"Don't! I haven't eaten enough! I have not yet...... Then I'll take a sip of soup! Okay with a sip of soup? "

A few people had no choice but to let him drink soup.

"Oh, you look even more pitiful like this!" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

It is really embarrassing that a big young master is now doing this for a mouthful of soup.

Just now, I was happy because I didn't have to work hard, but now it's like this, which is probably Le Ji Ji sad.

"Oh, leave me a bite too." Chi Shizhen suddenly said.

"You rob all this?!" Kim Jae-ho was reluctant just now, and immediately killed it when he heard this.


Looking at the appearance of the two people about to grab it, Liu Zaishi was also speechless.

"That's a shame, isn't it?! Leave me a bite too! "

"It's gone! Finished drinking! Hey~It's delicious~" Kim Jae-ho hissed.

The two big brothers looked and wanted to beat him to death.


PD is also suffocated, who would have thought that they could live it all at once?

Because Kim Jae-ho eats very fragrantly, everyone likes to watch it, but there are few opportunities to eat seriously, even if it is arranged to allow them to eat seriously, Kim Jae-ho will pass it again every time.

Each time, he could only eat a little and leave in tears, although the effect of the show exploded, but this was really what they did not expect.

One to ten, it's not so simple to pick anything at random.

It's really every time he comes to this kind of time, his character explodes, so everyone will think that there is a script!

It seems that a few words will be typed in the later stage, it is really not an explanation such as the script, and the production team really did not expect this.

"The soup is so delicious~hey~delicious! I will come here to eat in the future. "

Kim Jae-ho is in a good mood now.

The two big brothers also don't look at his unlucky appearance, they are actually not much hungry, after all, the powder eats more than Kim Jae-ho, and their appetite is not so strong.

And the powder is not particularly delicious, but they are hungry and thirsty, and the soup feels very refreshing.

To taste the best cuisine, all it takes is a hungry stomach.

They just wondered why they had to travel so far to take the task.

A few people walked a long way along the side of the road, turned a corner, and various plush masks were placed in front of them.

The staff has been waiting here for a long time, just waiting for them to come.

"This is the next task." PD handed over the assignment letter.

Liu Zaishi took it and saw that there were quite a lot of words.

"After the competition, enter the E playground in Yongin, put on a doll mask, and gather a large number of people before the designated time."

"Ah, we have Kim Jae-ho!" Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"No, no, when it comes to popularity, it's Liu Zaishi~" Kim Jae-ho waved his hand.

"No, no, if you sing, even a doll mask will know who you are~"

"No, no, as soon as you speak, everyone will gather~"

"Hey, no, no, no~"

Chi Shizhen looked at them from the side and did not speak.

Not again.

"It's not that simple, is it?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"With these masks, don't you just can't see your faces, you can't speak, you have to hide your identity completely."

PD's words cut off the business blowing of the two people, and Kim Jae-ho was directly one: "Huh?!" So how do we attract people? "

"That's your problem." PD smiled.

"How infuriating you say! How infuriating! Kim Jae-ho said.

"Well, then we have to leave early, the sooner the better." Liu Zaishi said.

"First of all, let's pick a popular image."

"Yes, this is very critical, whether you can attract people depends on this." Chi Shizhen has already begun to choose.

"Why are there no grasshoppers?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Oh, grasshoppers are not animals!" Liu Zaishi smiled, what are you thinking?

"Then I want a panda." Kim Jae-ho said.

"No, it's mine!" Liu Zaishi has already got it.

"It's so despicable! Actually got the first shot! "

"I just robbed what's wrong~" Liu Zaishi was proud.


"Then I'll choose the monkey, Golden Monkey King!" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"This is good, super popular." Liu Zaishi agreed.

"Then we change?"

Liu Zaishi immediately turned his head to look at Chi Shizhen: "Brother, what do you want to choose?" "

Kim Jae-ho: ...

"Is this this..." Chi Shizhen's hand touched the rabbit, this rabbit was wearing women's clothing, most likely for Song Zhixiao and Xuan'er.

"Brother! Just use this! Didn't you say to take the first? "

Liu Zaishi's words were like the temptation of the devil, and Chi Shizhen, who was still hesitating, immediately had already chosen in his heart.

"But it feels like I'm sweating a lot."

"It's just that it's going to be hot in this weather." Kim Jae-ho agreed.

"Yay!" Liu Zaishi said: "Do you still care about Khan first? Can you still find one that doesn't sweat here? "

What Liu Zaishi said can only be said to be very reasonable, and his brothers and brothers accepted it.

On the other side, the yellow team has eaten several times, and Song Zhongji's several choices are very strange things, either toothpicks or toothpicks of different colors, if he does not quit, it is really difficult to say who the black hand is.

