Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 276 Impeachment of Three Generations [Please subscribe]

On Friday, on the third floor of the Hokage Building, Konoha held a high-level meeting as scheduled.

Since most of the ninjas on the northeastern border had withdrawn to Konoha, the usually sparse conference room was a little more popular.

"Xuan Yi, long time no see!"

"Keisuke, you're finally back? You seem to have gained a lot from fighting Kumogakure. You seem to be much stronger!"

"Kengo, what happened to the scar on your face? Who hurt you?"


Before the meeting, everyone chatted with friends they had not seen for a long time and told each other the good news about the end of the war.

Amidst the laughter, Hizu walked into the conference room with his deputy Hidaka. In an instant, everyone stopped smiling. It was obvious that most of Konoha's senior officials were still vaguely aware of Hinata's grievances.

Then Jin Tai also walked in with Yashiro's cold face, and the atmosphere in the conference room became even more depressed.

Fortunately, the depressing atmosphere did not last long. Sarutobi Hiruzen and the four elders filed into the conference room, followed by Jiraiya.

Everyone sat down and saw that the time was up. Sarutobi Hiruzen announced: "The high-level meeting of Konoha begins now!"

No one disrupted this meeting and everything went on in an orderly manner.

Sarutobi Hiruzen fully affirmed Jiraiya's important role in resisting Kumogakure, and expressed full praise for the ninjas who returned from the front line. The conference room was filled with joyful laughter.

"Through the efforts of all ninjas, the war is finally over! We have successfully driven away blood and death, and are about to face a brighter life. Next, please join me in building a bright future for Konoha."

After summarizing the meeting, Hiruzen Sarutobi was about to announce the end of the meeting, when suddenly Hiashi in the front row stood up.

A cold look flashed in his eyes, but Sarutobi Hiruzen's face remained kind, and he asked gently: "Hizu, do you have anything important to do?"


Hizu nodded, and then said word by word: "On behalf of all the ninjas of the Hyuga clan, I impeach the Third Hokage and initiate a vote of confidence..."

Before Hizu finished speaking, the audience was already in an uproar. Everyone looked at Hizu in surprise, and at the same time looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen curiously.

Jiraiya was furious, stood up and interrupted him: "Hizu, do you know what you are doing?"

Hizu looked at him without any fear and said: "Jiraiya, the third Hokage is old and dim-witted. After the fourth generation came to power again after his death, he made frequent mistakes and caused great damage to Konoha."

Jiraiya was stunned and said: "How is it possible? The old man has done so much for Konoha!"

Rizu sneered and did not answer his words.

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen, Hiruzen asked: "May I ask, Lord Hokage, are you responsible for covering up Orochimaru and Danzo's rebellion and poor supervision?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't say anything, and Koharu went to bed and started to defend: "It's too much protection, but it's true that the supervision is poor."

Rizu did not get entangled and continued: "The truth about Kumogakure's kidnapping of the little girl is obvious, and your eldest son Shinnosuke was even present. Why do you favor Kumogakure?

You didn't transfer the ninjas from the northeastern border back to Konoha first, but your command mistakes made us Hyuga pay the bill, and you nailed us Hyuga to the pillar of shame. "

Shinnosuke off the court quickly defended: "I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "I believe Shinnosuke did not appear at the scene."

"Haha——" Rizu sneered, "You still refuse to admit it now. It's really hypocritical."

Jiraiya said angrily: "Hizu, sensei is not like that."

After turning to bed, Xiaochun said coldly: "Hyuga, Hinata, please pay attention to your words."

Mito Kadenen said: "Hyuga Hinashi, Hokage-sama's reputation cannot be slandered!"

Faced with the responsibilities of many high-level officials, Nizu looked expressionless and said coldly: "Hizashi has already sacrificed his life. Do I need to lie about this?"

As soon as Rizu said these words, everyone thought about it and felt that what he said was indeed reasonable.

"Hizashi has sacrificed his life and Kumogakure has retreated. There is really no need for Hizashi to lie."

