Konoha Yellow Ape: The salary is in place, and the five shadows are useless!

Chapter 249 Change of Attitude, Prepare to Educate Disciples!

A great goal can always attract a group of outstanding people with ideals.

The pursuit of a better life is the common dream of all life, the difference is that some people only think about it, while others do it.

The brothers Hashirama and Tobima are the second type of people. They have lofty pursuits and are willing to take action for them.

They made a wish since they were young to end the chaotic and cruel Warring States Period and create a new era called Ninja Village.

After making great efforts and sacrifices, they did it, but the advent of the Ninja Village era is not as good as the two, especially Hashirama, believed.

When Hashirama was alive, the cherished peace did come at this time, but this peace was false and had a time limit, that is, the lifespan of Hashirama.

On the day when Zhu Jian died, the careerists in various ninja villages and countries tore apart the false peace and revealed their ferocious faces.

The war has come again, and the group war, which is larger and more destructive than the Sengoku period, has stepped onto the stage in the Ninja Village era created by Zhuma.

This is the most profound feeling for Togama, who died in the battle at the end of the First Ninja World War.

Recognizing the limitations of the Ninja Village system, Tobima, who had just been revived temporarily, heard from his elder brother Hashirama a great plan for a new era, a great plan to subvert the existence of ninjas and Ninja Village, and shape a new world.

After roughly listening to the elder brother's report, Tobima, as a wise man, is very sure that the future that Kizaru wants to create is more advanced than the ninja village system, and the time to keep peace will be longer.

However, there is a premise that Huang Yuan can't die too early like his big brother. He has to live longer, long enough for the older generation to die and long enough for the new generation to grow up.

"Huang Yuan is only 14 years old this year, so he has plenty of time!" Now, Fei Jian wished that Huang Yuan could be as young as possible.

"What is enough?" The younger brother's inexplicable words made Hashirama a little puzzled.

"Time, after the reunification, the time to maintain the stability of the new era!" Fei Jian explained, looking at the big brother with a certain disgust in his eyes.

The reason for his dislike was still the same as before. If it wasn't for the early death of his eldest brother Lang, Konoha's situation would definitely be better, and he would not have died in the first battle.

"Hahaha! Don't worry about this, the yellow ape can live for a long time." The long life span brought about by the celestial art practiced by the yellow ape is also the key to Zhujian's confidence in his plan.

The peace in the early days of Ninja Village was based on his own lifespan. After being resurrected, Zhu Jian knew this. When he thought that the yellow monkey could live for thousands of years like a slug fairy, wouldn't the period of peace also reach thousands of years? .

"How long can you live?" Tobuma asked curiously.

"Can live as long as a slug fairy."

With a look of shock on his face, Fei Jian showed an expression of disbelief, "How is this possible?"

"Hahaha! I knew you didn't believe me." Raising his finger to Fujian, Hashirama was amused by his younger brother's expression.


"Do you not feel Chakra from the yellow ape?"


"After he came into contact with the fairy art, he gave up the chakra practice system that belongs to the ninja, and started to practice the fairy art system. Just like the ninja usually maintains enough chakra in the body, the yellow monkey also stores a large amount of chakra in the body at all times. of natural energy.

These natural energies can continuously nourish his body and prolong his lifespan, allowing him to live for a long time like the immortals of the three holy places. "

After listening to the big brother's narration, the expression on Fei Jian's face gradually changed from shock to surprise. This time he really saw the hope of keeping peace for a long time.

The longer the yellow ape lives, the more stable the unified country he established will be. As long as the children born in this new country receive appropriate ideological education, at most two generations, they will be completely integrated together, and have a great impact on the unified country. A strong sense of identity.

It's stable, this time it's really stable, as long as there are no problems with Huang Yuan himself, the great plan to create a new era will definitely be realized, and it will exist for a long time.

Looking at the eldest brother excitedly, the hands in Feijian first clenched into fists, and then slowly loosened.

He calmed down and kept himself calm so that he could think better.

Tobima agrees with Kizaru's plan, and Tobima is not too clear about Kizaru for the time being, but judging from the approval of his elder brother and Tsunade, there should be no problem.

There are no problems with people and things, so I should think about how to participate in Huang Yuan's plan, how to help this unborn junior to realize his great plan.

"Brother, how did the yellow monkeys deal with the mistakes you mentioned earlier?"

Externally, apart from fighting Uchiha Madara, Tomona, who lacks information, has no idea of ​​what to do for the time being, but internally, especially Education Day Zhan, Koharu and the others, Tomona feels that he can still provide a little help.

