Since the return of the second generation of Hokage Senshou Feijian, Huang Yuan has become the shopkeeper again, and Huang Yuan is very relieved to entrust the affairs of the village to this senior.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Huang Yuan left Hokage's office early on the pretext of investigating the living conditions of the grassroots villagers, leaving Feijian to work alone.

Walking around the streets and wandering around, Huang Yuan had a lot of snacks and a bottle of soda in his hands.

"Yo! Isn't this Obito?" Carrying snacks, Huang Yuan came to the gate of the park and saw Obito waiting for someone.

"Hello, Hokage-sama!" Obito greeted politely when he saw Kizaru.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Huang Yuan asked with a smile.

While speaking, Huang Yuan opened the snack bag, tied a small octopus ball and handed it to Obito.

Facing the food given by Hokage, Obito hesitated for a moment, then reached out to take it.

"Thank you Hokage-sama!"

"Is it delicious?" Huang Yuan asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Obito nodded happily while chewing the food.

"Are you waiting for that little girl named Lin?" Huang Yuan continued to ask.

"And Kakashi!" Obito added.

"That's it! Then they should be here soon. I just saw those two little guys eating dessert together in the commercial street."

The speed of chewing slowed down, and Obito suddenly felt that the octopus balls were no longer fragrant.

"Where are they?" Obito stammered a little.

The smile on his face became even brighter, and the yellow monkey slowly said two words in Obito's expectant eyes.

"you guess?"

His expression froze all of a sudden, and Obito wanted to continue asking, but he didn't know what to say, his little face turned red.

"Hahaha!" Seeing Obito's reaction, Huang Yuan smiled even more happily.

"Just kidding! Two of them, one just left the house and will be here in a while. The other is doing training in the nearby woods."

Staring wide-eyed, looking at this vicious Hokage-sama unhappily, Obito couldn't help asking: "Is Kakashi training?"

"Yes! It's over there!" Touching Obito's head, Kizaru raised his upper body and pointed towards the four o'clock direction.

"Hokage-sama, I'm going to find Kakashi, thank you for the octopus balls!" Before he could finish speaking, the impatient Obito started to run, waving at Kizaru while running.

Smiling and watching Obito leave, Huang Yuan walked into the park, ready to find a quiet corner, eat something, and relax.

Not long after Kizuru walked into the park, a ninja from Anbu fell from the sky and landed in front of him.

"Hokage-sama, something happened in the hospital, Tobima-sama wants you to deal with it."

"Ah!" Looking up to the sky and sighing, Huang Yuan replied, "I know."

After handing the snacks and drinks in his hand to Anbu Ninja in front of him and asking him to give Obito and Kakashi in the woods next to the park, Kizaru rushed to the hospital.

"Those bastards who care about human life! My mother will kill them all."

On the third floor of the hospital, Kiazuru heard Tsunade's iconic roar before he reached Tsunade's office.

Walking quickly to the door of the office and opening the door, Kizuru saw Tsunade with an angry face.

"What happened?"

Hearing Kizaru's voice, Tsunade suppressed the anger in his heart, and said with a grim expression, "The latest medical supplies supplied to us have been poisoned."

"What poison?" Huang Yuan walked into the office calmly.

"An unknown infectious virus, extremely active, invades through trauma, absorbs the patient's vitality, and causes the patient's internal organs to fail." Looking at the yellow monkey, Tsunade said seriously.

"How many people are infected?" the yellow monkey asked.

"A total of 57 people have been temporarily diagnosed, and it is not ruled out that there are still hidden cases that have not been discovered."

"Is there a cure?"

"Including me, only four medical ninjas have the strength to treat them."

"It seems that someone is targeting us!" Huang Yuan said with a smile instead of anger.

"You don't have to worry too much. I have sent the virus samples to the scientific research institute for testing and analysis, and I should be able to make a specific medicine soon." Tsunade said with concern.

"I'll leave the virus to you, I'll deal with those who poisoned." Looking at Tsunade, Kizaru said seriously.

"Leave it to me! Go and do it!" Smiling at Kizaru, Tsunade stepped forward and helped him tidy up his clothes.

Saying goodbye to Tsunade, Kizaru directly elementalized and flew to the Hokage Building.

"How's the situation at the hospital?" Tokima, who was dealing with things, raised his head the moment Kizaru entered the room.

"A contagious virus with a high fatality rate, Tsunade is hurrying to crack it." After briefly answering the situation, the yellow monkey walked quickly to the front of the door.

"Who do you think did it?" Leaving the position and standing up, Fei Jian asked while looking at Huang Yuan.

"Noble!" Huang Yuan said affirmatively.

Nodding his head, Tobuma agreed, "I think so too."

"Send someone to find out which noble figures are behind these suppliers."

"I've arranged for a ninja survey of the roots."

Since the yellow monkey came to power, Genbu and Anbu represent Konoha's different attitudes towards one thing.

Once the root is used, it shows that the village only looks at the result, not the process, and the root ninja who performs the task does not have any rules and restrictions.

"If it is confirmed that the nobles really did it this time, how are you going to deal with it?" Fei Jian wanted to see Huang Yuan's attitude.

"Wandering ninjas can attack the capital, so naturally they can also attack the territories of nobles." Huang Yuan's face was calm, and there was even a hint of a smile on his mouth, but there was a strong killing intent hidden in his words.

Laughing, Tomona likes a partner who has an appetite like Kizaru.

Unlike my big brother, who is always soft-handed when he shouldn't be kind.

"This time, we must show those nobles how tough we are, and make them afraid to the bottom of their hearts." Tobima raised his tone while propping the table with his right hand.

"The trend is unstoppable, whoever dares to stop will die!"

After finishing speaking, the two people who looked at each other laughed tacitly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Laughing, with a backpack on his back, Senju Hashima left Konoha Village with his little grandson Naoki.

"Grandpa, why don't you stay in the village! This time I can go out alone." Considering Uchiha Madara's threat, Nawaki looked up at Hashirama beside him, and finally persuaded.

"There is a yellow monkey around Konoha, there is no problem! It is your safety that needs to be protected!"

During this period of time, Hashirama, who often accompanied Naoshu, saw his grandson's researches one by one, and confirmed what Kizuru said, that Naoshu will become a saint in this world in the future, that's for sure!

Every research of Zhishu is a great merit for the benefit of all people, and his safety is as important as the village.

Hashirama, who realized this, usually stayed by Nawaki's side as long as he had nothing to do, acting as a bodyguard and assistant.

This time Rope Tree is going on a trip to collect samples of plants from various places, and by the way, see how the seeds are being promoted in the Land of Fire.

Hashirama was of course worried about going out for such a long time and on a large scale, and let Naoki travel alone.

"Then let's go!" Putting his hands on his shoulders and lifting the strap of the backpack, Naoki said with a smile.

"Okay! Let's go!" With a smile showing his teeth, Hashirama also shouted.

As soon as the voice fell to the ground, the two had already walked forward, striding forward under the sunshine.

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