and everyone rushed to spread this sentence, like a gang crime, Kim Jae-ho lived like the leader of a gang.

Whether it has a role or not, Kim Jae-ho is relieved.

The best way to send bear children away is to divert their interest and find them something to do.

Kim Jae-ho found a chair and lay down, his feet on the outside of one side of the chair, his head on the other side, and his hands on the ground, this picture looked a little funny.

As long as someone comes over because of curiosity, he is too lazy to receive it, and directly stretches out the paper for them to see, which is directly the state of discharge.

Passers-by didn't think it was anything, but they thought it was quite interesting.

The grumpy monkey is also quite cute and has a lot of personality.

Xiang Yun was speechless, so why did he jump around like that just now like an acrobatics.

Kim Jae-ho actually didn't play acrobatics, he did all the classic moves of the Monkey King, thanks to the lack of a stick, otherwise...

The time to lie down can be earlier...

After lying down for a while, a roller coaster beside Kim Jae-ho passed by from time to time, bringing the cries of the people on board.

So short, he felt that he could do it too.

So he got up and went to the queue, and the staff told him he couldn't.

Kim Jae-ho was anxious, signaling him to take off his hood, okay?

The staff said yes, but PD told him no.

So Kim Jae-ho's roller coaster trip was so canceled, but this did not affect him to take advantage of this opportunity to solicit customers.

My God, such a long queue, so many people, can't move, and all adults, such a good thing turned out to be his turn, he hurried to let them look at the paper one by one.

In particular, he pointed to the words blue flag on the paper, so that they all remembered that when the time came, choose the blue flag.

Sangyoon had to say a ghostly talent, everyone was soliciting customers in the square, he poured well, and pulled directly where others lined up.

Those people are originally idle and idle, and they are happy to watch others play monkeys... No, it's willing to watch the monkey play on himself.

Kim Jae-ho is working hard here, and others are not idle.

Panda Liu has his own popularity, very popular with children, rogue rabbits catch people everywhere, and perform the coquettish technique that he has practiced for a while, but it also looks like it.

As long as you don't know that Chi Shizhen is inside, it still looks quite cute.

Niu Zhongji is still very popular with girls, and Huangji Song is also very popular, and Guangzhuhu is bullied by a group of children and then flees everywhere.

The same puppet, Kim Jae-ho commanded the child, but he was chased by the child and basically did not do any work.

So everyone really has everyone's aura.

As for them, because they came late, they didn't have much advantage, but they came up with a very good idea, which was to play with everyone the train that came at 2pm before.

This is a very good motivating for everyone, and then it can naturally bring people together.

They soon gathered a large group of people, the effect was very remarkable, the square looked lively, everyone used their personality charm to attract the attention of tourists, making this amusement park a lot more colorful.

That's probably why roller coaster stars have this kind of employee, it's really important.

You see, there are also a lot of such staff in a certain Ni Paradise, so that they can share some of the pressure of parents, and they can make everyone happy, and everyone will enjoy this kind of travel more.

There are three minutes left until the end.

Li Guangzhu is still being chased.

There are two minutes left before the end.

Li Guangzhu is still being chased.

There is still one minute left until the end.

Li Guangzhu, who was chased away by the children, found the large army.

The time is up.

The staff has carefully circled a piece of land in each place, as long as you enter the circle, it means that you have chosen this team to support.

There is also a special person next to be responsible for counting, and if a person enters is a person, one person will be reduced when he comes out.

Zero to zero.

Because of the existence of the production team, everyone also knows that this is actually shooting, and some people have guessed that this is the RM of the recent fire.

After all, many staff members of this show are more well-known than some artists, such as Quan Lie, such as Xiang Yun, and everyone naturally knows who it is when they see it.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is so many people, which one is everyone to support.

"Take it off! Off! "

While still waiting, the supporters below began to shout slogans, the meaning is to let everyone take off their hoods, of course, not something else.

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