Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 211 Hiring the Akatsuki Organization [please vote]

Konoha Village, the small conference room of the Hokage Building.

The third generation held a small high-level meeting with the other four elders to discuss the next strategy and actions of the village.

After the discussion was completed, Sarutobi Hiruzen clapped his hands and called Kento in who was waiting outside.

Kento placed the five pieces of information in front of several people, and then briefly described the information from the northwest border that came last night.

Qifeng read the information and laughed loudly: "Finally there is good news!"

Sandaime and the others were also smiling, but if you look closely, only Kosuke's smile came from the bottom of his heart.

"Since the Nine-Tails Rebellion, there has been no good news in the village." Tou Feng said, "I suggest spreading the news that Fugaku and his team won a surprise attack on Iwagakure to inspire the villagers!"

Gusuke also said: "Well, I think we can also give a special reward to the Jonin who participated in this surprise attack!"

After hearing the two people's suggestions, the three generations frowned slightly.

Mito Kadenen objected: "Isn't it normal for 83 Jonin to surprise a small Iwagakure camp and achieve these results?"

"Then why didn't you come up with this plan at the beginning? Besides, do you think all ninjas in Iwagakure are shit eaters?" Tori Feng sneered.

"Yan, what you said is too much!" Koharu also denied Mitomon Yan, but she went on to say: "But Yan has a certain truth to what he said. The reason why this surprise attack achieved such great results is indeed The reason why there are so many jounin.

Let's do this... the ninjas who participated in this surprise attack will treat them as if they have performed an A-level mission and can apply to the Hokage Tower to learn a B-level ninjutsu! "

Qifeng snorted coldly, are all jounin beggars?

Just as he was about to speak, Sarutobi Hiruzen said with finality: "Consider it an S-level mission, and vigorously compensate the three ninjas who died. There is no need to publicize it. The jonins have not returned yet, and publicity will only expose our inability to do so." The truth leaves nothing to be desired.”

No matter how much publicity is given, Fugaku cannot be avoided as a commander. So while publicity can be inspiring, he would never agree.

Hearing this, Gu Jie felt it made sense and nodded.

Seeing that the four of them had reached unanimous opinions, Qiu Feng snorted and stopped insisting.

Soon, the meeting ended, and Tifeng and Kosuke returned to their offices, while Mito Kado and Koharu followed the third generation to the Hokage's office.

After sitting down, Sarutobi Hiruzen handed the two of them another piece of information, which recorded the entire process of the surprise attack in detail.

Seeing Aozora displaying a ninjutsu that was close to S-level fire release, Koharu went to bed and said with fear: "Hiruzen, this Uchiha Aozora needs to pay attention! At the age of 13, he has the strength of an elite jounin. It is impossible to say that he is another Uchiha who has awakened the Mangekyou. .”

In the past, even if there was an incredibly talented Uchiha, the Hokage didn't pay much attention to it.

On the one hand, it is extremely difficult to activate the kaleidoscope, and elite jounin is basically the limit of Uchiha.

On the other hand, there are many Kage level experts on our side, so we are not worried about Uchiha awakening Mangekyo.

However, nowadays, the talents of the Hokage department are withering, but Uchiha geniuses are emerging in large numbers. This makes the consultant elders who usually only focus on important events in the village have to care about an Uchiha boy.

"I've been paying attention to him for a long time. Unlike Shisui, he is a narrow-minded family man." Hiruzen Sarutobi nodded solemnly, "But that's not the point. Keep reading!"

After reading a few more lines, Mito Kadoyan was shocked: "Fugaku and the three of them returned unscathed after the break?"

Koharu went to bed and said: "He is still injured. There are blood stains on Uchiha Fugaku's face. He obviously used his Mangekyo Eye Technique! If not the Mangekyo Eye Technique, what ninjutsu can hold back so many Iwa Ninjas? "

After hearing this, Mito Kadoyan read the information carefully, and then took a deep breath.

