Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 214 The Akatsuki organization attacks [Please vote for me]

Iwagakure camp.

Huangtu sat in the main seat, Han, Kari and other Jonin from the previous camp were on the left, and on the right were the supporting ninjas headed by Akatsuki.

A rough count shows that there are 8 jounin sitting on the right, including Akatsuchi, plus the 17 jounin who are still capable of fighting in the Iwagakure camp itself. The current gap between Iwagakure and Konoha at the jounin level is not Fugaku's imagination. The gap is so big.

Huangtu was thanking Akazu for leading the team to support him in advance, when suddenly an Iwa ninja rushed into the camp.

"Enemy attack!"

"Uchiha Fugaku and Konoha's large troops have broken through several outposts and approached the main camp!"

Hearing this, the Iwa ninja in the camp looked shocked, then became angry and geared up.

Chitu slapped the table and said, "Good come! Just in time to avenge the compatriots who were killed and injured before!"

The new Iwa ninjas were full of fighting spirit, but Huang Tu and others showed caution.

There was a battle with the Konoha ninjas. Although a group of Konoha's elite jonins had returned to Konoha, the Konoha ninja army, which had added a large number of middle genin, was not easy to fight.

Huang Tu said calmly: "Now that our large army has not arrived, it is not appropriate to confront them head-on. Use the camp as a fortress and hold on firmly."

Chitu said angrily: "What are you afraid of——"

Huang Tu waved his hand and said: "I am the commander of the front line!"

After saying that, he took the lead out of the camp and quickly reached the high wall built by Tudun in front of the camp. He saw more than a thousand Konoha ninja troops rushing over in a mighty manner.

Fugaku, who was leading the charge, and the two people beside him suddenly stopped and quickly formed seals.

"Fire Escape - Fire is extinguished!"

"Wind Escape-Big Breakthrough!"

"Wind Release-Vacuum Jade!"

In an instant, the fireball, like a meteorite, hit the outer wall of Iwagakure Camp.

High Fire Extinguishment does not have the coverage area of ​​High Fire Extinguishing, but High Fire Extinguishing attack is more concentrated and more destructive, and can crack mountains and rocks.

This fireball is like a meteorite. If it hits the outer wall of the camp, the Iwagakure Camp will instantly lose its barrier and become flat.

Loess will naturally not let Fugaku succeed.

"Earth Escape-Earth Formation Wall!"

After completing the mudra, Huang Tu pressed his hands on the ground, and instantly a huge thick earth wall appeared in front of him.


The huge fireball hit the earth wall, shattering it, causing rubble to fly and smoke to fly everywhere.

The next moment, a big hand covering the sky pressed down.

Obviously, Konoha's real means of destroying Iwagakure's outer wall was not Fugaku's powerful fire extinguishing, but Akimichi Dingza's partial doubling technique.

Looking at the big hand getting closer and closer, listening to the howling wind being fanned by the big hand, a look of despair appeared in the eyes of the Iwa Ninja standing on the outer wall.

At this moment, they suddenly felt that the sky was darkening. Looking back, they saw a huge rock giant appearing behind them and others.

The rock giant crossed his arms in front of his chest and blocked the huge palm coming from Akimichi Choza.


After a loud noise, the giant and the giant palm were separated at the touch.

The rock giant couldn't bear the overwhelming force and couldn't help but retreat backwards. Every step back left a huge pit on the ground, and even the ground shook as a result, like an earth dragon turning over.

Akimichi Dingza on the other side also felt uncomfortable. He retracted his giant hand while flying upside down, knocking the Konoha army behind him off their feet.

As soon as Fugaku's Sharingan opened, he could clearly see the tall fat man standing on the rock giant.

This person's figure and appearance were so special that Fugaku recognized him immediately and nodded in understanding.

If it weren't for the "Unparalleled Earth Shadow Shield", who could withstand Akimichi Dingza's huge palm that covered the sky and the sun head-on?

