Back to the main line, this issue of RM, Kim Jae-ho was notified to arrive early.

As soon as he got out of the car, the camera followed.

"What's wrong? Let me arrive early? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"How are you feeling today?" PD suddenly asked.

"Sure enough, you are very curious about human life, there is no need, and playing with mud every day is also enjoyable." Kim Jae-ho's mouth seemed to be quenched with poison, but he could see that he was in a good mood.

"Does it feel like to come early?" PD has been invincible, and he seems to be in a good mood.

"Honestly, am I the hero today?"

"You'll know when you go up." PD God is mysterious.

Then there was the elevator, as soon as he turned on the others were stupid, all people, only heard two screams from ah, he seemed to frighten the two young ladies.

As soon as the elevator door opens, the idol is standing there, which is probably a dream scene for fans.

Kim Jae-ho was also scared, there is such a big elevator, won't it be overweight?

Without waiting for the next shift, Kim Jae-ho went in and stood in the corner to help everyone press the elevator.

The two young ladies quickly squeezed next to him, "I'm your fan~"

The young lady's eyes reflected Kim Jae-ho, as if there were stars twinkling.

"Oh~yes? Have an eye ~ Are you a face powder? "Kim Jae-ho copes with it easily, this is something he will encounter when he goes out, fireflies in the dark, his own damn charm.

"Yes, yes, yes! Oppa, you are so handsome! The young lady said.

"Harm ~ so many people, don't say such things~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Is Oppa being punished?" Another young lady suddenly asked.

"Does it look like?"

"Hmm!" The two young ladies nodded.


"No, at work, tell you a secret, I am the hero today!" Kim Jae-ho said triumphantly.

"Ah! Want to be a spy? "

"I don't know yet, but I came early."

After Kim Jae-ho communicated with them very happily, he got out of the elevator, and the two young ladies cheered him up, which is probably the warmth of society.

Kim Jae-ho was also relieved when he got out of the elevator, and as soon as he entered the door, the hateful PD was already waiting there.

"I don't know if it's the reason for being in a good mood, I think it's quite cute to see you today~" Kim Jae-ho smiled and sat on the opposite side.

PD kept smiling as he sat down and said, "You're a spy today." "

"Hah! Really! Do you trust me to be a spy? This issue will be very weightless, because I will complete my task very easily, and even if I finish it, you don't know~" Kim Jae-ho is very arrogant and has already spoken big before he even started.

Although he said this, after countless periods, in the past year, Kim Jae-ho Tian shouted when it would be his turn to be a spy, which is a role he very much wants to be.

Unexpectedly, today he actually got his wish, which is very rare.

On the one hand, this is a special feature of the protagonist, the protagonist must have a lot of weight, and Kim Jae-ho, even if he is not the protagonist, he has a lot of weight, and he does not need these.

On the other hand, the war between PD and Kim Jae-ho is protracted and has been staged, Kim Jae-ho does this, his acting skills are so good, he must be very powerful, PD does not want to see Kim Jae-ho look.

But this time, they came up with a good idea.

Looking at PD's mysterious smile, Kim Jae-ho was a little puzzled, but this guy has always been like this, and he didn't think much about it, and simply took the task letter.

Regardless of the person, read the mission letter first.

"Become a spy and eliminate RM all! If you know that you have not been discovered in the end, and eliminate all the staff, the spy wins! The middle is found, RM wins! "

Kim Jae-ho almost slapped the table with excitement, the fighting spirit rushed to the sky, this is what he wanted!

He took a deep breath, reserved, reserved!

You can't lose an inch in front of this uncle, it's not beautiful.

But the twitching of the corners of his mouth was captured by the camera.

Reminiscent of that scene, I remembered happy things.

"Am I the only one who is a spy?" Kim Jae-ho calmed down, he is professional, no matter how funny he is, he will not laugh.

"Yes." PD said.

"Are there other conditions then?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"No, just eliminate them, today the RM members will think that there are mysterious guests, but there are no guests, it is you who tear their name tags."

"That's even simpler, in this case, don't say anything else, then Brother Shi, Guangzhu, Brother Shi Zhen, and the prison trio definitely don't know, even if I tear their name tags in front of them, they don't know, and they even have to say thank you to me." Kim Jae-ho analyzed.

Good guy, as soon as he came up, he began to mock, and PD's smile did not hold back, I have to say that what Kim Jae-ho said makes sense.

"I'm more worried about Zhixiao's words, but I can turn against her and say that I am an agent, as long as I help me, I can win together, so that I can tear her in the end, last time she was the first to tear me, I don't know what expression she will have in the end."

PD nodded, this is a new way to play.

"Brother Zhiguo's words, if you are unguarded, it is probably the simplest, stupid, and it can be torn off by me directly." Kim Jae-ho showed a contemptuous smile, showing arrogance.