"Hiss——, even though we are thousands of meters away, we still feel the fear in our hearts. If we are close, wouldn't our opponent be at the mercy of him?"

Seeing the fear on the faces of his two companions, Sarutobi Hiruzen calmly analyzed: "Uchiha Fugaku's eye skills must have limitations, otherwise he would not have easily given up the opportunity to compete for the Fourth Hokage."

Mito Kadoyan and Koharu, who had transferred to the dormitory room, nodded slightly when they heard this, slightly alleviating the fear in their hearts.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued: "Uchiha Fugaku's pupil technique will be discussed later. Look here, there were blood stains on his face after he returned."

Mito Kadoyan said: "Isn't this the sequelae of the kaleidoscope? The kaleidoscope borrows the power of the devil and will inevitably be punished."

After turning to bed, Koharu suddenly said: "It seems that Fugaku has learned a lot!"


Mito Kadoyan murmured, and then looked through the information again. With his wisdom, he instantly saw that Fugaku had made many moves to win people's hearts.

Mito Kadoyan said coldly: "Hypocritical, didn't you even have time to wipe your face during the retreat?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slightly and pointedly said: "For the sake of the position of Hokage, Uchiha Fugaku has begun to disguise himself and win people's hearts."

After saying this, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked expectantly at Mito Kaden and Koharu Koharu, but they just nodded in agreement with him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed lightly, and then said: "For the future of the village, as the top leaders of the village, we cannot let the villagers be deceived by Uchiha Fugaku."

Mito Kadoyan and Koharu, who went to bed, continued to nod in silence.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had hinted so clearly, and with their wisdom, they naturally understood Sarutobi Hiruzen's thoughts.

But they were not willing to use dishonorable means to seriously injure Uchiha. On the one hand, they had no one under their command, and on the other hand, they did not want to fight Uchiha to the death.

Although they do not have a family behind them, they do have descendants.

Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly missed Danzo.

In the past, Danzo would take the initiative to take on such a task without any hint from him.

But now, he has made it so clear, but Mito Menyan and Koharu, who has moved to the next bed, seem to have deteriorated hearing.

There was a brief silence in the Hokage's office.

After a while, Koharu went to bed and changed the subject: "Uchiha Fugaku has made great achievements this time, and there are no more obstacles on the road to Hokage. Hiruzen, you must make plans early!"

Mito Kadoya said: "Yes, neither Jiraiya nor Tsunade has any intention of becoming the Hokage. Who else can hold Fugaku down now?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed when he saw this, and then said: "Kumogakure is ready to move after spring, and I intend to let Shinnosuke and Kakashi go to support!"

Mito Kadoyan said bluntly: "Shinnosuke has not made a breakthrough for so many years, so it is probably difficult. Kakashi has been decadent for several years, how energetic is he still?"

After turning to bed, Koharu said: "I think it's okay. Shinnosuke is only one breath away, so let's try again. As for Kakashi, as long as he cheers up, with his talent, he may not be able to enter the shadow-level field in the short term."

Mito Kadoyan said: "Since you say so, I agree!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen concluded: "It is not impossible to pass the position of Hokage to Uchiha, but it must not be passed on to an Uchiha like Fugaku who puts his family above Konoha."

Soon, Mito Kabuto and Koharu, who was transferred to another dormitory, said goodbye and left.

In the office, Sarutobi Hiruzen pondered for a long time, and then summoned an ANBU wearing a white robe.

"Xiang, give your team a task! From today on, your team will be responsible for monitoring Uchiha's movements, and all matters big and small should be sorted out and reported!"


After the white-robed ANBU disappeared, Sarutobi Hiruzen lay on his office chair and lit his pipe. The curls of green smoke quickly obscured his face.

The ANBU was originally established to monitor the Uchiha clan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen inherited this tradition when he became Hokage, but he gave this part of the work to Danzo's roots.

Now that there is no Danzo, Mito Kaden and Koharu Koharu don't want to take over, and Sarutobi Hiruzen can only take charge of it himself.

