"You see what this is? This is all proof of this! Kim Jae-ho rolled up his sleeves and spoke hoarsely, which was really sad for the hearer.

"Proof that you're a rib essence? I only saw the bones~" Liu Zaishi smiled and dismantled the platform, "Yay! Don't think I don't know what state you went to the gym, what are you talking about? "

Who are you both with? What status do you have, I don't know?

Li Guangzhu also couldn't help laughing, broke the gong, the momentum and atmosphere just now instantly disappeared, because he often trains with Kim Jae-ho, so he also feels the same way.

But this laugh changed from a ridiculous sitcom to a sitcom.

How to describe Kim Jae-ho's state of going to the gym?

When I go, I dragged it hard, when I got there, I wanted to leave, when I practiced, I wanted to cry, and it was like dying.

And the most amazing thing is that no matter what, there will never be fewer words, even if you are tired and half dead, you can hold out a commotion, and the fitness process can be said to be extremely exciting.

The only thing that can be is that even if he beeps, as long as he goes, he will complete the goal of training, no matter how difficult it is.

"Just wait and see!" Kim Jae-ho disdained to explain.

"Let's go." Imelai said.

"Nope! I'm going to see him first, he definitely has a problem! Liu Zaishi looked at the surrounding crowd, as the saying goes, Zhizi Moruo... Kim Jae-ho looked like this, he knew that Kim Jae-ho was going to do something.

The front is all smooth, Gaeko is like a macho man, turning faster than Lee Kwang-joo, and then Song Jihyo runs the slide, this is no problem, after all, this even Kim Jae-ho can play well.

Song Jihyo handed over the piece of paper, Kim Jae-ho did not bite it, because he felt that it was unhygienic and had a bad impact on the child, he just put it in his pocket.

The horizontal bar is not high, I saw him jump slightly, so far it is the same as others, the difference is that his feet suddenly stepped on the horizontal bar, the whole person lay on the horizontal bar, and then clamped the horizontal bar is a turn, down, and up and repeated, the look is ugly, but it is not slow.

"Yay! How can this be! Liu Zaishi was dumbfounded, what the hell is this?

Everyone was amused by Kim Jae-ho's funny look, and before Liu Zaishi could say anything, Kim Jae-ho had already completed three turns, giving Ji Shizhen a second time, and the second time was directly successful.



Is this worth it?!

"Yay! Is that okay? This is a foul, right?! Liu Zaishi questioned PD.

Before PD could explain, Song Zhixiao said first, "Why can't it, the rules just say to turn in circles on horizontal bars, isn't this a circle?" "

She protected Kim Jae-ho and crossed her waist.

"It is!" Seeing this, Kim Jae-ho also crossed his waist and said with a snort.

Liu Zaishi can be considered to understand what it is to fight dogs,

"What? So what did I just try so hard for? "Liu Zaishi was very uncomfortable.

No one answered him, he was a little funny now.

Liu Zaishi's words were sluggish for a while, indeed, it was only Jin Zhiguo who took the lead in doing this at the beginning, so everyone naturally felt that they had to do this.

"Don't say it! Let's go! Li Guangzhu urged, and if he didn't leave, he would catch up.

When Kim Jae-ho heard this, he immediately said, "Quick! Hurry up and get the mission! "

Several people also reacted when they heard this, and immediately went to get the task, even if they couldn't compete for the first, this second can be competed for.

Liu Zaishi also couldn't stand up, quickly ran, but can't lag behind, all of a sudden both teams tensed, the onlookers next to them are shouting Huai Ting, let Liu Zaishi and them cheer.

The hot enthusiasm once again made everyone feel the warmth from the society.

After getting the information of the next stop, everyone ran, Kim Jae-ho drove, Song Jihyo went to the back as soon as he saw it, and did not expect that Gaeko, who had already grabbed the back seat, immediately closed the door when he saw this.

"I'm really okay!" Song Zhixiao quickly smiled bitterly and explained that there was no way she could only go around to the other side.

Seeing this, Chi Shizhen rushed up with a brisk step.

"Yay!" Song Zhixiao was one step late.

"The back is full, you go to the front~" Chi Shi said with a smile.

"Yay! You..." Song Zhixiao was speechless.

"Brother! Love you guys! Kim Jae-ho stretched out his fist back, and Gaeko and Ji Seok-jin laughed and pounded it.

Song Zhixiao smiled bitterly and raised his forehead, this damn man's tacit understanding.

I don't know why, today's Song Jihyo seems to be a little resistant to staying by Kim Jae-ho's side, just like JK doesn't want to be on the same team as My Lai.

With a bang, Song Jihyo closed the car door, and Kim Jae-ho said, "Ah, why are you a little wrong today?" Is there someone else out there? "

Song Zhixiao's face froze, and he immediately smiled: "I didn't..."

"Nope! Can't you know? Kim Jae-ho came up to Song Jihyo and said seriously, he likes pink, he doesn't like green, that's the color of Yoo Jae-seok.

Song Zhixiao smiled helplessly, and Gaeko, who was looking at the two of them in the back seat, asked curiously:

"Are you really together?"

