Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 208 Preparation before the war [please vote]

Most of the Jonin who stayed in Konoha participated in this high-level meeting, so Fugaku quickly gathered everyone on the rooftop of the Hokage Tower after the meeting.

Fugaku glanced at everyone majestically and said: "You are all the most elite ninjas in Konoha. I won't say more about confidentiality matters! Make everything ready in one hour, and then gather at the training ground No. 35!"

Swish! Swish! Swish! ——

As Fugaku finished speaking, the jounin rushed home without saying a word.

It took an hour to say goodbye to my family, and at the same time, I had to prepare various tools and medicines. There was not enough time.

Soon, only the four Uchiha people were left on the rooftop.

Aozora said to Shisui: "Brother, help me prepare a standard throwing ninja tool, 200 detonating charms, and a medical bandage. The director and I will go to the police department to hand over the work."

Zhisui nodded, and then disappeared from the rooftop in a flash.

Aozora will also participate in the first attack, and then return to the village depending on the situation.

This is what he requested from Fugaku. On the one hand, he wanted to think of something, and on the other hand, he wanted to verify whether he could get golden water drops by killing people on the battlefield.

Office of the Commissioner of Police.

"..., so I will go to the border to direct the frontline war, and the affairs of the police department will be handed over to Deputy Minister Jin Tai. Please cooperate with Jin Tai's work!"

As soon as Fugaku finished speaking, all the senior police officers present agreed.

"Yes! Minister!"



Fugaku nodded and waved: "Jintai and Yashiro stay, the others can go back to work!"

After everyone left, Fugaku glanced at Qingzong.

Aozora nodded, stood up and said: "To make a long story short, Minister Fugaku volunteered to go to the front line to resist the invasion. This is the best opportunity for us Uchiha to make meritorious service and compete for the Hokage.

But whether you can become Hokage depends not only on frontline combat, but also on rear propaganda.

We must not only fight beautifully, but also publicize it beautifully. We must make every achievement of the minister reach the ears of the villagers and establish a glorious and majestic image in the hearts of the villagers. "

Aozora's statement made several people in the office twitch. For the aloof Uchiha, self-promotion is a very low-priced thing.

Qingkong saw the embarrassment and resistance of several people and said seriously: "This is not a joke! If you want to become Hokage and change the image of Uchiha, this step is the only way to go!

Why does the Sandaime have such a high reputation even though he has never participated in a single battle?

Doctor of the ninja world, the strongest Hokage..."

Jintai curled his lips and said: "Forget it, Doctor Ninja, 'The Strongest Hokage', haha——!"

Qingzora said: "It's really ridiculous. The first generation suppressed the troubled times, and the second generation also achieved great results. In comparison, the third generation is really lackluster. But in the eyes of Konoha villagers and ordinary ninjas, the third generation is indeed the strongest Hokage. This is the role of publicity.

It is natural for ninjas to worship the strong. This reputation made it easy for Sandai to gather a group of fans! "

Jintai was not interested in this and snorted coldly: "It's just some unsightly tricks. As long as we have absolute power, sooner or later the Hokage will be our Uchiha's."

Seeing that Jintai was not willing, Aozora said: "Then let Captain Yashiro take charge! Jintai-sama is in charge of the affairs of the police department and is very busy!"

Yashiro wanted to say that he was also busy, but when he saw Aozora glance at him, he nodded.

Jin Tai said: "If that's the case, then I'll leave first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up.

"Wait a minute!" Fugaku stopped him, "Jin Tai, I am relieved that you are in charge of the police department, and I am not worried about family affairs, but... I am afraid that you cannot handle the relationship between the family and the village.

Now that we Uchiha have a peaceful way to seize Hokage, I don't want any further unpleasantness between the family and the village during this period! "

Jintai paused and said after a moment of silence: "I know! I don't want my clan members to be harmed either!"

Although he advocated an armed coup, he also knew that this would cause a large number of casualties or even death to the family.

When Jintai walked out of the office, Qingkong said: "I still think it would be better to let Mr. Jintai go to the border with you!"

Fugaku shook his head and said: "The police department will be in chaos! Don't worry about this. Tell Yashiro your plan. Time is running out!"

"All right!"

Aozora breathed out, and then explained to Yashiro and Kudai.

"With the villagers' sensitivity to war, they will definitely notice something unusual in the next two days. Then you can secretly spread the news about Iwagakure's attack. In fact, this news will spread throughout Konoha sooner or later, you just need to publicize it in advance.

Then tomorrow, 'Fugaku'-sama and 'Shikaku'-sama will go out with a large army.

Then you will publicize the content of the high-level meeting. The main content is: Facing the attack of Iwagakure, the high-level officials are trembling with fear. The minister took the initiative to ask for help for the sake of the villagers and Konoha.

The content of the meeting cannot be said in detail. It focuses on promoting the minister’s cold-faced and warm-hearted nature, his love for Konoha, and his bravery and fearlessness...