"Yes, speaking out before might implicate Shinnosuke, but now it can only make him offend the Sarutobi clan."

"The choice is not worth the gain, so it seems that it may be true."


Hizu did not continue to dwell on Shinnosuke's matter, but continued: "Let's not mention Shinnosuke's matter, and the ninjas who were transferred back to the northeastern border in advance, Hokage-sama, how do you explain it?

Because you transferred back the frontline ninjas in advance, Konoha could only fall into passivity when faced with Kumogakure's attack, forcing Hizashi to sacrifice for Konoha. "

Hearing this, neither Sarutobi Hiruzen nor Jiraiya and the others had anything to say. This was a major mistake.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed and said: "This is my command error..."

"The command error... it's so funny!" Rizu didn't stop talking, "I just experienced Kumogakure's betrayal, and now that Kumogakure retreats, you can't wait to recall the ninjas on Kumogakure's front line. What's the purpose?"

This time, Jintai did not let Hizu do a stand-up comedy, and answered: "What else could it be for? Isn't it just to build momentum for Jiraiya, attack our clan leader, and unofficially appoint the next Hokage?"

As Jin Tai spoke, the conference room completely boiled.

"Yes, Yunyin just went back on his word and actually transferred the frontline commander back..."

"The situation on the northwest border has long been stable, but Fugaku has been reluctant to be recalled. Alas..."

"Is the third generation really insane?"

"The purpose of holding such a major welcome ceremony for Jiraiya is obvious."


Hiruzen Sarutobi listened to the noisy discussions in the conference room and knew in his heart that his retirement could not be postponed any longer.

He knew that with the end of the war, he would have to step down as Hokage.

Therefore, he refused to recall Fugaku this time and wanted to retire later so that he could make more preparations.

What he didn't expect was that Hinata would pioneer the path for Uchiha.

Sighing deeply, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up and first explained: "The ninjas who withdrew to Kumogakure's border are to show Kumogakure's sincerity in peace talks..."

When everyone in the audience was about to think about it carefully, Jin Tai smiled and said: "So the way we in Konoha show our sincerity is to show weakness to the enemy!"

Yashiro said: "Opening the defense is to show sincerity! Weakness is the original sin. Don't you know this truth, Hokage-sama?"

After being explained by the two Uchiha, everyone found that Sarutobi Hiruzen's reasoning was untenable.

Sarutobi Hiruzen finally stopped making excuses, "I was about to resign last year, and I reluctantly took over after everyone tried hard to persuade me to stay. But I didn't expect that I was so weak in energy after all that I made many mistakes in my decision-making. I would like to express my sincere thanks to you. You apologize!"

After saying that, he hunched over and bowed deeply, then took off the Hokage hat and placed it on the table.

"Hokage-sama, no!"

"Lord Hokage, Konoha cannot live without you!"

Two lonely sounds came from the audience, and then the conference room fell silent, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's face suddenly turned dark.

This dissuasion is worse than no advice at all!

Most of the ninjas on the field were tired of Sarutobi Hiruzen's many mistakes.

Danzo rebelled against the village, Aozora retired, Hizashi died...

A series of wrong decisions caused Konoha's top brass to completely lose trust in him. Now that the war is over, he is not needed to stabilize the situation, so no one has any intention of blocking his resignation.

Sarutobi Hiruzen forced himself to control his facial expression and said: "There is no need to hold a vote of confidence. I voluntarily resign as Hokage."

From the performance of everyone in the audience just now, Sarutobi Hiruzen already knew that if he launched a vote of confidence, he would just be humiliated again. In this case, he might as well resign honorably.

Seeing this, Rizu and Jintai both sat down. Now is not a good time to target Sandai.

In any case, the third generation has been in office for decades, and many people still have respect for him.

With Hiruzen Sarutobi voluntarily resigning, continuing to pursue and beat such an old man would only arouse the indignation and hostility of others.

As Rizu and Jintai shut up, the conference room fell into silence.

Although everyone was calm on the surface, there was still huge waves in their hearts. After all, the third generation abdicated and Konoha would usher in a new era.

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