"It's Taiyan!" Kim Jae-ho shouted.

The uncles were all excited, oh exclaimed, and even forgot to speak.

I saw that Taiyan was very cute, nodding gently with everyone with an aunt smile, very cheerful, even if it was an aunt smile, this look made everyone unconsciously grin the corners of their mouths, when you look good, what to do is cute.

"Yay! The surprise I said last time turned out to be this! Don't even tell me! Kim Jae-ho shouted.

"Hee-hee~deliberately not said~It's hard to hide~" Taiyan laughed wickedly.

"Yay! Stop pretending to be ripe again! Haha directly grabbed Kim Jae-ho's collar, Kim Jae-ho has been in a row for several periods, he is used to it, and even a little comfortable.

"What a pretend! I said it when I was shooting last time! Just a few days ago! Kim Jae-ho explained.

"Stop lying!" Haha still doesn't want to believe it.

"Hahaha~" Taiyan helped, she smiled and stood in the C position that Liu Zaishi gave him up, Liu Zaishi was tall: "Ah! Beautiful again! "

"I've matured and become more feminine." Chi Shizhen said.

"Yay! It's raining quite heavily today, so hurry up! Liu Zaishi urged.

"It's not because you talk a lot." Kim Jae-ho complained.

"Yay! Who talks a lot now! Liu Zaishi crossed his waist.

"Yay! Don't say it! Let Taiyan speak! It's raining! Haha's roar made everyone happy, and while everyone had not reacted, Haha suddenly grabbed Jin Zhiguo's clothes: "Brother, you temporarily take off your clothes for Taeyan~"

Jin Zhiguo was immediately dignified, and he wore a white sleeveless vest underneath, "Ah! Why are you like this! "

Haha didn't let him go, and he didn't have to look at Kim Jae-ho, Kim Jae-ho immediately came to help, and the two younger brothers grabbed Kim Ji-guo's clothes.

This is to take off his clothes to keep Tae-yan out of the rain.

"Not really!" Jin Zhiguo was really shy, but he knew that he couldn't run, so he quickly shifted his gaze and pointed at Liu Zaishi: "Ah! He's wearing clothes too! Do! "

Yo Boom!

Liu Zaishi heard this!

He quickly came up and took off Jin Zhiguo's clothes, so that you kid can talk a lot.

"I'm okay! It's okay! Taiyan said quickly.

"Hear me! People began to urge! Kim Jae-ho sped up his movements.

"What! It doesn't matter what it says! Jin Zhiguo thought for a moment that he had misheard.

In just a few seconds, he was no longer a man left and right, but a man all over, and a group of men grabbed his clothes like hyenas, and Chi Shizhen felt that he didn't need him anymore.

This scene, to be honest, he felt spectacular when he looked at it here.

Kim had at least seven hands on his clothes, and his microphone was stripped away.

Kim Jae-ho held a small black microphone and asked Tae-yan: "Is one microphone enough, or wear two?" "

"Yay! So what should I do! Jin Zhiguo didn't even know if his words could be recorded.

The group went crazy in order to borrow flowers to offer Buddha, his vest was almost taken off, and his shoulder muscles were in full view.

"No need..." Taiyan was a little uncomfortable with such enthusiasm, after all, it was the first time that several men surrounded him.

Liu Zaishi and Haha opened Jin Zhiguo's clothes like umbrellas, and Jin Zaihao complained: "Ah! Why is this dress so thin? Nothing can be stopped! "

"That's it! So thin! What should I do if I get Taiyan wet? Haha also complained.

"Don't just give it back to me!" Kim Junguo shouted.

"I'll use it." Kim said disgustedly.

Jin Zhiguo is speechless, just take off his clothes, and now he even dislikes it, are you still human?

He awkwardly covered his weak self with his hands, his muscles were not exposed as he intended, very embarrassing, he even had to hold his own microphone by himself, because there was no place to hang.

Ignoring Jin Zhiguo's complaints, Liu Zaishi shouted: "The next guest please come out!" "

The music of Girls' Generation continued to play, giving everyone a very good feeling, there was a feeling that all that remained was Girls' Generation, Li Guangzhu was throbbing and covered her mouth with her hand to look at the ground, not daring to look into the distance.

But when the guest came out, he still watched it, it turned out to be his favorite Quan Yuli, but he hadn't been happy for long, haha was already eyeing his clothes.

Li Guangzhu immediately felt what Kim Junguo felt just now, Kim Jae-ho immediately went to help, he may not be on the words of others, but Li Guangzhu's words must have him.

Before Li Guangzhu came to his senses, his coat was taken off, and like Jin Zhiguo, he wore a sleeveless T inside, and the good thing was that the collar was higher than Jin Zhiguo, not showing too much.

Before Yu Li could say a word, the clothes went to his head, and it was difficult for him to hold the clothes himself.