You can find a novelist to polish it, exaggerate it, and treat it as gossip or rumor. "

After finishing the first step, Aozora paused and gave Yashiro some time to digest.

After Yashiro nodded, Aozora continued: "In the next few days, we will slowly promote the powerful figures in the Iwagakure invasion team, give them all powerful and invincible nicknames, and fabricate some powerful achievements.

For example, Loess, we can publicize that he has mastered the secret of earth escape, and is known as the "Son of the Earth". He is a man who will never fail standing on the earth!

For example, Han, we can promote that he has a nine-tailed demon sealed in his body, which has the power to destroy the world!

Specifically, you can ask a novelist to make it up, and exaggerate it as much as you can. "

Yashiro said in surprise: "Don't we want a propaganda minister? How can we promote our opponents?"

Qingkong smiled and said: "This is a move where you want to rise first but then suppress it. First, you will praise your opponent to the sky and the earth. If you lose, even though this is unlikely, the villagers will be disappointed, but they won't blame the minister too much. If they win, The clan leader can directly harvest all their reputations!"

When Yashiro heard this, he was stunned and said: "Awesome! Aozora!"

Qingkong added: "I will go to the front line with the minister. After the first battle, whether we win or lose, I will send you a battle report. Then you can promote it according to the battle report I sent!"

Yashiro nodded and said, "Promise to complete the mission."

Qingkong shook his head and said: "This incident happened suddenly, so we can only publicize it in izakayas and other places. If we had prepared in advance, we should have published a newspaper..."


"An excellent vehicle for publicity! Let's not talk about it for now, I still have some things to prepare, so let's do this first!"

Qingkong stopped talking nonsense, said goodbye to a few people, and went straight home.

After taking the ninja tool Shisui had prepared for him, Qingzora went back to the house and picked up a few blank fire-sealing scrolls.

Every time he goes out, he always prepares several fire-sealing scrolls. The opportunity to encounter the strange fire from heaven and earth is rare, but Qingkong doesn't want to find the scroll seal if he encounters it.

After finishing cleaning up, Aozora rushed to Fugaku's house without stopping, carrying the cage with the plant crow in it.

Zhisui looked at the big crow and asked: "Qingkong, what's wrong with this big crow?"

Qingkong said: "It is seriously injured. I am treating it. It will be fine in a while!"

Arriving at Fugaku's house, Itachi saw Aozora and Shisui and ran forward.

"Master! Brother Zhisui!"

After saying hello, Qingkong touched Itachi's head and said: "Itachi, Shisui and I are going to follow your father on a very important mission, and now we have a very important thing entrusted to you!"

Itachi said with a serious face: "Master, please tell me, I will definitely complete the mission!"

"Here!" Qingkong handed the cage to Itachi, "This is my psychic beast. Because of an unexpected problem, it needs someone to take care of it now!"

Itachi looked at the big crow in the cage and sighed: "What a big crow!"

Qingzora smiled, now Itachi still has the innocence of a child.

Qingkong handed him another sealing scroll, "There is a nutrient solution sealed in it. You just need to inject one portion into it every day!"

Itachi nodded seriously.

Looking at the crow in the cage, Itachi suddenly asked: "Teacher, can I sign a psychic contract with it after it recovers from its injuries?"

For some reason, when he saw the big crow, instead of feeling evil and fearful, he felt somewhat kind.

"Sign it?"

Qingkong was stunned. The big crow was the body he had prepared for his own soul. How could he sign a contract with others?

However, after a moment, Qingkong's eyes lit up, why not?

If Big Crow can really learn counter-channeling, then it means that Big Crow can counter-channel his own contractor.

Then if you encounter a strong enemy, in addition to letting the big crow counter-channel you, you can also use the big crow to counter-channel the ninja who contracted with the crow clan to come and protect you!

The more he thought about it, the more Qingkong felt that something was going on!

Qingkong came back to his senses, saw Itachi's expectant eyes, and smiled: "I am willing! But I have to ask Zhisui. The Ninja Clan signed a contract with Zhisui in the first place!"

Shisui smiled and said, "Of course!"

Hearing this, Itachi immediately said happily: "Thank you, Master! Thank you, Brother Zhisui!"

Thinking that Itachi had accidentally helped him conceive of an interesting ninjutsu, Qingzora took out another scroll from his arms and handed it to Itachi.

"This is my ninja tool throwing technique. In addition to practicing the foundation building secret technique during the holidays, practice it well. I will check it when you come back!"

What is recorded on the scroll is a simplified version of the "Royal Weapon" compiled by Qingzora, which can use chakra to accelerate the flight speed of the ninja tool and change the flight angle of the ninja tool.

Aozora taught Itachi this ninja tool throwing technique, firstly to reward Itachi for the inspiration he provided him, and secondly, not to delay Itachi's progress.

