No matter how they were, Chi Shizhen moved his index finger: "Ah, put the bean sprouts on it, put this one on again, and eat it with rice, it must be delicious." "

Gaeko nodded, he was ready.

But at this time, the mission letter was handed in.

"What?" Gaeko took it.

There are three sheets of mission, but each one has a simple word on it.

"Just pick one." PD explained without thinking.

"Choose carefully! There must be something in this! Chi Shizhen said.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Kim Jae-ho complained, "Why don't we have something to choose?" "

Song Zhixiao and Gaeko both agree that having a smelly mouth in the team is actually good, and sometimes it is quite cool.

"So what do we choose?" Gaeko looked at the three words on his hand, which were actually three tones, phonetic characters.

Because he is familiar with everyone, Gaeko is also acting naturally now.

"Choose whatever you want, Zhixiao you will choose one, you are lucky." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Then choose ding." Chitaka said.

"Could it be the Flash Troupe?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

“ringdingdong?" Chi Shizhen also thought, "What does that have to do with the mission?" "

"Then choose this, at least know that this is that." Gaeko said.

"I don't know yet, I guessed." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Then choose this one." Ikeishi Zhen also nodded.

Everyone had no opinion, so they chose ding.

Soon a new mission card came down, and this is the real task.

"The word eating squid once does not appear in the lyrics of the song, and by the end of the song, a person is not bad if he succeeds! Start over if you are wrong in the middle! "

"Yay! Can't we just have a good meal? "

Kim Jae-ho is stupid, he has not eaten properly in this kind of task several times in a row.

"This time I made a few mistakes, don't succeed all at once, and then I haven't eaten enough." Kim Jae-ho said.

"How is it possible! It must be a success! Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

"So confident?" Gaeko is a little puzzled, are people so confident now?

"Because it's not the first time." Chi Shizhen said with a smile, "The first few times were successful at once, and then Hao had to leave before he could take a few bites." "

"Yes?" Gaeko was a little puzzled, "Isn't that a good thing?" "

"Not when you're hungry." Kim Jae-ho glanced at PD, and PD looked directly at him with a smile, not at all.

It's on purpose, what can you do?

"Okay, now let's start playing music." PD said.

Everyone hurriedly got ready, "Can I taste it first?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

There is no such opportunity, because the PD directly starts playing music.


"It's over!" Kim Jae-ho screamed, and the four people unconsciously leaned back, this familiar prelude, really the song I thought, but not the way I imagined it appeared.

There are too many DING in this song, and just when everyone else is panicking, Kim Jae-ho counts and says, "Pay attention!" RDDRDD two and then immediately one immediately followed by three in a row! Ding-ding! "

Several people were immediately alert, and Kim Jae-ho's words were very critical, making everyone a little prepared for the next thing.

But imagination and reality are different, Chi Shizhen didn't even hit the first fork, let alone the next, the four people were in a hurry, because the fork was not hit!

"It's so fast!" Chi Shizhen immediately complained, "It's too late to fork!" "

"Something has happened..." Gaeko wiped his sweat, he already felt the difficulty very clearly.

The first failure made everyone uncomfortable, but one person was even harder.

"Oh, it's delicious." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Well, isn't it spicy?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"No... Hot! Hiss! Ha! Kim Jae-ho quickly drank water, his face changed greatly, he didn't chew carefully just now, and after chewing a few mouthfuls, he immediately became spicy.


Kim's comical look dilutes the frustration of mission failure, and Kim Jae-ho slows down and begins to analyze the strategy.

"This fork is a problem, the fork is not hit." Chi Shizhen was deeply moved.

"It's simple, if there is a problem with the fork, then don't fork." Kim Jae-ho said.

"With your hands?" Gaeko looked at Kim Jae-ho and said uncertainly.

"You can consider it, but think of something else, this is not very hygienic." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Indeed..." everyone nodded.

"Think of a reliable one, I really can't eat it, this has to be eaten with food, and I have to drink soup." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Didn't Zhixiao go and say don't be so spicy?" Ji Shizhen asked, he also felt spicy, but not as exaggerated as Kim Jae-ho.

This store is delicious, that is, spicy, of course, for people who can eat spicy, this is just right, but I don't know, the spicy factor, is PD himself added.

Anyway, Kim Jae-ho has already thrown this pot to PD, this is intentional.

"What does Zhixiao think?" Kim Jae-ho asked.

"It can be put away first, and then we will put it in our mouths with a fork." Song Zhixiao gestured, "Just like this. "

Even if they do, it can't be so cute.

"Yay! This is okay! "Chi Shizhen is always the first person to affirm at such times.

"What does brother think?" Kim Jae-ho asked Gaeko.

