Although it has been promised to hold the Five Kages Conference in Konoha, it is not convenient for Onoki and the third Raikage to go directly.

On the one hand, the two need to make arrangements for the allied ninja troops of the Country of Grass and the affairs of the village. On the other hand, they and Konoha also need to do security work in advance.

Regarding Uchiha Madara's matter, Konoha did produce enough evidence, and even the fourth generation of Mizukage's personal letter, but the two still have to prevent the worst plan, that is, all this is Konoha's conspiracy .

Willing to believe that Konoha and Sarutobi Hiruzen are the same thing, and the preparations that should be made must be done.

In Konoha's camp, Onogi, Sandai Raikage, and Sarutobi Hiruzane reached a consensus, agreeing to meet here three days later and go to Konoha together.

After saying goodbye to Onoki and the third generation of Raikage, Sarutobi Hiruzaru made an arrangement. He asked Mitomon En and Neizan Koharu to lead the medical and logistics troops to return to Konoha first, and assist Kizaki to prepare for the Gokage Conference.

Regarding Sarutobi Hiruzen's arrangement, the two advisors happily agreed without any opinion.

Ever since Hiruzaru Sarutobi brought the news that the first Hokage was reincarnated from the dirt, the two had long been looking forward to returning to the village to meet the first generation and listen to the teachings of this respected elder (to show off their achievements to the first generation).

In the afternoon, with anticipation and joy, the two consultants led the village ninjas back to the village with smiles on their faces.

At the same time, Senshou Tomona, the teacher of the two consultants, was sitting in Hokage's office, flipping through Konoha's books, as well as various confidential information and affairs during Konoha's F4 administration.

Qianshou Feijian is a very rational and serious person. Even if he is educating his disciples, he must prepare substantial evidence.

There are a lot of documents piled up on Hokage's desk, and he has read most of them since he came here in the morning.

There is one thing to say, Konoha F4 headed by the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, has indeed made a lot of contributions to the village, and most of the affairs are still handled without problems.

However, there are always a small number of things that are affected by personal emotions and interests, causing the four of them to make decisions that do not conform to the village's regulations, or even damage the village's interests.

For example, distorting the thinking of the second generation and extreme suppression of the Uchiha clan.

Tobima's policy towards the Uchiha clan has always upheld the idea of ​​using a big stick and candy in one hand to suppress the fighting faction inside the Uchiha, to support the dove faction closely, and to divide and win over the Uchiha forces.

As a result, after his disciple Sarutobi Hiruzen ascended the throne, he only suppressed Uchiha, not wooed him, and completely forced the entire Uchiha family to the direction of the Fighting School.

Strengthen monitoring, do not allow Uchiha ninjas to hold positions outside the police force, and cut police force funding.

This series of suppressive measures makes the scalp tingle.

What are they trying to do? Directly force Uchiha to rebel and take the opportunity to exterminate his family?

After reading the decision of the village's high-level officials to deal with the Uchiha clan, Tomona didn't know whether to call his disciples stupid or bad?

It can't be stupid and bad, can it? I don't have such a bad eye for choosing apprentices, do I? Or is it that his ability to teach his apprentices is too poor?

If the matter of Uchiha made Tomona doubt his disciple's ability to govern, then some of the following documents made this second-generation Hokage known for his wisdom feel that his blood pressure was a bit high.

If the body of the reincarnated dirt really had blood pressure, it would probably explode immediately!

The logistics procurement of the village has been under the control of Naruto consultant Zhuanju Xiaochun for more than ten years, and the unit price of the purchased items is problematic with the naked eye.

Tobuma would like to ask, how high is the current price of Konoha? As high as a handful of ordinary kunai, it takes eight thousand taels?

When Feijian was alive, relying on bulk purchases to keep prices down, a handful of bitterness was only 3,500 taels.

There are also Bingliang Pills, the purchase price of which is as high as 500 taels, what is this for? That's not how you get money from the village, is it?

From the documents and ledgers that have been turned over, Feijian roughly estimated that Xiaochun embezzled at least hundreds of millions of taels in the logistics procurement alone.

And this is just logistical procurement. When I flipped through the back, the village relied on the research results of the scientific research institute and the documents and records of business cooperation with noble and wealthy merchants, and found a lot of suspected corruption.

The ledgers of these commercial projects recorded all kinds of large miscellaneous expenses, such as travel expenses, tea expenses, public relations expenses, and so on.

Adding these costs together, the cost is as high as 70 to 80 million taels.

If you add the benefits that Shengshu told Tokaima that the two consultants collected from nobles and wealthy merchants, then these two people have embezzled hundreds of millions of funds from the village in a year.

Shocking, shocking!

Feijian originally thought that the few disciples were at most seeking some benefits for the clansmen, and they were not fair enough to take care of cronies and friends.

In the end, the disciple's behavior exceeded his imagination, and he was slapped severely.

