Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 210 After the attack [please vote]

In the dark night, Konoha's ordinary jounin led the wounded in front, while the elite jounin stood behind and quickly withdrew towards their stronghold.

At the rear of the team, Ding Zuo looked back at the camp and worried: "Would it be too dangerous for Fugaku and the others to break up the rear?"

Inuzuka Mastiff also said: "Not to mention Loess and Han, the other Jonin of Iwagakure are not weak either. If they are entangled, it will be difficult to escape. If I remember correctly, the Third Raikage was tortured to death by Iwagakure !”

While everyone was worried, Shikaku said with relief: "Fugaku doesn't seem to be a man who is motivated by his own will. Since the tasks are assigned in this way, there must be absolute certainty!"

Thinking that such a successful attack was proposed by Fugaku, everyone felt a little relieved and couldn't help but nodded.

At this moment, everyone suddenly felt a faint palpitation in their hearts, and then flames shot into the sky again in the direction of the Iwagakure Camp.

"It's just the Sharingan Eye Technique! I won't look at your eyes..."

Everyone suddenly recalled what Shinnosuke said at the high-level meeting. If he were here today, he would definitely swallow what he said.

This place was nearly a kilometer away from the Iwagakure Camp. They did not see Fugaku's eyes, but they still felt the fear originating from their hearts.

If it were close, how could such fear be so gripping?

"Evil-eyed Fugaku?! Is this Fugaku's true strength?"

Everyone in Konoha who was evacuating stopped in their tracks and looked back at the Iwagakure camp in the distance in horror.

Shikaku took a breath, then smiled bitterly and said, "Now everyone doesn't have to worry, right?"

Hearing this, Ding Zuo shook his head repeatedly and said, "Don't worry anymore! Don't worry anymore!"

Inuzuka Mastiff also said: "Let's go, let's go! I'm actually worried about this kind of monster!"

After saying that, he jumped on top of the gray dog, which was as big as a calf. Unexpectedly, the gray dog ​​was directly pressed to the ground by him.

"Greyhound, why are you weak? Weren't you so brave just now?"


After communicating with Hui Ya for a while, the Inuzuka Mastiff realized that Hui Ya was so frightened that his limbs were weak, and he cursed in a low voice: "Damn, you are more timid than me!"

Shaking his head, the Inuzuka Mastiff lifted the gray dog ​​onto his shoulders, and then followed the retreating team.

With the help of the cover of the sea of ​​flames generated by the extinguishment of the powerful fire, Fugaku and the others evacuated the Iwagakure camp instantly.

Aozora and Shisui guard Fugaku on the left and right, guarding against attacks from the dark.

At this time, Fugaku's kaleidoscope eyes had degenerated into the three Magatama Sharingan. The light in his eyes was no longer as captivating as before, and the blood and tears flowing on his face were slowly drying up.

Qingkong asked with concern: "Clan leader, how are you?"

"It's okay... I just can't use the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique for a short time!" Fugaku's voice was breathless.

Obviously, this large-scale illusion, which is like a celestial phenomenon, is not a small burden for him.

After saying that, Fugaku was about to wipe off the blood stains on his face, but Qingkong stopped him quickly, "Clan leader, don't wipe it! This is your military medal!"

Fugaku frowned, Uchiha's habit of covering his wounds to show his strength.

Aozora quickly explained to Fugaku: "Leaving blood stains shows that we paid a heavy price after the break. This will help other ninjas appreciate the kindness of the clan leader. It will also help everyone recognize the strength of the clan leader and Iwagakure's strength."

Fugaku and Shisui both understood the first purpose, but they didn't understand the second purpose.

Seeing their confused looks, Aozora explained: "If Iwagakure had not retreated, the subsequent war with Iwagakure might have been prolonged, and if other ninjas misjudged your strength, it might have had a big impact.

For example, if they think your Kaleidoscope Eye Technique is worthless, they may ask you to face Loess and Han frequently.

If you agree, using the kaleidoscope too many times will gradually make you blind.

If you don't agree, other ninjas will think that you despise the lives of your compatriots. "

Hearing this, Fugaku pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Seeing that he was about to catch up with the Konoha ninja in front, Qingzora finally suggested: "Clan leader, I suggest that all the credit will be shared with everyone later..."

Before Aozora finished speaking, Fugaku snorted and said, "I have been the head of the police department for so many years, and I still need you to teach me how to do things?"

Qingkong laughed endlessly when he heard this. This kind of thing really does not need to be reminded.

While they were talking, the three of them saw Ino Shikacho and other jounin hanging at the back.

Seeing Qingkong and the others coming, Shikaku and others stopped for a few steps, waiting for Qingkong and the others to catch up.

When I saw the blood stains on Fugaku's face and his somewhat dim eyes up close, I couldn't express the gratitude in my heart.

Ding Zao approached and asked with concern: "Fugaku, are you okay?"

Fugaku said expressionlessly: "It's okay!"

Listening to Fugaku's indifferent words, everyone had a new understanding of Fugaku and Uchiha.

