So everyone is riveted, white-headed, hard to rush, ponder this every day, their results, even if Kim Jae-ho can't use it, there are still so many people in the company, Kim Jae-ho can't use it, and Kim Zhiguo, and so many trainees.

Development, everything is developing.

So to sum up, it can be seen that although Kim Jae-ho did nothing, but the company used him to the extreme, they are not fools, you have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder, even if you are salted fish, we can use it.

Fame, this is that they want to borrow Kim Jae-ho's fame to cultivate the company's own talents, anyway, Kim Jae-ho himself will benefit, or rather, he is the biggest beneficiary.

The current brokerage company does not have big stars, basically revolving around Kim Jae-ho, that is, Kim Jae-ho needs them less, otherwise Kim Jae-ho can now receive cooperation and receive fatigue.

But Kim Jae-ho wants to sing some local lyrical songs, the kind of soulful and awesome, or the kind of song that tears when listening to the intro, the kind that can hear the explosion when the chorus arrives, like "Wild Flower", Kim Jae-ho's current songs are there, but not particularly fierce, hey, wild flowers seem to be good, the lyrics are nothing, cough, this again...

There are actually a lot of this kind of songs, but this kind of lyric songs are all storytelling, after all, he has not experienced it, it is more difficult to copy... Ahem, hard to write, the last song "Untitled" caused a lot of speculation, and some were blindly analyzed by people who were idle and had nothing to do.

But it doesn't matter if you use someone else's lyrics to compose music, what stories are in the song have nothing to do with him.

He's a singer, what kind of songwriting does he know?

However, recently Kim Jae-ho is writing a song that records the loneliness and helplessness of being reborn, but this is like a diary-like song that he is embarrassed to release, and it feels a little strange, something bad may happen to the person who listens to the song.

This song does not say that those who were written before will be hopeful, there is no reversal, it is directly that state of mind to go to the end, intensifying, will feel very lonely, when you feel lonely listening to this song, it is tantamount to leaking gas and closing the window, the situation will intensify, if it is released, it may become a banned song, after all, Kim Jae-ho's rendering power is particularly strong.

So this song will still enter his music library, not let others listen to it, and listen to it when he is in the mood at home.

In addition to these more conventional, Kim Jae-ho also wants the company to contact another big mountain in the entertainment industry, Hudong Big Brother, now at a low ebb, just been made to announce a temporary withdrawal from the entertainment industry, and now it has not even been clarified, it has to be December, the company must have withdrawn, if it is almost there, he is not needed, and the company takes off directly.

Kim Jae-ho can only see if he can contact him through Liu Jae-seok's side, and now it is simply a blessing in disguise, it is a little despicable...

In addition, there is Luo PD, who has not yet become a god, and can also be whole, of course, this hope is relatively slim, and Uncle Shougen, this will only have a chance after two years, a little cocked CC corner feeling.

This is for sure, there is so much cake, they M.M.P want to grow, they must wrestle with these large companies, and now there are completely conditions, after all, now the company is developing in all directions, not only the entertainment industry.

Now the resources are not strong, the contract conditions are full, basically Kim Jae-ho's style, will not force you as a money-making tool, there is a certain free contract.

Again, now, except for money, they have nothing.

In addition to the fact that there are many people who can fire in a few years, Kim Jae-ho will say it as long as he remembers, and he feels a little like a god after being reborn.

Of course, whether you can pick it up or not, then casually, anyway, if you can't pick it up, you can also cultivate it yourself, and the one you cultivate is more fragrant.

To be honest, for Kim Jae-ho, every time he goes to wander, he teaches the most about the three views, morality, and while maintaining his personality, you must be cautious in your words and deeds, don't say some strange things and do some strange things, otherwise it is useless for you to have talent.

Every time he goes to Liu Zaishi's art class, Liu Zaishi will repeatedly tell him that there are some things that can be done, there are some things that cannot be done, as for what things cannot be done, this degree must be controlled by yourself, otherwise maybe because you did something wrong, all the things you did before will come to naught and directly withdraw from the circle.

As an evergreen in the art world, Liu Zaishi's words are very important, after all, even another mountain tiger east almost overturned.

Be careful in your words and actions, not as a joke.

In addition, it is mental education, you can't treat this profession as life, if it's really not possible, the company will arrange a career change, so don't be so burdened, really feel that you can't hold on, you can go to him, when you feel that the psychologist can't help you.

Kim Jae-ho can still guarantee this, he doesn't want some people to happen something bad because of too much pressure.


As soon as his eyes were closed and opened for another night, Kim Jae-ho's sleep quality has always been very good.

Get up early today because you have to get up early to shoot RM.

