Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 207 Attack Plan [Please vote]

Hokage Building Conference Room.

After Fugaku looked around for a week, he slowly but firmly said to the five Konoha executives sitting in front of the conference room: "Uchiha Fugaku, please fight!"

His voice was not deliberately amplified, but everyone present could hear his determination and confidence.



"How dare he!"


All the senior executives attending the meeting looked surprised.

Onoki's most valued son, Loess!

The five-tailed jinchuriki steam ninja, Han!

Both of them are shadow-level experts. You must know that when they heard the invasion by these two people just now, in addition to indignation, what they felt most was worry and fear.

However, facing such a powerful enemy, they did not expect that Fugaku would dare to volunteer. Such courage and confidence were heartbreaking.

Although Sarutobi and Hiruzen were already managing their facial expressions, they still showed a trace of embarrassment inadvertently.

Fugaku's request to fight was certainly not to be a leading soldier on the front line.

Unless Sarutobi Hiruzen himself goes to the front line, who can let Fugaku take the second place now?

Fugaku is now only separated from the position of Hokage by reputation and achievements. Qingzora knows it, and Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others naturally know it too.

Therefore, they absolutely do not want Fugaku to go to the front line to perform meritorious service.

Fugaku waited for Sandai's reply, while Sarutobi Hiruzen and others were thinking about ways to refuse. The conference room fell silent for a while.

What broke the silence was the blue sky.

He asked doubtfully: "Isn't it time to say that time is running out? Now the Fire Nation is facing the threat of Iwagakure. Faced with such a powerful enemy, our minister took the initiative to ask for a fight, why did he think about it for so long? Isn't it true that we Uchiha can't even protect Konoha even if we want to? ?”

Outside the window, Shisui, who was secretly guarding Sarutobi Hiruzen, was slightly shocked when he heard this, and his pupils under the mask shrank slightly.

Looking at the confused expressions of everyone in the audience, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that he must give Fugaku an answer immediately.

"Fugaku!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes became very soft, "It's not that I don't trust you, on the contrary, I trust you very much. And now Konoha needs you, and with you in charge of the police department, the villagers will feel very at ease!"

Despite Fugaku's strong state of mind, he was shocked by Sarutobi Hiruzen's shameless remarks and was speechless for a moment.

However, Hiruzen Sarutobi is good at flattering others, and Aozora is still good at it.

Qingkong stood up, shook his head and said: "Hokage-sama is wrong!"

Mito Kadoen said coldly: "Uchiha Aozora, pay attention to the occasion and don't talk nonsense!"

Naturally, Aozora would not talk nonsense. He also looked at the Third Generation with tender eyes and said: "The villagers of Konoha can feel at ease, not because of the minister, not because of Uchiha, but because Lord Hokage is in charge of the village!

As long as the Hokage sits in the Hokage Tower, Konoha will be impregnable! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and was also speechless.

Qingkong's words were praising him and blocking him at the same time.

If he accepts Qingzora's praise, then Konoha naturally does not need Fugaku to stay and protect him, and he has no reason to keep Fugaku.

Everyone in the venue was almost stunned by Qingzora's shameless compliment. At the same time, even the slow ninjas noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere in the conference room.

When did the relationship between Uchiha and Hokage become so good?

If not, then one of Aozora and Sarutobi Hiruzen must be lying.

Or, both people are lying.

His eyes wandered back and forth between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Qingkong, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curve in a slight arc.

So interesting!

Sure enough, if you live for a long time, you can see all kinds of weird scenes!

Fugaku also came to his senses at this time and echoed: "The village has Lord Hokage, elders and elites from major families in charge, so it's useless for me to be there!

In comparison, the front line is where I am most needed. "

After Fugaku said this, many ninjas in the conference room nodded slightly.

There are many barriers in Konoha, elites of various races, and elders of Hokage. It is indeed useless to have Fugaku.

Just as Sarutobi Hiruzen forced a smile to agree, another person stood up in the conference room, attracting everyone's attention.

Qingkong turned his head and saw a tough guy with a square face and a beard standing up to fight.

He said with an indignant look: "Minister Fugaku doubts my ability, and I also doubt Minister Fugaku's ability!"

Hearing his words and seeing his face that was very similar to Sandai's when he was young, everyone immediately recognized his identity.

When they recognized Shinnosuke's identity, everyone also looked at Fugaku curiously, ready to watch the show.

Fugaku glanced at him with a frown, and said coldly: "Is it so difficult for me to contribute to Konoha?"

As he spoke, the pupils of Fugaku's eyes turned red, three black magatama slowly rotated in the blood-red pupils, and the aura of a peerless ferocious beast emanated from his body.

Qingkong's eyes lit up and he immediately felt Fugaku's "evil eye". He was defeated by this move last time.

Everyone in the conference room just felt inexplicable palpitations, but Shinnosuke, who was at the center of the momentum, suffered an instant cardiac arrest and was unable to move his whole body.