"That was all before Kizaru became Hokage, and it's hard for him to settle the old score now. After all, Hizaru is his teacher, Danzo is his uncle, and Xiaochun and Yan are both his elders." Hashirama said truthfully.

"Then after he becomes Hokage, how does he get along with the little monkeys?" From Tobima's point of view, the reform plan of the younger generation, Kizaru, may not be able to get the support of the older generation, and it may delay him. hind legs.

"Little Monkey and Danzo are very cooperative with Huang Yuan. It is Xiaochun and Yan who sometimes interfere with him."

"I understand!" Nodding his head, Tobuma had already figured out how to deal with his disciples.

From Tobima's point of view, Hirizhan and Danzo should have also interfered with Kizuru, but their identities are closer to him, making it impossible for Kizuru to sue his elder brother.

These four unsatisfactory disciples should be educated by themselves!

"How soon will Ri Zhan and the others come back?" Tobima, who made the decision, asked aloud.

"Hurry up! I didn't pay so much attention, hahahaha!" At the end, Hashirama laughed a little embarrassedly.

Eh! Feijian was already used to his elder brother's nonsense, so he decided to ask Huang Yuan himself, and by the way, talk to this junior about his reform plan in detail.

"I'll go out for a while." As he spoke, Tobuma stood up.

"Where are you going? Tobima." Hashirama followed suit and stood up.

"Talk to Huang Yuan." Fei Jian said concisely.

"Your current identity is kept secret. If you go to the Hokage Building now, it will easily arouse suspicion. You stay here, and I will ask Naoki to go to the Hokage Building and ask Huang Yuan to come here for dinner at night." Hashirama suggested.

Nodding his head, Tobuma approved the elder brother's arrangement.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Kizuru, who was invited by Shengshu, came to the main house of Senshou's family as promised.

At the dinner table, Huang Yuan and Fei Jian chatted a lot, mainly answering various questions raised by Fei Jian.

It was the first time for Tsunade and Nakoki to hear that Kizaru was planning such a huge change plan, and they also asked many questions curiously.

Naoki, who had long been dissatisfied with some high-level officials in the village, as well as the nobles and wealthy merchants of the Fire Nation, showed extremely enthusiastic support.

Zhishu's enthusiasm made Huang Yuan feel that if he said something tonight and started to act tomorrow, Shengshu could go out of the village to kill the two consultants in the early morning of the same day.

Worried about his brother-in-law's hot blood, he would say some radical words or do some radical behaviors in public later, Huang Yuan comforted him and told Naoki.

Compared with Naoki's excitement, Tsunade, who is older and more mature, is much calmer. After listening to the change plan exchanged between Kizaru and the two grandfathers, she has been thinking about the feasibility and possible consequences. s consequence.

In front of Kizaru, Tsunade asked a lot of key questions, such as the possibility of the ninja clan becoming a new nobleman after unification, and how to divide merchants and wealthy merchants? Do nobles need to be treated differently? Will there be enlarged accidental injury?

The question Tsunade asked was very meaningful, and Kizaru also gave an answer. He insisted that the noble class needs to be eliminated, but when it comes to individual nobles, it cannot be generalized. A trial is required, and different sentences are imposed according to the guilt.

As for the division of commercial and luxury merchants, Huang Yuan’s tentative idea is that the core livelihood industries must be controlled by the village, and other chambers of commerce will be judged according to their size, and those that form a monopoly will be split up, and the shareholders of the chamber of commerce will also be reviewed. There are problems Punishment, no problem recruiting.

Tsunade and the two grandpas both agreed with the solution given by Kizaru. At first, they were worried that Kizuru would make blood flow across the board.

At the same time, Huang Yuan also proposed a solution to the problem of internal corruption and corruption at the dinner table.

One is a regular review within the village, and the other is to introduce toads from Mt. Miaomu, so that these toads, who have intelligence comparable to human beings but desire different pursuits, supervise the management system of the village.

Of course, considering the variety of bribery methods and powerful assimilation ability of human beings, the yellow ape will regularly replace the toad in charge of supervision.

In addition to Toad, Huang Yuan is also considering cooperating with two other holy places and introducing them into the monitoring system.

Cold-blooded snakes, slugs that live alone, and slugs that can split their bodies are all good watchers for the yellow ape, especially the slugs.

Slug Immortal is the founder of the wet bone forest, one of the three holy places. There is only one slug in the entire wet bone forest. The ninja who made a contract with it, and the slugs that came out of the psychic are all parts of its body.

