Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 215 Fierce battle with Orochimaru [please vote]

call out--!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

An emergency rescue signal flare was shot from the center of the Konoha camp, slowly climbed to a high altitude, and then exploded, forming three lines of red smoke in the air.

The height of the signal flare had exceeded the range of the dense fog, which did not block the distress signal.

Hearing the sound of the signal bomb breaking through the air, Loquat Juzo moved his body and said: "Orochimaru, Konoha's distress signal has been sent. We can retreat after playing for a while."

The mission they received was to attack and destroy Konoha's stronghold.

Originally, Iwagakure planned to wait for the supporting ninjas to arrive before the decisive battle with Konoha, and then use the Akatsuki organization as a surprise force to let Konoha ignore the head and tail.

However, Konoha's early start of war put pressure on Loess. In order to protect the Iwagakure camp, he had to initiate the Akatsuki organization in order to relieve the pressure on Konoha.

Hearing this, Orochimaru licked his lips and said, "Then let's fight quickly!"

It was Orochimaru who said it would be a quick victory, but it was Aozora who attacked first.

call out! call out! call out! ——

Qingkong's hands were as fast as afterimages, and the shurikens all over the sky were like rapid rainstorms, shooting at Orochimaru one after another.

"Boring trick!"

Orochimaru sneered, his body was weak and boneless, twisting left and right, and easily dodged the shuriken shot by Aozora.

Before he could continue to taunt, he saw a black shadow shooting towards him.

"What a speed!"

A hint of joy flashed in Orochimaru's eyes. He did not expect that such a young Qingzora not only awakened the three magatama, but also had such rapid speed.

Ever since the battle at Hirano Gambling House, he had coveted the Uchiha bloodline.

He also knew in his heart that the possibility of seizing Shisui's body at full state was too small, but ordinary Uchiha could not get into his eyes. During this period, he was in a dilemma.

Now that such a young body full of potential was placed in front of him, Orochimaru couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.

"Let me try your quality and see if you are lucky enough to be my container!"

Feeling tempted, Orochimaru did not use any ninjutsu such as the Hidden Shadow Snake Hand to block Aozora's approach, and allowed Aozora to approach his body.

Under the three magatama vision, Qingkong saw Orochimaru's eyes full of greed, and instantly guessed Orochimaru's thoughts.

"Want to test me? Then I'll play with you."

Aozora didn't use Flame Release and Flying Knife immediately. He knew how difficult Orochimaru was, and showing his cards early might just make him shed his skin once. Now that Orochimaru wants to test it out, he might as well spend some time on it.

Chakra exploded under his feet, and the blue sky broke through the blockade of surrounding fog like a sharp arrow, and instantly rushed in front of Orochimaru.

Waving his right hand, the kunai drew an arc, facing Orochimaru's neck.

The angle chosen by Aozora was very good, and it would be difficult for normal people to react, but Orochimaru's body was no longer considered a human body.

His neck tilted to one side as if it was broken, and then the black red cloud suit whipped him with a whip leg that was invisible to the human eye, but Qingkong's eyes were naturally not human eyes.

Aozora, who noticed this insidious attack, immediately raised his knee and blocked Orochimaru's attack route with his right leg.


The two legs collided, making a loud noise like thunder.

Feeling the strong force coming from his thigh, Orochimaru's eyes lit up.

In his opinion, the most important thing for a container is to have a strong talent for ninjutsu. In this regard, even the ordinary Sharingan can help him learn ninjutsu better, which is one of the reasons why he covets the Sharingan.

The second most important thing is to have a strong and vital body. If the body is not strong enough, it will be difficult to withstand the transformation of his secret skills, so his strength will decline significantly after reincarnation.

And Aozora has already demonstrated his excellent qualities as a container.

Let me see how strong your body is and how powerful your physical skills are!

Bang! Bang! Bang! ——

For a moment, the two figures started fighting fiercely on the back of the giant snake, punching each other.

With Qingkong's physical fitness and amazing insight, Kai who doesn't use the Eight Gate Dunjia will never be able to take any advantage in Qingkong's hands.

However, facing Orochimaru, Qingzora couldn't get any favors from him.

Relying on the insight beyond the ordinary three-magatama Sharingan, Qingzora's taijutsu has reached the state of "preemptive attack".

However, in the face of Orochimaru's strange body after transformation, Qingzora's predictions failed time and time again.

If he hadn't sensed Orochimaru's intention to let go, Qingzora would have jumped away from the ninjutsu.

While Aozora and Orochimaru were fighting fiercely, Inari and others also rushed towards Loquat Juzo.

Looking at the three people rushing towards him, Loquat Juuzang's face suddenly darkened, as if he had eaten shit.

The ninjas of Konoha are poisonous, right?