Although it was only for a short moment, thin cold sweat broke out on Sarutobi Shinnosuke's forehead.

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly stopped and said, "Uchiha Fugaku, what are you doing?"

Fugaku concealed the three magatama in his eyes and said calmly: "I'm just trying to eliminate Shinnosuke's suspicion!"

After saying that, he looked at Sarutobi Shinnosuke and said, "Now, do you believe that I have the ability to resist Loess and Han?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke wiped off the cold sweat on his head and refused to admit defeat: "It's just the Sharingan eye technique! I won't look into your eyes..."

"That's enough!" Hiruzen Sarutobi interrupted.

With a cold light flashing in his eyes, Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "I believe in your strength Fugaku! But since you haven't been on the front line for a long time, I think it's better to let Shikaku—"

"Lord Hokage, I will do my best to assist Minister Fugaku!" Shikaku said suddenly.

As soon as Shikaku heard Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, he guessed that Raisandai's idea was to make himself the commander and suppress Fugaku.

If there is no suitable candidate, he may be forced to take on heavy responsibilities for Konoha.

But now that Fugaku has volunteered, he will naturally not fight for it.

Being a frontline commander was too much trouble and too dangerous.

As the commander of Konoha, he will inevitably become a thorn in Iwagakure's side, attracting the attention of all Iwagakure's masters on the battlefield. If you don't have strong strength, your head will soon leave your neck.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned by Shikaku's words, and instantly had no other words to say.

After a moment of silence, he announced: "In that case, it will be your fault on the western border, Fugaku!"

Saying these words, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt his heart bleed.

He knew that he had unleashed a tiger.

Fugaku nodded when he heard this, and then promised: "I will go all out to drive Iwagakure out of the Land of Fire!"

Then Sarutobi Hiruzen appointed Shikaku, and then announced the first batch of names to support the Western Front.

After the announcement, Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at everyone and announced: "If there is nothing more important, just go back and prepare!"

Everyone was about to stand up when Fugaku said again: "Wait a minute!"

When he went to bed, Koharu frowned and said bluntly: "Minister Fugaku, what else do you want?"

Fugaku stood up and said loudly: "In addition to the people on the list, I hope that Lord Hokage can approve my secondment of Hinata Hidaka, Aburame Shimi, Uchiha Shisui, Hatake Kakashi, Inuzuka Mastiff... and other jounin !”

Everyone was stunned when they heard these names.

Fugaku basically killed all the elite jounin who were still in the village. Except for those who held important positions, he killed everyone in one go.

Mito Kaden showed a sarcastic look on his face and sneered: "Wasn't Minister Fugaku full of confidence just now? Now we need to call on such an elite jounin? Such a team can withstand even if it is led by a cat and a dog. Iwagakure’s attack!”

Fugaku asked in surprise: "Is it enough to just hold on?"


Not only Sandai and others were confused, but everyone present was confused.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also asked: "Fugaku, what do you mean?"

Fugaku glanced at everyone majestically, and then said sternly: "Iwagakure invaded our country and killed my compatriots. Do you only think about defense?"

For a moment, the conference room fell into a brief silence, and everyone had surprised looks in their eyes.

Besides defense, what else can you do?

Today's Konoha is so weak, facing the invasion of Kumogakure and Iwagakure, it is very lucky to be able to defend it!

Do you still want to counterattack?

Fugaku sighed heavily, and then looked at all the senior officials present with disappointment.

"I don't know what you think, but we Uchiha have always treated an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth! Since Iwagakure dares to extend his claws to our Fire Country, then don't blame us for chopping it up, let them feel the same pain!"

Fugaku's tone was cold, and one could easily feel the killing intent in his words.

Some bellicose ninjas started making noises after hearing this.

"Yes! Why should we be defensive?"

"Let them feel the same pain!"

"We Konoha have never been afraid of other ninja villages!"


For many years, although Konoha has been the strongest ninja village in the ninja world, it has been invaded by other ninja villages, and no warring states were achieved after each victory.

After the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Konoha's spirit completely disappeared.

Faced with attacks from other ninja villages, he could only take a defensive stance and hope that others would retreat.

Everyone's eyes wandered between Fugaku and Sandai, and they found that Fugaku and Sandai were completely different!

This is a leader full of domineering and vitality!

Many ninjas looked at Fugaku with expressions of approval, appreciation and even reverence!

Fugaku noticed these glances, felt a little happy in his heart, and cast an appreciative look at Qingkong in the audience.

Qingzong had analyzed it for him before. This time he not only wanted to win the position of commander, but also led the combat strategy.

If the Hokage system's combat strategy is followed, the Western Front is likely to evolve into a sprawling and long-lasting battlefield like the Northern Front.

Even if the defense is finally successful, it is very likely that the credit will not be much gained, but that public opinion will lead to resentment among the families of the victims.