"I also think it's okay, line up like this, one by one at the edge." Gaeko said.

"Then do it! This is great, it is really good to be able to prepare in advance and compress the time. Kim Jae-ho affirmed.

"Why are you still asking me so sure?" Gaeko complained.

"Hey, hey~"

It's not afraid that you will say I'm licking a dog~

I'm not!

Everyone approves, I just approve~

Everyone laughed tacitly, this method can be tried, anyway, the number of attempts is infinite, it is only a matter of time, after all, it takes a long time to delay once.

"Come on! I'm fine. Kim Jae-ho laid out the squid and looked like he was dying generously.

Chi Shizhen said: "Fight for once, be prepared, it is the one that is difficult in the back." "

With the consciousness of the juniors and the advice of the seniors, this is okay, with a BABY sound, the challenge opens again!

Kim Jae-ho automatically substituted the lyrics of Killing Matt and the environment of washing, cutting and blowing, and prepared to tinker with a plate.

The first two sentences quickly passed, and soon arrived in the hard-hit area, with a sound of ding, all the prepared squid was entered, but it was almost in the last bite, Chi Shizhen and Gaeko, Zhixiao did not eat, they thought there was none.

"Ah~ what a pity! I thought there wasn't! "

In everyone's pitying cry, Kim Jae-ho sat with his mouth wide open, his eyes looking at the ceiling blankly, as if he was out of his soul, making a meaningless laughing sound, "Ah~ha~"

He lost his soul by spiciness...

First of all, he has to adapt himself to this spiciness, he is just a spicy chicken that can't eat spicy now.

This dragged him back...

On the other side, the white team is also dingding, they are the same the first time, the fork is not hit, the second time it fails, the third time they think of poking it with a toothpick, and then just put the toothpick in their mouths.

How can a toothpick be comfortable in your mouth.

At the beginning, it was okay, but when I got to the toothpick in Jin Zhiguo's mouth in the back, because he had to continue to send it to his mouth, he directly poked his mouth, not only him, but also haha.

They look like fools.

The perfect toothpick tactic failed.

Then when it came to the black team, they continued to shout meaningless slogans before starting, they chose NA, so it was relatively simple, there was reaction time, it would not tink, and they succeeded a few times.

After the end, Liu Zaishi died happily, because it was too spicy, and he directly poured a few mouthfuls of water into his mouth.

"What a happiness~" JK sighed.

He almost had a problem just now, but fortunately Li Guangzhu stopped him in time.

Li Guangzhu is not too good to take an MVP, eating his own and reacting to help his teammates, which is really powerful.

He is not obviously strong.

The advantage of the two teams is obvious, they can eat spicy, Kim Jae-ho just wants to ask if this is aimed at him?

You know, spicy is not taste, it is a mixed sensation, a mixed sensation of burning and pain, is pain.

"Milk... Cattle... Milk..."

Kim Jae-ho stretched out his hand to the sky, as if he was calling something, giving people the feeling of being a zombie.

Finally, a bowl of milk was brought up, and he couldn't wait to pick it up and drink it, almost squirting out.

"Aaaah! Why is this milk still hot! Who drinks hot milk! Yes! Is it me? Zhao Xiaozhen, you are dead! "Kim Jae-ho's green tendons are all bulging.

It's miserable!

The other three are about to die of laughter, PD is also laughing, you yourself did not feel the temperature of the bowl, who is to blame?

But he still hurriedly found ice milk, otherwise Kim Jae-ho was afraid that he would die here.

But don't say, this is buffalo milk heated, very delicious, but Kim Jae-ho is not blessed now.

Because of Kim Jae-ho's situation, the store specially made a plate of not spicy for him, of course, the not spicy is not so fragrant.

Small lives matter, and Kim Jae-ho, who is not delicious, no longer cares.

Gaeko almost died of laughter, "I will watch every RM issue in the future, it is so interesting." "

He plans to watch all the previous ones after going back today, when the audience is so interesting, it would be strange if he didn't laugh to death after watching the edited version.

He thinks others are interesting, and when he says it, others think he is interesting.

So basically Kim Jae-ho was uncomfortable alone, and after several experiences, he quickly succeeded.

In fact, this is really not difficult, if it is not spicy, Kim Jae-ho they can even be the first to finish.

But the interesting thing about variety shows is that they are full of accidents.

The production team, which had obtained a full of materials, went to the next stop satisfied, and everyone was very tired and laughing.

The next stop is University Road, college students, idle is really idle, the road is crowded, as soon as you get off the bus, surrounded by enthusiastic crowds.

Kim Jae-ho, who just looked weak in the car, was revived with blood as soon as he got off the car, and he walked with the wind, which is really not professionalism, pure hobby show.

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