Throwing the ledger in his hand onto the table, Toikama raised his head with a cold expression.

He didn't know about Xiaochun and Yan's corruption, was Hiriza Hokage involved?

If you participated, you can only say that you really misjudged the person back then, and this disciple Sarutobi Hiruza made him extremely disappointed.

Thinking about it better, even if he didn't participate, why didn't Ri Zhan see such an obvious numerical problem? Still saw it and chose to cover up his teammates?

No matter what the reason is, the Hokage Hiruza is very incompetent!

On the other hand, Danzo, this disciple who was a bit extreme in his thinking at the beginning, did what he did to satisfy Tobuma.

At the beginning, at the end of the First World War, he led the Shadow Guards to Yunyin Village and signed an armistice agreement with the second generation of Leiying, but encountered a rebellion by Yunyin's Jinjiaoyinjiao brothers.

The second generation of Raikage was killed on the spot, and he was also injured by a sneak attack. He escaped from Yunyin Village with his shadow guards, and was chased by the ninja troops led by the Jinjiao Yinjiao brothers.

In order to get rid of the pursuit, and also for the future of the village, I made a small test myself, and proposed that someone should stay behind to buy time for others.

The disciple Sarutobi Hiruzen offered to stay in Duanhou, passed his own test, and was identified by himself as the next Hokage of the village.

In this test, Tobima was actually prepared for Hiruza Sarutobima, even if other people spoke first and offered to keep the harem, as long as Hiruza Sarutobi also said the harem, Hiruza Sarutobima would still choose Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

Among the four disciples back then, only two were recognized by Tomona as candidates for Hokage, one was Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other Danzo. (Uchiha Kagami and Akimichi Takakaze, in the official setting, they are only members of the Naruto Guards, and it is not stated that they are the disciples of the second generation.)

Among them, Hiruza Sarutobi has the highest priority, and it is also more optimistic about Tomama, and Danzo is considered a backup option.

The gap between the two, on the one hand, is due to the talent of ninjutsu. Hiruzen Sarutobi, who has mastered all attributes of chakra, has a higher upper limit of strength growth than Danzo, who specializes in wind escape.

On the other hand, compared to Sarutobi's peaceful and peace-loving character, Danzo's character is more extreme and leans towards the fighting school, which makes Tomona worry that after Danzo takes over, the village will frequently fall into war middle.

It is precisely because of two considerations that Tomona is more willing to choose Sarutobi Hiruzen as his disciple.

But now it seems that it may be a wrong decision to choose Sarutobi Hiruzen instead of Danzo.

Judging from the documents I read, although Danzo did things too extreme and committed a lot of evil deeds, they mainly targeted forces other than Konoha, and aimed at the wrong behaviors inside the village, mainly to suppress the ninjas. Pass.

However, from Tomona's point of view, Danzo's suppression is not a big mistake, at least he is suppressing without distinction. He is targeting all ninjas, even the Shimura clan from which he was born.

This can't be faked. The population of Shimura's clan, as well as the number of ninjas, has indeed dropped a lot compared to when he was still alive.

Compared with the ever-growing Sarutobi clan, and the families behind Koharu and Yan, it is obvious that the Shimura clan has made huge sacrifices for the village.

From this point of view, although Danzo is extreme, he is extremely fair, and he is not good to everyone!

This disciple of Danzo is indeed a ruthless and ruthless person!

With emotion in his heart, Tomona couldn't help but reflect on his decision to choose an heir at the beginning. If he had chosen Danzo to become the third Hokage and let Hiruzaru Sarutobi assist him, it might have been a better choice.

Compassion does not control soldiers, righteousness does not raise wealth! His heart is too weak!

Recalling this, Feijian suddenly remembered something. He turned his head to look at Huang Yuan and his elder brother Zhujian who were sitting in the reception area, and asked, "Huang Yuan, who is Yun Yin's third generation of Raikage?"

"It's a disciple of the second generation!" Huang Yuan, who was chatting with the first generation, looked in the direction of the desk and asked aloud.

Nodding his head, Feijian was speechless about the pair of brothers who killed him in Yunyin Village.

He couldn't figure it out, these two reckless men, after killing the second generation of Raikage in a surprise attack, stayed in the village without their men to stabilize the situation and get the position of the third generation of Raikage first.

Instead, he brought all his subordinates to chase him, but he fought to the death by himself, replacing Yinjiao and all his subordinates, leaving only Jinjiao who was seriously injured.

What are you trying to figure out? Did you create such a rebellion? An idiot is an idiot, hopelessly stupid!

Thinking of his own life, his brother was stupid, his disciple was stupid, and finally died at the hands of idiots, he felt very uncomfortable and sighed helplessly.

"I have almost read the books and documents. When Xiaochun and Yan come back, I will deal with them and let them return all the embezzled money."

