At this time, Jin Zaihao on the screen talked: "The first unconditional is Brother Chenguo, although he doesn't look very smart, but if he reacts, it's not easy, let him stay in prison first, and then he will sit alone like an old man..."

All shocked.

"Don't say it!" Li Guangzhu shouted.

Liu Zaishi rushed directly to the front of the monitor to block, "Yay! Turn off the sound! Turn it off! "

"Yay! Why is this kid talking so much! Chi Shizhen shouted, trying to cover his voice.

It's no longer a problem with the game, it's already life-threatening! They are all not angry anymore, now they are only worried.

Several people were in a hurry, but Jin Zhiguo sat quietly with a calm expression.

Haha looked at the camera and realized: "After today, maybe there will be no Kim Jae-ho in the world." "


It's miserable, but it's funny.

What a god of rice on earth! Kim Jae-ho's few words actually pulled everyone's hatred!

Jin Zaihaoya's dancing posture attracted everyone's attention, the distance between life and death turned out to be so close, and now everyone is afraid that Jin Zhiguo will not be able to control himself from blowing himself up.

Kim Jae-ho actually broke down the mentality of the other side without knowing it, and now the important thing is to do Kim Junguo's psychological counseling, after all, they are going to be torn off by Kim Jae-ho and can't see it.

If Kim Junguk is angry, maybe he will explode when Kim Jae-ho tears him, and they must cooperate, otherwise it will make Kim Jae-ho proud.

It's so hard!

Sure enough, it was Kim Jae-ho, this time they were under too much pressure, originally Kim Jae-ho was very keen, and now the difficulty has increased.

The mentality of the joke at the beginning is gone, everyone feels the pressure, and this is probably the most difficult task they find difficult, because as soon as they fail, the period is over.

Everyone recounted their worries, such as Ji Shizhen's bad acting skills, such as Lee Kwang-joo may show his stuffing, and Song Zhixiao he is too familiar with.

Just when everyone was discussing hotly, Jin Zhiguo suddenly said: "If anyone shows the stuffing..."

He looked around: "Be careful. "

Several others gasped.

"It's terrifying!" Song Zhixiao shouted.

"Yay! I can't do it anymore! I want to go home! "Haha felt the feeling of suffocation and he collapsed.

"Yay! Is this a horror special? Liu Zaishi looked at the camera and asked.

Chi Shi smiled heartily, because he was most likely the one who showed the stuffing.

Now they have one more reason not to fail.

Seeing that everyone felt the joy of the mission, PD said: "Later, as a pre-task, there will be wrestling, this wrestling is to determine the order of the size of the name tag, and the way to wrestle is a tournament." "

PD said this, Liu Zaishi suddenly pointed to Haha and Li Guangzhu and said: "The two of them don't know about the tournament. "

Haha and Li Guangzhu gasped, "Wow really, I'm going crazy, I really can't stay." "

First ignored by Kim Jae-ho, then threatened by Kim Ji-guo, and now he is still looked down upon by an uncle, and his heart is not smooth...

Liu Zaishi didn't care and continued, "It's leagues, round-robin, survival matches and so on." "

Liu Zaishi has a first-hand mentality in teammates, he is not a big deal, all at this time, he still fanned the flames and added fuel to the fire.

PD goes on to illustrate that probably the person who wins more will have a smaller name.

At this time, the PD on the opposite side also explained wrestling to Kim Jae-ho, "The order in which wrestling wins and loses is the order in which you want to be eliminated." "

"Yay! So how do I win! Kim Jae-ho was dumbfounded, "How could this Brother Ultimate Kingdom lose!" "

"That's your problem." PD smiled softly, showing his demeanor, hating Kim Jae-ho's teeth itching.

"I can come to the others casually, but Brother Chengguo will make me casually!" How did I eliminate him first! I knew it wasn't that simple! "

Kim Jae-ho's suspicions were eliminated, and sure enough, the production team was not so kind, it was to engage in his mentality, but high difficulty is high achievement.

He found it difficult, and the other side also found it difficult.

"Hah! It's funny! "

Hearing him say casually, everyone laughed, funny enough, where do you get confidence.

"But how could we lose to Kim Jae-ho in this!" Chi Shi Zhenren was dumbfounded.

"We don't have to lose to him, just come normally, just in order, we don't have to follow his coming." Liu Zaishi explained.

It is precisely because of this, no matter what order Kim Jae-ho eliminates them, as long as they are all eliminated, but if it is the elimination order that Kim Jae-ho wants, it will be better, and in Kim Jae-ho's opinion, it will be more reasonable.

"But if you are eliminated first, the famous brand will be a little bigger,"

So PD asked Kim Jae-ho to write his desired battle sequence.

"First of all, I definitely have to fight against the strongest person in order to show my strength, so I am with Brother Shi Zhen."

