"What should I do? Konoha has already found out about the poisoning!"

"You idiots! I said before that things like poisoning will not cause too much damage to Konoha, but will irritate them!"

"Yuan Jiu-jun, didn't you promise us that this virus can severely damage Konoha?"

"I also heard from someone from a certain company."

"You idiot! Killed us all!"

"I see, just give this idiot to Konoha!"

"No...you can't do that!"

In the secret room underground, thirteen nobles from seven different families sat on their knees, arguing and accusing.

"Enough! Stop arguing! At this moment, infighting will only make us die faster!"

A middle-aged nobleman sitting on the main seat temporarily quelled the quarrel with great prestige.

"Master Xian, what should we do now?" Nakano Motohisa, who provided the virus, was the most disturbed of all.

"Motoku, why didn't the virus spread in Konoha as you described?" The middle-aged nobleman called Mr. Xian looked at the young Nakano Motoku and asked seriously.

"That... maybe those ninja's physique is far superior to that of ordinary people, and they have resisted the invasion of viruses." Nakano Motohisa stammered and explained.

Standing up and walking in front of Nakano Motoku, Mr. Xian slapped him heavily.

Nakano Motojiu, who fell on his side and covered his right face, didn't dare to defend himself, but just sat down again and lowered his head in shame.

"The system of ninjas is different from ordinary people. Did you just know it now? You know that because of your problem, we are all in danger of dying at any time! You are trying to kill us all!" Anxious, Xian The lord sat back on the main seat, staring at Nakano Motohisa viciously with his bloodshot eyes.

"My lord, it's meaningless to pursue this idiot's problem now. Let's think about how to get out of this incident!" I objected, but unfortunately no one listened.

"Xian! I regret that I didn't listen to your suggestion and let the matter come to this point. What good way do you have now?" In the eyes of Mr. Xian, Shan Longxian, who raised objections at the beginning, suddenly became a visionary. smart people.

With a helpless expression, Shan Longxian pondered for a while, and said, "Konoha will not let go of this kind of thing easily! Let's not try to make peace with Konoha."

Speaking of this, Shan Longxian looked at several nobles intentionally.

"For the present, there is only one way! Try to erase the traces of our participation, and at the same time throw out enough scapegoats to satisfy Konoha."

Speaking of the important scapegoat, many nobles present instinctively looked at Nakano Motohisa, whose right cheek was swollen.

Being watched by so many eyes, Nakano Motojiu was terrified and said in a panic: "Everyone! Please, don't give up on me! I don't want to die!"

As he spoke, Nakano Motohisa's tears and snot flowed out.

Seeing Nakano Motohisa who lost his aristocratic demeanor, a trace of disgust flashed in Mr. Xian's eyes.

"Is it okay to use the people below?" At least here, Mr. Xian can't directly say who he wants to sell.

Otherwise, the nobles who participated in the meeting will definitely shrink back in the future.

Hearing Mr. Xian's words, Nakano Motohisa, who was weeping bitterly, raised his head and looked over gratefully, his face full of flattery.

"It's just a businessman, Konoha won't be satisfied." Sighing, Shan Longxian said.

"How about using the little nobles below?" Mr. Xian continued to ask.

After hesitating for a while, Shan Longxian said, "Maybe we can give it a try."

"Then I'll leave it to you! Except for the main family of the present family, other branch families and subordinate nobles will be arranged and handled by you." At the critical moment of life and death, this lord Xian who is also in a high position in the center can sacrifice everything that can be sacrificed.

"I can only say, do your best." Shan Longxian didn't dare to promise.

"It's enough, this time the disaster is too big, and it's too hard for you." Mr. Xian, who is proficient in the way of controlling people, knows that in such a situation, he can't put too much pressure on his subordinates.

"I will do my best." Shan Longxian expressed his attitude again.

Nodding in satisfaction, Mr. Xian looked around at the expressions of other nobles, and began to say: "Everyone, Mr. Yuan Jiu, I have already punished you. After you, you cannot hold him accountable."

"Yes!" The voices sounded one after another. These nobles agreed on the surface, but it is unknown what they think in their hearts.

"Okay, let's leave one by one!" Mr. Xian had a private chat with Shan Longxian after the meeting was over.

At the end of the meeting, the nobles who participated in the meeting were divided into several groups very cautiously, and they went out every seven or eight minutes.

Leaving the secret room and coming to the temple on the ground, these nobles did not speak, and left through different gates of the temple under the protection of their respective guards.

What these departing nobles didn't know was that when they left the temple, there were root ninjas lurking in disguise in the temple and in the woods outside the temple, following them and leaving.

"Xian, if Nagano Motohisa and the family behind him are thrown out, are you sure you can finish this matter?"

In the secret room, only Mr. Xian and Shan Longxian who presided over the meeting were left.

"If you can add some minor nobles, it should be fine." Being cautious, Shan Longxian still didn't finish his sentence.

Knowing the character of this young man, Mr. Xian nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Then do it! I believe you can do it well."

"Yes, I understand!" Shan Longxian replied with his head bowed.

"Hey! Xian, don't blame me for being cruel, I have no choice but to act. If Konoha can't stop the search, we won't be able to hide for long. By then, it won't be the Nakano family who will die, but all of us. "

Worried that his ruthlessness would be feared by Shan Longxian, this lord Xian made a heartbroken expression, as if he was extremely helpless.

"Lord Xian, I understand your painstaking efforts! This is all for the great cause." Shan Longxian said excitedly.

Showing a gratified expression, Mr. Xian said: "It's great that you can understand!"

"This is my warrant, you hold it, and everyone will obey your arrangement." Taking out a small gold medal from his inner pocket, Mr. Xian solemnly handed it to Shan Longxian.

"Everything is up to you."

Touched by the warrant, Shan Longxian replied, "Yes!"

After handing over the warrant to Shan Longxian, Mr. Xian, who had a lot of things to do, didn't stay in the secret room too much, and after a few more instructions, he immediately left the secret room.

After Mr. Xian left, Shan Longxian sat in his seat relaxedly, playing with the warrant in his right hand, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, showing a hint of a smile.

After a while, the door of the secret room was opened from the outside, and a rooted ninja from the mountain clan walked in.

"You've done a great job!" Looking at Longxian Shan, the Jonin of the Yamanaka Clan praised with a smile.

Leaving his position and standing up, Takashi San walked up to Konoha Ninja and handed over the warrant in his hand, "My lord, this is the warrant of Minister of Finance Ken An San."

"Not bad!" He praised again, and Yamanaka Jonin took over the warrant, "According to our agreement, you and your family will become members of Konoha, and you can represent all of Konoha's business."

A look of excitement flashed across his face, Shan Longxian knew that he and his family were finally mostly safe in this big change. If there is no accident, although the family will lose the status and privileges of the nobility, as well as the land in the future, it will still be able to retain the wealth of several generations.

That's enough!

"Thank you for your care!" Shan Longxian said gratefully.

"This is all the credit you deserve. We Konoha don't look at your background, everything depends on your merits and abilities. You work hard! Maybe in the future, you will become Konoha's Minister of Finance." Yamanaka Kamishina half-jokingly Said.

"Don't dare to expect too much!" Shan Longxian replied modestly.

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