Back then, seven of them were going around frying fish and eating vegetables with swords, and a rough guy in tight clothes transformed into fighting them desperately without saying a word.

Now he was following Orochimaru on a mission. The Konoha ninjas ignored the rebellious ninjas in their own village and left Orochimaru to a boy. Three people came to surround him and kill him.

Holding a large sword in his hand and slashing, Loquat Juzo forced Hattori Chaoichi, who had rushed over first, back, and then flew out backwards while forming a seal with one hand.

"Water Release - Kirigakure's Jutsu!"

The water vapor evaporated, and the fog became thicker, making it difficult to see even one's fingers. Loquat Juzo's voice became ethereal, and his figure became blurry.

Dema immediately said: "This is not an ordinary mist, there is a faint chakra exuding in it!"

Because of the chakra in the thick fog, Loquat Juzo, who was originally like a light in the dark night, instantly turned into a fish swimming in the river.

Although he could still capture it, Loquat Juzo would occasionally be lost in his field of vision.

Unlike them who were blind, Loquat Juuzang knew their movements clearly with the help of the chakra in the thick fog.

The battlefield becomes one-way transparent to Loquat Juzo!

"You want to kill me first..." Loquat Juuzang's cold voice came from all directions, "But you have chosen the wrong opponent..."

"You actually left a boy...with Orochimaru...Aren't you afraid...that he would be eaten dry?"

Facing the three Konoha jounin, Loquat Juuzang had no idea of ​​​​resistance directly. He just continued to use words to put pressure on the three people, thereby finding an opportunity to take action.

Dema's veins were exposed, and a large amount of Chuck kept pouring into her white eyes. The tiny pupils in her eyes rapidly jumped back and forth, constantly catching abnormalities in the thick fog.

"Thirty meters to the left!"

As soon as Dema finished speaking, the shuriken in Inohuo's hand had already been thrown out.

Moreover, his figure instantly followed behind the shuriken, and his rapid speed set off strong winds, knocking a big hole out of the thick fog.

Letting Aozora face Orochimaru alone, Inohuo was full of worries, so he didn't want to waste a minute, he just wanted to kill Loquat Juzo as soon as possible.

boom! boom! Clang! Clang! ——

Just as Loquat Juuzang's sword blocked Inahuo's kunai, Inahuo's figure came behind him, and the kunai pierced the back of his heart accurately.

As a result, Loquat Juuzang's rice fire was not happy at all. Based on the feeling on his hands, he knew that the person in front of him must be a water body.

Sure enough, the next moment, the Loquat Juzo in front of him turned into a puddle of clear water in his astonishment.

At the same time, another beheading knife whizzed towards Dema in the thick fog.

Loquat Juzo, who has participated in the Ninja World War, knows that compared to Uchiha's Sharingan, the Byakugan is a greater threat to him.

As long as Hinata's Jonin is killed, he will have the initiative whether to leave or stay.

Therefore, he used the water avatar to attract and disperse the three people, and then targeted Dema.

The whistling sound caused by the sword cutting through the air came to his ears again, and he felt the sharp wind of the knife. At this moment, Dema's eyes did not have despair and confusion, but only coldness and perseverance.

He shouted in a low voice: "Baguazhang - return to heaven!"

Due to the rise of the Uchiha peak, Rizu felt the pressure and crisis. Not only did he read ancient books to find the reason for the strength of his ancestors, but he also opened the secret technique of Kaitian that only the clan could learn to the new young jounin of the family.

The first time he faced Loquat Juzo's surprise attack, Dema didn't react, but this time he was well prepared.

The wind moved around Dema.

This wind was not the violent wind caused by the beheading sword, but was caused by the chakra overflowing around him.

In an instant, Dema spewed out a large amount of Soft Fist chakra from his body, and then he used his right foot as the axis to make a circular rotation like a top.

During the rotation, the violent wind surging around him instantly formed an invisible storm, producing a hemispherical chakra shield.


The decapitating sword struck Kaiten's chakra cover, and the huge spinning force instantly caused Loquat Juzo's sword to deflect.

In Loquat Juuzang's shocked eyes, his whole body was shot away like a cannonball.

On the ground under Dema's feet, with his position as the center, a hemispherical pit with a radius of three meters had appeared.

In the center of the pit, Dema's body was shaking continuously, and traces of blood flowed from his burst blood vessels, dyeing his pure white kimono red.

Not long after he learned Heaven, in order to completely block Loquat Juuzang's attack, he used Kaiten with all his strength.

Dema, who had injured his meridians, was temporarily unable to use Rou Fist and had basically lost his fighting power, but he knew that he had completed his mission.

Loquat Juzo, who actually attacked and killed Dema, failed to steal the chicken and lost the rice. Not only did he not kill Dema, he was also bounced hard and fell to the ground.