The moment he recognized Akatsuchi, a hint of gloom flashed in Fugaku's eyes. Iwagakure might have adopted the same strategy as Konoha, letting the Jonin rush to the front line first, and then the large troops would support him.

But the horn of war has sounded, and now is not the time to retreat.

"Break through the Iwagakure camp and kill the Iwagakure to avenge our compatriots!" Fugaku roared, leading the troops to rush up to the outer wall of the Iwagakure camp.

As the commander of the Konoha team, he had no intention of hiding behind and rushed to the front line, handing over the power of giving orders to Shikaku, who was more suitable.

Climbing up the ten-meter-high Iwagakure outer wall is as slow as climbing to the sky for ordinary people, and it is also a bit difficult for ordinary ninjas, but for Fugaku, it is like walking on flat ground.

The Iwa ninja standing on the outer wall saw the figure and immediately rushed up with a kunai in hand.

The black three magatama in Fugaku's scarlet eyes slowly rotated, and the ninjas who looked at him stood there blankly, letting him throw kunai to kill him.

puff! puff! puff! ——

Blossoms of blood splashed on Iwagakure's neck, and soon all the Iwagakure around Fugaku fell to the ground.

Loess didn't dare to let Fugaku massacre at the Iwagakure camp, so he rushed over quickly and entangled Fugaku.

When Loess came to Fugaku, other ninjas also caught and killed each other.

Akatsuchi faced off against Akimichi Choza, and the two giants ran rampantly on the battlefield. The ninjas on both sides made a tacit understanding to make a huge space for the two of them.

Seeing Han attacking everywhere, Aburame Zhiwei controlled Chongyun to find him. An imperfect jinchuriki faced off against a perfect elite jounin, and the two were at loggerheads for a while.

The ninjas on both sides got into a fight in just a few breaths. At first, Iwagakure had some advantage due to the advantage of the camp.

However, as the battle escalated, after the Jonin's devastating ninjutsu plowed the camp over and over several times, the Konoha ninjas immediately gained the upper hand.

Seeing that a large number of Iwa ninjas had died, Loess had a duel with Fugaku, jumped to a high wall, and shouted: "Retreat to the central camp!"

Immediately, the Iwa ninja fought and retreated.

The Konoha ninja quickly stepped forward, but the moment he caught up, his feet exploded.

Boom boom boom——!

Continuous loud noises and monstrous flames instantly stopped the pursuing Konoha ninjas. The Iwa ninja's demolition team was indeed a master of traps, and they could instantly and quietly plant clay bombs when they retreated.

After the fire stopped for a moment, a ninja who was not afraid of death rushed forward again.

On this battlefield, there is no moment to rest, unless you are willing to lie down forever.

Explosions were heard frequently, all kinds of ninja tools were flying in the sky, and all kinds of ninjutsu were flying everywhere. The battle in the Iwagakure camp instantly entered a white-hot stage.

Konoha Camp.

Hyuga Dema stood on the high wall on the west side of the camp, looking around meticulously. Although he didn't open his white eyes, he was confident that any abnormality would not escape his eyes.

This war on the northwest border is dominated by Uchiha.

He didn't want to flatter like other ninjas, so he decided to carry out the task meticulously to prevent Uchiha from making things difficult for him.

Suddenly, he felt a little more moisture in the air.

Looking around, I saw bursts of white mist rising in the distance, and then the white mist rolled quickly and enveloped me.

This place is located in the northwest, and the air is dry. Where does the fog come from?

Dema immediately judged that this was not a normal fog and shouted: "Surprise attack!"


The clear warning sound instantly spread throughout the entire camp, and at the same time, a white fog so thick that it was invisible to humans enveloped the Konoha camp.

A large amount of chakra poured into his eyes, and the veins on Dema's forehead were exposed.

"Roll your eyes!"

The most powerful observation eye in the ninja world moved away, and the thick fog turned into transparent glass.