It turns out that Uchiha is just cold-faced and hot-hearted, using pride and coldness to cover up his vulnerability!

After reuniting with everyone, a group of Konoha ninjas quickly arrived at Konoha's stronghold.

After the two sides checked their identities, the head of the stronghold, who was covered in wounds, welcomed Fugaku and others in.

Seeing the leading elite jounin such as Fugaku and Shikaku, he cried with joy and said: "We are finally saved. The village has not forgotten us!"

The other ninjas in the stronghold also looked excited.

Such quick and timely support allowed them to escape.

Fugaku encouraged him for a few words, and then said: "After hearing the news about Iwagakure's attack on the border, we rushed over without stopping, but it was still a little late."

When the person in charge waved his hand and said no, Fugaku continued: "However, we avenged the ninjas who sacrificed before. We came to the stronghold and made a surprise attack on the Iwagakure camp, killing hundreds of enemies. It was considered as a sacrifice for the compatriots who had sacrificed before. Interest!"

Fugaku's voice was not loud, but it shocked the dozen injured ninjas in the stronghold.

The person in charge said excitedly: "Did you cause the movement in the direction of Iwakaku just now?"

Fugaku nodded and said calmly: "We broke through their front camp. If Huang Tu and Han hadn't responded in time, we might have been able to break through their camp tonight and kill them all!"

After receiving Fugaku's affirmation, many Konoha ninjas in the stronghold couldn't help but cry out in pain. Many of their friends died in Iwagakure's invasion.

They cried and thanked the jounin for the surprise attack.

"Thank you, sir! Risa, you can rest in peace!"

"I will thank you for Xinbing!"

"Guang Zhao, the jonins have avenged you!"


Fugaku saw that almost everyone in the stronghold was injured, so he asked everyone in the stronghold to go back to rest and recuperate, and took over the stronghold.

After changing defenses, Fugaku summoned the elite Jonin who participated in the attack.

"Shikaku, what are our casualties?" Fugaku asked first.

Shikaku started making statistics on the way here, so he said without thinking: "A total of 83 jounin participated in the surprise attack, 3 jounin were killed, 9 jounin were seriously injured, and the rest all suffered more or less minor injuries."

As soon as Shikaku finished speaking, all the elite jounin in the tent looked at each other.

It's not that there were too many casualties, it was that there were too few casualties.

In such a dangerous mission, only 3 people were killed and only 9 were seriously injured. This casualty rate is really surprising compared to the dangerous level of the mission.

As first-hand witnesses of the surprise attack, they initially estimated that hundreds of genin were injured in Iwakakure, and several jounin were also killed in the attack.

Although when Fugaku proposed the surprise attack plan, everyone felt that something was wrong.

But when they really achieved such a brilliant result, they were still surprised and felt as if they were falling into a dream for a while.

Qingkong said at this moment: "The Patriarch's wonderful plan will bring peace to the world!"

Zhishui was stunned for a moment, racking his brains but couldn't think of anything to say, so he followed up and echoed: "The Patriarch's clever plan to calm the world!"

Everyone came to their senses after Qingkong's playful compliment, and then smiled and gave their own compliments.

The praise from everyone made Fugaku feel elated, but he knew that he did not come up with this plan, so he did not get carried away.

He said sincerely: "The success of this surprise attack depends entirely on everyone's efforts and risking their lives! I will ask for credit for everyone, especially the three Jonin who died in the battle, and I will definitely strive for the maximum compensation for them."

Hearing this, all the elite Jōnin in the field were convinced.

After marching for three days in a row, they immediately participated in the surprise attack. Now that they were finally successful, everyone showed signs of fatigue.

Seeing this, Fugaku arranged for everyone to go back to rest after arranging the night watch shift.

Soon, only Fugaku, Shisui and Aozora were left in the stronghold hall.

Fugaku was about to let the two of them go back to rest when Qingkong asked: "Chief, will trying the kaleidoscope this time cause a lot of damage to your eyes?"

Fugaku replied: "As long as the kaleidoscope eye technique is used, the eyesight will be damaged. There is no way to do it. After all, mortal eyes cannot withstand the power of gods!"

Shisui nodded when he heard the words. Whether it was another god who could secretly control other people's consciousness or Fugaku's pupil technique that caused people to avoid fear, they were not powers that humans could possess.

Qingkong pondered for a moment, and then said: "Clan leader, can I understand this? The reason why the eyesight will be damaged is because the eyes cannot withstand the pupil power of the kaleidoscope, so every time the kaleidoscope is used, it will cause permanent damage to the eyes. destroy?"

Fugaku lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then said: "You said it's very possible!"

Qingkong said: "Then why not develop a secret technique to improve the strength of the eyes?"

Fugaku looked at Aozora in surprise, as if he didn't believe that Aozora had asked such a stupid question.

Seeing this, Qingkong explained to himself: "I know, the investment is too great, the research and development is too difficult, and the harvest is too little."

Fugaku nodded and said: "Yes, it is too difficult and dangerous to develop a secret technique to improve eyesight. And Uchiha may not be able to awaken a pair of kaleidoscopes in a hundred years, and kaleidoscopes are not inevitable..."

