Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 277 Hokage Candidate [Please subscribe]

There was silence in the Hokage Building conference room. Everyone was thinking about the candidate for the fifth Hokage and the future situation of Konoha.

The tranquility did not last long before it was broken by Feng Feng.

He lightly knocked on the table, attracted everyone's attention, and said, "That's good. After the war, Konoha will usher in a new life. Konoha also needs a new Hokage to lead Konoha to a new future."

Zhuludie and the neutral senior executives were all very happy after hearing this, and other senior executives also nodded lightly.

Kosuke took up the conversation and said: "Take Feng is right, the position of Hokage cannot be vacant for too long. I think we will finalize the candidates today, and then select the fifth generation Hokage according to the Hokage selection process."

Hearing this, Koharu and Mito Kaden who went to bed quickly looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said calmly: "Okay."

After turning to bed, Koharu spoke: "Hiruzen, you are the Third Hokage, please tell me your nominee first!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slightly, and then moved his gaze to the bottom of the field.

He first looked at Jiraiya, who quickly shrank his head when the teacher glanced at him.

Then Hiruzen looked at Shinnosuke again. Shinnosuke's face was a little excited, but his eyes were flickering. He also knew that he was not qualified.

After a long time, he sighed and said: "I nominate Jiraiya!"


Jiraiya stood up and wanted to shirk, but was stopped by Sarutobi Hiruzen's majestic gaze, so he had no choice but to sit down.

Seeing this, Tifeng shook his head slightly. The most unsuitable thing about Jiraiya as Hokage is that "he doesn't want to be Hokage."

He spoke after Sarutobi Hiruzen: "I nominate Uchiha Fugaku!"

The words of Feng Feng made Sarutobi Hiruzen, Mito Kadenen and Koharu who had transferred to the dormitory look sideways.

After Hiruzen Sarutobi was designated as Hokage by the second generation, he also hoped to have the rights of the second generation and control his successor, so as to keep the Sarutobi clan strong.

But in terms of prestige and strength, he was not as good as the first and second generations. He had no choice but to create the current Hokage selection method in the name of democracy.

That is, the selector is nominated by the previous Hokage or elder, and then all the jounin conduct a vote of confidence.

This method allows the Hokage system to easily control the successor, which is why Fugaku was unable to compete with Minato and Orochimaru.

Fugaku didn't even get to the step of a vote of confidence, and was stuck in the initial nomination.

However, with Kosuke and Tofu becoming elders, they can no longer stop Fugaku from running for Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others didn't know that if Fugaku had no chance to run, Aozora might let Uchiha take other more drastic methods to seize the position of Hokage.

After the two mentioned their names, everyone in the audience turned their attention to Fousuke, Mito Kadoyan and Koharu who had moved to another dormitory.

Fousuke shook his head and said: "I have no better candidates for the Fifth Generation here than Jiraiya and Fugaku."

Mito Kadoyan and Koharu Kazuo sighed, shook their heads and gave up the nomination.

At that time, the only powerful Hokage were Jiraiya and Tsunade. Tsunade was not in the village and was unwilling to take over the position of Hokage.

Except for Tsunade and Jiraiya, the remaining Shinnosuke, Yamato, and Kakashi are pretty good, but they all lack prestige and cannot be compared with Jiraiya and Fugaku.

Tifeng looked around and said: "In that case, the fifth generation Hokage will be selected from Jiraiya and Fugaku. Now Fugaku will be transferred back from the front line first, and then a Jonin vote of confidence will be held. What do you think?"

Gu Jie nodded and said: "I agree!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen also nodded.

I saw that several senior executives agreed, and others also agreed.

After the meeting, in the Hokage's office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, overlooking the entire Konoha.

There is no day left until the new Hokage takes over. Even if Jiraiya is the next Hokage, he won't be able to come often.

If Uchiha Fugaku is the successor to Hokage, then he may never be able to come here again in his life to remember his youth.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen became a little stooped, but his eyes were much more determined.

Jiraiya was also in the office at this time, but his face looked a little anxious.