Through the thick fog, Dema saw the two people approaching slowly in the distance.

What made him break out in a cold sweat was that the amount of chakra of both of them was very large, especially the amount of chakra of one of them, which was no less than that of the third generation and Fugaku.

Such a huge chakra is definitely not possessed by ordinary elite jounin.

Hearing the warning sound coming from the Konoha camp, Orochimaru said: "Juzang-kun, it seems that our plan to infiltrate has failed!"

Loquat Juuzang said: "I didn't plan to sneak in at first. Now it's your turn. This is tactic B."

Nodding, Orochimaru took out a kunai and cut his index finger, then quickly formed seals with both hands.


"Ninjutsu - Psychic Technique!"

In an instant, three behemoths appeared in the thick fog, and then rushed towards the Konoha camp with a swish.

Dema saw the size of the giant beast and immediately flew out, shouting at the same time: "Retreat! Jump off the high wall!"

Boom boom boom——!


Before the few Konoha ninjas on the high wall could react, they saw three huge black shadows wading through their carefully laid traps and crashing into the camp.

The earth wall, which is more than ten meters high and a few meters behind, is a copper wall and iron wall specially made by Konoha after being reinforced by ninjutsu. With him, even in the face of Iwagakure's continuous ninjutsu attacks, he can still win a short respite.

However, facing the impact of the huge python, the thick earth wall shook violently, revealing huge cracks, and then opened a huge passage.

The camp wall was broken down, and several ninjas patrolling above were swallowed by giant snakes.

Dema didn't have time to grieve for his comrade, as a huge beheading knife broke through the air and whizzed towards him.

The speed of the incoming person did not escape the capture of Dema's white eyes, but his body could not keep up with the enemy's speed.

After leaning up to avoid the sword's slash, Dema was immediately kicked to the abdomen by a whip that was too fast to be seen, and was instantly knocked upside down.

Holding back the severe pain in her abdomen, Dema forced herself to stand up, but the opponent's sword had already struck her head.

The sharp wind of the knife made his scalp numb, and a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of him in despair.


The huge blade was blocked by a long and narrow flying knife.

Dema was surprised to see that the famous beheading sword in the ninja world had cracks under the flying knife that glowed with green light.


The two people who were locked in a stalemate immediately took off.

Then, Dema saw that the ninja who had almost lost his combat power with a previous kick was kicked backwards five or six meters away by the person in front of him with fierce force.

With a shake of his body, he got rid of the huge force coming from the opponent. Qingkong stared at Loquat Juuzang with the Sharingan that had already been opened, and asked Dema behind him coldly: "Can you still fight?"

The voice coming from the figure in front was so annoying that Dema recognized this person immediately.

He never expected that this annoying Uchiha would save his life.

Qingkong didn't hear the reply and asked again impatiently: "Can you still fight?"

The opponents are Orochimaru and Loquat Juuzang. Qingzora doesn't want to waste any combat power, otherwise the Konoha camp will usher in a massacre today.

Dema spit out the blood in her chest and abdomen and immediately replied: "Of course!"

After the two giant snakes rushed into the camp, they were like dragons entering the sea, making waves everywhere, turning the Konoha camp upside down and attracting the other two jounin who came to support.

Then, Orochimaru stepped on the head of a giant snake and entered the camp.

The Konoha ninjas who came to support quickly used their favorite ninjutsu, wrapping the detonating talisman around the kunai and throwing it at Orochimaru.

"Latent Shadow Snake Hand!"

Facing the sky full of ninjutsu and kunai, Orochimaru waved his hands, and pythons sprang out from his sleeves, roaring and attacking Konoha ninjas.

The venomous snakes are coming like a tidal wave every day. This scene is disgusting and frightening.

The tide of snakes in the sky drowned the ninjutsu and kunai, and then rushed towards the Konoha ninja.

"Fire Escape - Fire Extinguishment!"