"Okay, so be it! Look at me hiding from the sky! Hands on the cloud! "Kim Jae-ho confidently made a movement with his right hand that I was in my grasp, very confident.

PD sounds wrong, "What about haha? "

"Oh! Yes! And him, I forgot about him, it's okay, forget it, it's not important. Kim Jae-ho smiled easily.

What he didn't know was that in one of the rooms here, six people were about to die of anger.

Kim Jae-ho thought that he was the only one who came in advance, he never thought that there was someone earlier than him, that is, the remaining six people!

Just an hour earlier, six people had arrived, and they had gathered together to accept a mission.

Their task is to fool Kim Jae-ho, and after the cut at the end of the camera sounds, trick Kim Jae-ho's words RM Sheng, and it is found in the middle that it is Kim Jae-ho Sheng.

This time, it turned out to be a set in the set, a game in the middle!

They had tried it once before, and Kim Jae-ho didn't react at all, but this time to a different extent.

And the most ruthless thing this time is that he has to keep not saying it, so that Kim Jae-ho will find out the truth when he watches TV by himself.

This time it was the production team and Kim Jae-ho who had just faced each other, and Kim Jae-ho's arrogant behavior many times contributed to this mission, and they wanted to see his last stunned appearance, and they were very happy to think about it.

This time, they want to wrestle with Kim Jae-ho!

"Today he would think he was a spy." PD said.

"Ah~" Everyone understands, this is everyone knows that he is a spy.

The six people were shocked, what a hatred and a grudge this is? Is it necessary?

"That's my brother!" Kim said.

"yes, I just had dinner with him yesterday." Li Guangzhu said.

"I'm still filming with him in the morning." Song Zhixiao said.

"How can this be done!" Liu Zaishi said.

"He gave me a watch for my last birthday." Chi Shizhen said.

"He partnered with me." Haha said.

There is no need to put it, after all, they are good brothers, and they usually respect them, there is no need for this, right?

So ruthless.

But now, they know, it is necessary, it is necessary!

Throughout the whole process of Kim Jae-ho's task, they were watching through the camera, and Kim Jae-ho said a word, offending a person.

Now, it's already a raging crowd.

Kim Jae-ho: Prison trio? Tear them up, they still have to say thank you to me~

The three people heard this and stood up directly!

The three people who were originally careful could still endure this?

Your uncle's! Look down on whom!

Where is the trio in prison, it is obviously a foursome, and you yourself are a regular visitor!

Also say thank you? I thank you, uncle!

"Yay! You wait! Wait! Liu Zaishi, Shi Zhen, and Li Guangzhu were emotional, especially when they heard the laughter of the other three, they felt that they had lost their faces.

Who to look down on?!

Then it was Song Zhixiao's turn.

"How could I be fooled!" Song Zhixiao smiled.

"Yay! We can take advantage of this! Let Chihyo help! Liu Zaishi was very excited, and it was obvious that he was in a hurry.

Jin Zhiguo just nodded lightly, he actually felt that Kim Jae-ho's thinking was very good, and he was worthy of being his valued younger brother.

Kim Jae-ho: Kim Ji-kook, stupid!

I want him to die!

I want him to die!

Jin Chengguo stood up with a sigh, "Yay! You're dead! "

He was!


Kim Jae-ho is finished, this is the voice of several other people.

But then, seeing that Kim Jae-ho was about to pack up his things and was leaving, he was stunned when he had been waiting.

"What about me?"

Kim Jae-ho: Ah~hahaha~oh, I forgot~forget if you forget~

"Yay! This kid..." Haha foul mouth almost blurted out, wanting to curse.

Kill him! I'm going to kill him!

No one is complete now.

"Yay! This time must be successful! Jin Zhiguo said, "I've never wanted to succeed so much, this kid..."

"Yay! It's no longer a war between the production team and him, it's now a war with us! "

Liu Zaishi shouted and stood up.

In Hao is dead, RM is standing!

"Oh, I want him to know what cruelty is!" Haha's eyes widened angrily, so angry that he didn't hit a place.

"Yay! Let's hurry up to the combat meeting! Everyone be serious! Let's not do the effect! Haha said.

"It is!" Li Guangzhu said.

"I want to see his surprised look." Chi Shizhen said, "It must be very interesting. "

Everyone expressed their hatred one by one.

Jin Zhiguo sat there quietly looking ahead, and if there was a reason, he suddenly said: "Or turn off the camera." "

This dangerous statement!

One sentence covered up all the cruel words that everyone put before.

Several other people looked at him, his posture and eyes exuding a dangerous aura.

"Ultimate country, calm down!" Liu Zaishi immediately pacified.

And it doesn't stop there...

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