Forced to stand up, Loquat Juzo saw a blazing fireball and several sharp wind blades flying from a distance.

He immediately formed a seal quickly, but the right hand holding the sword had been sprained in the collision. Seeing that it was too late to use the ninjutsu, he had to step back.

He had just dodged the huge fireball, but he couldn't dodge the wind blade that followed.

puff! puff! puff! ——

With blood splattering all over his body, Loquat Juuzang turned a blind eye to the wounds on his body.

Looking at Inari and Hattori Chaoichi who were attacking from the left and right, Juuzang Loquat's eyes were full of solemnity.

Ping ping ping pong——!

The sword flashed frequently and the fire splashed everywhere.

For a time, Loquat Juzo was caught in the siege of Hattori Chaoichi and Inohuo, and his life and death were unpredictable.

On the other side, Qingzora looked at Orochimaru's increasingly fiery eyes and didn't dare to play with fire anymore.

He changed his moves in an instant, jumped up into the air and struck down with a heavy leg!


Orochimaru raised one arm and easily blocked Aozora's thigh attack.

The legs and hands collided, making a loud noise like thunder.

Qingkong used the huge force brought by the collision to jump up and behind, quickly forming seals in the air.

"Fire Release - Impatiens Flower Claw Red!"

Dozens of flames spurted out from Qingkong's mouth, flying towards Orochimaru like sparrows returning to their nests.

At the same time, Qingkong's hands flashed, and he threw a dozen kunai into the flames, and quickly shot towards Orochimaru with the flames.

Facing the rain of fire in the sky and the kunai hiding in it, Orochimaru's eyes became more joyful and admirable, and he formed the seal leisurely.

"Water Escape-Water Formation Wall!"

The mist around Orochimaru condensed instantly, and then a spiral wall of water enveloped him.


puff! puff! puff! ——

The flames were extinguished by the water wall, and the kunai hidden in the flames was also deflected by the spiral water wall.

The water wall was burned into steam by the flames, and Orochimaru calmly walked out of it. The next moment, there was a look of astonishment in his eyes.

All he saw were slender steel wires woven into an iron net. Qingkong held the wire tightly with his right hand and closed it. The iron net instantly tightened and trapped him.

"Fire Release-Dragon Fire Technique!"

Aozora formed a hand seal with one hand, and blazing flames spurted out from his mouth, spreading along the steel wire to Orochimaru's side in an instant, drowning him and the Orochimaru under him.


The giant snake roared and danced wildly in the flames, then slowly stopped.

In a burst of crackling burning sounds, the giant beast in the flames was slowly burned into liquid and dripped down.

A look of surprise appeared in Qingkong's eyes, and he jumped up quickly the moment the giant snake melted.


But Qingkong's reaction was still not timely enough, and a giant snake as thick as four people's arms burst out of the ground under his feet, opening its bloody mouth and swallowing him in one gulp while he was jumping in the air.

Along the silky mouth of the snake, Qingkong slid all the way to the snake's belly.

As soon as he stood up, he was wrapped in thick acid and tight fleshy arms, making his whole body unable to move except for his head.

There was no light in the giant snake's belly, but with the arrival of the blue sky, the darkness exuded a scarlet color.

Then, Qingkong saw a half-snake, half-human figure emerging not far away.

Orochimaru's yellow-brown vertical pupils also emitted a strange light in the darkness. He licked his lips and slowly approached the blue sky.

"What beautiful eyes! What an alluring body!" Orochimaru looked unabashedly at the blue sky with fiery eyes.

Qingzora had already guessed Orochimaru's intention, but after hearing Orochimaru's words, he still felt an uncontrollable nausea.

With his face barely concealing his uneasiness, Qingkong said in a trembling voice: "Orochimaru..., what do you want... to do...?"

A cold look flashed across Orochimaru's eyes, and a cold voice came from his mouth: "It's so disappointing that there is such a cowardly soul in such a perfect body!"

He slowly walked towards the sky, and continued sadly: "But my broken body now traps me who longs for the truth!"

Under Orochimaru's blazing gaze, cold sweat broke out on Qingkong's face, and he said tremblingly: "You... what do you want to do? You... don't come over!"

"What do you want to do? What do I want to do?"

Orochimaru, who felt that he had received an unexpected surprise, asked a few questions, and then smiled wantonly and crazily.

"Young Uchiha, I want you!"

"I want to enter your young body and get you completely!"

After saying that, Orochimaru's neck quickly stretched, like a poisonous snake, and he bit Qingzora's neck.

Looking at the snake head rushing over, Qingkong didn't feel a trace of panic in his heart, and there was even a trace of amusement in his heart.

This is going to be cursed, it must be the true body!

Qingkong opened its mouth, but there was no scream of terror, but it spewed out orange flames that could burn all things.

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