If this Great Immortal is willing to cooperate with Huang Yuan and become the supervisor of Konoha's administrative system, he will definitely be able to eliminate 99% of corruption.

Everyone present appreciated the groundbreaking and bold idea put forward by Huang Yuan, but they also raised questions.

There are two main problems. One is that the immortals in the holy land are rarely deeply bound to human forces, and the other is that the ninjas and ninjas in the village are not necessarily willing to accept supervision from animals.

In this regard, Huang Yuan also stated that the idea is still being perfected, and he will find a way to reach a cooperation with the immortals of the three holy places. As for the opinions within the village, Huang Yuan is not worried, he has enough confidence to persuade those who have opinions.

At the same time, Huang Yuan also believes that his uncle Danzo will help him solve the voices of opposition, or those who oppose him, before he makes a move.

Of course, Kizaru didn't directly say about his uncle Danzo's assistance. He knew that Hashirama and Tsunade would not appreciate Danzo's style.

After dinner, before Huang Yuan left, Feijian had a chat with Huang Yuan alone.

The purpose of Fei Jian's private conversation with Huang Yuan was very simple. He wanted to know how much influence his disciples had on Huang Yuan, and whether they were holding back the progress of the village.

In front of the second generation of Hokage, Kizaru still spoke the same words as the first generation, and pointed out the mistakes made by the two consultants and their own problems through the way of praise and maintenance.

After listening to Kizaru's words, Tobuma also made a promise that he would educate them privately after Sarutobi Hiruza, Xiaoharu, and Yan came back, and help Kizuru get rid of the two consultants who were dragging their feet, and let them voluntarily withdraw from the management of the village layer.

After a happy conversation with everyone, Kizaru bid farewell to the two elders, as well as the Tsunade Nawaki siblings, and left the Senju Clan with a smile.

As soon as he thought of the news coming back from the western front, as well as Sarutobi-sensei and the two advisors who were about to triumph, Huang Yuan was full of anticipation. He really wanted to see the big show of training disciples in Tobima.

The next day, on the western front of the Fire Nation, Sarutobi Hiruzen, as Konoha's representative, greeted Tsuchikage Onoki and Sandai Raikage at Konoha's camp.

After a day of thinking, Onogi and Raikage III agreed to go to Konoha to participate in the Five Kages Conference to discuss dealing with Uchiha Madara.

Different from the young ninjas, the three generations of Tsuchikage and the third generation of Raikage have experienced the era when Uchiha Madara ran rampant in Ninja Village, especially Onogi, who witnessed how Uchiha Madara despises his teacher, the second generation of Tsuchikage none.

The name Uchiha Madara, for these middle-aged and elderly people, will be like a huge stone, pressing heavily on their hearts, making them feel terrified when they hear this name.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was very happy with the cooperation of Yun Yin and Yan Yin, and he guaranteed with his own reputation that he would do a good job in the reception and security of the two shadows.

"How much information does Takamura know about the Three Hokages and Uchiha Madara?" After talking about the Five Kages Conference, Ohnoki asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Uchiha Madara stole the power of the first Hokage-sama, and now he is extremely powerful. His only weakness now is time. He is very old and may not be able to continue fighting." According to Kizaru's instructions, Sarutobi Hiruzen tried his best Bragging about the power of Uchiha Madara.

"So if we want to defeat him, we must concentrate our strength, engage in a round-to-wheel battle with him, and consume his physical strength." Onoki made a steady judgment.

Smiling and nodding, Hiruza Sarutobi recognized Ohnoki's judgment.

"Is your disciple Kizaru sure enough to deal with Uchiha Madara?" Third Raikage asked aloud.

"They fought once, and Uchiha Madara didn't choose to fight to the death. After fighting for a few rounds, he left." Hiruzaru Sarutobi said half-truthfully.

Although I don't know why Kizaru wanted to hide the fact that he had defeated Uchiha Madara, Sarutobi Hiruzen chose to cooperate out of his trust in his disciples.

"With Kizaru here, our hope of dealing with Uchiha Madara will be even greater! Three generations of Hokage, you have taught a good disciple!"

Normally, Ohnoki would be envious of this disciple of Hiruzaru Sarutobi, wishing to get rid of him, but at this moment, Ohnoki hoped that Kizaru would be as strong as possible.

The stronger the yellow monkey is, the higher the winning rate will be when facing the lunatic Uchiha Madara!

It's too late to write today, so I can only write less!

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