After finishing speaking, Fei Jian paused for a moment, then continued: "There is also Ri Zhan, if he is also involved in corruption, I will"

"I can assure you that Sarutobi-sensei has not been involved in corruption." Huang Yuan told the truth, this is the result of his asking Kakuzu to check the accounts, Sarutobi Hiruza and the Sarutobi clan behind him have never embezzled money.

However, the Sarutobi clan did get a lot of intermediate and high-level ninjutsu from the village during Sarutobi Hiruzen's tenure as Hokage, which greatly improved the family background.

"Even if there is no corruption, protecting relatives and friends, watching Haru and Yan make mistakes, but not stopping them, is also a major dereliction of duty of Hokage." From Tomona's point of view, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's indecision and soft-heartedness made him even more angry.

"Hahaha! Well said!" Hashirama at the side, hearing what my younger brother said, applauded happily, with a smug look on his face, as if he had listened to me.

Outside Hokage's office, among Konoha F4, Danzo, the only one left in the village, walked in the aisle with a blank expression.

Coming to the Hokage Building from the root base, Danzo didn't know that the teacher Feijian was also reincarnated by the dirt, he simply came to find the yellow monkey.

He received a reminder from the Nara clan that Kizaru suddenly retrieved a large number of past confidential documents and account books from the administrative office.

This behavior of Huang Yuan made Danzang a little worried, worried that his nephew was going to do some radical behavior.

If you want to turn over old accounts and deal with the two consultants, Danzo supports it, but it can't be now. The timing is wrong.

Uchiha Madara has not yet been resolved, and the Five Kages Conference will be held soon. At this time, the village needs stability.

Walking to the door of Hokage's office, Danzo was stopped by Gu Shinobi who was in charge of the gate.

"Gu Ren, I want to see the yellow monkey!" Looking down at Gu Ren, Danzo smiled.

"Elder Zudanzang, Hokage-sama is talking with someone, he doesn't want to be disturbed by anyone." Gu Ren, who was assigned the task of guarding the door by the yellow monkey, said a little nervously.

"Then you go in and help me notify Kizaru." Keeping smiling, Danzo said kindly.

Nodding his head, Gu Ren said: "Please wait a moment!"

After speaking, Gu Ren opened the door of the office, walked in sideways, and then closed the door immediately.

"Master Hokage, Elder Danzo wants to see you."

Without speaking for the first time, Kizaru looked at Torima, who was sitting in Hokage's office.

Understanding what Huang Yuan meant, Feijian hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Among the four, Danzo made the least mistake, and Tobima would like to chat with this disciple first, and also beat him up by the way.

"Let Elder Danzo come in!" Kizō said with a smile as he got off the sofa and stood up.

Looking straight at the door, Kizaru was looking forward to the scene where his uncle Danzo and his teacher would meet each other.

"Yes!" Replied, Gu Ren opened the door again, looked sideways at Danzo outside the door, "Elder Danzo, please come in."

After Danzo came in, Gu Ren walked out of the office and closed the door again.

Walking into the office, Danzo looked around, and after stopping for a while in front of Kizaru and the first-generation master who used the transformation technique, he looked at Himama, who also used the transformation technique.

Danzo had seen the appearance of the first-generation adult's transformation technique, and he recognized it, but the strange middle-aged man sitting in Hokage's office made Danzo frown.

The smile on his face was restrained, and Danzo had a very bad impression of this strange middle-aged man who dared to sit in Hokage's position!

As Huang Yuan's uncle, the old man has never sat in that position, so why do you dare to do it?

"Impolite bastard! Get up! Can anyone take Hokage's seat?" Danzo reprimanded while glaring at Tokaima.

Eyes widened slightly, Kizuru didn't expect that as soon as his uncle came in, he would directly reprimand the second generation of Hokage.

Sitting in the seat, he was not angry. He looked at his disciple and spoke calmly.

"Danzo, it's been a long time no see, you're getting old too!"

Danzo felt something was wrong with Toikama's words. He looked at the strange middle-aged man, and then at the yellow monkey beside him, wanting his nephew to explain the situation to him.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Before Huang Yuan could speak, Zhu Jian was already amused by the scene in front of him, and laughed loudly while clutching his stomach.

The laughter of the first-generation adults made Danzo feel a little uneasy. Could it be that this strange middle-aged man in front of him is also a senior?

"Brother, is it funny?" Leaving the position and standing up, Tomona first glanced at Hashirama who was laughing endlessly, and then walked towards Danzo.


Hearing this title, Danzo couldn't help but break out in cold sweat on his forehead, this nephew of Huang Yuan is cheating! How did you reincarnate Teacher Feijian from the dirt?

You little bastard, are you trying to trick this old man to death?

At this moment, Danzo wanted to cry without tears, and his whole body shrank a little. He looked at the teacher who was walking towards him, and called out cautiously: "Teacher Toikama!"

"Hahahaha!" Hashirama laughed even louder!

Accompanied by Zhuma's smile, the professionally trained yellow monkey couldn't help but laugh too.

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