When he said this, he suddenly realized that he had let something slip, and immediately shut up.

Shisui looked at Fugaku in surprise and asked eagerly: "Clan leader, is there a way to avoid blindness in Kaleidoscope?"

After the battle in the gambling house, his eyesight had already declined to a certain extent. Although it had not affected his strength, he still had a sense of crisis.

Hearing this, Fugaku shook his head and denied, "No!"

In fact, Uchiha Madara's deeds are recorded in the family's secret history. There is a Mangekyō Sharingan transplantation and Madara's Sharingan has never been blind again.

If Shisui and Qingzora were not brothers, he might still consider telling them. But the two were close brothers, and he was afraid that telling them would lead to an unbearable tragedy.

Zhi Shui stopped talking when he heard the words, but Qingkong said easily: "Clan leader, there was no such thing before, and there may not be such a thing in the future. When I develop the secret technique to enhance the strength of the eyes, you will no longer have to worry about blindness. Maybe the pupil technique can still be used. It becomes even stronger because of it!”

The reason why he mentioned this was mainly to lay the groundwork and let Fugaku and Shisui know that he was doing research in this area, so that he could hand over the Yin and Yang Eye cultivation method to them at the right time in the future.

Qingzora naturally knows that the way to eliminate the side effects of Kaleidoscope is Hashirama cells, but Qingzora feels that this method is too unreliable.

He himself had no knowledge of biology, and since everyone's physique was different, there was no guarantee that other mutations would not occur after injecting Hashirama cells into Shisui and Fugaku's bodies.

Moreover, in the original work, the people who were injected with Hashirama's cells became very strange and no longer considered normal people. This is something Qingkora, who has a facial expression, cannot accept.

Fugaku and Shisui were not happy at all when they heard that Qingzora wanted to develop a secret technique for cultivating eyes.

Fugaku said seriously: "Qingkong, I know you are a genius, but I don't allow you to study this secret technique easily, at least not with your own eyes!"

And Zhisui also warned: "Don't study any secret techniques! I would rather be blind than let you hurt yourself!"

Being stared at by the two serious eyes, Qingkong had no choice but to nod aggrievedly and said: "I know!"

After a while, Qingkong said weakly: "I have some friendship with Tsunade-sama, but my eyes are really hurt..."

"No!" X2

Qingkong shrugged upon hearing this, "It's not like I'm asking for your opinions, I've already "researched" it!

After making the promise to the two of them, Qingkong did not rest immediately. Instead, he took out the letter paper and started writing furiously!

War reporter Aozora is online!

Soon, two hawks flew out from the Konoha stronghold and the Iwagakure camp respectively, and then a lucky cat took the battle report he compiled from Aozora's hands.

The next day, the sun rises as usual!

Iwagakure camp.

At dawn, Huangtu led the Iwa ninja to repair the camp.

Looking at the purgatory-like scene, even the hard-hearted Iwa Ninja couldn't help but feel palpitations for no reason.

At dawn, the Iwagakure camp had been repaired by the Iwagakure who were proficient in earth escape. However, looking at the empty camp, all the Iwagakure felt cold to the core.

Loess gritted his teeth and said: "Konoha! This hatred is irreconcilable!"

He completely forgot that Iwagakure took the initiative to invade.

Konoha stronghold.

The 35 Jonin had something to eat at the stronghold and immediately returned to the village.

After yesterday's surprise attack, information about the emptiness of Konoha quickly spread throughout the ninja world. In order to prevent the madmen from attacking Konoha, they must rush back to Konoha as soon as possible.

The remaining 45 jounin will not stay on the front line forever. When the large ninja force supporting the northwest arrives, many of them will escort the injured back to Konoha.

After Aozora sent Shisui away, he returned to his tent and crossed his legs to visualize the Heavenly Book.

Yesterday, the golden water droplets on the heavenly book kept appearing and disappearing. Qingkong was too lazy to calculate, and he had no time until today.

I saw six golden water droplets still flowing slowly on the vast and simple heavenly book.

"Ha! It's quite rewarding!"

He shot and killed at least seven or eight Iwa ninjas yesterday, and he was the main contributor to the overwhelming Fire Release Ninjutsu before.

If there were golden water drops in Slayer Ninja, the number of water drops in the book must have exceeded 100 by now.

Since there are only six water droplets, combined with the previous feedback from the Heavenly Book, Qingkong is even more convinced that the golden water droplets should be positive energy similar to merit.

The mechanism of golden water drops is probably that you can get them by killing evil people, and you can also get them by doing good deeds, but killing good people will also reduce the stored golden water drops.

I just don’t know what the consequences would be if I killed a good person without golden water droplets.

Of course, Qingzora didn't want to try.

Iwagakure suffered heavy losses, and Konoha needed to wait for large forces, so that the fire country border, which was originally full of war, fell silent for the next few days.

At the same time, Konoha Village and Iwagakure Village became lively because of the information coming from the northwest border of Fire Country.

Update progress: 3/7, please support me with monthly tickets!

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