The two men who showed their arms hugged themselves as if they were bullied, shrunk on the side, only feeling very embarrassed.

"No, I don't dare to show my face!" Jin Zhiguo hid behind Liu Zaishi, and it was the first time he looked like this.

Liu Zaishi looked back and poked his muscles and said, "What's wrong with the arm?" It's all swollen! Go over and apply a cold compress! "

Jin Zhiguo quickly explained: "It's because it's like this in the morning!" "

Kim Jae-ho looked puzzled: "In addition to the swollen face, will the muscles also be swollen in the morning?" "

Yu Li was already happy, and interestingly, Li Guangzhu didn't know when she sneaked next to Yu Li to help hold her own clothes for Yu Li.

Anyway, I am in charge of my clothes, at least he can now control his own clothes and shield his favorite female idol.

Even if Yu Li didn't actually need him, he had already put his clothes up.

Li Guangzhu only found a corner, but it didn't actually help...

Because of the rainy weather, I have to quickly invite the guests to come out first, so the next guest will come out directly, this needless to say, Jessica, who has already come.

The appearance is not described, some people should be very clear.

The point is that the next thing to suffer is to keep making others haha, this time everyone can be said to be very positive, nothing else, after all, this is the culprit of everything.

Haha only wore a simple black sweater, four men caught him, Li Guangzhu had a very hideous expression.

Kim Jae-ho did not go over, and he helped Tae-hyun with the clothes.

"These men are really, too rude." Kim Jae-ho shook his head.

Tae-yan glanced at Kim Jae-ho funny, weren't you like this just now?

"Taiyan, don't misunderstand, we are not all such people." Kim Jae-ho was not persuasive at all, but made Tae-yan laugh.

Jessica on the other side has not yet understood what happened, anyway, as soon as she came out, everyone ignored her, and directly began to take off her clothes.

"It's for you to keep out the rain." Liu Zaishi said intimately.

Haha, the initiator, looked at this scene very embarrassed, touched his head, and his hat was taken off.

There was a lot of noise over there, and Taiyan saw this and said: "Don't need this, give it to the final country of Oppa." "

Jin Zhiguo stood aside and was very pleased to hear it: "Really? "

"You are too kind, it doesn't matter, even if you give it now, you will be taken off." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Too." Jin Zhiguo nodded and did not take it, "You cover it." "

"Can it be blocked? Or a hat for you. Kim Jae-ho took off his hat and gently put it over Tae-yan's head.

"Opa my hairstyle..." Taiyan looked unhappy, straightened his hat, and looked good.

"Yay! Don't spoil someone's hair! As soon as Jin Zhiguo finished speaking, he suddenly began to charge, because the next guest came out, and Liu Zaishi became the target.

Liu Zaishi was still cheering one second, and the next second he was caught, and when Kim Jae-ho saw this, how could this be less than him, and he also rushed up.

Because Liu Zaishi was wearing a shirt, there were a lot of buttons, and the two brothers, Kim Jae-ho and Kim Ji-guo, were busy unbuttoning him, while the others grabbed him and didn't let him run.

Then the intimate haha also took off his glasses at the first time to ensure that some violent actions could be carried out smoothly.

Everything went very smoothly, the new guest our busy inner xian got her new "umbrella", the price was that Liu Zaishi's interior was exposed, and everyone laughed, because Liu Zaishi's underwear was firmly tied into his pants, I don't know why it looked particularly pitiful.

In fact, it is nothing, after all, it is worn inside, and it is normal to tie it up, but I didn't expect that underwear would become "outer clothing".

The unexpected joke made the scene very hot, and taking advantage of this heat, everyone invited out the next guest, which is our dance queen Xiaoyuan.

Just came out, Kim Jae-ho-du didn't have time to see clearly what Hyo-yeon looked like, and suddenly the person next to him made a move.

The next target is him!

Jin Zaihao hurriedly ran: "Brother Shi Zhen!" And Brother Shi Zhen! I didn't wear it underneath! I'm not wearing it! "

He ran away with this small body, and he was immediately caught, and how could he divert the target by targeting a person, in fact, everyone has been waiting for a long time.

Kim Jae-ho simply wore a color-block sweatshirt, which looked very expensive with bells and whistles, so everyone didn't believe his ghost words, and they had already seen the suspenders.

The clothes were taken off, and some people who saw it immediately laughed.

I saw that Kim Jae-ho wore a small pink vest, revealing white skin, very spicy eyes, and they were embarrassed to look at it when they were girls.

Although the fabric is a little more than Jin Zhiguo, it seems that the visual impact is ten times larger than Jin Zhiguo, and I feel very ashamed just looking at it.

After all, it's autumn, it's probably very hot running today, Kim Jae-ho didn't plan to wear too much, anyway, he had to change his clothes, but he never thought that this group of birds and beasts even had to take off his sweater, obviously it looked like there was only one ...

It's cruel!

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