"She didn't know, I fell into it anyway." Kim Jae-ho looked at Song Ji-hyo and said, "Deadly woman." "

Song Zhixiao smiled, what is this?

She turned her head to explain, "Just on Monday. "

"What stupid thing are you talking about? I love you Tuesday too! Kim Jae-ho immediately retorted.

"And what about Wednesday?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"Then I don't know~"

"Hahaha~" Everyone laughed, not expecting that Kim Jae-ho would have a day to say this.

"Yay! You've changed! Didn't you say you loved me all the time? Song Zhixiao shouted with a smile.

"Hmph~stupid woman~" Kim Jae-ho sneered and snorted: "This is what I learned from Ronghe, it's called wanting to get away with it!" You've been caught by me~"


Everyone is dying of laughter, where does this confidence come from?

"Ronghe taught me that if I learn this, I will immediately gain the upper hand and be very good for love." Kim Jae-ho said.

If Xu Xian hears this, he will definitely explode, and men don't want brains? Okay, don't learn this!

Then turn your head and scold Ronghe, look at what you have done!

"Bad man, bad man~" Gaeko laughed.

"That's right, hum~ don't love me too much, or you'll be sad~" Kim Jae-ho said hissperously.

"Then you let me go and sit in the back~" Song Zhixiao moved.

"Nope! Yikes! Do you have another man?! Always want to leave me? Song Zhixiao, something is wrong with you! "

"No, it's all said no~"

"No, I have to take care of you now, otherwise you will run away with others one day."

Gaeko is dying of laughter, who is being captured and who is being punished?

"Oh, but your idea is really good, horizontal bar that." Chi Shizhen praised.

"Yes, Brother Shi is angry." Gaeko laughed too.

"Hehe~ nothing~ basic operation only~" Kim Jae-ho only has a little bit of hissing, he is not the kind of person who screams.

But in fact, it is not fast enough, Kim Jae-ho knows that there is an action called abdominal winding, commonly known as giant slalom, which is actually the fastest way to complete this.

But the problem is, he can't do it...

To do this, first you have to overcome fear of heights, and secondly, you have to have core strength, unfortunately, Kim Jae-ho has neither.

Oh, and you can't say no, you can only say it's not good enough, this statement is already proud.

In fact, the exercise is really effective, Kim Jae-ho is no longer the person who used to be wasted when he moves, his physical strength is much better, but his core strength is still much worse.

In the long run, he can always reach a better level.

The chat time was not very long, JK they arrived before they finished arguing, what they didn't know was that they were the first to arrive, Jin Zhiguo they were still busy buying pants for Cui Zi, after all, they just ripped it.

Although it is said that a clip can also be concealed, after all, not everyone will like a pervert in those few frames crazy pause and replay.

But when there are still activities, it is better to hurry up and buy a comparative insurance.

This task goes to Squid Alley, which is naturally eating squid, and squid has a way to eat here, that is, spicy stir-fry.

Visiting the smell wafting with its smell, the canteen is always tranquil.

Song Zhixiao sat down, straightened his clothes, and then felt the gaze from the side.

"Why are you looking at me?" She laughed.

"Good-looking~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile, feeling the urge to touch Song Jihyo's hair, but there were too many people and he was embarrassed.

"What are you going to do?" He asked.

"Go and ask Auntie not to make it so spicy." Song Zhixiao looked at the table, and his side face was absolutely beautiful.

"Oh~ Do you know that Jaehiro can't eat spicy, so you're worried~" Chi Shizhen had an ambiguous smile on his face, it was obvious that he was eavesdropping again in an upright manner.

Kim Jae-ho had a playful smile: "Oh yes ~ found oh ~ "

"No, I'm just afraid it's too spicy." Song Zhixiao denied it, did not look panicked at all, very naturally straightened his clothes and sat upright, his figure was obviously curved under the outline of the suit.

"Then why are you red?" Kim Jae-ho asked suddenly.

"Yes?" Song Zhixiao was startled and immediately touched his face.

"Lie to you~" Kim Jae-ho smiled wickedly, "but now it's really red." "

"Do you want to die?" Song Zhixiao directly gave him a few blows.

"Sorry! I was wrong! "

Kim Jae-ho called this cheap and sold well, everyone looked at him with contempt, not worried about the seriousness of his injury, only worried that it was not serious enough.

Gaeko just learned today, what is called laughing so much that you can't stop, every moment is wonderful, I thought I could rest when I ate, but now it's in the soup.

Soon the meal came up, there was no Dongwan today, it was a normal aunt, Kim Jae-ho was still a little disappointed, but the food made up for his disappointment.

I saw the spicy fried squid served up, red and tongtong, not to mention whether it was delicious or not, it looked like his appetite increased, Kim Jae-ho likes to eat spicy, but he can't eat too spicy, just now he didn't think of this stubble, didn't think of Song Zhixiao thought for him.

The feeling of having someone to take care of and someone to care about is so good~

Especially when I didn't expect it, I felt a faint feeling of being healed.

And whether Zhixiao's instructions are useful or not, it is difficult to say, after all, not long after she finished speaking, the squid came up, and it felt that it was prepared in advance...

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