"Old man, you know me, I'm used to being idle..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around and looked at the only disciple still beside him, and said with a tired expression: "Jiraiya, do you think I have any other candidates?"

Jiraiya shrank his neck, then said: "Old man, just let Fugaku be the Hokage for a while?"

"you you!--"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was so angry by Jiraiya that he almost vomited blood, but it took him a while to regain his breath.

After taking a few deep breaths, Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "Jiraiya, it's not that I can't accept an Uchiha Hokage, but that must be an Uchiha who upholds the belief that the village is greater than the clan.

As for Fugaku, he regards his family as greater than Konoha. If he becomes Hokage, it will only allow Uchiha to absorb the nutrients of Konoha and develop Uchiha.

Moreover, Uchiha is warlike by nature. Under the leadership of Uchiha, Konoha will be destroyed sooner or later. "

Listening to Sarutobi Hiruzen's earnest persuasion, Jiraiya smiled bitterly: "Old man, with my laid-back personality, how can I be a Hokage? I need time to collect information and write from everywhere."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "You can leave Naruto's affairs to your assistant. I, Yan and Xiaochun will help you. As for collecting information and writing..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen reluctantly took out the crystal ball from his sleeve, "I will teach you the telescope technique that I pressed on the bottom of the box!"

Seeing the crystal ball, stars immediately appeared in Jiraiya's eyes, and he couldn't help but pick it up and play with it carefully.

Then after a long time, Jiraiya still endured the pain in his heart and handed the crystal ball back to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Jiraiya said: "Old man, I have to go find Orochimaru..."

"It's impossible!" Hiruzen Sarutobi said flatly, "Not only did he conduct human experiments, he also attacked the Konoha camp. He will never return to Konoha."

Jiraiya's face became much darker when he heard this, and he murmured: "How can a person like me be worthy of being Hokage? I was constantly rejected by Tsunade, and I couldn't stop my friend from leaving."

Seeing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head and said, "Jiraiya, your strength and prestige are the highest in Konoha today. If you don't deserve it, who else deserves it?"

Jiraiya said: "Isn't there still Tsunade?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen paused and said softly: "The incident with Danzo made her completely disappointed in Konoha."

As he said that, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face turned gloomy, and he said in disappointment: "Jiraiya, can't you help the teacher? Can you bear to watch Konoha, the place that trained you, perish?"

Although he knew that the old man was exaggerating, Jiraiya still couldn't bear to see the tired and disappointed look on his teacher's face.

He pondered for a while and then slowly said to Hiruzen: "Old man, the Great Toad Sage of Miaomu Mountain predicted that my apprentice will be a ninja who can change the entire world.

And the changes he brings to the world may bring stability to the world, or it may bring destruction.

I once thought I had found it, but..., now I still have to look for this so-called 'son of prophecy'. "

With Sarutobi Hiruzen's knowledge, he naturally knew about the Great Toad Sennin.

Although his psychic beast, the ape demon, is called the strongest psychic beast, in front of the immortals of the three holy places, the ape demon is just a junior.

After hearing Jiraiya's explanation, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally understood the reason why Jiraiya traveled around all year round. It seemed that Jiraiya was not just for collecting materials from everywhere.

At the same time, he unconsciously thought of Namikaze Minato, the fourth Hokage who died young.

If he hadn't died young, he might have really changed the ninja world!

There was silence in the office for a while, and Sarutobi Hiruzen finally came to his senses. He advised: "Maybe the child of prophecy is in Konoha. You must know that we Konoha has always been famous for producing geniuses!"

Then he added: "I don't expect you to be Hokage for the rest of your life. When Shinnosuke, Kakashi and others grow up in a few years, you can retire and continue to travel the ninja world."

After saying these words, Sarutobi Hiruzen placed the crystal ball in Jiraiya's hand.

Jiraiya rubbed the transparent crystal ball in his hand and kept thinking in his mind.

After a long time, he sighed deeply and stuffed the crystal ball into his sleeve.

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