While everyone was panicking, a fireball flew from the air behind them. The fireball landed on the ground and turned into a sea of ​​flames, drowning the tide of snakes, leaving behind a pile of roasted snakes exuding the aroma of meat on the ground.

Loquat Juzo stabbed the beheading sword into the ground in the air, stopping his flying backwards.

Looking at Qingzong with a cold look, Loquat Juuzang said: "Orochimaru, your Konoha is indeed the cradle of genius!"

Orochimaru's eyes glanced back and forth at the scarlet eyes of Aozora and Inari, and finally fixed his gaze on Aozora.

He licked his lips, and then said sadly: "There are indeed many geniuses! It seems that I can get extra gains from this mission!"

When he went on this mission, he originally wanted to find an opportunity to capture Fugaku and extract information about Mangekyou and Izanagi from him.

He did not expect that in this camp, there would be two Uchihas who had awakened the Three Magatama Sharingan, and one of them was still so young.

Being stared at by Orochimaru's greedy eyes, Qingkong's heart felt cold.

He hurriedly jumped next to Inohuo and immediately revealed: "The person coming is a member of the Akatsuki organization, and one of them is Juuzou Hajime, one of the Seven Kirigakure Ninja Swordsmen. He is good at ninjutsu and water escape, and should be an elite jounin. The other person is Orochimaru, so I don’t need to say more about his information."

Although they had already guessed their identities, Daohuo and Dema still felt chilled after being confirmed by Qingkong.

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

Even with the pride of Uchiha and Hinata, they dare not look down upon any strong person who can make a name for themselves in the ninja world.

Because every title in the ninja world is written with countless blood, whether it is Broken Sword, Loquat Juzo, or Leng Lord, Orochimaru, their bodies are piled with the corpses of countless ninjas.

At this moment, another jounin arrived on the battlefield.

Seeing the figure standing on the big snake, Hattori turned pale for a moment and exclaimed: "Lord Orochimaru!"

He once led the Konoha ninja in Orochimaru to fight against Sunagakure, and he was full of respect and fear for Orochimaru.

Dema scolded: "Kaichi, he is no longer our ninja of Konoha. Have you forgotten that he used villagers for human experiments?"

Dema's scolding made Hattori Chaoichi come to his senses, but facing Orochimaru, he still did not dare to take action.

Seeing this, Qingkong suggested to Inabi: "Let the genin leave, and the chunin will deal with the giant snake. I will entangle Orochimaru, and the three of you will deal with Loquat Juzo first! When you are free, we can deal with Orochimaru together." .”

Of the six jounin who were left behind to guard the camp, two were dragged by the giant snake and were unable to come. Only the four of them could deal with the two on the opposite side.

Among them, Hattori was afraid of Orochimaru, and he didn't know how much of Orochimaru's power he could exert against him. Instead of letting him deliver food, it would be better to let him deal with Loquat Juuzang, gain confidence, and then join him in killing Orochimaru.

Hyuga Dema's soft fist is better than nothing against Orochimaru, and on the contrary, it has a good effect against Loquat Juzo.

Inari can display 100% of his strength against Orochimaru, but even with him, Aozora is not sure of defeating Orochimaru. Therefore, instead of letting Inari and himself deal with Orochimaru, it would be better for him and Dema to destroy Juzo together.

Having briefly fought against Orochimaru last time, Qingzora was confident that he could still stand up to Orochimaru for a while.

Daohuo turned to look at Qingkong and said: "Qingkong, you..."

Dema also looked at Qingkong in surprise. If he remembered correctly, Qingkong's shadow clone was particularly precious about his life.

"Stop nagging!" Qingkong interrupted him, "Trust me!"

After taking a serious look at Aozora, Inaki shouted coldly: "The genin will leave the battlefield immediately. The chunin will deal with the giant snake first. Leave the battle here to us!"

After Inohuo gave the order, the surrounding genin rolled away and ran away. The chuunin also followed the order and rushed towards the two giant snakes.

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