Iwagakure Village, Tsuchikage Office.


As soon as he arrived at the office, he received the bad news of the surprise attack on Konoha. Onoki was furious and couldn't help but slapped his desk.

The desk specially customized for Ohnoki suddenly suffered a heavy blow and made a dull loud noise, but it only shook for a moment without any cracks, which fully demonstrated the excellent quality of Iwagakure's manufacturing.

"Damn it! How dare Konoha send so many Jonin to join the war! Aren't they afraid of an all-out war with us?"

Ohnoki was extremely angry. The invasion of Konoha was a decision he made against all opinions. The bad news coming from the front line was undoubtedly a huge slap in the face for him!

Now not only the elders in the village, but also that guy Lao Zi were coming to laugh at him.

After getting angry, Onoki asked angrily: "Isn't Sarutobi Hiruzen afraid that Konoha will be empty and invaded by other ninjas?"

Chitu, who was standing aside, replied: "I will definitely not stay at the border forever. I estimate that Huangtu will send information soon."

Ohnoki nodded, thinking about the casualties of the Iwagakure on the front line, and then thinking about the now withered Iwagakure Village, and was at a loss for what to do for a while.

During the Third Ninja War, Iwagakure suffered heavy casualties.

In the first battle with Kumogakure, Iwagakure sacrificed a large number of low-level Iwagakure and trapped the Third Raikage to death.

Then in the battle with Konoha, many Jonin were killed and injured because of Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God.

This resulted in Iwagakure's top combat power remaining intact after the war, while the rest of its high-end combat power, as well as its mid-to-low-end combat power, became extremely weak.

Therefore, no matter how Ohnoki advocated the benefits of war before, he could not get other elders to agree with him to send troops to Konoha.

It wasn't until Danzo rebelled against the village that the village elder relented and let Onoki have a try.

He originally thought he could add insult to injury and obtain a large amount of compensation from the Fire Nation by extorting money after the victory.

But what Onoki didn't expect was that Konoha would be so strong, and a large number of jounin gave up their defense and missions and directly attacked the Iwagakure camp.

It was obviously Kumogakure who attacked Konoha recklessly. Their Iwagakure just did the same thing as Kumogakure, why did they target Iwagakure?

Seeing Onoki's silence, Akatsuki said anxiously: "Konoha's large forces are expected to arrive at the front line in three days, and Loess and others will be in danger by then. Lord Tsuchikage, please make up your mind as soon as possible."

"I know!" Onoki said impatiently.

After thinking for a long time, Onoki said: "I will recruit another seven hundred ninjas to support Loess."

Excluding the ninjas who maintained the daily life of the village and guarded against Sunagakure and Kumogakure, seven hundred ninjas were already the maximum he could mobilize. Any more would only allow Ninja School students to go to the battlefield.

But the Third Ninja War had just ended, and Iwagakure was still recuperating. He could no longer risk the disapproval of the world and send his child to the battlefield.

Moreover, those inexperienced ninjas on the battlefield have no other use than being cannon fodder and cannot affect the outcome of the war.

Akatsuchi was a little frustrated when he heard this. He didn't understand war command, but he also knew that the support of seven hundred ninjas would not give Huangtu and the others much advantage.

Onoki naturally knew what Akatsuki knew. He said to Akatsuki: "In addition to the support of seven hundred ninjas, I will also think of other ways. Now you go to Elder Heiji and ask him to mobilize seven hundred ninjas."

"Yes, I'll make arrangements right away." Chitu responded.

Onoki didn't want Loess to return in vain, so after failing to make a fuss about quantity, he decided to make a fuss about quality.

Onoki's first thought was Lao Zi.

The strength of the four-tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Zi is only below him. He has mastered the melting style and half-tailed beast transformation, and his destructive power on the battlefield is extremely astonishing. If Lao Zi is willing to join the war, he can serve as a ninja army by himself.

Soon, Onoki shook his head.