The red team was also late, but they were as lucky as Kim Jae-ho and chose the fork the first time, and they succeeded in one go.

But they came too slowly, so they were still in the backward stage.

The team at the back can only pick doll's costumes that others don't want, and they look very hot.

Soon Liu Zaishi of the first echelon arrived at the last place, and the first time was to change clothes.

This is the playground, but the facilities here have nothing to do with them now, they are here to work.

Kim Jae-ho also bought an ice cream to eat while passing by, the weather is a little hot, you can imagine what it will be like to wear a doll costume later.

"If you lose this task, you will have to work overtime with the VJ." PD said.

"Then if you work overtime directly, can you not wear this thing?" Kim Jae-ho asked.



"What do you say, didn't we promise to win?" Yoo Jae-seok asked Kim Jae-ho.

"I just asked, today is to win, how can I not win if I wear this." Kim Jae-ho said.

While they were chatting, Chi Shizhen had quickly put on his clothes, and then sat domineeringly over there with Erlang's legs up.

"Brother! Don't put on such a pose! Liu Zaishi complained, this will scare the children!

"What kind of rogue rabbit is this? Mixed up? Those who don't know still think that it is Zhixiao inside. Kim Jae-ho looked at the existence in front of him that looked like a social rabbit.

Chi Shizhen didn't care, he could sit as much as he wanted.

Then Liu Zaishi taught him some cute expressions, and he followed suit.

As for Kim Jae-ho, while changing clothes, he watched a lot of monkey videos, especially the Monkey King, and he now dares to say that he has a special understanding of monkeys.

Even wearing such clothes, he will definitely do it to the end, this is probably the self-esteem of an inferior coser.

"Tsk~" Kim Jae-ho said.

"No, you can't make a sound." PD is very strict.

Kim Jae-ho immediately changed his plan, and if this level is not possible, then he is a dumb monkey.

Looking at Kim Jae-ho's various imitation actions in front of the mirror, Liu Zaishi and Ji Shizhen immediately had a sense of crisis.

"Oh, what are we going to do if you do that?" Chi Shizhen said, "Do I have to learn rabbit jumping?" "

"Did the panda make any moves?" Liu Zaishi actually didn't know that he had the impression that the panda was only cute.

Monkeys, on the other hand, have a variety of movements that can be learned, because they are similar to humans.

All of a sudden, both of them are very stressed, they are professional, and their careers are so long, they have to do more interesting than Kim Jae-ho.

But not speaking really kills them, and people who speak for a living can't speak, which is really very uncomfortable.

"Brother, can you see the road without glasses?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Ah, I'm just short-sighted, not blind!"

Because the inside of the hood is very stuffy, the breath that comes out will be very obvious, so if you wear glasses, the lenses will fog up all of a sudden.

In that case, you are really blind, and you can't see it at all inside, so you can only take off your glasses.

So people who thought they were handsome with glasses when they were children will regret it later, and even want to smoke themselves as children.

Kim Jae-ho was also myopic in his previous life, mainly playing with computers, and he was short-sighted in elementary school, so in fact, it was just a joke about Liu Zaishi.

The pain of wearing glasses, he understands.

Some people think that wearing glasses is blind, in fact, it is not, just see things blurry, the deeper the degree, the more blurry, but really want to take off the glasses, you can still walk, things can also see, just can't see clearly.

Not as serious as expected.

"Then let's go, let's go." Liu Zaishi said.


Kim Jae-ho wanted to say: Lao Sun Laiye!

But because of cultural reasons, I can't say, this is a big trick he hides, and he will use it in the future.

"Ah, brother, you even walk like an uncle..." complained Kim Jae-ho.

"I was originally an uncle..." Chi Shizhen was speechless, asking an uncle to walk in a posture that was not like an uncle, isn't it embarrassing for him this uncle?

"Then you have to restrain yourself, it will scare the children." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"I'll do my best." Chi Shizhen couldn't even walk all of a sudden, he had already put on huge shoes, and now he had to consider the posture of walking.

But looking at the other two, one walking like he didn't wear shoes, the other walking as nimble as a monkey, jumping around from time to time, he had a very strong sense of frustration.

Are you really old?

Is the body stiff to this extent?

"Yay! You're King Kong, right? "

"Monkeys have this too." Kim Jae-ho gestured with King Kong.

"Why do I suddenly feel that you are a little scary like this?" Liu Zaishi said with a smile, because he was too monkey-like, so it was a little scary.

"It's better for you to converge a little, and there will be children later."

"It's okay, wait a minute, I won't speak~" Kim Jae-ho showed a harmless smile.

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