"Visionary!" Ikeishi nodded approvingly.

"Yay! What the strongest thing this is! It is clear that it is bullying the weak! Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

Everyone is about to die of laughter, even if Kim Jae-ho counts, you don't want your face?

PD said: "Because it is seven people, there can be one who directly advances. "

Under the 2v2 rule, the extra one is directly promoted, and it is directly the final.

"No, that's too obvious." Kim Jae-ho said.


PD smiled and asked, "Then who do you want to make the final directly?" "

"Of course it's me." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Didn't you say dangerous?"

"High risk has high reward, it doesn't matter if you advance or not, I like challenges."


PD shoes wanted to take off and smash them this person's face.

Don't talk about RM, now even PD wants to do it, which is also the cause of this issue, which can be said to be a collective effort to come up with this issue.

What I want is that Kim Jae-ho thinks he is smart and then sees the social death after the broadcast.

PD took a deep breath and endured, the good show is still to come.

Kim Jae-ho is notoriously poor in physical strength, and he just wants to see how Kim Jae-ho can win in this kind of game.

"Since I am directly in the final circle, then Brother Shi Zhen will be with Zhixiao, after all, it is a man as strong as me, and only when I know filial piety can the strength match."

"Ah, if nothing else, this kid is still very well arranged." Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

"What! He looked down on you to arrange it this way! Liu Zaishi smiled angrily, "Is this brother not able to see the situation clearly?" You are the weakest he feels, protecting Zhixiao, don't you know how weak you are? "

Chi Shi Zhen looked at him with his hand up, and the emotional Liu Zaishi immediately bowed when he saw this look: "I'm sorry, it's me who is too excited." "

Chi Shizhen: "Ah! I'm your brother! "


Liu Zaishi's show effect is also exploded, this rhythm mastery is really good, Chi Shizhen's expression is also very in place.

Now they seem to be watching Kim Jae-ho's show, and then they are doing reaction.

Kim Jae-ho said a word, they each have six sentences, and the twitter is very lively, because Kim Jae-ho is a little emotional now, and the state is also very good.

PD is very satisfied with it, whether or not he can punish Kim Jae-ho, the material is full.

"Brother Zaishi must be with Brother Zhiguo, it doesn't matter if he can win or not, I want to see Brother Zaishi being hanged." Kim Jae-ho said.

At this time, Jin Zhiguo looked at Liu Zaishi with a smile, and Liu Zaishi felt the meaning: "Ah! What kind of expression are you?! "

"No, I don't." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile, it's just a normal look at you~

Kim Jae-ho put Haha and Lee Kwang-joo together, "In fact, they are all similar, if Brother Chengguo can't be the first to be eliminated, it's all the same, there is no point." "

"And the most annoying thing is that Brother Ultimate Guo must be the first, then his name tag will be very small and he will have to tear him in the back, so that he will have a lot of time to react."

"Yay! Aren't you trying to disgust me! This game is meaningless! It's all the most difficult! "Kim Jae-ho is stupid.

PD said: "But if you can compare the post-elimination, your name brand will be smaller and will be safer." "

Kim Jae-ho thought, "It's also oh." "

Kim Jae-ho sketched it casually according to his own prediction, which was roughly the same as everyone expected, except for a few people who felt that they would not be eliminated in the first round.

"We'd better just follow that so he thinks he's really good." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Hahaha ~ Yes, otherwise, like last time Tai Guo drew a line, let's go in this order." Liu Zaishi suggested.

Kim Junguo asked, "Then what if Kim Jae-ho walks in first?" "

"Then the production team can say that the first one is the direct final, which is very reasonable, but he likes to go behind, we just drag him." Liu Zaishi said.


The rest will be seen and acted.

Everyone memorized their order, discussed the details, expressed their opinions, and burst out of inspiration.

Several people gathered around and folded their hands and shouted: "Kim Jae-ho! Must lose! "

Today, because of Kim Jae-ho, they are united like never before!

With that, this time a pair of whole RM's Kim Jae-ho hidden camera special, begins!

Because it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the festive atmosphere is very strong, as long as it is a holiday, no matter what the festival is happy.

The holidays in your own country are not enough, so take other people's holidays together, such as Christmas, Halloween, Valentine, etc., very happy.

At the beginning, everyone jumped up very excited to celebrate the festival, of course, it was not the Mid-Autumn Festival when they filmed, but it will be when it is broadcast.

Liu Zaishi continued to do his work: "This is the D shopping plaza located in Xindaolin, it is a shopping plaza with cultural space, I haven't been to Xinlin Road for a long time~"

Liu Zaishi said, and Chi Shizhen corrected: "It's New Daolin." "

"Ah, I'm sorry." Liu Zaishi said awkwardly.

"It seems that I haven't been here for a long time." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.


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