After the third war, Lao Zi saw the evil consequences of the war, longed for peace and peace of mind, and studied the monks' classics every day. Now, instead of joining the war, Lao Zi will persuade him to withdraw.

However, after excluding Lao Zi from the list, Ohnoki could not find anyone else who could change the situation of the battle.

Suddenly, Ohnoki remembered a bounty organization he was communicating with recently.

"I wonder if you, who are called frontline war experts, are worthy of your name? My money is not easy to get! If I don't get the results I want, I won't give you money!"

Tian Country, in a humid cave.

Tick! Tick! Tick! ——

Listening to the crisp sound of water droplets hitting the rocks, Orochimaru walked alone in the cave.

After failing to win over Danzo, he had the idea of ​​leaving the Akatsuki organization.

Although the Akatsuki organization is strong, it lacks foundation. Apart from the leader's Samsara Eye, there isn't much that attracts him.

Therefore, he planned to withdraw from the Akatsuki organization within an appropriate time so that he could engage in his research with peace of mind.

Before that, he needed to build a base of his own that could not only support his research but also resist the invasion of the Akatsuki organization.

While planning how to build an underground base, a spiritual message suddenly came from the ring on his hand.

"What's the matter again?"

Orochimaru frowned, he remembered that the latest task was to raise funds, but he had completed the task long ago.

After thinking hard to no avail, he checked around and made a seal.

"The Magic Lantern Body Technique!"

In an instant, Orochimaru's mental projection entered a huge cave.

Looking at the strange human-shaped stone statue in the cave, Orochimaru's eyes were filled with curiosity. He always felt that the stone statue was alive.

In addition to the Samsara Eye, this stone statue is also one of the reasons why he stayed.

Soon, spiritual projections appeared on the fingers of the stone statue.

Orochimaru glanced around and found that all seven official members of the organization, including him, were in place.

Kakuzu appeared and said: "Chief, I'm busy earning the bounty! If you have anything to say, tell me quickly!"

Pain did not reply to his words. After seeing everyone arrived, he said: "Iwagakure issued a war mission to us. When they were at war with Konoha, they attacked the Konoha stronghold on the northwest border of the Land of Fire."

Juedo: "The Konoha stronghold is now occupied by Uchiha Fugaku, who is known as the 'evil eye'. At the same time, Ino Shikacho and the other three are also in the stronghold."

Kakuzu's eyes flashed with fear, but he still asked: "How much?"

As long as the money is in place, he dares to attack Konoha's strongholds and Konoha villages.

Payne said calmly: "50 million taels!"

Hearing this, everyone present looked sideways.

Kakuzu couldn't help but rolled his eyes. This amount of money was not as good as the bounty of Uchiha Fugaku alone.

Payne also knew that the price was too low, but he didn't want to miss the opportunity to cooperate with Iwagakure.

So Payne said: "After completing this mission, you can enter the secret database of Yuyin Village to choose a ninjutsu, including many S-level ninjutsu."

S-level ninjutsu is very attractive to ordinary ninjas, but no one in the Akatsuki organization is an ordinary ninja.

Payne, Konan, and Zetsu will not talk about it. Scorpion cares about the materials for making puppets or the corpses of strong men. Kakuzu cares about money. Only Orochimaru and Loquat Juzo are interested.

When Pain thought that he and Konan might have to take action on this mission, Orochimaru licked his lips and said, "Is this Hanzo's ninjutsu?"

Payne nodded.

Orochimaru said: "Okay, I'll take this mission!"

Payne glanced at everyone again and said: "One more person is needed. This mission is very dangerous. It is best to have teammates to take over."

Loquat Juuzang pondered for a moment and said, "Count me in!"


After informing the two of them basic information, Payne said: "Disband!"

Returning to the cave, Orochimaru stroked his chin with his right hand and whispered: "Uchiha..."

Hanzo's ninjutsu is naturally attractive. Whether it is his poison, water escape or sword skills, he is the best in the ninja world.

But what attracted Orochimaru even more was Uchiha's Sharingan.

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