Autumn has arrived, but it is not very cool, the dripping autumn rain is falling, Kim Jae-ho only feels bored, he does not like this wet feeling.

I remember that a lesbian table used to say that she wanted to try walking in the rain, and then every time it rained, he asked people to go out for a walk, and when it rained, he was very excited, which can be said to be quite annoying.

However, this bit of rain did not affect the shooting, because the camera could not capture the rain, so everyone continued to shoot after getting together.

"Today RM got together like this again, but it's a pity that Zhixiao can't come because of the filming of the TV series." When Liu Zaishi said this, he was all looking at Kim Jae-ho.

Kim Jae-ho was dumbfounded: "Look at what I do?" Yikes! This has nothing to do with me! These days are all on holiday! It's another director's pot! "

"Yes, this is the freest crew I've ever seen, and the director is often absent." Lee Kwang-joo nodded and complained, and in one sentence, he exhausted Kim Jae-ho's heartless image, and he was the most unsophisticated director.

Li Guangzhu's cold arrow activated everyone, and began to talk about "those things I did in the crew", such as what was done when Chi Shizhen's clothes were not taken off before he found that Director Jin had gone home.

What because I want to film, I eat very little, and I see Director Jin nibbling on a big chicken leg.

Kim Jae-ho shook his head and looked tired: "I really can't continue to stay here without Zhixiao... I'm so tired..."


Kim Jae-ho: "Lee Kwang-joo, I found out that you were particularly floating after finishing ha~"

Li Guangzhu looked indifferent and arrogant: "I've always been like this~"


Looking at Lee Kwang-joo's beaten look, Kim Jae-ho had nothing to say, after all, he was telling the truth, and he really had always been like this.

On the set, although Kim Jae-ho is the most powerful person, he has no shelves and is never angry, his anger is similar to irritability, how is it wasting my time again I have to work overtime again.

He is an efficient person, anyway, if he is not angry, others will listen to him, and he prefers to spend his time explaining his intentions rather than insulting the other party to relieve himself, which does no good.

Anyway, if you don't listen to what you say, you will get out, and the crew does not raise waste.

Fortunately, the crew did not have this, after all, everyone is not a fool, nor is he stunned, and he will not be unscrupulous and unmeasured because Kim Jae-ho is kind.

After all, the salary is Kim Jae-hao, and the atmosphere and benefits of the crew are not available in other crews.

After daily teasing of Kim Jae-ho, Liu Zaishi also hurried to the topic: "Today in Gaoyang City, the 2011 National Games were held. "

"Oh~ So isn't Brother Chengguo participating in the recording today?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Why?" Liu Zaishi catched.

"He participates in the recording, so who goes to the competition?"

"Oh~it turned out to be an athlete~"


The two people sang and sang and sang and threw the terrier directly put Jin Zhiguo up like a crosstalk, and everyone who had accumulated deep grievances complained that it was not ambiguous at all, and each sentence had every wonderful sentence, and there was no need to think, which was instinctively resisted by the pressure of life.

For example, Jin Zhiguo's body is an athlete, and if he goes to compete, the athlete will be afraid.

Jin Chengguo was speechless, he just likes to exercise, and he definitely can't go to the competition.

"Good!" Liu Zaishi tidied up, "It's still raining lightly today, who is the guest?" "

PD has been waiting for a long time, these people are too able to beep, say that it is raining and hurry up to make the opening.

But the six chatted out of control, and if it weren't for Liu Zaishi, they could talk until this rain was over.

"Six special guests have been invited today."


Everyone was very excited when they heard that it was six, without him, everyone saw the bouquet and decorations behind, especially exaggerated, and at a glance, they knew that it was a princess style, and it must be a female guest.

As soon as PD said this, everyone looked back.

"It's coming, it's coming! It's going crazy, it's going crazy! Haha couldn't contain his excitement anymore.

"It won't be Sister Fengshan behind, right?" Kim Jae-ho said apprehensively.

"Oh, it won't..." Jin Zhiguo was also a little nervous when he heard it.

To be honest, as long as it is not Feng Shan, it doesn't matter who today's guest is, for him, there are only two categories of guests: Feng Shan and others.

When Kim Jae-ho saw this staircase, he actually felt familiar, and he could probably guess who the person behind him was, that is, to scare Kim Junguo.

Watching him touch his fingers uneasily, he knew that his purpose had been achieved.

"Arrived! Let's take a look at the special guests! Liu Zaishi shouted: "Please appear!" "

I saw that in the white curtain of the flower gate that seemed to be married, a human elf like a deer suddenly jumped out, feeling that the air became lively and the rain became an embellishment.

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