In the original work, Itachi should have graduated by this time, progressing through tasks and teacher guidance.

And because of him, Itachi chose to stay in the school. Although his body became stronger due to the secret foundation building technique, his strength inevitably stagnated.

This ninja tool throwing technique can greatly improve Itachi's strength.

And this is the basis of "Royal Weapon". If Itachi performs well in the future, Qingzora will slowly teach him "Royal Weapon" and make him his first disciple.

And if Itachi's strength really rises to Kage level, then Aozora will have another Kage level "psychic person"!

Why do you say again?

Because Qingzora decided that the first "psychic person" spot would be reserved for his brother Shisui!

Itachi took the scroll solemnly and said seriously: "Teacher, please rest assured, I will not let you down!"

"Then work harder!"

After saying that, Aozora and Shisui said goodbye and left, heading straight to the assembly point.

After Aozora and Shisui felt the rally point, they found that many ninjas had already arrived.

They were all wearing ninja vests, and the ninja tool pouches around their waists were all bulging. They were obviously fully prepared.

Everyone looked solemn and went about checking their ninja tools.

As experienced jounin, they have already entered the state from the moment they receive the task.

Soon, Fugaku and the other jonin were ready and rushed to the assembly point.

When the departure time came, Fugaku led everyone to leave Konoha through a remote barrier entrance in Konoha without saying a word.

After leaving Konoha, the entire raiding team acted like a ghost army, deliberately avoiding the crowds, traveling through inaccessible places, and silently rushing toward the northwest border of the Land of Fire.

Along the way, the entire team basically remained silent. Even Hinata Hidaka and others in charge of the investigation and Fugaku in charge used gestures as the main method of communication.

If ordinary people are in such an environment, they may quickly become depressed.

But everyone is a ninja who has experienced life and death for a long time, so they are accustomed to this.

Qingzora was very resistant to this kind of silence during missions. He had used his own way to make his teammates relax when he led Shuichi and others on missions. However, this time he didn't make any unnecessary moves.

First of all, he is not leading the team, and secondly, due to the mental tenacity of the jounin, not talking for more than ten days will not break their strings. Instead, it will keep them highly focused, which is more conducive to the execution of the mission.

Four days later, at dusk, Yanyin camp.

Han dismissed the Iwa nin who attacked Konoha's stronghold and angrily rushed into Huangtu's camp.

"There are only a dozen people left in Konoha's stronghold, and there are only a few detonating talismans left. Why do you want me to retreat? As long as I attack again, Konoha's stronghold can be pulled out today!"

Loess said calmly: "No rush, we can attack here now, and slowly consume Konoha's vitality! If we continue forward, it will be the hinterland of the Fire Country, and then the Fire Country's famous names will also Will not turn a blind eye.

In anger, perhaps the whole country will launch a war, but we, Iwagakure, cannot face the wrath of the Fire Country alone! "

Han shook his head when he heard this and said disdainfully: "You and Onoki are just too timid. Today's Konoha is just cats and dogs. What's so scary? As for the power of the daimyo, a sheep leads a group of wolves. Why be afraid?"

Loess nodded in approval of Han's words, and then said: "Han, you are naturally not afraid, but have you considered the 1,000 subordinates you brought? If you anger the daimyos of Konoha and Fire Country, then the ninjas who are going with us this time will , how many people can return to the village safely?"

Han was silent for a moment when he heard this, and then said: "You are the commander anyway, I just obey orders!"

After saying that, he turned around and left Huang Tu's tent and returned to his own tent.

Seeing this, Huang Tu shook his head slightly, picked up the information that had just been sent and looked through it carefully.

After reading it, he ordered: "Hunting, I'll give you two days to let the demolition team set up traps around the camp!"

When Kari heard this, he frowned and said, "Lotus-sama, Konoha's team just set off from Konoha three days ago. It will take at least a week for such a bloated ninja team to get here. There is no need to be so anxious!"

Huang Tu said in a deep voice: "Ninja is a profession full of surprises. If you want to live a long time, you must prepare for the worst!"

Hunt said: "Your Excellency, you must be too careful! I see that Konoha has been frightened to death. The villagers of Konoha call you the 'Son of the Earth' and Han-sama the 'Steam Demon'!"

Huangtu shook his head and said: "This may just be Konoha's plan to make us careless. This time, Uchiha Fugaku and Nara Shikaku are leading the team. Uchiha and Inokacho are both very difficult to deal with and should not be taken lightly!"

"Yes!" Hou Liao received the order and turned around and walked out of the camp.

Huang Tu took the intelligence and the map in front of him and checked it again and again. After making sure that he had not made any omissions, he fell asleep peacefully.

At this time, black clouds blocked the bright moon, making the night dark and without a trace of moonlight.

Just an update of 4,000 words, no more!

Sorry, I've been in bad shape these past two days!

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