At the same time, we must also actively show the different sides of ourselves and the three generations, proud, domineering, majestic...

If you want to gain prestige and gain credit, you must show courage and domineering that are different from those of Sandai and others.

Aozora believes that Konoha needs hawks, otherwise how could Danzo have so many fans with such a bad reputation and approach?

Danzo rebelled against the village, and the hawks in the village were leaderless. At this time, if Fugaku was willing to be the leader of the hawks, he would surely be recognized by many ninjas in a short period of time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned when he saw that Fugaku's words had aroused the bellicosity of many people present.

As expected, it is Uchiha who only knows how to fight blindly and does not understand the overall situation!

Taking a puff of cigarette, Sarutobi Hiruzen said slowly: "Fugaku, I feel the same way about the sacrifice of frontline ninjas. But now the north is still facing the attack of Kumogakure, and you people need to stay to guard Konoha, carry out entrusted tasks and As a mobile force, the people on the list are already the ones that can be mobilized at present.

Now, we can only focus on defense. "

Except for removing Shisui and Shinnosuke from the list that Sarutobi Hiruzen gave to Fugaku, the rest of the list remained basically unchanged, and he had no intention of harming Fugaku.

After all, he was also afraid that Fugaku wouldn't be able to withstand Iwagakure's attack and Iwagakure would drive straight in.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's mature and steady words also made many ninjas nod. With the current strength of Konoha, facing the invasion of the two major ninja villages, taking a defensive stance is the wisest choice.

Fugaku shook his head and said: "I don't want to call them for a long time! I intend to reorganize the Jonin in the village, and not wait for the large army, directly attack long distances. When Iwagakure doesn't react, I will attack Iwagakure's invasion team to report their invasion. Revenge! If everything goes well, we can return within ten days."

"Long distance raid?"


Everyone first exclaimed, then looked at each other and began to consider the possibility.

Choza was too lazy to think, so he directly asked the two companions next to him: "Haiichi, Shikaku, and Fugaku, what do you think?"

Lu Jiuyan said succinctly and concisely: "What a plan!"

Hai thought for a moment and then said: "It is very likely to cause serious damage to Iwagakure!"

Hearing this, Ding Zao sighed: "Uchiha is still fierce! Hokage-sama is always guarding, guarding, guarding, Fugaku will attack and counterattack as soon as he comes up!"

Shikaku and Haiichi also nodded after hearing this. Fugaku was indeed completely different from Sarutobi Hiruzen.

There were other ninjas who also thought carefully about it, and many people spoke in support.

If Iwagakure can be severely damaged, then it is completely acceptable to call these elite jonin for this purpose.

After hearing this, Koharu frowned and said, "Fugaku, have you ever considered the consequences of doing this? Iwagakure's current invasion is just a tentative invasion. If their team is severely damaged and destroyed, it is likely to anger Ohnoki and allow Iwagakure to invade. Start the Fourth Ninja War!"

Although everyone felt a little angry when they heard this, many people still felt that what she said made sense.

At this moment, a burst of laughter interrupted everyone's thoughts.


Everyone looked and saw Qingkong banging the table and smiling.

Mito Kadoyan said angrily: "Minister Fugaku, please discipline the personnel of your police department! Please don't let such uneducated people enter the conference room in future high-level meetings!"

Fugaku said with a calm face: "Qingkong's knowledge and strength are quite good, so he smiles for his own reason."

Koharu turned to bed and asked in a cold voice: "Uchiha Aozora, what's so funny?"

Qingkong stopped smiling, stood up and said, "It would be great if Elder Koharu was the elder of Iwagakure!"

Xiaochun turned to bed and frowned: "What do you mean?"

Qingkong said: "If Iwagakure is also afraid of our Konoha's anger and counterattack, then does Iwagakure still dare to invade our Konoha? Maybe they know that there is a peace-loving person like Elder Koharu in the village, so they dare to be so unscrupulous!"

As soon as Qingkong finished speaking, the scene was in an uproar.

After turning to bed, Xiaochun stared at the blue sky with even more resentment.

There wasn't a single curse word in Aozora's words, but what was the difference between pointing at her nose and calling him an Iwagakure spy?

After Aozong finished the damage and went to sleep with Koharu, he said: "The Third Ninja World War has not ended long ago, and Iwagakure has not completely recovered his breath. Not to mention other things, when nearly a hundred of their jounin were killed by the Fourth Generation, how could they Return to full strength so quickly?

Therefore, it is impossible for Iwagakure to invade aggressively, unless they are not afraid of Kumogakure turning to attack them, nor are they afraid of Sunagakure, Kirigakure, etc. "

Qingkong's analysis made everyone nod.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that the situation was over now, and said helplessly to Fugaku: "Okay, except for the necessary remaining ninjas, the other ninjas will be at your mercy! I hope to hear your good news soon!"

Fugaku stood up and said, "Thank you, Hokage-sama!"

No more today!

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